Chapter 238: Personally teach the skills! Another incident!

"Junior Huo Ling'er..."
"Junior Jin Xiaoyu..."
"Junior Narcissus..."
"Junior Tu Desheng..."
"Junior Mu Zirong..."
On a barren mountain, five young men and women bowed together and shouted, "Greetings to Master Jiang!"
Xu Chong was depressed for a while, and said: "I have no intention of accepting a disciple, and your master and I are of the same generation. Wouldn't this mess up the generations?"
"You don't have to worry about that."
Jin Xiaoyu covered her mouth and chuckled, saying, "The great elders said that once this is accomplished, you will be the master of the entire Five Spirit Realm. We are just calling you first, not overestimating our own abilities and wanting to become your disciple."
"But this matter has not been completed yet, so let's put aside the title of Master Jiang for now and just call me Senior."
Xu Chong didn't give any explanation and forced the matter to be settled.
Naturally, the young men could not disobey, so they all changed their addresses and called him "Senior Jiang".
"Please sit down first and clear your mind. I need to understand your physical constitution."
Xu Chong flicked his sleeves and five cushions appeared out of thin air on the ground.
Several people looked surprised, looking at Fu Tuan and then at Xu Chong.
Huo Ling'er was the most lively one, as if she had found something new and interesting, and she ran to Xu Chong and asked, "Is this a creation? Have you also stolen the Five Elements Rule?"
Because they were too close, Xu Chong instantly smelled a natural and fresh body fragrance. He couldn't help but slightly tilt his body: "It's not the five elements, but space. If you have the opportunity in the future, you can also master it. There is no need to fuss."
Huo Ling'er was even more surprised, her mouth opened into a round 'O' shape, "The rules of space are ranked alongside the rules of time as the most profound and obscure rules, and no one has ever stolen them in the history of the Five Spirits Realm..."
"It should be more than just stealing."
The quiet and peaceful Narcissus suddenly spoke up, "If you just steal the rules, you can't create a small space to store things. At most, you can be faster when fighting or traveling... This should be the authority of space."
When these words were spoken, all the boys and girls were shocked.
Faced with expressions of worship, adoration, envy, etc., Xu Chong, a veteran, was naturally unmoved. He was just a little curious and asked, "Your ancestors should all know about this. Why didn't they tell you?"
Jin Xiaoyu smiled and shook her head. "The identity, origin, methods, strength, etc. of the senior have become the highest secret in the Five Spirit Realm. Only the Grand Elder and the Chief and Deputy Palace Masters of the Five Spirit Palace know it. We only learned some basic information after we were selected."
Is this necessary...
Xu Chong was a little speechless, but since the other person meant well, he didn't say much.
"Um, Senior, can we do it again?"
Huo Linger looked at Xu Chong hopefully and pointed at the futon: "I didn't see it clearly just now."
Xu Chong glared and said in feigned anger, "Hurry back and sit down, or I'll ask Daoist Fellow Huo to deal with you."
"Hmph, you stingy guy..."
Huo Linger pouted, shook her head, and walked back to her original position angrily.
Immediately, the five of them sat cross-legged and practiced the breathing methods of their respective sects.
After a moment, the breathing of one of them quickly became long, and his heartbeat, pulse, and so on all dropped to a critical point that only maintained physical activity.
Even Xu Chong, who was used to storms, couldn't help but be surprised.
Because the first person to enter meditation was Huo Linger, who seemed the most restless and mischievous, and was more than ten breaths ahead of Narcissus.
"Innocent Heart?"
Xu Chong seemed to be thinking about something.
After a while, the remaining three also entered into meditation.
It was at this moment that five strands of hair hanging down from Xu Chong's forehead suddenly disappeared.
Of course, it appears to have disappeared, but in fact it has switched into a form of nothingness.
Five strands of hair turned into transparent nothingness, one end was connected to Xu Chong, and the other end continued to extend, finally penetrating into the bodies of the five people.
"Sure enough, the yin and yang in this girl's body are not only very balanced, but also complement each other, making her more sensitive ."
"Compared to that, the other four are just like normal people. It's just that their bodies are born with yin and yang, but they haven't cultivated the power of yin and yang to stimulate the inherent yin and yang, so there is no such concept as 'balance' or 'imbalance'..."
"But we can choose according to the skills they are practicing..."
After a cup of tea, Xu Chong pulled back his hair and gently interrupted the meditation of several people: "Okay, you can open your eyes now."
“So fast…”
Huo Linger stretched and muttered, "It took a lot of effort to get into meditation."
Xu Chong ignored him and said, "I already have a general understanding of your physiques. Next, I will teach you several different exercises. To avoid interference, no one should disclose any problems with their own exercises to each other. You can only communicate with me individually. If you violate this rule, I will send you back to your respective sects."
