Chapter 35: Copying the "Female Rules" 300 times

Pinyu Pavilion is located in the northwest corner of Leshou County.
There is a small river there called "Chunxiang River", with green trees on both sides. Dozens of brothels and prostitutes of all sizes are dotted on both sides of the river.
Yingzhou is a poor and remote place, not as prosperous as Chang'an, Luoyang and other places, but the banks of Chunxiang River are one of the most prosperous and lively areas in the entire Leshou County.
There are all kinds of entertainment activities such as singing and dancing, opera, gambling, and even storytelling, cockfighting, and juggling. It is a great place for entertainment, and it is not just full of prostitutes doing the flesh trade.
Su Xian boarded Lin Chuan's carriage and drove out of Jiaolou Street.
Jiaolou Street is located in the southeast corner of the county town, forming a diagonal relationship with Pinyu Pavilion in the northwest corner.
The distance is too far, so taking a horse-drawn carriage is the best option.
In the carriage , Su Xian and Lin Chuan were chatting. Not long after, the carriage stopped and the driver shouted outside: "Sir, we're here."
So fast?
Su Xian was a little confused. He lifted the side curtain of the carriage and saw a relatively imposing mansion on the side of the street. A plaque was hung on the vermilion lacquered and copper-nailed door: Lin Mansion.
"Aren't we going to Pinyu Pavilion? Why are we at your house?" Su Xian lowered the side curtain and looked at Lin Chuan.
"Brother Su, the person we are going to meet tonight is Miss Xian Zi." Lin Chuan naturally took Su Xian's hand, stood up and prepared to get off the car.
Su Xian grinned and shook off Lin Chuan's pull.
In the past, the two of them would often talk to each other and had a very good relationship.
But for Su Xian now, the most that two grown men could do is put their arms around each other's shoulders or hold hands, which is too much, and that is something only women do.
When Su Xian thought of this, he felt a chill in his heart.
After carefully recalling his past interactions with Lin Chuan and realizing that there was nothing shameful, he heaved a sigh of relief.
"That's Miss Xian Zi!" Lin Chuan ignored Su Xian's move , and said as he got out of the car, "We'd better take care of it before we go to Pinyu Pavilion."
Su Xian did not comment, but followed him into the Lin Mansion.
Lin Chuan is what later generations call a "creamy boy". Su Xian also had this development tendency before, but now he decided to go the masculine route.
Entering the Lin Mansion, passing through the gate and the courtyard, you will arrive at Lin Chuan’s small courtyard.
Following the order, four or five pretty maids came up, holding new clothes, basins, towels, etc.
This step is to wash and then change into the newly sewn Confucian shirt.
Su Xian gladly accepted it and enjoyed the feeling of being served by the maid's soft hands.
It feels so fucking good!
But then, the maids approached Su Xian with bronze mirrors, rouge and other "weapons".
"What are you doing?" Su Xian jumped up, took a step back, and his face was slightly distorted.
"Brother Su, what's this?" Lin Chuan, who was being put on makeup by maids, and the maids all turned around with surprised faces.
"No need to put on makeup." Su Xian also felt that she had overreacted and waved to the maids.
"Yes." The maids left, and Lin Chuan ignored them, but he felt a little strange, because Su Xian used to wear makeup...
at the same time.
County government office.
County Magistrate Tang Ju was lying on the desk in the duty room, his head supported by his hands, gently rubbing his temples.
He has a headache.
There is still no clue about the city wall murder case, because the crime happened on the city wall and there were no idle people passing by, so there is no way to investigate.
Yesterday, Tang Shujing was thinking divergently, and thought that she could find a breakthrough from the group of bandits outside the city.
That night, she captured several bandits.
However, after an all-night interrogation, the result that reached Tang Ju was that "the bandits knew nothing"!
Seeing that this clue that is not a clue is about to be broken again...
Tang Ju has a headache.
Princess Lanling has already set out and will soon enter the "Hebei Road" territory. In other words, in no more than ten days, Princess Lanling will pass through Yingzhou.
She may not come to Leshou County.
Even if you come to Leshou County, you may not necessarily discover that there is a murder case hidden in the county government office.
Yes, the city wall murder case is still under lockdown and has not been announced to the public. The purpose is to cover it up at the critical moment.
This is the last resort.
To be honest, Tang Ju didn't want to use this method because such behavior was no different from that of a corrupt official.
Deep down, Tang Ju still hopes to solve the case.
So he was very conflicted and had a headache for several days.
At this time, Tang Shujing's shouting and messy footsteps were heard from a distance, getting closer and closer.
Tang Ju stopped rubbing his temple and looked at the door with a frown.
As a father of a noble family, Tang Ju's first reaction was to catch Tang Shujing and make her copy "Rules for Women" three hundred times!
But then his frown relaxed, he stood up and walked quickly towards the door.
Tang Shujing is now a great help to him. She came running here, she must have got some important clues!
However, after taking two quick steps, Tang Ju stopped suddenly.
Then he straightened his clothes, returned to his desk and sat down.
He is the head of a county and also Tang Shujing's father, so he still needs to maintain his authority.
Soon, the footsteps approached, and there was a hint of surprise in Tang Shujing's voice.
Tang Ju was sitting upright, and was about to shout "Come in", but the door was pushed open first. With a bang , Tang Shujing rushed to his desk in a hurry.
Tang Ju's mouth twitched, his eyebrows raised, he resisted the urge to lecture Tang Shujing, and asked, "But do you have a clue?"
"Dad, listen to me, my daughter has captured several more bandits..." Tang Shujing is tall and slender, with a happy look on her face. She chatters away with an expression as if she were asking for credit and reward.
Tang Ju listened quietly, his expression gradually changing from anticipation to indifference.
He thought he had found some clues, but ended up catching a few bandits.
The bandits we caught last night knew nothing about it.
"Captain Lin is already interrogating the bandits. One of their leaders has escaped. He is quite skilled, and my daughter stabbed him in the left eye..."
Tang Shujing said.
Tang Ju sighed deeply and continued to rub his temples on the table.
Jade Pavilion.
On the third floor, in a large private room, guests dressed in luxurious attire kept coming in.
At the innermost part of the box, there is a small stage covered by heavy curtains.
Behind the stage, in a quiet boudoir.
The girl with a sweet smile was sitting at the dressing table, and two maids were busy doing her makeup.
Suddenly, there were knocks on the window, and the sound of "dong dong dong" followed a certain rhythm.
The girl glanced sideways and said, "Come in."
The window was pushed open, and a man in black jumped in. After rolling twice on the ground, he stood up, bowed and bent over, not daring to face the girl directly.
The girl glanced at the man and was about to turn back, but she was suddenly stunned. She stared at him carefully and asked calmly, "What's wrong with your left eye?"
"Princess, I am incompetent. My left eye was stabbed by the county magistrate's daughter. I am afraid I am blind."
The man in black bowed, half of his face was wrapped in a white cloth, and there was a hint of red in his left eye.
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024