Chapter 25 Who Pushes Me!

"It's so difficult!" Jin Yao said with a gloomy face when he saw Han Fei and Li Si coming over.
"It's not difficult. Although I don't know martial arts, I can learn it just by looking at it once!" Li Si looked at Jin Yao in surprise. You are a warrior of the Mohist school, and this is the Confucian sword technique. Shouldn't you be able to learn it just by looking at it once?
Han Fei also nodded in agreement.
"You're a loser!" Jin Yao turned his face away and didn't want to pay any more attention to the two of them. There are many ways to insult people, but you chose Versailles!
A weakling who doesn't know martial arts can understand it at a glance, but I didn't understand it!
Han Fei also looked at Jin Yao with some surprise. This was the Shanmen sword technique that all Confucian disciples knew. Some masters didn't even need a sword manual. They could imitate the Confucian disciples as long as they saw them take action.
He felt that Jin Yao was the latter, but looking at the young man holding the sword manual with a confused and bitter face, Han Fei touched his nose. It seemed that this guy could not be judged by common sense.
While Jin Yao was still concentrating on his sword, the dispute among Confucians had already begun, and Confucianism was divided into three factions: the realistic and pragmatic faction headed by Xunzi, the idealist faction headed by Chunyu Yue, the Confucian left faction headed by Zuo Qiuming, which had never been recognized by Confucianism, and the neutral faction headed by Gongyang.
It is still the old Confucian habit, and each of them promotes his own theory of the kingly way.

Only then did the mutual attacks officially begin.
"How much have you learned?" Xunzi suddenly turned around and looked at Jin Yao who was still studying hard and sharpening his skills before the battle, and asked in a voice transmission.
"I only know one sword skill, use courtesy first and then use force!" Jin Yao covered his head and just wanted to say one thing, Teacher, I don't know how to do this question, it's too difficult!
"..." Xunzi also fell silent. Are you sure you are Mobian's successor?
"Enough!" Xunzi thought about it, the truth is simple, maybe this kid has excellent talent in martial arts, he can master the ceremonial sword and integrate the twelve swords into one after just one look.
The most important move of the ceremonial sword is the first move: courtesy before force!
Thinking of this, Xunzi stopped disturbing Jin Yao. It is not easy to master something and reach perfection. Xunzi was looking forward to Jin Yao's action.
"Where are we now?" Jin Yao finally gave up the idea of ​​learning the second sword of the ritual sword. Xunzi said it was enough. That must be because the Confucian disciples of this generation were too useless. Just one sword was enough!
"Chun Yu's lineage said again that human nature is inherently good!" Li Si spoke up to remind, as if he was reminding a classmate who was truant in class about the teacher's question.
"Human nature is good?" Jin Yao nodded and quietly joined the team of Confucian disciples of the Chunyu lineage.
"What does he want to do?" Han Fei was a little surprised.
Li Si shook his head. He didn’t understand what Jin Yao wanted to do.
"Brother, human nature is good, and that is a great virtue. Humans are the most intelligent creatures in the world. How can they be worse than animals?" Jin Yao came behind a Chunyu disciple and reminded him in a low voice.
"What do you think, senior brother?" Disciple Chunyu was also watching the debate. After hearing Jin Yao's voice, he turned around and saluted, then asked in a low voice.
Chunyu's disciples were also very curious about the connection between the goodness of human nature and animals.
“A newborn lamb will kneel before its mother to drink milk; when a crow gets old, its children will go in turn to find food to support their parents.
As the saying goes, sheep kneel down to thank their mothers for feeding them, and crows repay their parents by feeding them. Isn't this the ultimate filial piety and kindness? If animals can do this, how can humans be any worse?
Even a ferocious tiger will not eat its own cubs, isn't that good? "
Jin Yao spoke so eloquently that all the disciples of the Chunyu lineage turned around, their eyes shining brightly. Yes, even animals have a trace of filial piety and kindness, and humans are even more so!
"Brother, please come up to the stage and debate to promote the righteousness of our Confucianism!" Chunyu's disciple bowed and wanted to invite Jin Yao to the stage to participate in the debate.
"I am used to keeping a low profile, and I am not good at fighting. I can only use one sword technique, the courtesy sword. It is better for you, my junior brother, to come up on stage for the debate!" Jin Yao pushed the disciple Chunyu beside him.
Disciple Chunyu looked back and saw that Jin Yao had already hidden in the crowd. He bowed respectfully. This was an opportunity to become famous in front of hundreds of schools. His senior brother actually gave it to him. How could he not be moved?

