Chapter 24 Black Tower Space Station 2

  "You need someone to watch over Metropolis for you," Batman said coldly.

  You see, this person has this ability. He turned "I want to help you look after your city" into "You can't abandon your responsibilities, your city is not safe." Superman can now understand Batman's implied meaning only because the previous adjustment was painful enough.

  Superman, who is good at self-PUA and beautifying Batman, readily follows suit:

  "Then I'll leave it to you, Batman. If there is any extreme situation, please delay for a while. I will rush back from space immediately."

  "I'll help you keep an eye on Luther." With a beep, Batman hung up the phone.

  "Okay, okay, I'll bring you a signed photo of the Black Tower, and all the information I can collect on the space station." Superman talked to himself on the hung up line, he knew Batman was listening.

  After the call ended, Superman wanted to pick up his interview notes again, but just a short while later, another call came in:

  "Are you there, Superman?" Wonder Woman asked in the sunshine on the other side of the earth. The waves were crashing against the shore and the cries of seagulls were loud and vast.

  "I have asked Batman to help me manage Metropolis, Wonder Woman, or are you here to get an autograph too?" Clark asked with a smile.

  "Ahaha, don't bother with that. I have a photo of me and Ms. Black Tower when we were young. I helped her a little at that time, and she agreed to fulfill a small wish of mine."

  Diana held the communicator in one hand and a photo in the other, looking at the yellowed photo in her hand. Next to her who was smiling happily was a young man named Heita who looked indifferent.

  Even though the pictures taken by the cameras at that time were so crude, it was still possible to see that Heita had a beauty as famous as her mind. She glanced at the person taking the picture nonchalantly, as if she were looking at an ant.

  "What? You never told us that you knew the Black Tower!" Clark was shocked, thinking that living longer was too much of an advantage.

  "First of all, boys, you didn't ask. Secondly, the Black Tower hasn't appeared for a long time. I thought she had left this world and gone to another civilization in outer space."

  "Then you call me..."

  "I want to tell you, Clark, don't use any stereotypes about scientific researchers to prejudge Black Tower's behavior. If you can't arouse her interest, you won't be able to meet her at all."

  Wonder Woman recalled her first meeting with Black Tower. The genius recognized her true identity at first sight, and in order to obtain her physical data, he reluctantly rescued Joseph.

  Player: At that time, I felt as if the knowledge was about to explode in my mind. It was my first time being a smart person and I was a little uncomfortable, so I hooked Wonder Woman to gain energy.

  Today, Joseph has long since disappeared with the years, but he also lived a long and wonderful life. However, the genius who amazed the entire world has been missing for many years. Although he is familiar with Black Tower's indifferent temperament, he still can't help but be shocked by the arrogance of this genius.

  "Clark, Black Tower is the most arrogant genius I have ever seen. All her actions are based on her own interests. She doesn't care much about the mundane things under her feet. The only reason she pointed out you is probably because you are a Kryptonian who has long been extinct."

  "Although I had a premonition, did the Black Tower really know my true identity all along?" Clark, who was suddenly exposed, realized something was wrong.

  "She is Black Tower, the greatest genius in human history. Don't worry, although Black Tower is arrogant, she always stands on the side of humanity. I'm afraid that this invitation to you to the space station is just a spur of the moment. Just treat it as a long vacation."

  Wonder Woman explained the image of the Black Tower that she knew and understood, and then hung up the phone. Now, Clark could no longer sleep, and lay there with his eyes open until dawn.

  On Monday, Clark Kent packed his bags and boarded the company's train, which will carry all personnel visiting the space station and board the company's starship.

  "Thank you, hello, please move aside..." Clark slowly found his seat, put down his luggage, and fell into the chair exhausted.

  Next to me, employees in company uniforms were chattering away. Behind me, a local tycoon was asking his friends for help in going to space. In front of me, a group of students in scientific research uniforms were secretly competing with each other, and each of them thought that they would be the last officer left.

  In this noisy little carriage, the young reporter from the Daily Planet felt out of place. He could only look out the window and observe the people coming and going.

