Chapter 24 Genius Commander

Sun Ping was very surprised to learn that it was King Qingji of Wu who came to visit.
He knew that if he resigned without saying goodbye, he might be wanted by the State of Wu, or Qingji might be eager to recruit talented people and send someone to invite him out of retirement.
However, what Sun Ping never expected was that Qingji would be so humble.
He did not hesitate to put aside the complicated government affairs and visit in person!
This is naturally a great honor for Sun Ping.
Sun Ping and his son quickly invited Qingji to the bamboo house and sat them facing each other on a tatami.
"Mr. Changqing, is 'Changqing' your name or your courtesy name?"
Qingji asked in confusion.
Get to the bottom of it!
Gai Yinqingji realized that the man in front of him, who was about the same age as him, might be the famous military saint Sun Wu in history!
My son?
Qingji still didn't understand what Sun Ping had just called Sun Changqing.

If it is the former, then this person is most likely Sun Wu!
Because Qingji vaguely remembered that in history, Sun Wu was a native of Qi, who fled to the southern Wu State due to civil strife and was eventually recommended to Helu by Wu Zixu.
The Battle of Baiju, five wins in five battles, and a thousand miles of advance into Ying!
The unprecedented "The Art of War" is the work of Sun Wu.
"To be honest with you, King Wu, my surname is Sun, my given name is Wu, and my courtesy name is Changqing."
Sun Wu replied.
In this era, most people with surnames were aristocrats, and it is hard to say whether they had characters or not.
Probably because courtesy names were not yet popular at that time!
For example, Qingji, Sun Ping, Ji Zha and others did not have their own courtesy names, but they were still prominent aristocrats and famous throughout the world.
The era when courtesy names were most popular was the Three Kingdoms period!
Basically, people who can read and write have their own courtesy names.
Sun Wu!
It’s actually Sun Wu!
Qingji's face couldn't help but twitch, and he tried hard to suppress the ecstasy in his heart.
Found a treasure!
It was really worth the trip!
He is Sun Wu, the military saint who is recorded in history!
The teacher of military strategists for generations, the originator of Eastern military science!
In history, the State of Wu was able to threaten Qi and Jin in the north and conquer the Yue people in the south, and Sun Wu played an indispensable role in this process.
Defeating the Chu army of 200,000 with only 30,000 men is not something that everyone can do!
"Sun Wu, Sun Wu, what a good name. To stop war with martial arts, only those who can stop war can be called martial artists. I'm sure your father had high hopes for you when he gave you this name."
Qingji suppressed his inner excitement and spoke in a calm manner.
"Your Majesty, you are too kind."
Sun Ping said very modestly: "The name Sun Wu was not given by me, but by my father Shu."
"Ancient military books say that 'military power has seven virtues', which means that military power can be used to prohibit violence, eliminate war, maintain strength, consolidate achievements, stabilize the people, coordinate the masses and enrich wealth!"
"The name Sun Wu is a reflection of my father's high hopes."
"The name Changqing was also chosen by my father. I only hope that Sun Wu can also achieve great achievements like his ancestors in the future, become an official in the court, and become a general!"
"It's just that I never thought...Alas!"
Sun Ping looked indescribable.
The ancestors of Sun Ping and his son were prominent for generations , and their definite lineage started from Yu Yanfu, a descendant of Shun!
When King Wu of Zhou conquered King Zhou of Zhou, Yu Yanfu was the official in charge of pottery making and managed all the craftsmen engaged in pottery making.
Because of his good management and complete equipment, King Wu of Zhou married his eldest daughter Da Ji to Man, the son of his father-in-law, and granted him the area around Chen and established the State of Chen. The King of Zhou also gave Man the surname Gui.
He was called Hu Gong and became the first monarch of the State of Chen!
Starting from Hu Gongman, the throne was passed down through ten generations of twelve monarchs. During the reign of Duke Huan, civil strife broke out in the State of Chen.
Wan, the son of Duke Li of Chen, was unable to ascend the throne due to internal strife and fled to Qi. He was the direct ancestor of Sun Ping and Sun Wu, father and son.
Chen Wan was active in the State of Qi, and by the time of his fourth-generation grandson Tian Huanzi (Tian Wu Yu), he had already been promoted to the position of "Shang Daifu".
Tian Huanzi (Tian Wu Yu) had five sons: Tian Wuzi (Tian Kai), Tian Xizi (Tian Qi), Chen Zhaozi (Tian Zhao), Tian Shu, and Zidan.
Among them, Tian Shu was granted the title of Le'an and the surname Sun by Duke Jing of Qi in the 19th year of Duke Zhao (521 BC) for his meritorious service in conquering Ju. Sun Shu (Tian Shu) was the grandfather of Sun Wu. Sun Shu gave birth to Ping, and Ping gave birth to Sun Wu!

