Chapter 24: Aihua Lianye falls into the sinner's trap

The more he tried to persuade him, the more dangerous Xie Lian felt. He said, “Everyone, move away. Don’t get close to it, and don’t pay attention to what it says.”

Everyone hurriedly listened to him and scattered in a panic. The face buried in the earth laughed and said, "Hey, why are you doing this? I am also a human being. I will not harm you."

Unexpectedly, at this moment, something strange happened. A businessman probably thought that he had to take some herbs back to save people, so he secretly walked forward a few steps, bent down and wanted to pick up the Shanyue grass that he had just thrown away in fear. The man with the face buried in the dirt rolled his eyes and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

Xie Lian thought to himself, “Oh no! Come back!” He rushed over and said, “Don’t pick it up! Come back!” However, it was too late. The man buried in the mud suddenly opened his mouth, and a bright red thing slid out of his mouth.

What a long tongue!

Xie Lian grabbed the businessman by the back of his collar and backed away repeatedly, but the thing that flew out of the man’s mouth was extremely long, and with a hissing sound it flew into the businessman’s ear!

Xie Lian felt his body tremble violently. The merchant’s limbs twitched continuously. He uttered a short scream and fell to his knees. However, the long tongue quickly pulled out a large bloody thing from his ear and retracted it into the mouth of the mianmian. The mianmian laughed while chewing, his mouth full of blood. He almost laughed to the point of flipping the roof of the shabby palace, and screamed, “Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! Delicious, delicious, delicious, delicious! Delicious, delicious!! I’m starving, I’m starving!”

The voice was sharp and shrill, and the eyes were bloodshot, so disgusting, really disgusting!

This man had been buried here for more than fifty years. He had been assimilated by this demon country and completely transformed into something else. Xie Lian let go of the right hand that was holding the businessman’s collar. His entire arm was shaking. He was about to chop this disgusting thing with a palm when he suddenly heard the buried man screaming again: “General! General! They are here! They are here!”

There was a howl more ferocious than that of a wild beast, and a black shadow fell from the sky and landed heavily in front of Xie Lian.

The moment this black shadow landed, almost the entire ground was shaken. When he slowly stood up, everyone was shrouded in the huge shadow he cast.

This "person" is really too tall.

His face was as dark as iron, and his facial features were fierce and rough, like a beast. He was covered in armor on his chest and shoulders, and was over nine feet long. Rather than a human, he looked more like a giant wolf walking upright. Behind him, one, two, three... more than ten "people" kept jumping down from the roof of the palace.

These "people" were all tall and strong, with similar builds, and they all carried a mace with densely covered sharp teeth on their shoulders, giving the illusion of a pack of wolves turning into humans. After they landed, they surrounded the people in the garden like a huge iron tower.

Half Moon Soldier!

These soldiers were emitting waves of black energy, and of course they were no longer alive. Xie Lian was tense, and Ruo Xie was ready to attack.

However, when the Half Moon soldiers saw them, they did not immediately rush over to fight, but instead laughed wildly and shouted at each other in a foreign language. The language was very strange, with tricky pronunciations and a lot of tongue curling. It was the language of the Half Moon Kingdom.

Although two hundred years had passed and Xie Lian had forgotten most of his Banyue language, he had reviewed it with Sanlang at the General's Tomb just now. In addition, these soldiers had loud voices, spoke roughly, and used simple vocabulary, so it was not difficult to understand. He heard all the Banyue soldiers calling the first Banyue man "General", and the conversation was interspersed with words such as "take away" and "don't kill for the time being". He took a deep breath and whispered, "Don't panic, everyone. These Banyue people won't kill people for the time being. It seems that they want to take us to another place. Don't act rashly. I can't guarantee that I can beat them. Act according to the situation."

These soldiers were extremely difficult to deal with at first glance. They were all thick-skinned and tough. Even if he had Ruo Xie in his hand, it would take a lot of effort to strangle one of them, not to mention that there were dozens of them at once? There were also a few ordinary people present. Since these Ban Yue soldiers said "don't kill them for now", Xie Lian was not sure that he could subdue all the enemies at once, and he had to protect others at the same time, so he could only wait and see for the time being.