  He saw a handsome plaster head passing silently outside the window, and Clark guessed that it was someone from the Society of Knowledge.

  Professor Veritas Latio felt terrible.

  He couldn't stand fools, idiots and fools, but he sneered at the company's bad taste and put these guys who were destined to be eliminated in the same carriage. This bad behavior was very bad, just like a noisy peacock.

  "Things that have no value should naturally be put together for easier management, right?" He could almost imagine the man answering him like this, his beautiful purple eyes full of calculation and indifference.

  But... he looked at the list in his hand, suddenly turned his head, and met Clark's gaze with his plaster eyes. This allocation was probably not done by that guy. Either the person in charge of this project in the company was an idiot, or a Masked Fool sneaked in and disrupted the allocation list.

  Clark was a little confused when he was suddenly stared at by the plaster head. He tried to use the X-ray to see the guy's true face, but as expected, there was a layer of lead filled in the plaster head, and he could only see the black lead head from the white plaster head.

  Is he crazy? Clark was powerless to complain.

  "Beep--" the train started slowly, the crowd outside the window fell backwards, and the plaster head disappeared.

  Clark withdrew his gaze, closed his eyes amid the noise around him, and waited for the train to reach its destination. In his backpack, Batman gave him no less than 5 monitors as a gift. He hoped that he would not be considered a corporate spy stealing secrets by the company.

  After an unknown amount of time, they arrived at a space base.

  Interstellar Peace Corporation is worthy of being a company trying to enter the universe. At a time when most countries cannot even go to space, it already has a mature space station and supporting facilities.

  The company's employees began to be issued thin space suits. In order to hide his special identity, Clark put it on after making sure that there was nothing special about the space suit.

  So they finally boarded the spaceship and looked at the entire planet through the glass windows on the side of the ship. Clark took out his camera and took some photos from beautiful angles, intending to hang them on the head of the bed as background decoration.

  Soon, everyone stopped looking towards the Earth.

  They all looked towards the Black Tower Space Station.

  "Oh my God..." A rich man exclaimed. The highest level of technology in human history was displayed before him. The originally huge spaceship became very small in front of this space station.

  After a brief surprise, Clark picked up the camera and started taking multiple shots. The crisp clicks awakened everyone's consciousness, and after a brief silence, everyone began to cheer.

  "This is the future!" they shouted, with undisguised enthusiasm in their eyes.

  The spacecraft quietly docked with the space station in the silent space, but it was no less than a thunderclap in everyone's mind. The moment the hatch opened, everyone expected to see the Ms. Black Tower in their minds.

  Unfortunately, the only person present was the space station staff member who was responsible for receiving them.

  Alan brought the defense department staff to maintain order at the scene.

  "Brother, the company has sent too many people. Will Ms. Heita really meet them?" a clerk asked in a low voice.

  The white-haired, dark-skinned young man held his forehead and sighed, "It's difficult for even us to meet Ms. Heita, let alone them. I'm afraid the company is just using Ms. Heita's name to make some money."

  Clark used his super hearing to continue eavesdropping on the conversations of the space station personnel. Although he was surprised that such a young boy was the head of the defense department, he thought that this was the territory of the Black Tower of Geniuses after all, so it was reasonable to have more geniuses for security.

  "But brother, it seems that the guy who was named is among this batch." The younger brother flipped through the list in his hand and was a little surprised.

  "How could something like this happen? Was it a mistake on the company's part?" Alan frowned and sent a text message to the young lady on his cell phone.

  Clark's heart skipped a beat when he heard his name, but on the surface he remained calm and followed the group to undergo security check.

  After two beeps, Estelle replied.

  "Stand still and whisper his name?" Alan didn't quite understand, but Alan's execution ability was top-notch.

  "Ahem, Mr. Clark Kent, please stand where you are and don't move."

  He read it out so bluntly. Superman, who relied on his super hearing to cheat, felt a little embarrassed, but since his identity was in the hands of others, he still stayed until the last one.

