Chapter 27 Saving People is Tired

I was panting and holding Hua Jingjing back to the road. I was wondering whether to risk my life to drive her Ferrari, because I was really blind to driving. I knew nothing except the brake and the accelerator. If I drove, I would definitely die. But if I didn't drive, how long would it take me to get to the hospital with Hua Jingjing in my arms?
Hua Jingjing huddled in my arms and shivered non-stop. She could feel the heat on her body even through her clothes. I was extremely anxious. The longer I delayed, the closer Hua Jingjing would be to death!
Just then, I saw the lights of a car coming in the distance. I was so surprised that I quickly held Hua Jingjing and stopped in the middle of the road.
Soon, the car drove in front of us. Due to the extremely high speed and the fact that it was at night, by the time the headlights shone on us and we saw someone on the road, it was too late to avoid it. Fortunately, the driver was probably an experienced driver. He subconsciously slammed the brakes and swerved the steering wheel in the crisis, and the car turned around and rushed to the side of the road, almost turning into the field.
As soon as the car stopped, the driver opened the door and yelled at me: "Are you looking for death? If you want to die, don't hurt me! Fuck you!"
I hurried over to him, saying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I really can't help it. Master, you see my colleague is seriously ill, his body is terribly burned, and he needs to be sent to the hospital immediately . Master, please do us a favor and send us to the hospital. Thank you, thank you!"
The driver was a middle-aged man in his forties. He got out of the car after hearing what I said. He took a look at Hua Jingjing in my arms with the help of the car light, touched her forehead with his hand, and said in surprise, "It's very hot!"
I added, "Master, you are a good person. This girl's life is in danger. You won't just stand by and watch her die, right? Look, there is no one else on this road except us. You are our only savior !"
The middle-aged man was soothed by my repeated "you" that he had forgotten the shock just now. He scratched his head and said, "But...but I have to get to Beizhong Mountain before dawn, so I'm traveling at night. If...oh! Forget it, human life is not important! Young man, get in the car. If I don't take you to the hospital, I'm afraid I will have a guilty conscience for the rest of my life. I, Zhang, have never done anything immoral in my life, but I don't want to regret it later."
I was overjoyed when I heard that, and hurriedly thanked him: "Thank you so much! Thank you so much, Master, you are such a good person..." The middle-aged man seemed to be a straightforward person. He waved his hand and said, "Stop talking nonsense and get in the car." As he said that, he opened the back door, and I got in holding Hua Jingjing.
When the middle-aged man got into the car, he noticed the Ferrari parked on the side of the road and asked me as he got into the car: "Is that sports car yours?" I said: "No, that car is hers. I don't know how to drive yet, otherwise I wouldn't have stopped your car."
The middle-aged man said, "It seems she is very rich. That car must be worth several million!"
"She is the boss of the company where I work."
“You’re already a boss at such a young age? Tsk tsk! This society is just unfair!” As he said this, he started the car, turned, and headed towards the highway.
I found that Hua Jingjing in my arms was huddled up due to the cold, and her whole body was trembling. I took off my coat and covered her with it. Then I held her tightly in my arms.
The middle-aged man saw it from the rearview mirror and said, "Young man, your boss is actually your girlfriend, right? You look so nervous."
I said, "No, I just don't want her to get hurt. Master, can you be faster? My boss is still in a coma!"
The middle-aged man said, "Faster? Sure! But I've never driven faster than 110 mph in my life. Today, for the sake of saving lives, I'll risk it. By the way, which hospital are you going to?"
I asked, "Where is the nearest hospital?"
"The nearest hospital? That's Kwong Fook Hospital. Sit tight, young man. I'm about to drive fast."
The middle-aged man drove the Santana at the maximum speed and arrived at Guangfu Hospital half an hour later.
I carried Hua Jingjing out of the car and thanked the middle-aged man again. The middle-aged man waved his hand and said, "Hurry up and send her inside. There's no time to waste. I also have things to do. We'll say goodbye now. I hope your boss will recover soon."
I also knew that it was useless to say more, so I half bowed to the middle-aged man while holding Hua Jingjing, and then turned and rushed to the emergency room. The doctor in the emergency room only glanced at Hua Jingjing, measured her temperature with his hand, and said, "The patient is in critical condition, prepare for rescue immediately! You are a family member, right? Go and pay the 5,000 yuan emergency fee first."
Five thousand? Where can I get so much money in the middle of the night? I hurriedly said, "Doctor, we came in a hurry and don't have much money. Can you save the patient first? I will go get the money now."
"Okay, but hurry up."
"Thank you! I'll go right away. You must save her!"
The doctor ignored me and several nurses hurriedly pushed the operating cart into the emergency room.
I took one look at the emergency light and ran out of the hospital.