Sanlang remained silent. The others did not have any ideas in the first place. Even if they wanted to act rashly, they did not know how to act rashly. They nodded with tears in their eyes. Only the man with the buried face was still screaming: "General! General! Let me go! I helped you keep the enemy, please let me go home! I want to go back!"

When he saw the group of Half Moon soldiers, he was extremely excited, screaming and sobbing, with some half-baked Half Moon words mixed in his shouting, which he must have learned randomly during the fifty or sixty years he worked as a fertilizer here. The nine-foot Half Moon man called "General" saw something twisting and screaming in the soil here, and seemed to find it disgusting. He hammered down with a mace, and several sharp spikes pierced the head of the buried man. He lifted it again, and the spikes embedded in the face of the buried man, pulling him up by the roots and bringing him out of the soil, fulfilling his wish of "let me out".

However, what emerged from the ground below the neck of the buried face was not a human body at all, but a pile of white bones!

Several merchants screamed in fear at the horrific sight. The head of the man buried in the dirt fell off the spikes of the mace, and his face was covered in blood. When he saw his body, he seemed to be frightened and asked, "What is this? What is this?"

Seeing that he really seemed unable to understand what this was like, Xie Lian reminded him, “This is your body.”

Just think about it. This person has been buried in the desert for fifty or sixty years. The flesh and blood in his body have long been turned into nutrients by the Good Moon Grass, and only a skeleton is left.

Tumaimian said: "How is this possible?? My body is not like this, this is not my body!!!"

His voice was shrill, and Xie Lian felt that the scene was pathetic and terrifying. He shook his head and turned his eyes away. San Lang sneered and said, "You are not used to your body now? What was that thing that just came out of your mouth? Do you think it's okay?"

Tumaimian immediately retorted: "What's the problem! It's's just a little longer than an ordinary person's tongue!"

Sanlang's eyes and eyebrows were full of sneers, as if he was disdainful to talk to him more, and said: "Well, not bad, a little longer, haha."

Tumaimian said: "Not bad! It's just a little longer. It's all because I've been eating flying insects and reptiles for so many years, and it's slowly getting longer and longer, and it's become like this!"

When he was first buried in the soil, he might still be alive. Maybe in order to survive, he tried to stretch out his tongue to eat those flying insects and reptiles. Gradually, he was no longer a human being, and his tongue became longer and longer, and the food he ate changed from flying insects and reptiles to more terrifying things.

But because he had been buried in the soil and had not seen his own body for so many years, he could not accept it at all and was unwilling to believe that he was no longer a human being. He tried to explain himself: "Some people have longer tongues!"

San Lang smiled. Looking at his smile, Xie Lian felt an inexplicable chill in his heart.

I have to say, sometimes, this boy's smile really makes people feel as if their face has been peeled off.

Sanlang asked, "Do you think you are still a human being?"

After being asked this question, the buried face seemed to have a sense of crisis, and suddenly became irritated and said: "Of course I am a human. I am a human!"

As he shouted, he tried hard to move his limbs, which had turned to white bones, and crawled on the ground. Perhaps because he had finally emerged from the soil, he felt genuinely happy and laughed wildly, "I want to go back. I can go back! Hahahahahahaha..."


His laughter was too harsh, and finally annoyed General Ban Yue. With one kick, the skull of the man buried in the dirt instantly shattered. And his scream of "I am a human" could no longer be uttered.

After the "general" crushed the annoying earthen surface, he shouted loudly to the soldiers. A group of Half Moon soldiers waved their maces, yelled at the group of people, and began to drive them out of the palace.

Xie Lian walked in front, and San Lang followed behind him. Even when he was being escorted by a group of fierce-looking Ban Yue soldiers, the young man's steps were still unhurried, as if he was taking a stroll. Since just now, Xie Lian had been looking for an opportunity to talk to him. After walking for a while, he saw that the group of Ban Yue soldiers were talking to each other again and were not paying much attention to them, so he whispered, "They call this leader's Ban Yue people 'general'. I wonder what kind of general they are."

Sure enough, when he asked the question, Sanlang answered. He said: "When the Banyue Kingdom fell, there was only one general. His name, translated into Chinese, is called 'Ke Mo'."

