Chapter 37 Beheading!

The roar was accompanied by a shock wave, which raised thick dust on the empty floors.
The instigator of all this, the figure that suddenly appeared at the stairs, was now standing in a standard posture holding a laser gun, staring at the flying dust in front of him, and constantly pulling the trigger.
A series of purple light bullets formed a straight line.
The dust weakened the laser gun.
Ripples of ochre-colored halos continued to appear in the dust.
A black shadow like a high wall suddenly appeared in front of them, and it leaped up violently in the dust!
Yang Ming rolled forward, passing by the black shadow up and down. After completing the roll, he knelt down with the gun in hand and quickly pulled the trigger!
This dark shadow is Kimo.
Kimo, who was wrapped in an energy shield and withstood the shockwaves without any damage!
Kimo clenched his fists tightly, with two ion swords extending outward from the armor on the back of his hands. He glared at Yang Ming, who had ambushed and shot and killed several of his men, with uncontrollable anger.
"You damned pig!"
Kimo roared:
"You can't break my shield! I'm going to kill you! I'll tear your head off and hang it on the flag on the bow of my ship!"

Yang Ming stood up slowly, and the laser gun continued to spray purple light bullets.
"Mute? Aren't you very talkative?"
Kimo charged directly towards Yang Ming, yelling continuously.
The boosters on his back armor flashed with light again, and the whole person seemed to be flying close to the ground, with the ion knife held high in his hand crisscrossed like a cross, slashing towards Yang Ming's head!
Yang Ming kept retreating, his legs gathering strength, and his speed of retreat was almost the same as Kimo's speed of advance.
Kimo's ion knife kept hitting nothing.
As Yang Ming retreated, he left behind several nearly perfect semicircles on the ground, like an elegant bullfighter in the bullring, and the series of light bullets were like the reins leading the bull.
He always kept a distance of .
At this moment, Kimo did not realize the seriousness of the matter, nor did he intend to pick up the laser gun.
Kimo has confirmed the power of the laser gun in Yang Ming's hand.
Kimo wants to use his favorite method to carry out a bloody beheading on this pig that has humiliated him!
Da da da.
The laser gun in Yang Ming's hand emptied its energy magazine.
Kimo showed a grim smile: "Your death has come, bastard!"
Yang Ming curled his lips slightly.
This krypton gold monster with a set of high-level warrior equipment!
The money that should have been used to upgrade their pirate ship's onboard systems was spent by Kimo on upgrading his personal equipment?
Kimo roared and rushed over again.
Yang Ming ducked and jumped, easily dodging the opponent's ion knife. He held up the bottom of the backpack with his right hand, and four shock grenades flew out of the backpack's mouth, which were firmly caught by Yang Ming with both hands.
Kimo subconsciously wanted to protect himself.
But Yang Ming quickly threw these grenades to all corners.
Amid the roar, shockwaves rushed back and forth, causing the floors to shake.
Kimo grinned: "You want to blow up the building and die with me? Wishful thinking! I can't die even if I jump from hundreds of meters in the air!"
Yang Ming reached his right hand into his arms and grabbed the slightly worn black hilt of the sword.
"Lightsaber?" Kimo shook the large plasma knife in his hand, and there was a bit of crazy fighting spirit in his eyes.
"Look what's around you," Yang Ming reminded.
Kimo glanced around.
Because of the impact of several concussion bombs just now, the sand and dust accumulated on this abandoned floor was completely blown away.
"No one will ever know how you died, Kimo."
Yang Ming said calmly.
The sad red light shone on Yang Ming's face.
Is this ridiculous lightsaber a challenge to his top-notch armor?
Kimo's nostrils trembled, and four streams of ions ejected from his back, like spread-out wings of light!
He charged again with his strong body wrapped in exoskeleton armor!
He is the strongest person in the Black Dragon Group.
And now, he was going to crush the young man in front of him and make him go down to accompany that old bastard Kolev!
The ion knife that Kimo held high was even more dazzling, and the roar was like the roar of a wild beast.
Yang Ming took half a step forward with the lightsaber held horizontally, and the flying sand and dust in all directions seemed to hover at the same time for a moment.
Kimura's ferocious expression suddenly froze and his pupils suddenly contracted.
He saw that there were deep footprints on the concrete floor where Yang Ming had stepped.
What kind of explosive power is this!
Kimo had no time to change his downward movement. He could only watch the young warrior rushing straight towards him at an incredible speed!
The blood-red lightsaber drew an eight-shaped trajectory!
Yang Ming almost crashed directly into Kimo's arms!
The blood-red lightsaber abruptly cut off the energy wall that had not been fully filled, and slashed through the gap under Kimo's armpit that was not covered by the exoskeleton.
Shoulder hit!
The energy shield flashed violently!
Yang Ming did not retreat even a single step, and large cracks appeared on the floor beneath his feet.
Kimo's huge body flew backwards and slid more than ten meters after falling to the ground.
His arms were shaking constantly, blood was gushing out from his armpits, there was an obvious dislocation around his waist, and the nerves in his legs had lost response.
“Ah! Ah——”

