Chapter 3 Sweet and Shining! 2

"Boss, a sweet curry..."
"I'm sorry, sir. I'm very busy right now. Please go to the cooking table and cook for yourself. Thank you."
I didn't even bother to pay attention to the customers who had just entered the curry house and rushed straight to the back door.
On the bustling streets, "Tengu" avoided group of people, ran forward at a very fast speed, regardless of everything.
I have never been good at sports, and I was out of breath after chasing him for less than two minutes.
"Stop right there! Stop right there! Damn you! How dare you eat and dine for free! If you want to run away, pay first!"
I shouted in the street without caring about my image, completely unaware that I looked very embarrassing just for a meal money.
Just when I was running out of breath and couldn't stop, with my hands on my hips, "Tengu" finally stopped. He looked around and made sure there was nothing unusual before slowly walking towards me.
"Are you okay?" Seeing that I was sweating and breathing heavily, "Tengu" took off his sunglasses and asked conscientiously.
" are a freeloader!" I said gritting my teeth, my face feeling hot because I ran too fast just now.
His expression changed from bewilderment to extreme surprise. After a long while, he finally asked, "You didn't chase me all the way just for a meal, did you?"
"Nonsense! I won't let you eat my exclusive curry rice for free." I said angrily.
"Who is eating a free meal? It's just a meal. Do you think I can't afford it?"
"Tengu" looked as if I had insulted his noble character.
"Then give me the money!" I stretched out my right hand.
Humph, I won't be so kind as to give a free meal to a guy who looks so glamorous on the outside but is actually trying to eat and dine for free.
"Give it to me." He took out a black leather wallet from his pocket.
I stared at him as he slowly opened his wallet, but before I could react, he glanced behind me, and repeated his old trick, turning his head and continuing to run forward.
Damn it! It seems that I have met a master of free meals today, but I will not give up.
So, we started the chase between the two again.
As I was running, I suddenly realized that I was not fighting alone, because a group of girls suddenly rushed ahead of me. One of the girls was so excited that she pushed me to the side.
"Give me an autograph! Give me an autograph!"
"I like you so much! I love you so much!"
"Brother, don't run!"
Not only were those girls running wildly in the street excitedly, they were also shouting at the "Tengu" running wildly not far ahead, although I didn't hear clearly what they were shouting.
My ears were badly damaged, and the girls' crazy looks were just too scary.
Who would have thought that after hearing the excited shouts of the girls behind him, "Tengu" ran even faster.
The corners of my mouth twitched slightly. This guy is really powerful. He can offend so many girls. It's really embarrassing to be chased on the street.
But I have to get my meal money back!
So, as if I were given an injection of chicken blood, I rushed to the front of the group of scary girls at almost the speed of a 100-meter sprint and ran towards the black shadow in front.
Meal money! My meal money!
"Hey! Stop right there!" I stretched out my hand and just reached the corner of "Tengu's" clothes.
“Ah!” Seeing me catching up with him, “Tengu” was filled with surprise, “I didn’t expect you to run faster than them…”
"Nonsense!" I interrupted him harshly before he could finish.
Seeing that the group of crazy girls were about to catch up, "Tengu" hurriedly took out something like a business card from his trouser pocket.
"This is for you! Goodbye!" He turned around and stuffed the business card into my hand, then used his amazing running skills to turn at the intersection and disappeared.
I felt like my legs were going to fail, so I limped along and found a place to sit down on the street.
I opened my palm and saw an exquisite golden business card with two big words printed in the center: Night Arc.
So this guy's name is Ye Hu? What a unique name.
Huh? Laiya Art College? So he is still a student. Why does a student need a business card?
After failing to get the money for the meal, I had to return to the curry house listlessly.
"Eh? Didn't you need to take a leave today? Why are you back?"
As soon as I stepped into the curry restaurant, I saw Hua Likong busy at the cooking table wearing an apron.
Who would have thought that Hua Li didn't even raise her head, she just focused on cutting the vegetables in her hands, and whispered, "If you don't come back soon, all the customers will leave."
Only then did I notice that at this time of day, there should be the most customers, but now there are only a few customers in the curry restaurant.
"What's going on? Why are there so few customers today?"
I muttered that Hua Likong seemed to be in a bad mood today.
"There's not even a single person to serve guests in the curry house, so of course there aren't many customers." Hua Likong looked at me with disdain and said.
