Chapter 36: Turning hostility into friendshi

Hearing what Bo Huan said, King Yunchang of Yue couldn't help but laugh out of anger.
Bo Hun sent people to burn down his own Yue State's relay station, and then committed murder, including killing a messenger of Helu, who was going to become Yue State's ally!
Despite all these actions, Bo Hun actually kept claiming that he was doing it for the sake of Yun Chang and the State of Yue?
Should Yunchang be grateful to Bohuan for this?
It's really ridiculous!
The ministers and officials of the State of Yue in the hall could not help but fly into a rage and began to accuse Bo Yun.
"How dare you say such a ridiculous thing?"
"I am already sixty years old and have seen and heard a lot, but I have never seen someone as shameless as you!"
"Your Majesty, Bo-Hun has burned our residence without permission and killed envoys from other countries. This is a heinous crime! I ask Your Majesty to cook and kill this beast to serve as a warning to others!"
"I second the motion!"
This time, Bo Yan has already incurred public anger!
If he is not careful at all, Bo Yan will end up with no body left.
Now, Bo Yan, although seemingly as steady as an old dog, is actually extremely panicked inside!
As anxious as an ant on hot pot!
“Drag him out!”
"Wait a minute!"
Bo Yan shouted again and pushed away the two Yue guards beside him.
He took a step forward, bowed to Yun Chang on the stage, and said, "King of Yue, what I just said is true."
"If the King of Yue does not believe me, please listen to my words. If the King of Yue is still not satisfied and insists on throwing me into the boiling copper cauldron, I will die without regrets!"
Hearing this, Yun Chang looked at Bo Yun, who did not seem to be pretending, and waved his hand, saying, "Well! I will let you die with a clear conscience!"
"Bo-Hun, outside this hall, a boiling cauldron has been prepared for you. If what you say cannot convince me... Bo-Hun, you know what the consequences will be!"
Bo Yan was silent.
He is a coward who is afraid of death!
Long before entering the hall, Bo Yan had already seen the large bronze tripod that Yun Chang had mentioned.
There were definitely quite a few people who were cooked to death in this huge cauldron, and most of them were officials and ministers!
Bo Yan cherishes his life, but he knows that some things have to be done.
Just like Bo Yu knew that the Yue people were going to execute him because of the breeding poultry's lobbying, he was well aware of the principle that it is the early bird that prevails and the late bird that suffers, so he took the initiative to kill the breeding poultry!
However, this does not mean that Bo Yan can really disregard everything.
This time, Bo Yu was sent to Yue on a mission with the king's orders, and he also carried a deep blood feud with the State of Chu!
Before he gets his revenge, Bo Yan thinks he cannot die!
At least, I can't die at the hands of these Vietnamese barbarians. That would be too shameful!
Therefore, Bo Yan was able to remain calm when facing the ferocious Yue king and ministers.
"King of Yue, what I did when I set fire to the country was to save the King of Yue and the country of Yue!"
Bo Yu said with emotion: "Wu and Yue have been enemies for generations, but it is better to resolve the feud than to create it!"
"I came here to resolve the hatred between Wu and Yue and turn hostility into friendship!"
"May I ask the King of Yue, in the current situation, is it me, the King, who is stronger, or the traitor Ji Guang?"
Hearing this, Yun Chang answered almost without thinking: "Of course, Wu Wang Qingji is stronger ."
Yun Chang had to admit it!
After all, Helü only controlled a few cities in the south of Wu, which was less than one-sixth of Wu's territory, and he had only a few thousand soldiers under his command. How could he compare with Qingji?
The two are not comparable!
Even if Yunchang is more optimistic about Helu now, he can't lie with his eyes open!
"Then why did the King of Yue abandon my King and throw himself into the arms of the traitor Ji Guang, intending to form an alliance with him?"
"The King of Yue has abandoned the great cause for the great evil, and abandoned the great country for the small country. Isn't this a laughing stock?"
Hearing Bo'an's sarcastic words, Yun Chang was displeased and snorted, "Bo'an, what do you want to say?"
"King of Yue, I just want to say that your behavior is tantamount to seeking the skin of a tiger, and will make the world laugh at you!"
Bo Hun suddenly became serious and said, "Everyone knows that Ji Guang is a treacherous and evil person, a thief who stole the country."
"Ji Guang sent Zhuan Zhu to assassinate the former king Liao, killing the king and usurping the throne. This is despised by all!"
"And my king is wise and brave, benevolent and virtuous, and is the popular choice. Therefore, he who is righteous will have many supporters, while he who is unrighteous will have few!"
After a pause, Bo Yu continued, "When my king was in trouble, he had no place to live on Wu's land. It was Wei that accepted my king, and it was Wei, Lu, Song, Jin, Qi and other Central Plains countries that gave us all our help, helping my king to defeat the enemy and regain the throne!"
"Ji Guang is now just living in a corner of Wu State, barely surviving."
"They sent envoys to form an alliance with the Kingdom of Yue. What they wanted was nothing more than to use the King of Yue to weaken the Kingdom of Wu and cause greater internal friction!"
"King of Yue, I believe Zhongqin has also told you that Ji Guang has formed an alliance with the Chu people and is preparing to attack the State of Wu together, right?"
Yun Chang was speechless.
The dead breeding birds did say this!
Otherwise, how could the Yue army and the already insignificant Helu army be able to swallow up the huge Wu Kingdom?
You know, in terms of national strength, the State of Yue was much inferior to the State of Wu.
The real dominant power in the south is Chu!
In the past war against Wu, it was Chu that led the charge, and Yue even became Chu's younger brother, and they attacked Wu together.
If the Chu army were to take action, Yun Chang could believe that they could conquer the State of Wu!
At this moment, seeing that Yunchang didn't say anything, Bo Yan knew that this just confirmed his inner guess.
"King of Yue, this is just one-sided words from the bird. He is deceiving King of Yue. You can't believe it!"
Bo Yu said with great sorrow: "Why did the people of Chu abandon our king, the real King of Wu, and support Ji Guang, the false King of Wu with evil intentions?"
"Besides, Ji Zi has already been sent to Chu. I believe that Wu and Chu will be able to form an alliance and reconcile soon. In this case, how can the King of Yue believe what Zhong Qin said?"
Got cheated!
I was fooled!
Yun Chang found it difficult to accept for a moment.
If the famous Ji Zha had been sent as an envoy to Chu, an alliance between Wu and Chu could indeed have been concluded.
So, what the breeding bird said to him before was really nonsense!
In an instant, an unusual blush appeared on Yunchang's face.
This is shameful!
Bo Yu, who was good at observing people's expressions, secretly glanced at Yun Chang through his sleeve and said, "King of Yue, you can't trust the words of the birds, but you can trust my words, King of Yue!"
"My king is determined to restore the alliance between Wu and Yue, so I sent this humble minister to offer you rare treasures, beautiful concubines and fine wines. Please accept them, King Yue!"
Then, Bo Yan took out a bamboo slip from his sleeve and asked the eunuch on the side to pass it to Yun Chang for him to read.
After Yunchang looked at the list of gifts presented by Bozhen, he was immediately delighted and couldn't help but smile!
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024