Kimo howled miserably, and the sound was transmitted to the ears of three-fifths of the pirates through the communication.
"Monster!" Kimo yelled, "You monster! Ah! My arm!"
Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of Kimo.
Yang Ming, holding a lightsaber, appeared above Kimo's head.
"I have a passive full-body shield! You can't kill me!" Kimo shouted in a trembling voice, "Let me go, I'll give you Kolev's treasures, you want money, right... all yours..."
Yang Ming knelt on one knee, slowly put his hand next to Kimo's ear, and turned off Kimo's headphones.
"Captain Kimo, do you know what the warrior's passive triggered full body shield is most afraid of?"
Yang Ming murmured softly, his voice fell into Kimor's ears and also reached Kolev's ears.
“The passively triggered shield can detect metal, sharp objects, high-energy rays and kinetic weapons. It is actually distributed all over your body all the time, and the energy distribution and deployment are completed only at the moment someone pulls the trigger.
"But it won't respond to gentle physical contact."
Yang Ming pressed the nail of his middle finger with his left thumb and slowly moved it to Kimo's forehead.
Kimo was trembling all over, but at this moment he could only tremble, twitch, stare, and listen to the other party's voice that sounded like the devil's whisper:
"It will not refuse a companion's playful brain-smashing."
Yang Ming's fingers suddenly snapped down.
Kimo's eyes bulged out, a semicircular collapse appeared in the middle of his head, his skull made a slight cracking sound, and black blood flowed from his nostrils and ears.
The humming sound of the exoskeleton armor gradually disappeared as its user lost all signs of life.
A laser pistol appeared in Yang Ming's hand, with the muzzle pointed at Kimo's forehead.
Whoosh! Whoosh!
There were three thumb-sized blood holes on Kimo's forehead, from which wisps of white smoke emerged.
"Your men are so weak, Kolev."
Yang Ming laughed and joked, "He couldn't even stop my brain from exploding."
Kolev didn't want to pay any attention to the young man at the moment. He just sat there with his eyes a little dazed.
Yang Ming looked at the expensive exoskeleton armor with a bit of regret.
He wasted no time, lowered his head and rushed into the dust here, his figure quickly disappeared, and quickly ran towards the location of the invisible boat.
"Kolev, how do you feel?" Yang Ming asked.
"I feel relieved," Kolev said, "but also a little sad."
Yang Ming kept observing the surroundings, and after jumping out of the window he had reunited with the hoverboard.
He reminded: "You should let them know Kimo is dead, but don't let them sink your ship."
"Alas," Kolev sighed, "I suddenly don't want Mimili to be a pirate anymore."
Yang Ming smiled and said, "Yeah, why do you have to be pirates? You two can start a freight company that specializes in catching pirates, and you can also spread positive energy in the universe."
"Oh, this, I can consider it...Hanton!"
Kolev's voice suddenly became more urgent:
"Come back quickly, Lina's ship has completed the jump and is rushing towards Orhaifu! The detector I left behind shows that they are sailing at full speed! Damn, this is a full ten minutes earlier than we expected! I'll pick you up right away!"
"Kolev, use the remote control mode and make that thing come out."
"That will leave a loophole!"
"You must listen to me now, Kolev. Meet up at the fourth building in front of you! Hurry! If Lina scares away your pirate ship, our plan will be ruined!"
Yang Ming's voice sounded more urgent.
He had to rely on the firepower of these pirate ships to actually fake his death and escape.
This is the most important part of the whole plan for him!
Yang Ming looked up and saw that in the thin atmosphere, the pirate ships were still bombarding the opponent's energy shield, and one of them was already in danger.
Yang Ming almost half-crouched on the hoverboard, stepped on the highest gear, and crossed the edge of the battlefield at high speed.
"Hanton! A landing craft has spotted you, Hanton! They are locking onto you!"
"Hurry up and spread the news that Kimo was killed. Say someone hired mercenaries! Create a riot first!"
Yang Ming had just finished speaking.
Two light bullets as thick as arms passed by his back and directly shattered the broken wall on the side.
Yang Ming immediately turned around and raised his hand, then aimed the laser gun with the energy storage magazine at the sky.

