Chapter 25 I Hate You

Hua Jingjing didn't actually run very far, maybe it was too late. She found a small mound less than 50 meters away from me and immediately hid behind it.
It was late at night and quiet. Although we were fifty meters apart, the sound of venting could still be clearly heard by me. I held back my smile, took out a cigarette, lit it and smoked while waiting. I thought to myself: After this incident, this woman will never be able to raise her head in front of me. She will also hate me even more. The war between her and me has just begun! Alas! With her vicious nature, I will be in great trouble in the future. Although I have the upper hand now, I can't guarantee that she won't make me look like she did tonight in the future. It's really... a headache! It seems that I have to be doubly careful from now on. That kind of life is not easy! It would be better if she fired me tomorrow, so that I don't have to live an inhuman life with fear all day long.
I changed my mind and thought, "Why should I wait for her to fire me? Why don't I just quit my job? Wouldn't that make me get rid of this woman forever? From now on, I will be free to do whatever I want. No one will tell me what to do anymore."
But I immediately rejected this idea, thinking: I am a typical coward, I am afraid of this woman, I am afraid of revenge. I am nothing special, but I will never be a coward. If she wants to bully me, then go ahead. Although a good man does not fight with a woman, how can I, Tang Qian, a man, be bullied by a woman?
While I was daydreaming, Hua Jingjing's cell phone on the seat suddenly started playing a song. There was a call. I didn't want to answer it and let it stop. But the phone kept ringing, endlessly. I had to change my mind and took her phone. I saw the Chinese characters on the caller ID: home.
It seemed to be Hua Jingjing's family calling, so I shouted towards the mound, "Hello! You're on the phone!"
After waiting for a while, there was no response from the mound!
I shouted again: "It's your family calling!"
This time, there was finally a response from behind the mound. Hua Jingjing's weak voice came: "No!"
"But it keeps ringing! It's been ringing for a long time."
"Just turn it off! Also, don't talk to me. Are you afraid that others don't know that I'm here... here!"
I was delighted and looked around. It was dark in the wilderness, so how could anyone be there? I shook my head and turned off my ringing phone.
Hua Jingjing had just closed her phone when I suddenly heard a burst of ringing in my pocket. I threw away the cigarette butt, took out my own phone and saw that it was Qiu Jieqin calling.
"Hey, what's up?"
Qiu Jieqin's resentful voice came from the phone: "You promised me that you would call me today, and I have been waiting until now, but you haven't called me yet, why?"
I then remembered that I had promised last night that I would call her today. I hurriedly said, "Oh! I'm so sorry, I was so busy today that I forgot about it. I'm sorry!"
"Tang Qian, tell me the truth, did you do this on purpose? Do I really disgust you so much?"
"No, I was discussing a business deal with my boss today and was quite busy, so I forgot about it. It really wasn't intentional."
"Are you really so busy that you don't even have time to make a phone call? I know that you never take me seriously at all, and you never realize that there is a woman who needs your care. I... I have such a miserable life..." As she spoke, she actually began to sob.
I was speechless for a long time before I said, "Don't cry yet. I was wrong. I promise I will never forget it again, okay?"
"I don't believe it. You promised me yesterday."
"That... that's a special case. This time it's real. If I forget again in the future, I'll... I'll fine you. A heavy fine, okay?"
"Tsk! Who wants your fine? Are you rich?"
"Yes! Because I don't have much money, a fine is a very serious punishment for me. Am I sincere enough?"
At this time, Hua Jingjing called me from the other side of the mound: "Tang Qian!"
I moved the phone away from me and responded, “Huh?”
Hua Jingjing said after a while: "Look in my bag for tissues. I... didn't bring any."
I remembered that she had just run out in a hurry, and it seemed that she didn't bring anything with her. It was winter in the wilderness, and there was not even a blade of grass on the ground. What could she use to wipe...that?
I smiled and said, "Okay, I'll look for it, you wait." Then I put the phone to my lips and said, "That's it for now, I have something else to do."