Xie Lian asked, “Grating?”

This name is really strange. Sanlang said: "Yes. It is said that he was weak when he was a child and was often bullied. He vowed to become stronger, so he used a stone millstone to train his strength, and thus got this name."

Xie Lian rubbed his brows and couldn’t help thinking, “That could actually also be called Dali…”

Sanlang added: "It is said that Ke Mo is the most courageous general in the history of Ban Yue Kingdom. He is nine feet tall and has great strength. He is a loyal supporter of Ban Yue National Master."

Xie Lian asked, “Even if Master Ban Yue opened the gates and led his troops to massacre the city, would he still be a loyal supporter of the Master?”

Sanlang said: "That's hard to say."

If Ke Mo still obeyed Ban Yue's orders after his death, then he would probably send them to the Ban Yue's place. If there were more Ban Yue soldiers there, how would he escape? What about Nan Feng who had led the two away? Now that he had obtained the Shan Yue Grass, how could he deliver it to the poisoned person within twelve hours?

For now, all they could do was take it one step at a time. Xie Lian walked and pondered as he went along, and realized that General Ke Mo was taking them further and further away, and finally, he brought them to a place on the edge of the Half Moon Kingdom, and then they stopped. Xie Lian stopped and looked up, and there stood before him an extremely tall loess wall, like a giant.

Their destination turned out to be the Sinners' Pit.

Although he had lived near the Half Moon Country for a period of time, Xie Lian seldom entered Half Moon City, and of course, he had never been near the Sinners' Pit. Looking at the Sinners' Pit from a close distance, he inexplicably felt a palpitation in his heart.

There was a staircase on the outside of the loess wall. As Xie Lian slowly climbed up this crude staircase, he looked down and observed with his naked eyes. Finally, he understood the source of his palpitations.

It was not because he thought that this place was used for torture that he felt a chill, nor was it because he was worried that this group of people would be pushed into the bottom of the pit, but rather a palpitation that simply came from sensing the existence of a magic field.

The terrain and layout around this sinner pit were deliberately designed to form an extremely powerful formation.

This formation has only one function - to make sure that anyone who falls into this pit will never be able to climb out!

The so-called "cannot climb up" means that even if someone puts a rope down or builds a ladder, the person below grabs this ray of hope and climbs up. When they are halfway up, the formation will be activated and the person will be knocked down again. Xie Lian calmly supported the wall with his hands and walked a section. He roughly figured out the material of the wall. He found that the wall looked like soil from a distance, but it was actually extremely hard stone. It might also be blessed with some kind of spell, so it must be very difficult to break.

When they climbed up the stairs and reached the top of the pit of sinners, standing on the eaves of the loess wall, the scene they saw at first sight could only be described as "shocking".

The entire sinner's pit was surrounded by four high walls. Each wall was more than thirty feet long and more than twenty feet high. Each wall was about four feet thick and stood tall. In the middle of the four walls, a huge square space was enclosed. There was no platform or crossbar to stand on. It was late at night, and it was pitch black and you couldn't see the bottom. Only bursts of cold and bloody air drifted up from the bottomless darkness from time to time.

The crowd walked on the eaves of the high wall without any guardrails, dozens of feet above the ground, and few dared to look down. After walking for a while, they came across a long upright pole in front of them. A corpse was hanging on the pole, which was the one they had seen below. The corpse was very small, and it was a girl in black clothes, with tattered clothes and lowered head.

Xie Lian knew that this pole was used to hang criminals who were maliciously humiliated. Usually, the jailers would strip the criminals naked and hang them up, leaving them to starve to death or die of dehydration. After death, the bodies would swing in the wind, be exposed to the sun, rain, and wind, and the limbs would rot and fall down. The bodies would look extremely ugly. The girl's body had not yet rotted, so she must have died not long ago. Perhaps she was a resident nearby. This group of Ban Yue soldiers actually hung a girl's body in such a place. They were really cruel and vicious. Ah Zhao, Tiansheng, and others saw this scene, all of them turned pale, stopped, and dared not move forward. Fortunately, Ke Mo did not rush them to go any further. He turned around and shouted loudly at the bottom of the prisoner pit.

