Chapter 223: Finally they met, Xu Chong couldn't hold back any longer...

Daqing Arsenal.
Xu Chong stood not far outside the palace gate, and with a little sense, he found the entrance to another space.
To be precise, the condition for triggering entry is not the action of 'jumping', but to make the entire soul body break away from contact with the Daqing Arsenal.
Of course, there must be other necessary factors, otherwise it would be impossible for only one Jiang Shengjun to trigger it after thousands or tens of thousands of years.
"Is it what I thought..."
Xu Chong's eyes flashed, he took a step forward, and his soul body floated up.
The space suddenly turned.
After a slight feeling of dizziness, the scene changed drastically and turned into a monotonous quiet room.
Just as Jiang Shengjun said, an incense burner, a cushion, and an old man meditating with his eyes closed.
Judging from his appearance alone, there was nothing special about the old man. He didn't have any domineering air, nor did he look like he was dying. He was just a normal man in his seventies.
In the entire space, only the old man’s plain long gown does not look like the current style; it should be an ancient style.
"You are finally here..."
The old man slowly opened his eyes.
"You are the founder of Daqing, Jiang Wang?"
Xu Chong asked from a distance of several feet.
The old man did not answer, but looked at Xu Chong quietly...his eyes were extremely complicated.
Remembrance, emotion, and regret.
Xu Chong's heart skipped a beat.
From the beginning to the end, he had only two guesses about Jiang Wang's purpose.
One is that he cares about the Tianxuan Realm and has survived until now in order to guide future generations to save the Tianxuan Realm.
The second way is naturally to take over another's body, be reborn through another's body, and continue living.
And no matter which one it is, it shouldn't be the look it has now.
Xu Chong opened his mouth, not knowing where to start.
At this moment, the old man suddenly blurted out something.
——"The king of heaven covers the tiger of earth."
Xu Chong was stunned at first, and then he was completely stunned.
Of course, he was familiar with the phrase "the king of heaven covers the earth", and the second half of the sentence would even pop up in his mind instinctively.
But the problem is, there is no such sentence in Daqing or Tianxuan Realm!
Jiang Wang is also a time traveler? !
Just as he was at a loss, the old man scratched his head and said to himself, "Haven't you heard of it? Could it be the post-2000s? Hmm... Love you walking alone in a dark alley?"
Xu Chong almost spit out his tears.
Why is he walking alone in a dark alley? Could he have been in elementary school before he traveled through time?
"Still don't understand?"
The old man's face fell, "Could it be another native?"
"Okay, no need for the secret code."
Xu Chong waved his hands quickly, fearing that the other party would have an upset stomach.
I have to say that meeting compatriots in a different world is indeed a happy thing.
Even Xu Chong, who was so cautious, let down his guard and simply spoke in his native language from his previous life.
A language that is completely different from that of the Tianxuan Realm can prove one's identity far better than any secret code.
"Ha! Fellow countryman! It really is a fellow countryman!"
The old man was overjoyed. He stood up and spoke in his native language: "Don't mind me, brother. We can't hold on for long. If another native comes in, we will collapse in a moment... My name is Jiang Wang. What's your name, brother?"
"Your surname is Xu, Xu Chong."
Xu Chong responded politely and asked, "What is your current state ? Spirit? Soul?"
"The remaining soul."
Jiang Wang pointed at his old face and said, "Although the image is the appearance of the soul before death, it is incomplete. Only a very faint wisp is left, barely enough to maintain this space."
"All right."
Xu Chong nodded. "What you meant before was that this space can only accommodate travelers, and if outsiders come in it will cause collapse?"
"It's not that weird. When I preserved this remnant soul, I raised the threshold a little. You must have a strong enough soul to enter."
Jiang Wang explained, "This level of strength of soul can only be achieved by those who have traveled through time and space. Naturally, the natives are not up to the standard... As for collapse, just treat this place as a consumable. As long as you allow souls other than mine to come in, this place will be consumed."
"I see……"
Xu Chong nodded, and was surprised again: "Then how did Jun'er get in?"
"Jun'er? Oh, you mean my descendant?"
Jiang Wang recalled Jiang Shengjun, and a doting look appeared on his face: "Such a small one, really adorable... Uh, cough, well, the reason why Jun'er was able to come in is probably because he had close contact with your soul and was contaminated with your soul aura, so he was able to pass the restrictions I left behind."
Xu Chong seemed to be thinking about something.
During that trip to the armory, the girl did hold his thighs and he cried for a long time.
"Come on, don't stand, let's sit down and talk."
Jiang Wang seemed extremely enthusiastic. He moved the only cushion in front of Xu Chong and sat on the ground himself.
"It is not the right thing for a country of etiquette to steal the show."
Xu Chong said this with a smile, avoiding the cushion and sitting on the ground as well.
"You can't even trust me completely... It seems that your situation in the Tianxuan Realm is not very good."
Jiang Wang restrained his smile and sighed.