Qiu Jieqin asked suspiciously, "Who were you talking to just now? A man or a woman?"
I said, "Don't guess blindly, it's my boss. We ran into some trouble on the road and she's calling me. I'll hang up first. Bye!"
I took my phone back, opened the bag Hua Jingjing had left in the car, and after searching for a long time, I finally found a small pack of tissues. I got out of the car and walked towards the mound. The wind was strong in the wilderness at night, and it was very cold. I suddenly had a dirty thought: It's so windy and cold here, and she's been squatting there for a long time, don't let her butt get frozen.
Then I couldn't stop the smirk on my face. Sometimes I felt very confused. I was originally a very kind person, but why was it that when I fought with Hua Jingjing, all kinds of despicable and shameless bad thoughts popped up in my mind and I couldn't stop them?
As soon as they approached the mound, Hua Jingjing shouted, "Don't come over here! Stand there and don't move!"
I stopped and said with a smile, "How can I give you this paper if you don't let me come over?"
Hua Jingjing said: "Anyway, you can't come over here! You, you can throw it over here!"
I estimated that it was about seven or eight meters from here to the back of the mound. How could I throw this light half pack of tissues over there? So I took a few steps forward and stood in front of the mound. Hua Jingjing heard my footsteps and screamed in fear: "Tang Qian! If you dare to come over, I...I will die in front of you!"
I laughed and said, "It stinks there, who would want to come over? Watch out, I'm throwing the tissue over there." As I said that, I threw the tissue behind the mound.
But the tissue was too light and the wind was too strong. As soon as I threw it over, I saw the package of tissue being blown away from the mound and far to the side.
Behind the mound, Hua Jingjing was furious and anxious, and angrily said, "Damn Tang Qian! You did it on purpose!" I still smiled and said, "The wind is too strong, what can I do? Otherwise, go pick it up yourself?"
Hua Jingjing was so angry that she couldn't speak for a long time, and then she shouted: "How can I pick it up in my condition? Do you still want me to beg you?"
I saw the pack of tissues being blown farther and farther away by the wind. I could no longer see its shadow in the dark night. I hurriedly looked in the direction where it was blown away. I chased it for about 20 meters before I found it. I took it in my hand, smiled evilly, and walked towards Hua Jingjing.
Actually, I didn't mean to do anything obscene, I just wanted to see Hua Jingjing's horrified expression when she saw me approaching. Thinking of making her so embarrassed, I felt a surge of pleasure all over my body, and for a moment I forgot that my action was already extremely obscene.
As expected, when Hua Jingjing saw me walking towards her in a swagger, she was so shocked that she almost fainted. She was filled with shame and anger, but suddenly she thought of an idea and immediately took off her coat and used it to block herself.
I deliberately tried to provoke her, and said with a smile: "The smell here is so weird!" As I said that, I walked to her, handed her the tissue, and said: "Take it, don't let the wind blow it away again."
Hua Jingjing stretched out a hand and grabbed the tissue, saying in a trembling voice: " get out of here!" As she spoke, two lines of tears rolled down from her eyes again.
I laughed and turned away. At the same time, I felt a little guilty. Although this woman didn't deserve sympathy, wasn't it a bit too much for me to bully her like this?
I got back in the car and lit another cigarette.
I think I've taught Hua Jingjing enough lessons. If she keeps going on, I'm afraid she'll go crazy. I should forgive her when I can. After all, it's not a deep hatred. As long as she doesn't attack me, there's no need for me to take the initiative to provoke her.
After a while, Hua Jingjing staggered back, panting, and sat in the driver's seat, slumped there, motionless. Her face was pale, her breath was weak, and there were still traces of tears on her cheeks.
I kindly asked her, "How do you feel? Are you feeling better?"
It would have been fine if I hadn't asked. As soon as I asked, Hua Jingjing couldn't stop crying again. She gritted her teeth and said, "Tang Qian! I hate you! I hate you to death! I will hate you forever!"
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024