Chapter 205: When the Immortal Controls the Six Covenants

With a certain degree of confidence, Xu Chong turned his attention to more important things.
"Can the memories tampered by the Six Covenants be restored?"
Xu Chong asked.
"Of course you can, but it will cost you twice the lifespan you spent tampering with it."
Jiang Xinghe sighed and said, "I can no longer do anything. The new Right Zongzheng will take over as Zongren Ling after my death, unless you can find a way to make him help you at the risk of dying on the spot."
Life span?
Xu Chong's heart was slightly moved, "The position of clan leader must be taken over by the Right Clan Chief?"
"That's usually the case."
Jiang Xinghe replied, "Unlike other government offices, the five positions of the Zongrenfu, the Zuo Zongzheng, and Zuo Zongren, are all held by outstanding , and the screening and assessment are extremely strict. Once you pass, you can be crowned a king immediately and be promoted in order from then on."
"The only exception is the selection process where the entire royal family participates."
"I was able to become the clan leader because of the joint recommendation of the royal family members who survived the Imperial Ceremony."
"But this point..."
Jiang Xinghe couldn't help but shook his head, "I think it's more difficult than convincing the next clan leader."
"You keep talking about willingness and persuasion. Does that mean I can't coerce you?"
Xu Chong raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, "Could it be that after becoming a clan leader, one can gain powerful strength?"
"Not at all."
Jiang Xinghe shook his head. "The clan leader usually has extremely high talent, so naturally his strength will not be bad, but it is impossible to say that he is invincible."
"Whether it's tampering, covering up, or restoring memories, we need to enter the unique space where Liu Yue is located."
"This space has been tied to the position of Zongrenling from the beginning. No one else, not even His Majesty, can enter."
"If you want the clan leader to help you restore the memories of Lou Xiang and the others, you have no choice but to let him in."
"But after he goes in, I don't know whether he will listen to you or use the Six Covenants to tamper with someone's memory and inform the royal family to encircle and suppress you."
"What's more, they had already hidden in Xumi Heaven long before."
At this point, Jiang Xinghe paused, "Even if a new clan leader has to take over the Six Covenants after I die, he will definitely come out with a fearless attitude. Any means of coercion will only backfire."
I see.
Xu Chong understood and felt heavy in his heart.
He may ignore others, but Lou Youzhi and Dou Tianyuan can be said to have been very kind to him in recognizing his talents and supporting him.
Considering that the two of them had fallen to this point, he found it hard to accept just sitting back and watching them live out the rest of their lives with false memories.
Jiang Xinghe suddenly said, "It's not that there are no exceptions."
Xu Chong's eyes widened: "What?"
"Like the Daqing Arsenal, the Liuyue was built with the personal participation of Taizu."
Jiang Xinghe looked at Xu Chong meaningfully, "I think if it were Taizu, he would be able to ignore these restrictions."
Xu Chong narrowed his eyes, "How much of your lifespan have you spent on peeping into memories?"
"There is no other way. My choice concerns the survival of the entire world."
Jiang Xinghe didn't answer, just sighed.
He did trust Lou Youzhi and Dou Tianyuan more, but subjective belief alone was not enough to support him to change such an important decision.
What really made him make the final decision was a memory of Lou Youzhi.
The memory of the conversation with King Qian.
It was also because of this that after he spied on the memory, he deliberately concealed a lot of information about Xu Chong in his report to Emperor Yongtai, thus allowing Dou Tianyuan, who was supposed to be executed soon, to survive successfully.
“Nothing wrong with that.”
Xu Chong nodded, "But you can actually break the sky with one hand... I'm afraid not only me, but everyone else doesn't know it, right?"
"I'm not interested in this. I don't think there's anything to brag about in mastering a side skill."
Jiang Xinghe chuckled, "I didn't expect it to work so well in the end. I can only say that everything is predestined."
Xu Chong did not respond, but asked directly: "Where is Liu Yue?"
"Behind that wall."
Jiang Xinghe pointed to the east side of the hall and said, "Under normal circumstances, you can't get in without a clan order. Even if you destroy this wall, you can only reach the next side room."
Xu Chong didn't waste any time and walked straight to the wall.
After carefully sensing it, Xu Chong suddenly turned his head and said, "Don't worry, if I am sure enough, I will not sit idly by and watch the demise of Tianxuan Realm."
After saying this, Xu Chong took a step forward.
Then, he just walked straight into the wall.
In an instant, Jiang Xinghe's drooping eyes suddenly widened.