From this perspective, Sun Wu and Tian He, who later replaced the Qi Dynasty with the Tian clan, are of the same clan and origin.
"Sun Qing, I believe that with your and your son's talents, it will be no problem for you to bring glory to our family and revive the Sun family in the future!"
“Your Majesty…”
Qingji looked at Sun Ping standing to one side, and said with a rather sad face: "Sun Qing, why did you abandon me? Without Sun Qing, how could I easily enter the capital of Wu?"
"Since ancient times, rewards and punishments have been clearly defined. Merits must be rewarded, and faults must be punished. On the day we entered the city, Sun Qing resigned and left. Isn't that putting me in an unjust and untrustworthy position?"
"Your Majesty, you are too kind."
Sun Ping was very embarrassed.
Qingji said again: "Why do you say it's important? You have great talent, how can you bury it in this remote mountain area? Please put the affairs of the country and the clan first."
"You have helped Wu to become the hegemon of the world, Sun Qing has made his name known among the princes, and the Sun family has shared the joys and sorrows of the country. Isn't that wonderful?"
Hearing this, Sun Ping was quite moved, but he still calmed himself down and said, "Your Majesty, I really have no interest in the battlefield, nor in the court. If Your Majesty wants a wise man, Sun Wu must be more suitable."
Sun Ping recommended his son!
No one knows a son better than his father!
How could Sun Ping not know about Sun Wu's abilities?
Sun Wu was a man of extraordinary talent. His achievements in military affairs were so impressive that even Sun Ping and his father Sun Shu were ashamed of themselves!
Sun Wu's eyes were very complicated.
As the saying goes, learn literary and martial arts and sell them to the emperor!
Sun Wu was a man of great talent, so he naturally longed to realize his ambitions, become famous, and leave his name and deeds in the history books.
However, Sun Wu did not want such an opportunity to be given to him by his father.
"Wu'er, go to your room and take out the scrolls of military strategy for the king to read."
art of war?
Could it be the legendary "The Art of War"?
Qingji was very curious.
Could it be that Sun Wu had already written the Art of War at this time?
Sun Wu immediately returned to his room and moved a pile of bamboo slips in front of Qingji.
With doubt in his heart, Qingji opened the bamboo slips and was immediately stunned!
The opening of the bamboo slips clearly reads: War is a major issue for a country, a matter of life and death, a road to survival and destruction, and must be carefully considered...
This is clearly text from "The Art of War"!
The more Qingji looked, the more frightened he became.
Now Sun Wu has actually written the Art of War!
You have to know that Sun Wu was only in his early thirties, had not yet made his debut, and had no experience in leading troops in combat.
Sure enough, outstanding commanders are born!
Like Han Xin, Sun Wu, and Xu Da, as soon as they debuted, they could lead an army of millions and win every attack and battle.
Zhao Kuo, who was good at talking about war on paper, was just a younger brother in front of them...
From this we can see that Sun Wu is definitely a genius commander!
"Mr. Changqing, Mr. Sunqing, both of you have great talents, like Yi Yin of Shang, Jiang Shang of Zhou, and Guan Zhong of Qi!"
"If Qingji could obtain the two ministers, it would be like a tiger with wings. Why would he worry about not achieving his hegemony and the prosperity of the Wu Kingdom?"

Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024