Xie Lian was just wondering, “Why did you shout like that?” The next moment, his question was answered.

As if in response to his shout, there were roars coming from the bottom of the dark pit. Like tigers, wolves, monsters, tsunamis, hundreds and thousands of them, deafening. Several people on the eaves were almost unable to stand because of the roar. Xie Lian also heard the rustling sound of sand and gravel being shaken off. It was extremely clear. He thought to himself, "Only criminals would be thrown into the Sinners' Pit. Could it be that the souls of the criminals at the bottom of the pit are responding to the engraving?"

At this time, Ke Mo shouted again. Xie Lian listened carefully. This time, it was no longer a meaningless roar, nor was it a curse. On the contrary, it was an encouragement. Xie Lian was very sure that he heard the word "brothers".

After Ke Mo finished yelling, he shouted something to the Ban Yue soldiers who were holding Xie Lian and the others. Xie Lian heard this sentence clearly. He said, "Only throw two down, take the others and keep an eye on them."

Although the others didn’t understand what he was saying, they could probably guess what he was going to do, and their faces all turned pale. Seeing that they were so scared that they could hardly stand, Xie Lian took a step forward and whispered, “Don’t be nervous, I’ll be there first if anything happens later.”

What he was thinking was, if he had to go down later, he would just bite the bullet and go down to take a look. Anyway, it was nothing more than the same old poisonous snakes, beasts, evil spirits and evil spirits. Since he couldn't be killed by falling, beating, biting or poisoning, as long as there was no lava, flames or poisonous water below, it shouldn't be too ugly for him to jump down. Moreover, he still had Ruo Xie. Even if he couldn't use it to climb up due to the formation, he could still take over if these Ban Yue soldiers lost someone else. When Ke Mo said "Take the others away and keep an eye on them", it meant that the others would be safer for the time being. After all, it was not easy to capture a living person in the Gobi Desert, and they couldn't eat them all at once. Maybe they wanted to stockpile them and eat them slowly one at a time. He thought clearly, but who knew that someone beside him didn't keep his temper.

Since they reached the top of the sinners' pit, except for Xie Lian and San Lang who looked calm, everyone else was trembling, especially Ah Zhao, who was trembling particularly violently. Perhaps he felt that he was doomed to die and might as well fight to the death. Ah Zhao clenched his fists and suddenly attacked, rushing towards Ke Mo.

He rushed forward with the determination to die together, aiming to knock Ke Mo down with him. Even though Ke Mo was tall and shaped like an iron tower, he was knocked back three steps by his determined rush and almost lost his footing. He was furious on the spot, roared, and flipped his hand to push A Zhao down. Seeing the young man falling into the dark pit, everyone screamed in unison, and Xie Lian also said, "A Zhao!"

At this time, cheers and extremely cruel biting sounds came from far below the dark bottomless pit, like evil spirits fighting for food. Just by listening to it, you can tell that this young man named Zhao has no chance of survival.

Xie Lian had not expected such a development and was very surprised. He had originally suspected that Ah Zhao was a subordinate of the Ban Yue State Master, who was specifically luring passers-by into the Ban Yue Ancient State. He also suspected that the person that Tu Mai Mian said he had seen "fifty or sixty years ago" was also him, but he did not expect that this young man would be the first to be killed.

Could this be a fake death? It's not impossible. However, they were already captives of Ban Yue's soldiers. If Ah Zhao was really a subordinate of Ban Yue's Imperial Master, and had the upper hand at the moment, he could have just torn off his disguise and shown his true face, arrogant and proud. Why would he have to go to the trouble of pretending to die in front of them? It was completely meaningless. But why did Ah Zhao rush towards Ke Mo? Wasn't this also a completely meaningless death?

While Xie Lian was still thinking in a chaotic manner, the Ban Yue soldiers over there began to look for the next living person to push down. Ke Mo thought for a moment, raised his hand, and pointed at Tian Sheng. A Ban Yue soldier stretched out his big hand and came to grab him. Tian Sheng was so scared that he almost fell to his knees and shouted, "Help!"