I know that my savings are about 3,000 yuan, and I still need 2,000 yuan. It seems that I have to ask my mother. I took a taxi from the hospital and it took half an hour to get home. The taxi fare was 74 yuan, but I searched my pockets and found only 3 or 4 yuan in coins. After thinking carefully, I remembered that I had given all the money I had to the taxi driver when I sent Manager Gu home last night. I had no choice but to say to the driver: "I'm sorry, I don't have any money on me. How about you wait for me for a while and I'll go home and get it for you."
The taxi driver said, "That won't work. What if you leave and don't come back?"
I thought about it, took off my watch and handed it to the driver, saying, "This watch is worth a thousand dollars. I'll leave it with you. Please wait for me for a while. I still need to take your car to the hospital. Is that okay?"
The taxi driver took the watch, looked at it, and said, "Okay, I'll wait for you."
I ran home as fast as I could, opened the door and woke up my mother. My mother asked sleepily, "What are you doing? Either you don't come home for two days and don't even call me, or you come back in the middle of the night and wake me up. Can't I sleep?"
I asked anxiously: "Mom, how much money is left at home now?"
My mother woke up and saw my anxious look. She asked me, "What's wrong? Is there anything wrong?"
I said, "I don't have time to explain. I need urgent money now. How much money do you have?"
"You mean now? There are only about 500 yuan in the family, and there are more than 4,000 yuan in the passbook. Is it enough?"
"Does the passbook have a card? Can I withdraw it at night?"
"No, you can only withdraw money when the bank is open. What on earth do you need so much money for?"
"Forget it, I'll tell you later. Give me the 500 yuan first, and I'll find the rest." I went back to my room, took out the ICBC Lingtong card from the drawer, then went to the living room and called Zhao Yanjin's home.
Three minutes later, Zhao Yanjin's dazed voice came from the phone: "Hello! Who is this?"
"Old Zhao, I'm Tang Qian."
"Old Tang? What are you doing? You're calling me at around three in the morning." He said with a loud yawn.
"Excuse me, I have something urgent to ask you. Do you have two thousand dollars in your pocket? I need it right now!"
"Two thousand? I think so. What happened to you?"
"I'll tell you later. I 'll . You wait for me downstairs in ten minutes and lend me the money first."
"Okay, are you okay?"
"I'm fine, I'm hanging up, I'll be there soon." I put down the phone, and my mother came over with the money. At the same time, my father and little sister woke up and came out to ask me.
I took the money and said, "Don't worry, it's okay. I'm helping others. I'll explain it later. I'm leaving first." I waved and walked to the door, but then I remembered that I had no cigarettes in my pocket, so I immediately went back to my room, took out a pack of cigarettes, and rushed out of the house.
After I left the community, the taxi was still waiting for me. I quickly got in and said, "Thank you, master. Let's go to Chaohua Community first." Ten minutes later, the car drove to the downstairs of Zhao Yanjin's house. As expected, I saw Lao Zhao wrapped in a coat, shivering in the cold wind, waiting for me. The car stopped in front of him. Zhao Yanjin handed over a stack of money and cursed, "Fuck! I just extorted a meal from you , and you're taking revenge on me so soon. I'm really freezing to death."
I rolled down the window, took the money, and said, "Lao Zhao! Thanks!"
Zhao Yanjin laughed and scolded: "Get lost, we are brothers, why are you being polite? If you have something to do, just leave quickly and don't disturb my sleep." I also knew that I didn't need to be polite to Zhao Yanjin, so I waved my hand and said to the taxi driver: "Find the nearest ICBC ATM, I need to withdraw some money."
More than half an hour later, I returned to Guangfu Hospital. It was already four o'clock in the morning.
I paid the fare and was about to get off the car when the driver stopped me and said, "Hey! Your watch!"
I was so busy that I forgot about it. I thanked him and took it, then ran into the hospital. I paid the emergency bill and handed the bill to the nurse on duty. Then I rushed to the emergency room and saw the nurses pushing Hua Jingjing out with an IV drip. I hurriedly asked the doctor, "Doctor, how is she?"
The doctor said, "The high fever has been brought under control. It's only a little over 38 degrees. The patient has suffered from very severe typhoid fever and is still unconscious. Fortunately, it has not turned into pneumonia. I think he needs to be hospitalized for a period of time. You should go and complete the hospitalization procedures."
I said, "Thank you, doctor. There is one more thing. She took a strong laxative by mistake around 7 o'clock last night. She became extremely weak due to diarrhea and caught a cold."
The doctor said, "Really? No wonder the patient is so dehydrated. I'll prescribe some medicine for her, and you can go and complete the hospitalization procedures."
When I was done with everything, I sat beside Hua Jingjing's bed in the ward. I felt exhausted, sleepy and tired. Seeing that Hua Jingjing's face was no longer red, her body was no longer trembling, and her life was no longer in danger, I felt like a huge stone was lifted from my heart. After I relaxed, fatigue came over me uncontrollably. I yawned violently, and before I knew it, I lay on the bed and fell into a deep sleep...
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024