Chapter 29: Press Tianyuan’s restless little hand

Chapter 29: Pressing down Tianyuan’s restless little hand,

after introducing Chanyuan Shi’er to Xia Youjie and Gojo Satoru, and helping Chanyuan Shi’er make a large fortune, Qianye temporarily ignored their relationship. Anyway, no one will die, it will just be a few more fights at most. His more important thing now is to deal with the matter that Tianyuan and the higher-ups want to attack him.

Counting this time, Tianyuan had already attacked Qianye twice, but this time the General Directorate joined in the assassination for unknown reasons. Qianye thought it would be better to deal with the General Directorate first.

The General Director's Department was originally established to fight against the monopoly of Yusanjia, but it took too long to establish, and the people who held the power were old. In the end, ideals and pursuits slowly retreated in the face of power. Now they have been smelled by the old orange smell of Yusanjia. To the core, it is even more corrupt than within the Yusan family. It is also fate, and now it has to be reduced to being cleaned up by the people in power of the Yusan family. It is really ridiculous.

Qianye did not intend to kill the Director of Spells directly because he was a disciple of Wuming. In the original work of Gojo Satoru, the reason why he did not take action for ten years was also because of this. Those old men were of no use, but they liked to use the name of righteousness to do their actions. Many young people People still trust the General Directorate. If he takes action, these young people will be fooled into fighting with them. He just wants reform, not revolution, and there is no need to cause a mountain of blood.

Qianye asked for a meeting from above, and soon received a reply, asking Qianye to go to the Spell Director's Department for a meeting.

"Lord Qianye, will there be any danger this time?" Chanyuan Lantang is still the escort for this trip, but based on past experience, the General Directorate will not let Lantang follow Qianye into the conference room, so Lantang is a little worried Something happened to Qianye inside.

"Although the General Director's Department is now known to be stupid, it will not break up with the Yusan family." Qianye has never doubted the power of the Yusan family in the General Manager's Department. As long as he does not want to directly eliminate the Yusan family, the General Manager's Department will not He would deal with people from the Yusan family openly and honestly.

"I'm just afraid of being punished." There are a lot of dirty things happening within the Yusan family. Lan Tang was lucky enough to see them, so he must be on guard against such things.

"It's okay, I don't think it has reached this level yet. And the purpose of my coming today is just to test, it won't be long."

Qianye came well prepared this time, and the Curse Directorate also knew very well that at most Suppress him with words, and be unable to cause harm to him with actions. And, of course, an imminent threat is more concerning than a threat that has yet to materialize.

The director's office was on a mountain not far from the Tokyo College of Magic. It was also very remote. Lan Tang drove the car all the way to the mountainside before he saw a circle of tents surrounding it. After entering the tent, Qianye clearly felt that this place was full of magic power. The mechanism, and even the two stone lions under the gate are cursed. I think those old immortals who were about to be buried put a lot of thought into protecting their own lives, but it doesn't matter, he is not here to assassinate.

The car reached the top of the mountain and couldn't go up. Qianye asked Rando to stay in the car and went up alone. Not long after he crossed the torii gate, he saw someone coming out.

"Sir Qianye, please wait a moment." The person who came to take Qianye into the conference room this time was Kamo Yi, a member of the Kamo family who is in the director general's department. When seeing him, Qianye finally remembered that the Kamo family is technically I don’t know if Naohua has any involvement in Naohua’s territory.

Kamoyi led Qianye outside a house that was isolated by a tent, opened the tent in a special way, and asked Qianye to follow him in.

On the way into the conference room with Kamoyi, Qianye looked at the road. The walls on the left and right were covered with talisman papers. The tent outside was obviously not an ordinary tent, otherwise it would not require internal personnel to open it, and Qianye felt When he entered this tent, the magic power in his body seemed to be not running smoothly. After trying it, if he wanted to summon the jade dog, he would have to spend at least twice as much magic power as usual.

It’s really outrageous. Does a small conference room need to be so defensive? A group of old men with half a foot in the coffin are still so afraid of death.

"Lord Qianye, I can only send you here. Please come in." Kamoyi watched Qianye enter the door, then turned and left.

"Thank you." Qianye didn't look at whether Kamo Yi left or not. He opened the door full of charms and went in.