"The imperial court controls the world with the Six Covenants, and the emperor sacrifices the blood of all living things with natural disasters."
Xu Chong smiled bitterly and shook his head, "I'm afraid few time travelers will encounter this kind of hellish start."
"Blood sacrifice for all living beings?!"
Jiang Wang's expression suddenly changed, and he looked extremely solemn, "Has the Tianxuan Realm reached this point?"
"To be precise, Emperor Qing has been doing this since more than three hundred years ago, and it has been going on till now."
Xu Chong gave a more accurate number.
"It's been more than three hundred years..."
Jiang Wang muttered for a moment, then asked again: "What about now? How long is left in Tianxuan Realm?"
"Forty-one years."
Xu Chong replied.
Jiang Wang raised his eyebrows and instantly guessed a lot of things, "How many people were sacrificed in blood during this reign of Emperor Qing?"
"An entire province, and nearly a million soldiers..."
Xu Chong spoke in a calm tone as he gave a brief account of the whole process of the natural disaster in Yongzhou.
Jiang Wang looked puzzled, "Didn't I still have three thorns left? They were all used up in three hundred years?"
"You think too highly of them."
Xu Chong shook his head. "The three families of Fang, Lin and Zheng were afraid of being exterminated by the imperial court, so they used Dongtian as their base camp. At its peak, there were less than 100,000 people. Even if all of them were used for blood sacrifice, how much effect would it have?"
“One hundred thousand…”
Jiang Wang was completely speechless.
At the beginning, he forgave the three families and gave them the blood pool and the cave heaven in order to cultivate them as sacrifices. He never expected that after so many years, the scale of these three families would be so small... They are really good-looking but useless.
"If that's the case, it would be difficult for these Emperors of Qing..."
Jiang Wang sighed and said with emotion: "It must be hard to sacrifice people of the same bloodline and their subjects, especially the last one. He would rather bear the infamy for a lifetime than shoulder the sins of the next generation. He is a good emperor."
"I'm not finished yet."
Xu Chongyi grinned, "He has done more than just this one thing. At least, the death of millions of royal family members has no effect on the Tianxuan Realm..."
Immediately, Xu Chong recounted the story of the royal grand ceremony.
Jiang Wang was silent for a long time, and then wisely avoided the question of "Is he a good emperor?" and asked, "If the royal family did not die in the natural disaster, they would not be able to prolong the life of the Tianxuan Realm. He must know this, so... what is the effect of the inner demon swallowing you just mentioned?"
"Enhance the Purple Palace."
Xu Chong answered, thought for a moment and added: "But for him, the greatest significance should be to repair the incomplete Zifu."
"Yes, the price of creating the Six Covenants is that all descendants of the bloodline will definitely have an incomplete purple palace."
Jiang Wang looked puzzled, "What a demon devourer, he can actually do this... Where is he now? Has he left the world?"
Can you even guess this?
Xu Chong's heart moved slightly, and he nodded, "You guessed correctly, he did go out of the world, his purpose was to find the fairyland, but unfortunately... he failed, and was chased into the Tianxuan world by Xuwu, and died without a complete body."
"Nothingness?! Chasing him into the Profound Heaven Realm?!"
Jiang Wangteng stood up suddenly, extremely shocked and angry: "Damn it! He deserves to die! You should have killed him long ago!"
"It seems you know more than I thought."
Xu Chong laughed and said calmly, "But don't worry. I have killed the two Void Buds. They don't pose any threat for the time being."
Jiang Wang was stunned for a moment, all his shock and anger turned into confusion, "Killing the Bud of Nothingness... What realm are you in?"
“I don’t know the realm yet.”
Xu Chong shook his head. "The three great Dao seeds are still dissolving. I can only tell you after they stabilize."
“I’m afraid I won’t be able to wait until then.”
Jiang Wang shook his head and changed the subject: "But I can tell you for sure that if you only use the seeding method, you cannot kill those two buds of nothingness."
"I know this. Unless my power of nothingness reaches a higher level, I can only downgrade them to seeds of nothingness."
Xu Chong said indifferently, "But the Seed of Nothingness has no wisdom. Even if it returns to that great lord, it should not have the previous memory."
"You are right."
Jiang Wang agreed with this, but his expression was still solemn. "But you don't know that the Void Flower can share the experience of the Void Bud it gave birth to in real time from top to bottom, without having to wait for inquiries or readings afterwards... In other words, the Void Flower already knew the location of the Tianxuan Realm."
Before he finished speaking, Xu Chong's heart suddenly tightened.
Although he had taken precautions against this and started the large-scale migration plan in advance, both the large-scale migration and the active destruction of the Tianxuan Realm after the migration was completed to make it the nutrients of the Imperial Prison would take a lot of time.
If that Lord of Nothingness came knocking on the door before all this was settled, at the very least the Tianxuan Realm would be destroyed, at worst he and everyone in the Imperial Prison would die.
"But you don't need to be too anxious."
