Chapter 23 Red Brocade

"Sister Yang Shan, what's the matter with your visit today?" Shi Ning had a good impression of Yang Shan and poured her a cup of tea.

Yang Shan looked haggard, with dark circles under her eyes, "Junior Sister, can you help me see what's wrong with Hong Jin when you have time?"

Shi Ning didn't realize what Yang Shan meant for a moment, "What do you mean, Senior Sister?"

Yang Shan lowered her head and said. : "A few days ago, I noticed that Hong Jin seemed to be a little different. But there was no change when I checked his cultivation inner alchemy meridians."

Shi Ning listened carefully, a little confused, "Isn't this good? What are you worried about, Senior Sister?"

Yang Shan frowned and said, "It's different. Hong Jin and I have been practicing together for more than seven years, but I feel something is different about Hong Jin these days. , but I didn’t realize what the difference was at the moment.”

After hearing Yang Shan’s affirmative answer, Shi Ning asked cautiously, “So, does Senior Sister want me to go take a look?”

Yang Shan nodded, “Junior Sister. She is really smart."

"But, senior sister, I'm not the one to shirk it, it's just that I don't understand this."

It's really easy for Shi Ning to see how abnormal Hong Jin is.

Yang Shan looked at Shi Ning blankly, "But junior sister can even tame whitebait."

Shi Ning glanced at the sky and was caught in a dilemma. If Yang Shan is told about taming silverbait, Ao Ling's whereabouts may be exposed. If she didn't say anything, Yang Shan would feel like she was desperate to save her.

"Taming silverbait is not the same as treating Hongjin." Shi Ning declined carefully.

But Yang Shan held Shi Ning's hand tightly and begged: "Junior sister, just think of me as begging you. Hongjin is my first spiritual beast and has been with me for seven years. I really can't let anything happen to him. "

Shi Ning couldn't make any excuses, so she had to say: "Sister, please wait for me at the door. I'll come in a moment. "

Watching Yang Shan leave the yard with three steps, Shi Ning came in with two steps. Next to the fish tank. Ao Ling had already heard clearly what the two of them had just said.

"My benefactor, you don't have to panic."

Shi Ning held his forehead, "How could I not panic? I don't know how to treat fish."

Shi Ning even managed to get through every illness he got, otherwise he wouldn't have died young. Pass away. Not to mention treating a fish, let alone a spiritual fish.

Ao Ling, who had transformed into a fish shape, emerged from the water and said: "Don't worry, benefactor. In the past, I often treated everyone in the fish tribe, and I can also talk to the fish tribe. As long as I ask that senior sister to bring Hongjin, I will You must know what happened to Hong Jin."

Shi Ning said gratefully:

"Don't worry, benefactor, just bring Hong Jin."

After receiving Ao Ling's affirmative reply, Shi Ning opened it again. At the courtyard gate, he said to Yang Shan, hoping that she could bring Hong Jin.

After finally getting Shi Ning's consent, Yang Shan left quickly to bring Hong Jin over.

Yang Shan was very fast and came over with Hong Jin in a short while. Hongjin was placed in a square yellow wooden fish tank and swam around freely. She didn't look sick at all. She looked in better health than Ao Ling. Even when Shan Nai stared at Hong Jin, Hong Jin slapped Shan Nai in the face, scaring her into meowing.

Yang Shan looked at Shi Ning expectantly, "Junior sister, can you tell what's going on with Hong Jin?" Shi Ning

pretended to be calm and nodded, "Senior sister, can you wait for me outside the door for a moment?"

Yang Shan was stunned for a moment. , I immediately understood that many highly skilled doctors or animal trainers have some quirks. For example, they do not want outsiders to be present when seeing a doctor or taming spiritual animals.

For the sake of Hongjin's safety, Shi Ning did whatever Yang Shan said and waited obediently at the door.

After confirming that Yang Shan left, Ao Ling jumped from the fish tank to the wooden basin, causing ripples. There was such a big movement in the small wooden basin that Hongjin was suddenly startled and swam around in the wooden basin. Then Ao Ling swam to Hong Jin and said something in the language of fish. Hong Jin calmed down and became much calmer.