Unlike the exercises in the Five Spirits Realm, the exercises in the Tianxuan Realm are designed based on the human body. Different exercises are clearly distinguished from each other and cannot be practiced at the same time. Even if one switches to another at a later stage, it will cost a huge price.
Based on this point, Xu Chong was too lazy to teach these five people separately, so he simply came up with this rule.
Fortunately, these five people all have the strength equivalent to the first level of Zhongdao, so transmitting sound is a very simple matter for them.
"Huo Ling'er."
Xu Chong's voice condensed into a beam and accurately transmitted into Huo Ling'er's ears, "You can no longer practice the Zhengyang Jin technique. Now I will teach you Mingyu Jin. The secret is..."
At the same time, a thin piece of paper appeared out of thin air and swayed into Huo Linger's arms.
"Jin Xiaoyu."
"The Golden Divine Scripture has the characteristics of being sharp, murderous, and restrained. I will teach you a technique that focuses on killing. Who knows, it may complement the Golden Divine Scripture..."
"Shuixian'er, this skill is called Taiyin Jin..."
"Mu Zirong, this is the power of withering and flourishing..."
"Tu Desheng..."
About half an hour later, everyone had acquired a Tianxuan Realm skill and understood the key to their own enlightenment.
Although according to the views of the former Tianxuan Realm, these skills are of different levels, strong and weak, this is not because Xu Chong is partial or chooses based on subjective preferences. It is completely the best choice based on their respective physical conditions.
Like Huo Linger, the yin and yang in her body are activated and balanced, so it would be best not to have another biased force join in.
It can be said that Mingyu Jin has no distinction between yin and yang, or it can be said that it is inherently balanced between yin and yang, making it the most perfect choice.
Jin Xiaoyu's martial art is called Blood Killing Power, and it is a martial art that many high-ranking officials in the Blood Robe Guards will choose. Its characteristic is that it has the bonus of Qi and blood, and its explosive power far exceeds that of ordinary martial arts. If it can be superimposed with the equally murderous Golden Divine Text, it can definitely exert a power that is greater than the sum of one plus one.
There is also Narcissus, whose innate constitution tends to be yin, and with the addition of the Water God Text, she actually has a bit of a pure yin body. So Xu Chong immediately thought of the Hua family's Taiyin power. Maybe he can really create a pure yin body without the help of external objects.
As for Mu Zirong and Tu Desheng, there is nothing much to say, as they both obtained the Tianxuan Realm skills that matched their respective five elements, and the quality was also top-notch.
"Well, this should be the safest way."
Xu Chong nodded secretly and said loudly: "Okay, now if you have any questions, you can ask me through voice transmission, and if you don't have any questions, you can start trying to practice."
The four of them responded in unison, standing up and striking their own poses.
The only exception is Huo Linger.
Huo Ling'er sat cross-legged on the futon, looking calm and still, but her uneasy voice had already reached Xu Chong's ears: "Um, Senior, Ling'er has a question..."
Xu Chong raised his eyebrows, feeling very surprised.
During the time he was walking in Daxu, he created many phantoms of light within Baiyujing.
There is one who goes out to accompany his wife and children and inspect the people's livelihood at all levels. There is also another phantom body that stays with Dou Tianyuan and Lou Youzhi to live out his retirement.
Lou Youzhi was fine. Dou Tianyuan would always take his phantom to talk about the past whenever he had time.
This includes Mingyu Jin.
It can be said that Xu Chong is now the person in the entire Daxu who knows Mingyu Jin best, except for Dou Tianyuan.
When he was explaining to Huo Linger just now, he was much more detailed than the others. It can be said that any creature that can understand human language would find it difficult to find any problems.
If other people have questions, he can immediately let his phantom body find the answers in Baiyujing, but what about Huo Linger?
You thorny guy, don't ask a question you can't answer...
With this unspeakable thought, Xu Chong sent a message back: "Speak."
Huo Ling'er's voice transmission seemed a little hesitant, "Will I, will I grow a beard?"
Xu Chong looked at Huo Ling'er speechlessly and asked, "Why do you have such concerns?"
"I overheard a conversation between my senior and my master and forefather, and they talked about the balance of yin and yang, so I went to check it out..."
Huo Ling'er's eyes began to be misty. "It is written in ancient books that men are yang and women are yin. Yang means men... If yin and yang are balanced, then it would be both men and women, right?"
Everyone talks about Yin and Yang and the Five Elements, but why is the record of Yin and Yang in the Five Elements Heaven so rough?
Xu Chong was depressed for a while, then he took a deep breath and replied in a voice transmission: "Men are yang and women are yin. This is just a general term, referring to masculine and feminine energy, and it cannot be considered true yin and yang."