Really went in?!
"The wall is intact... he really went in!"
Jiang Xinghe was extremely shocked and excited at the same time, "Okay, okay, it's good to get in, it's good to get in, my bet was right..."
“Grandfather, Grandfather…”
"Daqing is saved, the whole world is saved!"
Jiang Xinghe kept muttering, hot tears sliding down from the corners of his eyes, divided by irregular grooves.

About an hour later.
In the backyard of the Blood-Clothed Guards, Dou Tianyuan, who was originally sitting by the pond and still in self-doubt, suddenly had a look of surprise in his eyes.
"Daji, King Qian, Lou Heizi..."
"Jiang Xinghe..."
"Not good! Xu Chong!!!"
Dou Tianyuan stood up suddenly. There was no more dejection in his body. Instead, he was filled with extreme anxiety.
Without even thinking, he started running out.
On the other side, Lou Youzhi had the same reaction at almost the same time.
The difference was that he was not panicked at all. Instead, he seemed to have expected it. He grinned happily and continued to review the memorials.
What really caused a stir was Xumi Heaven.
On the day of the grand sacrifice, Jiang Huaifeng took the lead in selecting the clan leader and strengthening the clan office, among other matters.
After doing all this, the royal family escorted the group of "traitors", namely the former You Zongzheng and others, back to Xumi Heaven, and completely blocked Xumi Heaven to prevent Emperor Yongtai from entering.
But soon, they fell into great panic.
You know, the only thing Jiang Xinghe used to cover up the entire process of the sacrifice was the catastrophe of heaven and earth.
Even when this rule existed, they hated Emperor Yongtai to the extreme, let alone when it was gone.
However, they did not know that Jiang Xinghe had sided with Emperor Yongtai, nor did they know that the "impregnable" clan residence had been restored to its original state. Under the self-deceptive comfort, they only strengthened the defense of the entrance and exit of the cave, and placed all their hopes on Jiang Xinghe and Shi Zheng.
Until today, until just now.
The restored memories made them realize quickly that Jiang Xinghe had "betrayed" the royal family.
The only remaining hope was shattered, triggering an impulse to fight to the death.
It was Jiang Huaifeng who took the lead again. They quickly stopped a group of royal elders who had a short lifespan but still maintained considerable strength. They marched out of Xumi Heaven in a mighty manner and headed towards the clan palace.
Of course, the fish is dead and the net is broken, but it is only a superficial fight.
They rushed to the clan residence not to do anything to Jiang Xinghe, but to delay time for Xumi Tian's actions.
There were 3.8 million royal family members. Although more than 2 million were lost in a grand ceremony, the remaining 1 million could not squeeze into one island to live.
To jointly elect a new clan leader requires the mobilization of the royal family, and mobilizing the royal family takes time.
These royal elders, numbering probably around 20,000 to 30,000, were determined to die in order to buy time for their younger generations.
They won't live long anyway.
However, when they poured into the clan house in a mighty force, they were all dumbfounded.
Sitting on the position of the clan leader, there was an old man who was much older than them, looking at them calmly.
"May I ask you..."
Jiang Huaifeng took half a step forward.
"Uncle, I'm Jiang Xinghe."
Jiang Xinghe smiled.
"Good job, Jiang Xinghe!"
An old man from the royal family with a bad temper, who was old but still sturdy, rushed up, pointed at Jiang Xinghe's nose and cursed: "You are worse than a pig or a dog, we trusted you so much, but you turned around and betrayed us!"
Someone took the lead, and the rest followed suit, relying on their seniority to accuse Jiang Xinghe of various things.
"that is!"
"Jiang Xinghe, where are you serving your country and your people? Where is your heart for the world?"
"You've been pretending all these years, right?"
"Just like your tyrant father, two-faced!"
Just when everyone was extremely excited, a terrifying aura like that of an ancient ferocious beast suddenly rose up and enveloped the entire hall in an instant.
"Shut up, everyone!"
The extremely indifferent words rang out, making everyone's hands and feet cold, as if they had fallen into an icy cave.
Just by looking at the momentum, they were completely convinced that even if tens of thousands of them were put together, they would not be a match for the newcomers.
Who is it?
Who would appear in the clan house at this time?
Could it be...
A face that they absolutely did not want to see flashed through everyone's mind, and they slowly turned their heads to look in the direction where the voice came from.
An extremely young face appeared in their sight.
"Who are you...?"
Jiang Huaifeng asked in surprise and doubt.