Xie Lian had no time to think about it, he stood up and said in Banyue language: “General, wait a minute.”

When he spoke, a look of surprise appeared on his dark face. He waved his hand to stop the soldiers and said, "You can speak our language? Where are you from?"

Xie Lian said, “From the Central Plains.”

He didn't mind lying and saying he was from Ban Yue, but it was not feasible. He didn't know how much of the Ban Yue language he had picked up, and if he talked to Ke Mo for a long time, he would be exposed. Moreover, his appearance was obviously that of a Central Plains person, and Ke Mo might just be unsure when he asked him. Ban Yue people hated lying and cheating, and if they were exposed, the consequences would be even worse.

However, telling the truth has its disadvantages. The Ban Yue Kingdom was destroyed by the army from the Central Plains. When Ke Mo heard that he was from the Central Plains, a rage flashed across his dark face. The Ban Yue soldiers also started to shout and roar, using curses and derogatory words. Xie Lian listened, thinking that it was nothing more than "despicable Central Plains man" and "throw him down", which was not a big deal. Unexpectedly, he suddenly heard a few words "bitch" and was stunned. The soldiers cursed too fast and he couldn't hear the specific words, but he couldn't help but feel a little depressed, thinking: "I can understand the first few words, but why the last one? Are you sure you didn't curse the wrong person?"

Although Ke Mo was a general, he was not as easily excited as the soldiers. He said, "Our country has disappeared in the Gobi Desert for more than 200 years. You are not our countryman, but you can speak our language. Who are you?"

If he wanted to be polite to this group of Half Moon soldiers, he could only make up a story. Xie Lian couldn't help but glance at the calm and composed boy beside him, hoping that if he couldn't make it up later, he could just bite the bullet and call Sanlang to save him. Thinking of this, he coughed lightly and was about to start talking nonsense, but at this moment, there was another overwhelming roar from the bottom of the dark pit.

The creatures below seemed to have finished eating Ah Zhao's body. However, they were still hungry, and they all used this sound to convey their desire for fresh flesh and blood. Ke Mo waved his hand, as if he was going to grab Tiansheng again, and Xie Lian said again: "General, let me go first."

Ke Mo had definitely never heard of anyone asking to come first. His eyes widened like bells and he asked in surprise, “You came first? Why?”

Xie Lian couldn’t answer truthfully that it was because he wasn’t afraid. After thinking for a moment, he chose a very conventional and boring answer and said, “General, these are just innocent merchants passing by, and there are children among them.”

After hearing this, Ke Mo sneered and said, “When your army massacred our country, did you ever think that there were many innocent businessmen and children here?”

The fall of the Banyue Kingdom happened two hundred years ago. The Central Plains has long since changed dynasties. However, hatred will not fade away with the change of dynasties. Ke Mo said again: "You are suspicious. I want to ask you a question. You can't go down. You can't leave others behind!"

There was nothing we could do. Xie Lian was just about to go all out and jump to show his respect, but he saw San Lang taking a step forward.

Xie Lian’s heart skipped a beat and he turned around.

The young man folded his arms and stared at the bottomless pit of sinners with a nonchalant look. Xie Lian had a bad feeling in his heart and asked, "Sanlang?"

Hearing him calling out, Sanlang turned around, smiled slightly, and said, "It's okay."

He took another step forward, and was now standing in an extremely dangerous place. Xie Lian’s heart and eyelids were pounding, and he said, “Wait, Sanlang, don’t move.”

At high altitude, the hem of the young man's red clothes fluttered in the night wind. Sanlang glanced at him, smiled, and said, "Don't be afraid."

Xie Lian said, “Retreat first. If you do, I won’t be afraid anymore.”

San Lang said, "Don't worry. I'll be gone for a while."

Xie Lian said: “Don’t…”

Before he finished speaking, the young man, maintaining his arms crossed, took another step forward, leaped lightly, and instantly disappeared into the unfathomable darkness.

The moment he jumped out, Ruo Xie flew out from Xie Lian's wrist and turned into a white rainbow, trying to wrap up the figure of the young man. However, the speed of the fall was too fast, and the white silk was not even able to catch a corner of the clothes before it was withdrawn dimly. Xie Lian knelt on the high wall and shouted to the people below: "San Lang!!!"