The room was very dark, with only a few candles lit. It was empty except for the door, which was surrounded by a circle of screens, all of which were magic objects that blocked the power of the spell. It was completely impossible to identify who was here.

"Zenyuan Qianye, what do you want to say when you come here?" The voice behind the screen was a bit erratic. Qianye's spell was not strong enough, and he could not tell which direction the voice came from like Gojo Satoru.

"I'm rude, I just want to ask how you plan to deal with Master Tianyuan's failed assimilation?"

Qianye didn't know how many people knew about Tianyuan's failed evolution, but he believed that not all high-level officials knew about it, otherwise This group of people will definitely not be so peaceful these days.

Compared with the failure of Tianyuan's assimilation, they will be more afraid of Xia Youjie getting Tianyuan and becoming the new Tianyuan, and they are also more afraid that Tianyuan will no longer be indifferent to fame and fortune. With Tianyuan's popularity in the magic world, if they really want power, these old guys All of them combined are not as powerful as Tian Yuan's words, so since the general manager chose to deal with him first, it means that Tian Yuan did not tell the truth about his situation.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Master Tianyuan has obviously succeeded in assimilation."


"How did you know that Master Tianyuan failed to assimilate?"

For a while, the whole room was full of voices, large and small, all accusing Qian. Talk nonsense at night.

"Are I talking nonsense? I have to ask you all. A few days ago, some of you, together with Tianyuan, issued an order to the Fujiwara family, asking the Fujiwara family to use all their strength to kill me. I would like to ask who gave this order. "Don't you talk nonsense ?"

"Master Tianyuan has not issued an order since the closure of the Hoshihara Palace." "Didn't

the Fujiwara family announce its reintegration into the main family some time ago? As the next head of the Fujiwara family, how could this be possible? Accept this mission?"

"Do you have any evidence?"

"Sir Tianyuan doesn't care about world affairs, so don't talk nonsense!"

Qianye's face remained calm as he listened to these accusations. The voice is speaking.

"The Fujiwara family's barrier records the spell power of the person who conveyed the order at that time. I have verified it. It is indeed Sato Kirimu who often conveys orders for the general headquarters. If you don't believe it, you can send someone to the Sato family at any time to verify."

"Has anyone given instructions to Sato recently?"

"Just call him over and ask."

"Let Ota call him."

There are nine screens here, but there are only seven people present, and there are only six voices speaking. , Qianye couldn't tell the direction, but it seemed that he was lucky today. The people who united with Tianyuan were probably here.

"There is one more thing I want to ask you all." Too lazy to wait here for the verification before leaving, Qianye said directly, "I just heard six people questioning me, but one person has been silent. I want to ask him from the beginning. Who was the one who didn't make a sound at the end?"

The room was silent for a while, and then a mellow, old male voice suddenly spoke.

"Xunyan, you came here all the way, why don't you say anything now?"

"What? Because a young boy talks nonsense, now you want to doubt me?" Another gentler male voice asked sarcastically.

"What's the hurry? I'm just asking casually." The male voice that just spoke spoke again, "It's just that since someone has come to the door, and it still concerns Lord Tianyuan, I have to ask a few questions out of caution."

"That's right, It’s not too late to doubt me again after Sato is summoned for questioning.”

"Speaking of which, it seems that Xunyan did go to the High School some time ago. Did you enter the Xingxing Palace?"

"If Lord Tianyuan really interferes in the affairs of the magic world, we have to meet Lord Tianyuan to see if he has assimilated Success. If Master Tianyuan fails to assimilate, it will affect the safety of the magic world. If you conceal it, it will be a death penalty!"

"Xunyan, I said before that Master Tianyuan has a spare astral body, and he announced to us that Master Tianyuan has successfully assimilated. It's you too, right?"

Qianye didn't feel surprised at all when he saw that this group of people had turned their attention to Tian Yuan and had no time to worry about themselves.

What these people in power fear most is that someone will rob them of their status, which is more serious for them than losing their lives. If it is found out that Tianyuan ordered Qianye to be dealt with privately this time, it will be tantamount to telling these people that Tianyuan may want to kill Qianye. Fighting for power.

Tianyuan's barrier technique is his life-saving talisman, but since he has selfish motives, these people are most likely to seal off the Xingxing Palace from the outside and completely cut off Tianyuan's communication with the outside world. At least in this generation, Tianyuan can only Just being mentioned as a mascot.