"This is the true demeanor of a Confucian scholar!" Disciple Chunyu sighed in his heart, and respected this unknown senior brother even more. Then, thinking that he must not embarrass his senior brother, he walked up to the debate stage with great grace and recounted what Jin Yao had just said.
"Please explain, Master Xun. Even animals have good thoughts in their hearts, so why can't human nature be good?" Chunyu's disciple looked at Xunzi's lineage with generosity.
Han Fei and Li Si both frowned. They compared humans to animals. They couldn't say that humans were inferior to animals, otherwise they would really be worse than animals, and would be despised by people all over the world.
"Can't argue with the other party?" Jin Yao looked at Han Fei and Li Si curiously. The reason why he went to help was that he was afraid that the other side was too weak and would be killed in one go. After all, Xunzi's side had three bug-level characters, Xunzi, Han Fei and Li Si.
"It's not that we can't debate , but this is a Confucian dispute. We can only quote Confucian classics. The teacher's theory integrates the theories of Taoism, Huang-Lao, Legalism, and Military Science, but none of these can be used. We are mainly based on Legalism!" Han Fei said in a low voice.
The dispute between Confucianists was too restrictive for them; they could not use the Legalist doctrine to attack the other side.
"Mencius can't be used either?" Jin Yao was speechless. I thought you were the big guys, but why are you such a loser!
"Mencius?" Han Fei and Li Si frowned and looked at Jin Yao.
The idea that human nature is good was proposed by Mencius. Using Mencius's teachings to criticize the idea that human nature is good is not just digging one's own grave.
"Two noobs!" Jin Yao looked down upon Han Fei and Li Si.
"I'd like to hear your opinion, senior brother!" Although Han Fei and Li Si were ridiculed, they knew that Jin Yao would definitely have a way to deal with the other side.
"If the farming season is not violated, there will be an inexhaustible supply of grain. If the nets are not set in muddy ponds, there will be an inexhaustible supply of fish and turtles. If axes and saws are used in the mountains and forests in due time, there will be an inexhaustible supply of wood. If grain and fish and turtles are inexhaustible to eat, and wood is inexhaustible to use, then the people will be able to live and die without regrets. Living and dying without regrets is the beginning of the kingly way." Jin Yao recited a passage from "Mencius: My Relationship with the State" in a calm voice.
"Then what?" Han Fei and Li Si were still puzzled.
"What else do you want? You still want to follow the Legalist approach. Since Mencius said that human nature is inherently good, then shouldn't it be human instinct to follow the farming season? Why do you still need Mencius to say that?" Jin Yao asked speechlessly.
Really a loser!
"Ah? Why didn't we think of it!" Han Fei and Li Si suddenly realized. They were used to the doctrines of Legalism.
What are the Legalists? They make laws to constrain human behavior because they believe that human nature is evil, so laws are needed to constrain and regulate it.
"Please invite senior brother to the stage!" Li Si was still bowing, wanting to invite Jin Yao to the stage.
However, Han Fei had already given Jin Yao a push, and Xunzi had actually been paying attention to these three people, so he gave Jin Yao a hand and sent him to the debate stage.
"Who pushed me~" Jin Yao was stunned. He looked at himself standing on the debate stage and looked back.
Xunzi watched with a smile, his eyes full of encouragement, and Han Fei and Li Si were also looking forward to cheering him on.

Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024