Chapter 37 Dress

A two-legged creature certainly can't outrun a four-legged creature. Rock originally wanted to take down the robber with a handsome pounce, but considering his new clothes, Rock decided to use a simple method.
Just when the two-wheeled carriage caught up with the robbers, Rock, standing on the carriage, kicked out and directly kicked the running robber away.
The kick was quite hard, and the robber who was running wildly did not notice the carriage that was getting closer and closer. After all, it was impossible for the police to hire a carriage to catch a thief. Generally speaking, if the robber was not caught on the spot, the case would become an unsolved case and the police would not be able to solve it at all, let alone a small robbery. Even if it was a more serious murder case, the police would not be able to solve it.
Yes, the efficiency of the police these days is so low. Rock doesn't know what the police's crime-solving rate is these days, but it is definitely below 10%. That is to say, out of every ten cases, only about one can be closed, and the rest are piled up in the archives room as files.
The archives of the Cape Town Police Department consist of three rooms, filled with unsolved cases. The indexes alone fill a cabinet.
The unsuspecting robber was kicked away, and his body was like a buffalo hit by a train, smashing heavily against the stone wall on the side of the road, and then collapsing to the ground along the stone wall.
Rock jumped out of the car, checked the robber who was in a deep coma, then picked up the woman's handbag next to the robber and gently flicked off the dust on it.
"Thank you, officer." The girl finally caught up with him, panting. She had a white veil on her head and a complicated white dress on her body. The gloves on her hands covered her entire arms. Although the girl did not wear any jewelry, it was still possible to tell that she should be a lady, but for some reason she had no entourage around her.
Don't get me wrong, the "ladies" here are the ladies from wealthy families, not the prostitutes who sell their smiles in the red-light district.
"You're welcome. This is what I should do. I'm happy to serve you. I hope you can go to the police station to make a statement when the time is appropriate." Rock's language was appropriate. No matter who the other person was, as long as he did not offend Rock, Rock would give him due respect.
"I'm free now - he won't be dead, will he?" There seemed to be stars twinkling in the girl's eyes. If it was an ordinary policeman, the girl might not be so cooperative, but facing a gentleman who had just helped them and was well-dressed, girls would always subconsciously lower their bottom line.
"No, he's just unconscious. He deserves it." Rock had no mercy on the criminals. In fact, in Rock's opinion, all crimes should be punished in the most severe way. Rock didn't like the British, but he agreed with their approach on this point.
Of course, what Rock agrees with is the attitude of the British towards criminal behavior in this era. In Cape Town, the British never show leniency to criminal behavior. Even if it is just theft, the British will throw the criminals to Robben Island. Whether they have the ability to live to the end of their sentence depends on luck. This is a world of difference from the British in the 21st century.
Britain in the 21st century
Let’s not mention it. Rock only knew two place names in his previous life, one was Telford and the other was Rotherham. But Rock believed that there were definitely more than these two so-called "devil’s caves" in the UK. These two places were only notorious because they were discovered.
Since the girl was willing to go to the police station to give a statement, Rock asked the girl to get on the carriage, threw the still unconscious robber onto the luggage rack behind the carriage, and then sat next to the girl.
"Mr. Policeman, are you Roman?" The girl was very curious about Rock. Many white people also have black hair, and most of them are descendants of Romans.
Compared with ordinary Oriental people, Rock's face is more three-dimensional, which is the so-called "sculptural feel". Perhaps it is because of this that the girl thinks Rock is a descendant of Romans.
"No, I'm Chinese." Rock said righteously. The Roman Empire has already been destroyed. It is not as good as the Qing Dynasty. There is nothing worth pretending to be.
"Then you must be a noble!" The girl said firmly and did not accept Rock's other statement. She would never think that if you were a noble, how could you be a police officer in the police station?
This explanation is normal. In the general impression of people, aristocrats should receive a higher level of education, have meticulous personal manners, be courteous and considerate in dealing with others, and be compassionate to the weak. In short, aristocrats meet all the definitions of a prince charming that girls have.
In response, Rock just smiled and did not explain. Although Rock was born in a commoner family, if measured by the standards of this era, he could really be classified as a noble.
The reason is very simple. In terms of level, universities in the 21st century are almost the same as the Imperial Academy of Qing Dynasty. The Imperial Academy of Qing Dynasty trained reserve officials, and after graduation they became officials, a true privileged class.
When they arrived at the police station, Rock arranged for someone to throw the still unconscious robber into the cell, and then arranged for someone to take the girl to take a statement. Just as he was about to leave the police station, he ran into Henry who was about to get off work.
"Locke?" Henry seemed to have slept in the office for the whole morning. Something was pressing on his face, leaving a strange pattern and his hair was a little messy. Of course, Henry didn't notice these. Henry looked at the well-dressed Rock with his eyes wide open. It was obvious that he didn't expect Rock to look so "well-dressed" in a suit.
"Isn't today a day off?" Rock was very curious. Henry has never been a hardworking person. Not to mention days off, Henry is usually late and leaves early on weekdays.
"Locke, you can actually wear a dress - no, I mean, you can actually wear a dress - no, what I actually want to say is, you actually have a dress -" Henry was incoherent, and it was unclear what he wanted to say to Rock.
"What do you want to say? It's time to get off work now. Isn't it normal for me to dress like this?" Rock didn't dwell on this issue. He thought it was none of your business. Why do you care what I wear after get off work? As long as I don't run naked on the street, it's fine.
"It's normal—" Henry hadn't figured it out . He tucked his hat under his armpit and scratched his head hard, making his hair even more messy. "The Governor is going to hold a dinner in a few days. The inspector asked me to come and let our commando be responsible for the security of the dinner. I'm having a headache. It's just right that you're here. Go and find a solution."
The Governor's Dinner!
No wonder Henry was so worried that he fell asleep in his office. The police must not show up at the dinner hosted by the Governor, as that would affect the mood of the bigwigs who were attending the dinner.
But security personnel are indispensable. In these turbulent times, no one can guarantee whether there are still insurgents in Cape Town. Henry was worrying about this problem just now.
Now the problem is solved.
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024