  The officers took the other people away, explaining that the identity of this person still needed to be verified. After experiencing their gloating looks, Clark looked at the boss here with an innocent face.

  Alan coughed awkwardly. "I'm sorry, Mr. Kent. I'm the head of the space station's defense department. You can call me Alan. There must be something wrong with the company's list. You shouldn't have been included in this batch."

  "It doesn't matter. I just want to know, can I see Ms. Black Tower?" Clark covered his vest with difficulty, hypnotizing himself that he was Clark Kent, an ordinary small town boy who relied on his own efforts to become a gold medal reporter.

  "I'm sorry, but we don't know much about Ms. Black Tower. I'll take you to see Ms. Esta, the stationmaster of the space station. She's Ms. Black Tower's student and may be able to answer your questions."

  Clark agreed to the terms.

  On the way to the main control section, he casually asked, "Where are those who came here with me going?"

  "The staff will take them to visit other facilities in the space station. If they can pass the assessment of the space station, they can become a junior staff member."

  "Can they really pass the test?"

  "It's difficult." Alan answered honestly.

  "So what batch should I be in?" Clark asked curiously.

  "You should be in the same box with the people from the Knowledge Society." Although Ms. Heita also looked down on the Knowledge Society, she couldn't say that you were supposed to be with a bunch of weird experimental materials, right?

  "I understand, Mr. Alan, but I'm curious, the Black Tower Space Station has been closed for such a long time, how come you can become the head of the Defense Department?" Clark's occupational disease as a reporter took effect, prompting him to ask this somewhat presumptuous question.

  But Alan did not give a direct answer. He just said, "The Black Tower Space Station is only closed to outsiders, but it is still open to the company. As for the rest... you will know when you meet Miss Ester."

  "Stationmaster Esta? Is it related to her?"

  Alan didn't say anything else, but silently introduced this superman to Ester.

  Stepping onto the main control module, Clark was somewhat surprised at how vast and busy it was. The staff were walking around in a hurry, and some floating little robots were holding a bowl of space fried rice in their hands.

  "Can plants be grown in space?" Clark glanced at the lush green plants in the flower bed.

  "It's a space plant, probably some alien species." Alan answered simply, as if the Earth had been connected with alien civilizations for many years.

  Don't take this kind of thing for granted! Superman quickly took several photos of the space plant.

  They came to the very center of the main control cabin, where huge lights were hanging down, projecting a model of the earth in the air.

  "Ms. Esther, Mr. Kent is here." Alan said to a young girl with pink hair. The girl did have a space station employee badge on her chest.

  Superman wondered if he was unable to keep up with the times. Under the huge projection model, standing there was only a teenage girl. She was young, beautiful and enthusiastic. Superman could even accept that she was a powerful congressman, but could not imagine that she would be the director of the most advanced space station of mankind.

  "Hello, Station Master Ester, you are much younger than I thought." Although I was shocked, I still had to keep smiling.

  Esta smiled, her bright blue eyes staring at the Earth superman: "Are you surprised? In fact, this was all the decision of Ms. Black Tower. She was the one who brought me to this space station and appointed me as the station commander."

  "I am indeed surprised, miss, but I believe that Ms. Black Tower must have her reasons for doing this." Clark answered against his will. He had a further understanding of Black Tower's arrogant and willful character.

  "I'm sorry, I didn't know the company had such a mistake. We will investigate this matter carefully." said Esther.

  "No, no, it's okay, I just took the wrong bus." Clark waved his hands repeatedly. He didn't want a poor little employee to be ruthlessly fired by the company because of such a mistake.

  But Esta shook her head seriously: "No, you don't understand, Mr. Kent, this is not just a mistake of the seat. The guy who replaced you on the space station is not the one who exchanged seats with you."

  "Someone hacked into the company's system and added a blank seat on the last train. That person boarded the space station using your name and identity, and is currently missing."

  "What?" Superman had a bad feeling. This feeling was too familiar, as if he had this feeling every time he was involved in some evil incident.

  Esta smiled sheepishly: "In order not to alert the staff here and cause unrest, we need your help, Mr. Superman (whispering)."