Chapter 37 The Burning Town

Li Defu took off his headphones and looked at Su Xia in surprise.
He thought he had heard wrongly, and asked again: "Brother Su, you joined the pharmacy? Doesn't that mean you are an apprentice pharmacist?"
"Yes, that's right."
"Is that 'Daddy's Drugstore'?"
"That's right."
Su Xia nodded slightly, took out a piece of Yue Li Yue from the biscuit box and chewed it slowly.
At this moment, on his own computer screen, the "Evil Bubble" clone was in the pharmacy, with his head lowered, staring motionlessly at the formula of the second-level poison "Love Powder" in his hand.
Li Defu was shocked and couldn't help but stand up and ask, "Brother Su, how did you do it?"
"I went to ask, and then the old man agreed to take me as a disciple." Su Xia shrugged, indicating that he didn't know either.
Hearing this answer, Li Defu was confused for a moment.
Does this kind of thing depend on one's character?
"Oh, right!" Su Xia seemed to have suddenly thought of something, "Before he adopted me, my father said that I was very handsome and had a good temperament, and reminded him of himself when he was young."
"Ah? Is this possible?"
Li Defu sat down blankly and rubbed his chubby face.
It really doesn't make sense. Why are handsome people so popular in the gaming world?

The other roommates also took off their headphones and looked at Su Xia in surprise.
The five gaming veterans browsed around for a long time without encountering any opportunities, but the newcomer Su Xia encountered one as soon as he arrived. Is this the legendary newbie's luck?
A novice can always win money playing cards, and a novice can always catch big fish when fishing...
Several people felt complicated.
But soon, the head of the department, Yuwen Shuxue, discovered a business opportunity: "Brother Su, can you make the lowest level of healing potion now?"
"How much does a bottle of medicine cost?"
"let me see……"
The materials needed for the primary healing potion are simple.
Except for that small piece of Zerg liver, the rest of the materials are quite cheap, and the prices are fixed at Dad's place.
The cost of a primary medicine is actually only about five dollars.
When Su Xia told her roommates about the price, they were all shocked and said, "Wow, it's so cheap?"
"Well, they are just some common materials."
"Brother Su, do you know how much the primary healing potion costs at the merchant?"
"How many?"
"Thirty game coins!" Li Defu hammered the table in pain. "Those profiteers recycle monster corpses at a very low price. A mutant rat corpse can only be sold for three coins! We worked hard to kill monsters for most of the day but couldn't get a few blood-recovery potions in return. Normally, we would not even use them. Most of the time, we just sit on the ground and slowly recover our health."
"Well... this price is indeed too high."
Su Xia's mind moved slightly. Although there is a possibility of failure every time the potion is made, it would not be so much more expensive than the cost price.
The official game website has opened up the exchange of real currency and game coins, which is the normal ratio of 1:10.
The initial mission of Bikini Bottom Studio was to earn money and then sell the game coins to players in need at a more favorable price.
The conditions for land reclamation are too difficult now.
The game coins earned by the studio are not enough for their own use.
"Brother Su, don't do anything now. You must improve your proficiency in alchemy!" Yuwen Shuxue said, "Don't worry about the level. We will help you level up later. Just lie down and eat the titanium particles! Your secondary profession is the most important now!"
"That's right!" Li Defu also said, "We have many old customers in our studio, and they have all entered the game, so we won't have to worry about sales when the time comes!"
The birth of a secondary profession directly changed the studio's early positioning.
A few people were worried that Su Xia would not be satisfied, so they said that they would definitely let Su Xia take the largest share, and they would only earn the hard-earned money from promoting clients.
Su Xia had no objection to this and agreed on the spot.
After eating Yueliyue, he climbed back to his upper bunk.
After all, it was uncomfortable to be separated by a computer screen. Su Xia thought about it, pulled the bed curtain again, then activated the bracelet and went through directly.
Anyway, the bracelet will remind him of anything that happens in this world.
The pharmacy was still as quiet as ever.

A strange smell of medicine lingered at the tip of my nose.
Su Xia took a few deep breaths, then cleaned up his workbench, preparing to try to make healing potions and temporary psychic potions.
But at this moment, Dad suddenly called the three of them over.
"Dad has a task for you to do."
"Teacher, please say." Hong Bafu, as the oldest student, stood in front of the three and bowed his head respectfully.
"Send something to Stone Town."
Dad picked up a small box from his feet and opened it. Inside were more than ten potions of different colors.
He patted the box and said, "This is what Luo Pharmacist from Shitou Town asked me to make. You three brothers should go there and don't get lost."
"Yes, we will definitely deliver it."
Among the three, Hong Bafu has 1.8 level psychic power, Lan Bafu has 1.6 level psychic power, plus Su Xia's apparent 0.1 level, their combat effectiveness is not weak.
Stone Town is very close to Coral City, so there shouldn't be any accidents along the way.
The three of them said goodbye to their father and walked out of the pharmacy carrying the boxes.
They took an old tram, traveling at a slow pace through the old town. It was dark outside the window, and most of the local residents had gone to bed. There were still some diligent players working on reconstruction tasks, and the blurry lights flickered like fireflies on the ruins left by the war.
Everything looked calm and peaceful, as if the war had long gone away.
After leaving the main urban area, they changed to a rusty old long-distance bus.
There were only three of them in the car besides the driver.
The suburban roads were in tatters, with weeds growing wildly in the cracks. Many of the shell craters left over from the bombing were simply filled with dirt, so the road was very bumpy.
Just as they were about to reach Stone Town, a flash of fire suddenly jumped into the eyes of the three people.
"What happened? Why is there a fire in Shitou Town?" Hong Bafu squinted his eyes and looked ahead.
"It's those damn wandering mercenaries!" The middle-aged driver's face changed. "I can't go any further. Do you want to get off here? Or come back with me?"
"A wandering mercenary?"
Su Xia was confused.
Stone Town is under the jurisdiction of Coral City, and it is very close to the main urban area of ​​Coral City. How dare these wandering mercenaries?
Thinking of their master's instructions, the three of them got off the car without hesitation.
"Uncle, please wait for us for a while." Hong Bafu took out two bills and showed his pharmacist ID to the driver.
Seeing this, the driver gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I'll wait for you in the back. Don't keep me waiting too long."
The driver didn't dare to stay here, fearing that he would be targeted by the mercenaries, so he drove back for a distance.
The three of them continued forward and walked towards Stone Town.
When they approached with the medicine box, a scene of hell on earth immediately came into view.
There were flames everywhere.
The entire Stone Town was burning, and thick smoke with a pungent smell floated in the night.
The wails of the elderly, the screams of women, the cries of babies, all kinds of sounds intertwined in the flames, mixed with gunshots and arrogant laughter.
Right at the entrance of the town, a ragged woman was crying in despair while holding her bloody child.
The three were about to step forward and ask a few questions.
But suddenly, a mercenary with a wild laugh rushed out from the other side with a flamethrower on his back, and the blazing fire he released instantly engulfed the woman and her dead child.
A shrill cry of pain was heard from the fire.

Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024