Jiang Wang spoke again, "There is no direction or coordinates in the Great Ruins. No matter what form of existence it is, it is extremely difficult to locate its position. Even the Flower of Nothingness will not find the Profound Heaven Realm so quickly, and it may never find it."
"That's good……"
Xu Chong breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time he was a little confused: "How do you know this?"
He couldn't help but feel confused.
Whether it is the history books of the Fang, Lin and Zheng families or the royal annals, the earliest records in them are far older than the time when Jiang Wang appeared.
There is not even a single word about the outside world in these records. How does Jiang Wang know it so clearly?
"Let me start from the beginning."
Jiang Wang's expression straightened up, "How do you think the Tianxuan Realm came about?"
"how come……"
Xu Chong was slightly stunned, and asked tentatively: "Among all the records, there is only one sentence about the beginning of the world. It should have been born naturally? Just like Pangu created the world?"
Jiang Wang shook his head, "The Tianxuan Realm was created by humans."
Xu Chong's pupils suddenly shrank.
"You said before that my useless descendant left the world to find the immortal world, right?"
Jiang Wang ignored Xu Chong's reaction and laughed at himself, "In fact, the Immortal Realm does not exist... because the Tianxuan Realm itself was created by piecing together fragments of the Immortal Realm."
Xu Chong's face froze uncontrollably.
"A long time ago, there were thirty-three thousand worlds and thirty-three heavens in the Great Ruins."
Jiang Wang spoke slowly and in a low voice, "The thirty-three heavens are arranged in a circular pattern, and the thousand realms under the jurisdiction of each heaven are also connected in a circular pattern, so they are also called the thirty-three ring heavens and the thirty-three thousand ring realms."
"In these one thousand rings, all living things can practice spiritual energy."
"That is the path of cultivation that you and I are familiar with, from training Qi to building a foundation and finally to transcending tribulation and ascending to heaven."
"As for after ascending, one will naturally enter the thirty-three rings of heaven, with the human immortal, true immortal, golden immortal, and jade immortal as the subsequent realms of cultivation."
"Originally, the opposite of nothingness is the thirty-three heavens."
"The power of the Thirty-three Heavens, and the circular defense that connects the beginning and the end, is enough to keep the void out firmly, and protect the worlds under its jurisdiction from being eroded."
"I don't know what happened, but the Void suddenly broke through the defenses of one of the thirty-three heavens, and eroded the one thousand worlds under its jurisdiction in a very short period of time."
"At this point, the entire stable structure composed of the ring sky and the ring world has been destroyed, and it can no longer resist the void."
"In order to prevent the truth from being completely swallowed up, several Heavenly Emperors united together and took the initiative to break up their own rings of heaven, piecing them together to create a new heaven that could exist independently, hiding it in the vast ruins, and becoming the foundation for the human race to make a comeback."
"In the end, at the cost of the complete demise of many Heavenly Emperors and their subjects, the Profound Heaven Realm was born."
"In fact, the caves you have seen, in addition to those that were naturally created during the creation of the Tianxuan Realm, there are also a small number of caves that were originally fragments of the original ring sky."
"For example, Huanzhentian, Changshengtian, Jixiangtian, etc. Oh, right..."
Jiang Wang pointed outside and said, "The power of "Words Come True" mastered by successive Qing Emperors was actually left by Zizai Tian. The only surviving Zizai Tian Emperor was also the earliest leader of the human race in the Tianxuan Realm."
Free Heaven?
Hearing these three words, Xu Chong, who was in a daze, felt a sudden palpitation in his heart for no reason.
However, before he could ask further questions, Jiang Wang continued speaking.
"Unfortunately, although the Tianxuan Realm was successfully built, its level is far from being comparable to the former Huantian."
"Not only have the rules left by Huantian been greatly weakened, but the newly conceived rules of heaven and earth are also not of a high level."
"The direct consequence of this is that I am completely cut off from the word 'immortal'."
" The Huantian people, who were already few in number, were suppressed by their former mounts, the spirit pets, and nearly became extinct several times, becoming the wedding dress for the demon beasts."
"Fortunately, among the surviving humans, there is one who ascended from the Ring World to the Ring Sky. He is proficient in a large number of cultivation methods, and has become a bargaining chip for the Tianxuan human race to regain control of the world."
"You know what happened next. The Yin-Yang Palace was established, the human race grew stronger, and then I traveled here, etc."
"As for how I know what happened before the time travel..."
Jiang Wang paused for a moment, pretending to be mysterious, and said with a smile: "Of course it's because I encountered the same situation as you."
"What's going on?"
Xu Chong was puzzled.
"The residual soul of the previous traveler ."
Jiang Wang's face showed reminiscence, like remembrance, like admiration, "The residual soul of the Free Heavenly Emperor who single-handedly led the birth of the Tianxuan Realm."

Jun 20, 2024
Jun 20, 2024
Jun 20, 2024
Jun 20, 2024
Jun 20, 2024