Before Xu Chong could speak, someone else answered for him.
"I know, you are Xu Chong! The descendant of the great ancestor!"
The person who spoke was relatively young among the group of old men, and was obviously paying attention to the current situation.
"It's me."
Xu Chong nodded, "Jiang Xinghe was forced by Emperor Yongtai to cover up your memories, but this has been removed by me."
"I see."
Jiang Huaifeng nodded, and just as he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, he felt something was wrong: "You are not a clan leader, how can you use the Six Covenants... Wait, why do you still look so young?"
It really is...
It seemed that Xu Chong was like this when he entered Beijing. How come after so many years, and after activating the Six Covenants, he is still like this?
Someone followed Jiang Huaifeng's words and observed, and then was suddenly shocked: "He is the immortal! The immortal!"
Upon hearing this, everyone was equally shocked.
But soon, this surprise turned into confusion.
It is not new that the descendants of Taizu become immortals.
As the most powerful force in the entire world, Changshengtian has been controlled by the royal family of Daqing many times in history, and there have also been strange phenomena that have appeared and announced to heaven and earth.
But the problem is, it is no problem to control the rules of longevity, but since I have the blood of Taizu, I should not be able to extend my life by the rules of longevity...
Why can Xu Chong still stay so young?
Everyone looked at each other, and their spirits, which had just relaxed, became tense again. They began to doubt Xu Chong's identity and purpose.
Xu Chong shook his head and waved his hand.
The momentum rose again, shocking the noisy crowd once again.
"Whatever questions you have, hold them back now."
Xu Chong's eyes swept across everyone's faces and he said slowly, "I say, you listen, and then do as I say, or you will die."
A tough tone usually inspires people to come up with a plan, but it will be a different story if it is coupled with overwhelming strength.
The arrogant older generation of royal family members chose to shut up when faced with the arrogance of Xu Chong, the descendant of Emperor Taizu.
"very good."
Xu Chong nodded in satisfaction and got to the point: "Your memories have been restored, and you should understand that Emperor Yongtai has become a sharp sword hanging over the heads of all of you royal family members."
"This sharp blade may fall at any time and reap everything you have."
"And I have a way to take away this sharp blade."
"As for why I dare to say that..."
"First, strength."
"With me here, even if Emperor Yongtai repairs the Purple Palace and becomes more powerful than ever, he won't dare to step out of the back hall again."
"Second, the means."
"I can ignore the restriction that only clan leaders can control the Six Covenants and directly enter the Six Covenant space."
"At the same time, I am an immortal."
"I have an infinite life span, and I can completely tamper with the memories of the royal family, officials, and even the entire world according to my own ideas."
"The third one is identity."
"You also know this, so whether it is leading you to fight against Emperor Yongtai or what we are going to do next, I am fully qualified."
"As long as you and the other royal families don't want to live in fear for the rest of their lives, just follow my orders."
"I'll give you a cup of tea to discuss this."
After saying this, Xu Chong restrained his momentum, walked through the crowd, and came to Jiang Xinghe's side.
The royal family members all made way and began to communicate in low voices.
Xu Chong wanted to listen and could hear it, but he was too lazy to do so. Instead, he looked at Jiang Xinghe: "How long can you live?"
"Three days at most."
Jiang Xinghe replied.
"Three days? That's enough."
Xu Chong nodded.
"Do you need my cooperation?"
Jiang Xinghe asked seriously, as if he had guessed what Xu Chong was going to do.
"No, you just need to watch."
Xu Chong smiled and said, "You are just like the people who helped me before. I can't stop your death, but I can let you go with peace of mind."
Jiang Xinghe nodded vigorously and smiled.
At this time, the royal family members in the hall had almost finished their discussion.
In fact, everyone present knew that they had no choice at all.
Not only does he possess an infinite lifespan, he can also bypass restrictions and directly control the Six Covenants.
If what Xu Chong said was true, then no matter what choice they made, Xu Chong could tamper with their memories and achieve the same goal.
It was precisely because Xu Chong gave them seemingly room for negotiation that they felt much better, believing that Xu Chong was not a cruel butcher like Emperor Yongtai.
As a representative, Jiang Huaifeng stood out from the crowd and looked at Xu Chong solemnly: "What do you need us to do?"
Xu Chong raised his lips and said, "In the name of the Imperial Clan and the entire royal family, summon all officials."
"The Tianji Palace has a grand court meeting."

Jun 20, 2024
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Jun 20, 2024