Anyway, even if Tian Yuan was imprisoned, he would not dare to withdraw his account, otherwise he would be useless after becoming a curse spirit, and he would probably face a crusade from the curse community.

"Don't make any noise yet."

The voice that initially asked the suspected traitor raised its volume slightly, stopping the noisy situation.

"Chanyuan Qianye, we will find out the matter of Lord Tianyuan. This matter cannot be spread outside. You can go back first."

The senior leaders of the conjuring world include the Yusan family, but there are no people from the Yusan family in the senior management department. Even if they wanted to keep Qianye silent, they couldn't let the heir of the Chanyuan family tie him down here, so they had to send him away first and then solve the internal problems.

Qianye turned around and left, not intending to see how these old men solved Tianyuan's matter in private. Maybe these people would call him over later to ask why he knew about Tianyuan's failed assimilation, but at least for now he no longer had to guard against Tianyuan. .

"Lord Qianye." Kamo Yi, who was guarding inside the tent, was stunned for a moment when he saw Qianye coming out, as if he didn't expect Qianye to come out so soon.

"Trouble." Qianye motioned to Kamo Yi to open the tent. After walking out of the tent, he walked leisurely to the door.

This meeting with the general manager's department was very big, and they were all rookies. Qianye didn't understand what the focus of this group of people was. They were already sitting in the leadership position. They didn't know many things, and they were still operating openly and openly. Are you putting conflicts in front of him for fear that he won't cause trouble?

But the one named Hosuhito must be Yagyu Nobunaga, a high-ranking upstart.

The Yagyu family has only been in the magic world for more than ten years, and Yagyu Hsunyan has only been at the top for two years. He was only promoted due to the competition of power between all parties. He has always been unwilling to deal with the old high-level forces. How could he mess with Tianyuan? On the relationship?

"Lord Qianye?" Chanyuan Lantang kept staring outside the torii, for fear of missing the movement inside. As a result, Qianye came out only ten minutes after arriving.

"Let's go." Qianye got into the car and frowned, "After we go back, we will check out the new families that have joined the magic world in recent years, as well as the strange things that have happened in the magic world in the past few years. Give me the details."


Qianye had a hunch that there must be some brainy people among these people, but what did the brainy people do with them? Why use upstart? What about the power he cultivated in the magic world before? And what role does Kamo play in this?

And now that I think about it, Qianye still feels strange, why did he find the Fujiwara branch to assassinate him? Even if the Fujiwara branch family has been separated for a long time, as long as they still want to return to the peak of the Fujiwara family, they will definitely merge into the main family again. Is there anything he doesn't know about the Fujiwara branch family?


After Qianye left, the senior management of the General Directorate held an internal meeting. The specific content is unknown. However, Yagyu Ishun resigned after that. The other senior management of the General Directorate went to the Tokyo Conjuring High School in private and wanted to meet in the Yixing Palace, but they were refused. Later, Tianyuan The Celestial Palace was completely sealed, cutting off contact with the outside world, and no one could find the entrance. Since then, Tianyuan has almost no connection with the current magic world except that he still controls the Japanese magic enchantment.

Due to Tianyuan's lack of cooperation, the General Directorate had to urgently block the news. No one except them knew that Tianyuan was no longer in contact with the magic world.

The establishment of the Spell Director's Department relies heavily on Tianyuan's status. Because Tianyuan's actions are to protect, the Director's Department is the agent of justice. Even if the spell masters hate the rotten oranges of the Director's Department, they have never thought about it. Want to rebel against them.

But now, Tianyuan has sealed the Dead Star Palace more thoroughly than in the original work. Now, unless the barrier of the Dead Star Palace is found and broken, no one can enter.

This is both a bad thing and a good thing for the General Directorate. Although there is a risk of exposure, from now on, all the purposeful orders of the General Directorate can be named Tianyuan, and they no longer need to consider what Tianyuan may do. The Supreme Emperor has no Now, the emperor can finally do whatever he wants.

Qianye didn't know the final outcome of this matter. It was just that Tianyuan became mute passively. Tianyuan had been pretending to be mute anyway, so even if he became a real mute, it would not have much impact.

Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024