"True yin and yang exist in everyone's body. It is very difficult for a person to be born with only yin or yang. There are only very rare exceptions. Moreover, pure yang is definitely a man's body, and pure yin is definitely a woman's body."
“More than 99% of people have a bit of yang in their yin, or a bit of yin in their yang.”
"No matter what the situation is, it will not change the characteristics of the physical body. Your worries are completely unnecessary."
Xu Chong paused and continued, "My body is in a similar situation to yours, with yin and yang in balance, flowing and giving birth to each other endlessly."
"Senior too?"
Huo Linger was a little worried at first, but after hearing what he said, she looked at Xu Chong, then looked down at herself, and suddenly became happy: "Really? Senior, you didn't..."
"Shut up!"
Xu Chong had a black line on his forehead and wanted to throw this evil girl out.
Huo Linger shrank her neck and stopped answering. She stood up and took a strange posture like everyone else, trying to practice Mingyu Jin.
Xu Chong closed his eyes and pretended to sleep, secretly paying attention to the movements of everyone's body.
Just like that, three days passed in a flash.
Perhaps it was because of the experience of enlightenment, or perhaps it was the combination of yin and yang that improved his aptitude, or perhaps it was because Ming Yu Jin's explanation was too detailed, the first person to master the Tianxuan Realm exercises this time was still the troublemaker Huo Linger.
As Xu Chong expected, the imbalance between yin and yang did not occur again.
"I've got it!"
Huo Linger jumped three feet high, waving her fists excitedly, "I've reached a new level of enlightenment!"
If it was someone else, Xu Chong might have given some encouragement, but Huo Ling'er...
A bad taste crept into my heart.
"After all, you are a descendant of Huantian Immortal Clan. It took you three days to reach the first level of enlightenment. Is it worth being so happy?"
Xu Chong glanced at Huo Ling'er calmly and said, "For a mortal like me from the lower realm with average talent, it only took me less than an incense stick of time to reach the first level of enlightenment from the beginning of cultivation."
"One stick of incense?"
Huo Linger's dancing movements suddenly froze, and she looked at Xu Chong with her big eyes: "No wonder the master said you are better than him..."
After all, he was still young and had the mentality of a teenager. Others were also surprised at the huge difference and couldn't help feeling ashamed, causing their postures to become a little distorted.
Seeing this, Xu Chong had no choice but to say, "Of course, you are not from the Tianxuan Realm, and your innate nature is somewhat different. Let alone three days, even if it takes a month to open your mind, it can still be said to be outstanding."
After these words were spoken, several people regained their spirits, adjusted their postures, and worked harder.
In fact, Huo Linger's qualifications are very high.
It seemed like it took three days to get the hang of it, but this also deducted a lot of time spent on familiarizing yourself with the exercises and correcting your posture and breathing.
And even if it was only three days, it had already surpassed the vast majority of people in the Tianxuan Realm.
No, not the vast majority.
The speed of awakening in three days is faster than that of all the previous Emperor Qing. In the Tianxuan Realm, except for Xu Chong who is suspected to have the privilege of time travel, he can be said to be the undisputed number one genius.
"I can only say that you are worthy of being the descendant of the immortals..."
Xu Chong added secretly.
However, at this moment, Huo Ling'er suddenly screamed: "It's coming again! It's coming again!"
What's coming again?
The four of them turned their heads curiously, only to see Huo Linger's body stiffened, as if she couldn't control herself, and she fell straight back.
“Hurry up and save them!”
“Senior, senior…”
The other four were shocked. Some went to support Huo Linger, while others called for help from Xu Chong.
What they didn't know was that Xu Chong had been paying attention to the situation inside Huo Linger's body from beginning to end, even during the brief conversation just now.
And it's not just Huo Ling'er, he's paying attention to everyone.
"No need to panic, just practice your skills."
Xu Chong opened his eyes and flicked his sleeves again.
A light breeze blew by, carrying the four people back to their original positions, forcing them to assume their previous positions.
Huo Linger was lifted up by another breeze and flew in front of Xu Chong.
"Incredible, really incredible..."
Xu Chong looked at the Fire Spirit with shock.
In his perception, the power in Huo Linger's body actually showed the same conflict as last time.
Although it was not caused by an imbalance of yin and yang, there were indeed two forces of almost the same strength that were constantly confronting each other.
The power of Mingyu Jin and the power of Huoshen Wen.
However, unlike last time, this time Xu Chong clearly perceived the source of the incident.
Let the strength grow strong enough to compete with the source of the power of the divine text!
Zifu, Huangting and Yuchi!
The three great Dao species!

Jun 20, 2024
Jun 20, 2024
Jun 20, 2024
Jun 20, 2024
Jun 20, 2024