He held his breath, and a crystal-like structure seemed to appear in his pupils, and his line of sight almost coincided with the red aiming line of the laser gun.
He locked onto the twelve-meter-long landing craft.
Yang Ming pulled the trigger!
However, the thin protective film outside the landing craft did not show any obvious ripples.
A purple-red ray with a diameter of half a meter fell from the sky and accurately hit the landing craft!
The landing craft's protective shield was breached in a few microseconds, and the twelve-meter ship exploded violently in the air, with the shock wave sweeping up dust dozens of meters high.
"Run!" Kolev said, "I'm controlling their ground-to-ground cannon. Damn it! This must have left traces of manipulation!"
Yang Ming yelled, his mouth full of dust and sand, and he managed to stabilize the hoverboard, rushing towards the building marked by Kolev.
At the same time, the trunk of the stealth boat opened, and a figure rolled out, hiding in the sand and dust, and rushed towards the building in front.
It seemed like another Yang Ming, with the same attire and the same individual tactical equipment.
"Damn it! I only have two hands! Two!"
Kolev cursed loudly in panic.
Yang Ming held his breath. The substitute robot appeared in his sight. Less than ten seconds after the latter rushed into the abandoned building, Yang Ming stepped on the hoverboard and drilled in.
The entire bottom floor of the building had been emptied long ago. Yang Ming met the stand-in robot in the lobby. He immediately stuffed the laser gun, goggles, headphones, tactical backpack, and hoverboard to the stand-in. Kolev controlled the stand-in to run to the corner holding all these things, while Yang Ming continued to run forward.
After running a few steps, Yang Ming turned around and rushed back, opened the medicine bottle wrapped in several layers of aluminum foil, sprinkled the capsule-shaped gene stabilizing drugs into the tactical backpack, and then turned and rushed towards the direction of the stealth boat.
Those were the medicines Lina gave him.
He put his coat on inside out, grabbed his hair which was flattened by his helmet, and ran straight to the edge of the city in the shadows of the buildings.
Yang Ming turned his head and glanced.
The pirate ships in the air had already noticed the approach of the Dawn-class battleship, and the frequency of the bombardment was rapidly decreasing. They were sending a retreat signal to the ground, and the ship's guns also began to bombard downwards to cover the retreat of their own pirates.
In front, the stealth boat slowly floated, and the main driver's hatch slowly opened. The color-changing paint that reflected the color of the sand was extremely difficult to recognize.
Yang Ming walked in quickly, grabbed the helmet that Kolev was holding and put it on his head.
Turn off avatar synchronization.
Turn on the avatar's holographic perception remote control.
"Number Two! Go back the way you came! Find the clouds!" Yang Ming urged, "Take off slowly, don't stir up too much dust!"
"Don't worry, Hanton," Kolev breathed heavily and quickly tapped on the projection screen in front of him, "There's still time, absolutely enough time, let that thing run!"
"We need to put the equipment on him first!" Yang Ming growled, "It's a bit difficult for this thing to skateboard!"
The invisible boat rose steadily into the air and quietly retreated into the desert, using the horizon to conceal its tracks.
Hidden in the boat, Yang Ming's hands and feet kept shaking, and his body posture was a little weird.
Another 'Yang Ming', neatly dressed and no different from the previous 'Yang Ming', flew out of the building where he was hiding on a hoverboard and drove at high speed on the edge of the battlefield.
The projection screen in front of Kolev was divided into seven or eight screens, and the spread spores were completing their final mission.
He controls five pirate ships!
The main gun of Kimo's battleship slowly moved down, and the screen of the ship's fire control panel locked onto 'Yang Ming' who was riding a hoverboard.
The fire control operator in front of the screen looked confused.
In the stealth boat, Kolev patted Yang Ming on the shoulder and handed a microphone to Yang Ming's mouth.
Yang Ming shouted into the microphone in a relatively low, processed voice:
"Revenge for Captain Kimo!"
This voice is taken from a captain of the Kimo Group who died in battle.
Kolev turned off the microphone, pressed the virtual button in front of him, and muttered to himself: "Main gun fire."
The screen of the stealth boat flickered gently.
A strong beam of light, pale white, fell from the sky, penetrating the flying dust, instantly enveloping Yang Ming who was riding a skateboard, pressing him to the ground, and rapidly melting him!
Inside the stealth boat, Yang Ming pulled off his helmet and gasped for breath, as if he had personally experienced the power of the 300-meter-class starship's main gun.
The maximum power output of the main gun of a 300-meter-class pirate ship.
The ground was covered with layer upon layer of sand waves, the areas that were hit continued to sink, and magma cracks like blood vessels appeared on the surface.
The shooting lasted for twelve seconds.
"It's vaporized, definitely vaporized," Kolev muttered, "The Alliance ship should have captured this scene, it's a success, Hanton... Haha! We succeeded!"
"Don't celebrate too quickly," Yang Ming looked up at the sky.
From this angle, you can vaguely see that in the air diagonally above, five pirate ships are trying to separate to the left and right.
The curved battleship has appeared in the sky and is falling into low-Earth orbit.
Güell Union, Dawn-class light battleship.
Yang Ming muttered, "We haven't escaped yet."

Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024