There was no sound at all. After the young man jumped down, there was no sound at all!

Beside him, on the high wall, many Ban Yue soldiers shouted to each other, all of them were extremely shocked. What was going on today? In the past, they had to catch and throw him, but today, they took turns scrambling to jump down, and if they were not allowed to jump, they would jump down on their own? General Ke Mo shouted at them to calm down, and Xie Lian saw that Ruo Xie did not catch San Lang, so he did not have time to think about it, so he took it and jumped into the prisoner pit. Unexpectedly, when his body had already jumped into the air, the back of his clothes suddenly tightened, and he was suspended in the air.

It turned out that General Ke Mo saw him jumping down, so he stretched out his long arm and grabbed him, preventing him from falling. Xie Lian thought to himself, "You can come if you want, it's better if we go down together." With his mind urging, Ruo Xie was like a white snake, slithering around Ke Mo's arm and instantly entangled him. Ke Mo saw that the white silk was strange and unpredictable, as if it had become a spirit. His face suddenly changed, black veins on his forehead bulged, and the lumpy muscles on his body also swelled several times in an instant, as if he wanted to break Ruo Xie who was tying him up. Xie Lian was in a stalemate with him, and suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw something extremely strange.

The corpse hanging on the long pole suddenly moved and raised its head slightly.

The group of Half Moon soldiers also noticed that the corpse had moved, and they all shouted and swung their maces at the corpse. The girl in black moved a little, and no one knew how she untied the rope that was hanging her, but she suddenly jumped off the pole and rushed over here.

She was like a black wind blowing over the eaves of a high wall, fast and evil. The soldiers were instantly blown to the ground by this evil wind, and fell off the high wall screaming. Seeing his soldiers being swept down and falling into the pit of sinners, Ke Mo cursed furiously. His curses were extremely vulgar, probably using a lot of street slang, so Xie Lian didn't quite understand them. However, he understood the first sentence. Ke Mo was cursing: "It's this bitch again!"

The next moment, he could no longer curse, because Xie Lian suddenly exerted force and pulled him down into the sinners pit.

A pit of sinners from which you can’t climb out once you fall in!

During the fall, Ke Mo's roar almost pierced Xie Lian's eardrums. He had no choice but to collect Ruo Xie and kicked Ke Mo to get him to stay away from him to protect his ears. Then, he drove Ruo Xie upwards, hoping to grab something to cushion his fall, so that he wouldn't fall too miserably when he landed. However, the sinner's pit was built very well, and the formation was also very powerful. Ruo Xie was not only unable to explore higher, but also had nowhere to rely on within the high walls. Just when he thought that he would fall into a flat human pancake and be embedded in the ground for several days like countless times before, suddenly, a silver light flashed in the darkness.

The next moment, a pair of hands caught him lightly.

The man caught it accurately, as if he had been waiting for him. One hand went around his back and hugged his shoulders, and the other hand grabbed his knees, easily neutralizing the fierceness of Xie Lian's fall from a high altitude. Xie Lian had just fallen from a high altitude and suddenly paused. He was still a little dizzy, so he subconsciously raised his hand and hugged the other's shoulders tightly, saying, "Sanlang?"

It was dark all around, and he couldn't see anything clearly, and of course he couldn't see who this person was, but he still blurted out these two words. The other party didn't answer, so Xie Lian felt around his shoulders and chest for a few times, trying to confirm, and said, "Sanlang, is that you?"

Maybe it was because they had reached the bottom of the pit, but the bloody smell was so strong that it almost made people faint. Xie Lian didn’t know what was going on, so he kept touching up. When he touched the man’s hard Adam’s apple, he suddenly woke up and thought to himself, “What a sin, what a sin, what is he doing?” He immediately pulled his hand away and said, “Is that Sanlang? Are you okay? Are you hurt?”

After a while, he finally heard the young man's voice, coming from very close to him: "It's okay."

For some reason, Xie Lian felt that the tone of his voice in these words seemed subtly different from usual.

Jul 08, 2024
Jul 08, 2024
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Jul 09, 2024