"It would be great if Yining had time to come and help." I sighed.
"Now you know you can't be willful? Don't worry, Yining is busy preparing for the exam recently and will come to help after the exam." Hua Likong saw that I looked worried and comforted me.
Alas, when I talk about this, I feel a little sad.
After all, I don’t need to take exams, so I really look a bit different from my peers…
The key is to find the remaining four guests. After completing this task that my father had repeatedly told me before he left, I can go to school smoothly. After all, this is a major event related to our family, although our family is really not prosperous at all...
"Why did you suddenly run out just now? What did you do?"
I knew Hua Likong would ask this question.
"I get angry when I talk about this. Today I met a guy who ate and ate for free. It would have been fine if he didn't pay, but he threw me a shabby business card. He looked like a student from the Laiya Academy of Nobles. A student from an aristocratic academy actually refused to pay for a meal." I said angrily. This is the first time I have encountered a customer who ate and ate for free in all the time I have been running the curry restaurant.
"I was only away for a few hours, but the curry restaurant had a problem of free dining." Hua Likong put down the cutlery in his hand and walked towards me with a smile, "Chi Weiwei, do you think you have some special demonic qualities?"
When he smiles, he shows two rows of neat and white teeth, and his eyes are slightly narrowed, making him look very handsome and charming.
My ears felt hot, and I said unhappily, "You are the devil."
After saying that, I ignored him and went to work at the kitchen counter.
"By the way, what was the reaction of the guy who ate free food after eating the curry rice?" Hua Likong walked to the cooking table and asked me as if he had thought of something.
Speaking of this, it's really a bit unusual.
"By the way, I clearly gave him a slightly spicy curry rice, but he tasted sweetness in it." As I spoke, I lowered my head feeling a little guilty.
"Is there more to it than that?" Hua Likong seemed to see my nervousness and embarrassment, and exposed me with just one sentence.
"Oh, didn't I just add some extra seasoning to his curry rice? And it was for free?" I muttered guiltily.
"Did you add a lot of chili oil to his curry rice?" Hua Likong bent down and asked softly in my ear .
" do you know?" I looked at Hua Likong in surprise, only to see an inexplicable smile on his face, as if he knew everything.
"What do you think? With your personality, it's normal for you to do something like this, right?" Hua Likong said with a wicked smile, "Look at your mouth, it's bright red. I guess you didn't get the guy who ate the free meal, but got yourself instead?"
Well, you're smart... you guessed them all right.
I turned my head away.
Why do you always expose others like this?
"Who knows what happened? I was dying of the spiciness, but that person actually thought there was something wrong with my cooking skills. He also said that the curry rice I made was extremely unpalatable and wanted to destroy the reputation of my curry restaurant. Luckily, he was the only one in the curry restaurant at that time."
Thinking of that guy who ate and freed himself, I feel a little depressed.
"Hua Likong, you said I just run a curry shop. If people find something bad in the food, you can't blame me. That's their own psychological problem."
Hua Likong looked at me, speechless.
"Customers can taste all kinds of strange flavors. Although it may be a bit troublesome sometimes, it is also a good thing for you. This way you can find the remaining customers who can taste different types of curry rice more quickly and help them solve the problem. This will not only meet your needs, but also improve the reputation of the curry restaurant. What if other people talk about your curry restaurant outside with negative words, do you still want to find the remaining four customers? Even if you don't want to find the remaining four customers, we have signed an agreement and you must cure my taste. You told me before that only by finding these customers can my taste be cured, so you have to find them even if you don't want to." Hua Likong said seriously.
It seems to be the case.
"What should I do now?" I felt like my mind was a mess.
"Then have you found out why he tastes so sweet?" Hua Likong asked casually.
"That...that...I didn't see it..." I answered with a guilty conscience. After all, ever since my crystal bell had a crack, its ability to explore memories has been greatly limited.
"Okay, I guessed it would be like this." Hua Likong didn't blame me at all, but just asked me to develop a new flavor of curry rice.
Apart from sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, salty and astringent, what new flavors can we develop?
Thinking of this, an idea came to me, and I said, " Hua Likong, how about I make a special curry rice for you?"
Hua Likong was startled and asked calmly, "You don't want to do that to me too?"
"No way! Didn't we agree to cure your sense of taste?" I pouted and muttered in dissatisfaction.
"Didn't you say that I can only cure my sense of taste after I have found those five special guests and solved their problems?" Hua Likong seemed a little puzzled.