Shan Zhi lay on the wooden basin, keeping a safe distance, carefully observing Hong Jin, his nose twitching slightly.

Shi Ning touched the back of Shan Nai's neck and joked: "Dr. Shan, can you see what's wrong?"

Shan Nai shook his head and said, "I can't tell."

Ao Ling didn't speak for a long time. Shi Ning was a little worried and asked : "Ao Ling, how are you?"

Ao Ling emerged from the water and said in a brisk tone: "It's nothing serious. It's just that Hong Jin has grown up and is in estrus."

Shi Ning was also stunned and smiled: " What should we do? Find a fish?"

Ao Ling jumped back into the fish tank, "It's best to find one during the estrus period. You can just hold it in for a while and it will pass."

I want to find one," Ao Ling said with a smile.

Shi Ning: "As long as Hong Jin is fine, he and Senior Sister Yang Shan should discuss what to do slowly."

After hearing this, Yang Shan suddenly realized and laughed and said why she hadn't thought of this. In order to thank Shi Ning for reminding her, she even specially Gave her some fine spiritual stones.

Although Shi Ning didn't pay much attention to this trivial matter. But when this incident spread outside, things changed.

For a while, there were rumors that Shi Ning was hiding his secrets. Unexpectedly, he was also quite accomplished at controlling beasts.

Especially Ji Chiyang, who has always been arrogant and arrogant, is willing to take the blame and plead guilty.

At the same time, there was a hidden danger: people came to visit Shi Ning every day with their spiritual beasts. In order to avoid these people, Shi Ning had to go out early in the day and come back at night. Or just pretend to be dead at home and hide away for a while.

When Shi Ning was wandering in the mountains that day, he met Su Jinjin and Gu Chong. They were holding a lot of red ribbons in their hands and trailing several meters of wrapped red ribbons behind them.

Shi Ning asked in confusion: "Senior sister and brother, what are you doing? What are you getting?"

Gu Chong sighed and said sadly: "A few days ago, a thousand-year-old tree at the foot of the mountain was missing. I don’t know why it suddenly fell. These are the red ribbons on the tree for blessing.”

“The Lianli tree?” Shi Ning did have this Lianli tree in his mind. It was not far from the foot of Chengtianmen Mountain. It was said to have lived for a thousand years. Therefore, many lovers or couples in love will write their wishes on a red ribbon and tie it to a tree, praying that their wishes will come true and they will grow old together with the one they love.

"How could a healthy tree suddenly fall?" Shi Ning was puzzled.

Su Jinjin also said angrily: "Who knew? There was no wind or rain a few days ago, and suddenly it collapsed."

"Then why did you bring all these red ribbons back?"

Gu Chong muttered in a low voice: " Forget it, someone reported this matter to the Master. The Master felt that something was fishy, ​​so he asked us to check the situation. He also said that we should put all the red ribbons away and not allow any omissions. After curing Lian Lishu and bringing him back to life, tie these red ribbons back again. "

Is this what Elder Ling Che ordered?" Elder Ling Che looked aloof and cold. I didn't expect him to be so attentive and considerate.

While the three of them were talking, a gust of wind passed by and red ribbons fluttered in the wind.

Gu Chong and Su Jinjin wailed: "Red ribbon!"

Shi Ning also helped to grab the red ribbon floating in the air, and saw only one red ribbon written in Junxiu handwriting.

"May we be like Yan on Liang, and see each other every year."

The signatures below are Bai Yang and Ao Ling.

Looking at the word Ao Ling above, Shi Ning thought that he was the same person as Ao Ling in the courtyard?

After Su Jinjin and Gu Chong tied all the red strips, Shi Ning also handed them over. Su Jinjin saw the top one and said, "Hey, is this Ao Ling Baiyang the third princess of Canghai?"

Shi Ning asked, "Sister, do you know Ao Ling?"

