Chapter 3 The Dark Ages

There were long queues at bank ATM machines, supermarkets were packed, gas stations were full of people refueling, and a large number of police appeared on the streets. Order in Shanghai was barely maintained. If the sun did not malfunction again, the relevant departments were confident that they could maintain a harmonious and stable situation.
Unfortunately, things did not go as planned. On the third day, which was the 24th, in the morning in the United States and the evening in China, the sun disappeared again for an hour. This time the disappearance of the sun caused great chaos and various crime rates rose sharply. Some people who were reluctant to believe in the end of the world, after receiving the news, were shocked and went out to buy things at night. However, at this time, no store was open. The sales clerks in supermarkets and shopping malls were also human beings and had long been in chaos.
People who couldn't buy things even resorted to robbing stores. Cash could no longer be withdrawn from banks, and all POS machines were closed. The whole world fell into extreme chaos and paralysis.
In the early morning of the 25th, Chu Yunsheng heard gunshots, real gunshots! And the roar of tanks, the army entered the city!
The situation was almost out of control, and the government finally mobilized the military. Neat tanks and armored vehicles drove slowly through the city like a steel torrent. After the rioting crowd fired warning shots, those thugs who tried to resist the army were shot to death. Bloodshed continued all over the world, and no one cared about this matter anymore. Only the government television and radio stations of various countries were left to call on the whole nation to remain calm and restrained.

When Chu Yunsheng rented a house, he took into account the possibility of the army appearing after the situation became serious, so he specifically rented a house near the compound of government officials and powerful and wealthy people. He did not dare to rent it directly there, because he thought that after the army took over, they would definitely clean up and check the key protected communities. People like him who stored so much grain would most likely be locked up as speculators.
So he only dared to rent in the surrounding area, where he could also receive some additional care from the army, but it was not so strict. Through the window, he could see soldiers patrolling with submachine guns, which made Chu Yunsheng feel a little safe .
After Chu Yunsheng’s phone call with Yu Xiaohai on the 23rd, he called other relatives and classmates. The signal was sometimes good and sometimes bad. He could only reluctantly tell them to be more careful and stock up on supplies, and even asked them to come to him if they were in danger.
But now it seems almost difficult. The army has taken over the city and imposed martial law and curfew throughout the city. There are military and police stationed in every community. All necessary daily necessities are delivered by the military. Residents are ordered to stay at home and not leave without permission until the situation calms down.
However, things did not develop as the government had hoped:
On the 25th, the sun disappeared for 2 hours!
On the 26th, the sun disappeared for 4 hours!
On the 27th, the sun disappeared for 10 hours!
Darkness! Darkness! Global crisis!
On the 28th, the world finally fell into complete darkness, and the sun could not be seen in any time zone!
On December 28, one hour before the sun disappeared, with good global signals, the President delivered his final speech in front of the White House: "... Satan has resurrected on earth, and mankind will be tested by God and enter the Dark Ages. Only those who yearn for light, freedom, and fraternity can finally walk out of the darkness and return to God..."
Date: December 28, 2012
The world is plunged into darkness, and the duration is unknown!
Chu Yunsheng sat blankly in front of the window. Although he had calculated this day long ago, when it really happened, he still had an instinctive panic in his heart. The world has changed, the rules have changed, everything has changed. What will happen in the future? A brand new era is about to begin. Everything is unknown, not to mention those powerful creatures from the other dimension that may appear at any time. All disasters have just begun!
The only thing that comforted Chu Yunsheng was that his Qi training had finally achieved some success today. He was able to get a glimpse of the vast vital energy between heaven and earth, which barely allowed him to refine some of the vital energy into his body.
This amount of energy was not enough for him to carve the Yuan Fu. He needed to continue refining his Qi. Apart from refining his Qi, he really had nothing else to do. All communications were interrupted, and the soldiers outside could only use loudspeakers to broadcast propaganda to the residents.

He went downstairs on time every day to collect the rations distributed by the military. Although he did not need them, he was afraid that the soldiers would discover something unusual in his home. When he came back, he heard from the experts upstairs that riots had broken out in several places. The confined residents could not bear the atmosphere of the end of the world and had fierce conflicts with the local army. Many people died. He even heard that there was a panic incident within the army.
Chu Yunsheng decided to stay at home well, collect rations on time, and never run around. He did not have the ability to protect himself yet, and he did not know the power of his only Lihuo Yuanfu.
Time slipped away in this strange atmosphere. The weather outside was getting colder and colder. Heavy snow had already begun to fall. I heard from the experts upstairs that we might be entering an ice age.
Chu Yunsheng closed all the windows but it was still not enough to keep out the cold. Electricity was no longer guaranteed, with only three hours of electricity available each day. Gas and natural gas were also greatly reduced, and only water could still be barely maintained .
Chu Yunsheng was wearing a thick down jacket and sitting on the bed. It was already the fifth day of the Dark Ages, and he had barely accumulated enough energy in his body to make a low-level Yuan Fu.
Regarding talisman making, he had analyzed two routes a long time ago. One was the combat route. As his fourth-dimensional consciousness became clearer and clearer, he felt more and more strongly through the ancient books that the sky track of the alien space was approaching and the danger was increasing day by day. He needed to make a Liujia Yuanfu for defense and physical strength improvement, a Huobing Yuanfu for transforming a pistol, and a Shenbing Yuanfu for a long sword.
With his ability, he estimated that in the little time left before the celestial orbit of the alien space overlapped with the earth, the Yuan Qi of heaven and earth that could be refined could at most carve three of these low-level Yuan Fu.
Another route, Chu Yunsheng, who considers himself to be a conservative farmer, also made a Fire Soldier Yuan Talisman that could transform a pistol so that it could use the power of the energy of heaven and earth, and a Material Storage Yuan Talisman that could store all the supplies he had been storing for the past three months.
This kind of Wu Na Yuan Fu is slightly higher than other Yuan Fu. If you make the Fire Soldier Yuan Fu before making this Wu Na Yuan Fu, then the time to get close to the Sky Track will be short. In this case, you will have to rely entirely on the protection of the pistol, and the risk factor will increase greatly.
Chu Yunsheng began to struggle again. On the one hand, he was afraid of death, and on the other hand, he became increasingly aware that he could not stay in these two houses for long. He might soon have to flee, so supplies became extremely important.
How to make a choice was decided when Chu Yunsheng touched the ancient book again. Chu Yunsheng knew that his talent was ordinary. If he did not rely on the ancient book, he would be at most powerless like other ordinary people. Only those people with natural talent as described in the ancient book could automatically awaken the fourth dimension of consciousness in the pure weather energy the earliest and fastest, and could use the energy of heaven and earth instinctively.
Therefore, he understood that for him, neither the defensive and offensive Yuan Fu nor the large amount of supplies were the most important things. The most important thing was the ancient book. As long as the ancient book was there, he had the confidence to survive. Moreover, the ancient book was also the most important souvenir left to him by his parents after their death. From this emotional point of view, the ancient book could also be regarded as a "family heirloom".
Chu Yunsheng thought about it and felt that if he carried the ancient book with him, it would most likely be lost while escaping or in a panic, which he could not afford. So based on this problem, he must first create the Yuan Fu, put the ancient book into it, and then seal the Yuan Fu on his body, so that it would be foolproof.

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