"I'm just worried that I won't be able to find it right away, so it's a good idea to try looking for another way out at the same time."
It's rare for me to be wise for once, Hua Likong, don't think too much.
"Oh well."
As it turned out, Hua Likong made this decision with great determination.
When I placed the secret curry rice in front of Hua Likong, his Adam's apple moved slightly.
I've been with Hua Likong for a while, and I know that he only eats food with honey and sweet juice. Although it still tastes bitter, it's much better than before.
This is a method I thought of before to temporarily alleviate his taste problem. Otherwise, Hua Likong's work state will be affected if he can't eat.
"Eat it, I've poured some sweet juice on it." I said a little uneasily.
In fact, there was no sweet sauce in the curry rice I made for Hua Likong, but I still told him that it was added with sweet sauce. I was thinking, what if Hua Likong could only taste the astringent taste, and it was just due to his psychological disorder?
Facts have proved that my guess was wrong. Hua Likong really thought that I poured sweet sauce into the curry rice. However, after he took a bite, his face changed drastically and he ran to the kitchen counter to rinse his mouth frantically. He looked very uncomfortable.
"Are you okay?" I walked to Hua Likong, patted his shoulder embarrassedly, and asked.
"Ahem, Chi Weiwei, why do I feel like my symptoms are getting worse?" Hua Likong looked at me with a frown.
"Ah? No way?" I was a little confused.
Logically speaking, even if his sense of taste cannot be cured in the short term, it shouldn't get any worse.
"Okay, how can the taste problem that has troubled me for so many years be cured so easily? Don't be so anxious, it's okay to help me after you solve the problems of those five special guests." Seeing that I seemed unhappy, Hua Likong smiled, reached out his hand to ruffle my hair, and comforted me softly.
"All right."
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? If Hua Likong's sense of taste is cured, maybe he will have no reason to stay in the curry restaurant.
But I can't be too selfish, I still have to work hard to cure Hua Likong's taste. During this period of time, he has put in much more effort than I have in running the curry restaurant.
"Why are you in a daze? Do you have time tomorrow?" Hua Likong saw me in a daze and asked calmly.
"Tomorrow? Tomorrow is Sunday, how about we take a day off?" I looked at Hua Likong with shining eyes, expecting him to nod.
Hua Likong actually agreed.
It went unexpectedly smoothly.
I was stunned.
"Really...really?" I decided to ask clearly so that he wouldn't regret it later.
"Of course." Hua Likong nodded seriously and said, "It's just right that I can ask Yining to come and help look after the store tomorrow."
"Then tell Yining."
"That's great!" I jumped up happily.
"Let's go to the Laiya Noble Academy tomorrow. I heard that there are many outstanding art students there." Hua Likong continued.
Laiya Noble Academy?
What a familiar name!
Eh? Isn't that the school on Ye Hu's business card?
"Why are we going there?" I looked at Hua Likong with some confusion.
"Go find the person who ate and freed the meal and see what's going on." Hua Likong looked at me and answered seriously.
"No way?" I put on a bitter face.
Please, I finally get a day off, and he actually wants me to dedicate such precious rest time to that guy who eats and dine free?
"Don't you want to?" This time Hua Likong no longer took the approach of educating me directly, but looked at me sincerely and asked for my opinion.
But what was clearly written in his eyes was: You must go.
"But I don't want to..." I stammered.
"Hmm?" Hua Likong looked at me straight in the eyes.
"Hehe, what I meant was that I don't want to go, which means I want to go." I had to say something that was not what I meant.
There was no way. Hua Likong had changed his tactics and was using his eyes to force me to submit.
"It's settled. We'll go to the Laiya Noble Academy tomorrow and just go out for fun." Hua Likong said with a faint smile.
"Oh." I replied with my head down, and then ran upstairs with a bang.
I turned the room upside down and finally pulled out a pink tight princess dress from under the bed which had not been cleaned for who knows how long. I had almost forgotten the existence of this dress.
It's a pity that the skirt has been wrinkled and even a little dirty.
Chi Weiwei, how much of a failure are you? As a girl, you don’t even have a skirt to wear outside.
Eh? Why not go shopping and buy one?
But, there is no girl who can provide me with any advice or suggestions!
After thinking for a while, I had the most suitable candidate in mind.
So, I sneaked out of the curry restaurant while Hua Likong was busy.
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024