Su Jinjin put away the ribbon and shook his head: "How can I know the third princess of Canghai?" " Princess, I just heard some rumors recently."

"What rumors?"

Gu Chongyao said in a low voice: "It is said that the third princess of Canghai had a falling out with her family because of a sword cultivator, and now the two of them have eloped. I don't know where they are now.

" They are all looking for the third princess."

Shi Ning was a little stunned for a moment, "Elope?" How could they elope to the Jade Lingzhu? This is ridiculous.

"Is what senior brother and senior sister said true?"

Su Jinjin: "We also went down the mountain a few days ago. I heard from people in Cangshan that the third princess disappeared after a big quarrel with her family. I don't know if she went with her lover. Where are you? The Canghai mermaid clan is asking various sects to find someone."

Shi Ning was a little confused for a moment, so he wanted to ask Ao Ling clearly.

After bidding farewell to Su Jinjin and Gu Chong, Shi Ning returned to Sui Yuyuan. As soon as he opened the door, he found Ao Ling transformed into a human form, chasing each other in the courtyard with Shan Nai. During this period of time, Ao Ling had cultivated very well and could already transform into a human form and move around at will. However, perhaps because of the natural blood suppression of cats on fish, Ao Ling always refused to retreat when he met Shan Nai, a little fat cat.

"Shan Nai, don't make trouble." After hearing Shi Ning's voice, Shan Nai rushed over.

"My benefactor, are you back?" Ao Ling also came over, "Shan Nai is so naughty and always makes trouble for me."

Shi Ning carried Shan Nai into the house, looked at Ao Ling, and hesitated before telling her about the red ribbon. come out.

After hearing this, Ao Ling was silent for a moment and said, "It is indeed what I wrote."

"I have been spoiled since I was a child and have a naughty personality. Once I went out to sea alone and was accidentally caught by a fishing boat. Bai Yang came out to save me, and later it was just like in the storybook. As he said, I fell in love with him at first sight, and we fell in love." Ao Ling smiled bitterly.

"As a matter of course, I took him back to Canghai and met his father, the emperor and his mother. Unexpectedly, my father, the emperor and his mother did not agree with us being together at all, and tried their best to persuade me. I couldn't listen, and later I insisted on elopement in order to be with Bai Yang. ."

Ao Ling's voice became deeper and deeper, and at the end she laughed sarcastically, "I thought that my father, the emperor, and my mother didn't understand at first, but I didn't know that they were far-sighted and had already seen Bai Yang's face clearly. "

My father was furious, but I insisted on being with Bai Yang, and broke off the relationship with my father and chose to elope with Bai Yang. But one day soon after the elopement, I accidentally learned of his conspiracy, and all the sweet words from Bai Yang were false." The real target is the Canghai clan."

"After Bai Yang knew that I knew this secret, he naturally couldn't tolerate me. The killer he sent had an old relationship with me and couldn't bear to kill me directly, so he trapped me in the Jade Spirit Bead. If no one saves me within three days, I will definitely die."

"You know what happened next," Ao Ling said as if he was relieved. "It feels much better to say it."

Shi Ning didn't know how to comfort her and said softly: "Your family is looking for you, go back and take a look when you have time."

Ao Ling was stunned for a moment and asked: "Are they looking for me? "I thought they didn't want to recognize me."

Shi Ning: "No, they have been looking for you."

Ao Ling's eyes turned red, "I thought..., I thought..."

"Go back and see them early ." "Shi Ning's family member died early, and he didn't feel much family affection. At this moment, he just wanted Ao Ling to stop being angry with his family. .

Ao Ling covered her face and cried for a long time before she calmed down and said, "I know, I will go back early."

Shi Ning had never experienced love, her mother was single, and even during her ignorant puppy love period, the only thing she wanted to do was go to school. For a moment, he didn't know how to comfort Ao Ling. After racking his brains, he said dryly: "There are many men, so don't be sad for them. The most important thing is that you recover from your injuries and be with your family."

Shan Nai seemed to understand but not understand. After hearing the story just now, Ao Ling also meowed: "Don't be sad."

Ao Ling nodded: "My benefactor is right, there are many men."

The two of them were chatting in the courtyard. At this time, Shan Nai suddenly interrupted: "Senior brother is here."

There was only one senior brother mentioned by Shan Nai, and that was Yan Huanming. Ao Ling quickly turned into a silver fish and hid in the fish tank.

Sure enough, as soon as Ao Ling hid, Yan Huanming knocked on the door.

"Is Ning Ning here?"

"Here you are, senior brother."

Yan Huanming came into the room and said with a smile: "You are lying here in silence, and everything about you has been spread outside."

Shi Ning said obediently: "Senior brother, you know "There are many people in the sect who say that wind is rain."

Yan Huanming pointed at Shi Ning in the air and said, "I heard that Ji Chiyang is following the Cangyu Pavilion disciples every day to count the roster of spiritual beasts."

Shi Ning poured a cup of tea, "He's really annoying. I just want to be quiet."

"You've had a lot of tricks since you were a child." Although Yan Huanming's words were accusatory, his tone was doting.

"Senior brother, what's the matter with coming here today?" Shi Ning asked uneasily. If Yan Huanming doesn't come, that's it. Once he comes, something will definitely happen.

Yan Huanming joked: "Why can't I come if nothing happens?"

"I'm just curious." Shi Ning whispered.

Yan Huanming said seriously: "But I do have something to tell you today."

"In a few days, you and I will go to Kunshan with Elder Lingche to see the wedding of Headmaster Lin's only daughter."

Author There is something to say:

put a preview of "I volunteered to be a substitute". After all, they gave too much.

The heroine who is sober and self-aware of her super strength vs. the violent and black-hearted male protagonist

Fanyin fails to ascend and travels a hundred years later to become the stand-in for the heartthrob Bai Yueguang.

After counting the many benefits of being a stand-in, Fanyin resolutely said: "I am determined to be the stand-in."

His childhood sweetheart's senior brother mocked: "A counterfeit is a fake, and the rouge powder will never be as good as my junior sister."

Fanyin squandered it freely . Holding a lot of money, he said: "Yes, yes, so just throw away any gold, silver, jewelry, or clothes."

The master of the sect said coldly: "A substitute is a substitute. Don't imagine that I treat you like she does."

Fanyin sat on the bench . He said, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're right, so the whole warehouse belongs to me."

The Lord of the Demon Realm taught him a lesson: "Recognize your status, don't expect me to fall in love with you, there are some things you are destined to get. "Not yet."

Shi Ning: "I understand, I understand, I can't get your heart, but I can get the thousand-year-old black iron and the ten thousand-year-old snow lotus and the countless magic treasures."

Everyone felt that Fanyin was hindered by oppression. The substitute secretly lamented that she was pitiful and pathetic.

But at the Tianmen Conference, three thousand evil cultivators were wiped out with one sword, and standing arrogantly among the heroes, it was the person they thought was the poor substitute Fanyin who stood at the top of the mountain.

Fanyin: "I can't tell you if you don't believe it. I volunteered to be a substitute. After all, they gave me too much."

Senior brother, master, and Demon Lord all thought that Fanyin devoted himself to training in order to be worthy of them. Said: "Fanyin, I am willing to give you a chance to be by my side."

Fanyin: "Actually, according to your seniority, you should call me ancestor."

Only then did they realize that the person in front of them actually single-handedly created the family a hundred years ago. Mahayana monks who fight against the entire world of cultivation.

As a born evil cultivator, Han Jing was sealed in a sword for thousands of years. Until one day, a girl broke the seal and asked, "Are you willing to be my sword?"

I am willing to be the sword in your hand, cutting through thorns and thorns, and overcoming all difficulties. Always by your side.

Passionate about acting, she looks pitiful. In fact, she has super strong martial arts and is sober and self-aware. vs. a bad-tempered heroine. A grumpy and black-hearted male protagonist who only listens to his wife.

Jun 13, 2024
Jun 13, 2024
Jun 13, 2024
Jun 13, 2024