Chapter 20 Just Fired a Shot

In fact, as veterans of the New 1st Regiment, the combat qualities of the ten people following Chen Xiao are still quite good.
But a job like sentry duty is not something that any veteran who can shoot a gun can do.
Even Liu Qiang didn't dare to say that he could find the sentry, after all, he was just an ordinary squad leader before. So when he saw Chen Xiao who had already disappeared into the darkness in front of him, he floated up to the top of the wall like a ghost, and floated behind the servant who was standing guard at the high corner tower, and then the servant lay down limply .
The place they attacked was the back door, where there were two corner towers, supporting each other on both sides of the side door. However, there were always dark places where the lights were turned off, and there were blind spots where there was light. Even the people in the corner tower opposite thought he was being lazy when they saw that the people in this corner tower were gone.
So, when a ghost floated over from the blind spot of the corner tower's light, the sentry servant of the second corner tower was also knocked down.
The door opened. The back door is not as big as the front door. It is smaller and not as heavy, so it is easy to open it without making any noise.
The same cannot be said for the main gate. If one opens the main gate when sneaking in, one will fail the infiltration course, because the gates of the mansions of that period were very heavy, and the slightest movement would make a harsh sound.
At this time, the owner of the house would usually give him some help, but some wouldn't, like the Zhang family, where even the servants and guards have ten or twenty guns. The sound of opening the door could be used as a warning.
So Chen Xiao chose the back door, which was light. Liu Qiang and his men entered in , tiptoeing and cautiously.

Chen Xiao handed him two guns with a smile. These guns belonged to the two servants on the corner tower. They were both new Zhongzheng rifles and should have been purchased not long ago.
Liu Qiang looked at the 20-shot gun in his hand blankly, took it and handed it to the soldier behind him.
He didn't say anything, but his heart was shocked.
With amazing climbing ability, he climbed up the courtyard wall which was more than ten feet high just by himself and silently.
What was even more shocking was the method used to easily knock down the enemy. He did not see clearly the first time, but he saw it clearly when Chen Xiao did the second time. The moment Chen Xiao's hand lightly rested on the enemy's neck, the opponent fell limply.
There's no knife, no gun, and you don't even need two hands, just five fingers of one hand. And you don't even need to make any big movements, just a light pinch and the person will fall!
This method frightened him. If it wasn't for the wrong timing, he would definitely grab Chen Xiao and get to the bottom of it. What kind of method was this?
Once you enter the back door, it won’t be so troublesome to enter other courtyards.
Chen Xiao went around half a circle at an extremely fast speed and took care of the sentinels and servants in the corner towers on both sides of the main gate. Finally, he brought back a big guy for Liu Qiang.
The Czech light machine gun is one of the best machine guns in the world today, but its magazine is a bit small, with 20 rounds, which is nine rounds less than the British imitation of its Bren light machine gun. But it is still the best light machine gun during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and is much better than the Japanese Taisho Type 11 machine gun.
If you buy this kind of machine gun on the market, even if it is produced domestically, it will cost around 800 to 1,000 yuan.
Zhang Renyi got this machine gun just for show. He usually let the guards hold it and show it off on the corner tower, so that the spies of the bandits on the surrounding hills can see that my firepower is fierce, so don't mess around!
Unexpectedly, Chen Xiao got the upper hand. He held the machine gun in one hand and handed over the belt with several magazines in the other.
When Liu Qiang saw the brand new machine gun, his eyes widened. He murmured, "If I had known that this traitor was so fat, the regiment commander should have come to deal with him long ago!"
Chen Xiao gave him the gun: "Can you use a machine gun?"
Liu Qiang nodded vigorously: "Yes, there are already seven or eight machine guns in the regiment. All the training backbones have learned how to operate these ready-made weapons, except for the cannon."
Chen Xiao nodded: "That's fine. I'll give this gun to you now. There's also a spare barrel. Niu Dali, you hold it for Liu Qiang."
Niu Dali took the gun barrel silently. He also wanted to play with the light machine gun, but unfortunately there was only one.
So now I have to humble myself and be a secondary shooter.
The dozen or so people, after all, were veterans, and had already occupied various advantageous terrains, following Chen Xiao step by step as they moved in.
Although the courtyard is large, as long as you stand in the center of the courtyard, the 50m detection distance of the Teaching Eye is enough to cover the entire courtyard.

This was why Chen Xiao insisted that Liu Qiang and the others come in with him right now, because the Japanese devils and the puppet troops of the security corps were still eating, drinking, and playing rock-paper-scissors in the second courtyard.
After all, when Chen Xiao came to buy food, they had just started drinking, and it wouldn't take long for Chen Xiao to go back and ask Liu Qiang to bring people over, so sneaking in now would be the time when the enemy was most slack.
The three Japanese soldiers, Zhang Renyi and a puppet army leader sat at the chief table, and the rest of the puppet soldiers sat at three tables.
However, Zhang Renyi's guards and servants, and even the steward Liu seen today, were also accompanying him at the table. Zhang Renyi understood that drinking was more enjoyable when there was company.
The puppet army's guns had long been considered a nuisance , so they were placed against the nearby wall. There were more than twenty guns, which were very eye-catching, and there was even a Czech light machine gun.
Strange, weren’t the Japanese using the Taisho Type 11?
Chen Xiao looked at the whole place, and the only one who still had a weapon was probably the Japanese soldier in the middle, who was carrying a gun.
However, there was a heavily made-up prostitute sitting next to him . She should have been called from the county town by Zhang Renyi. She was very good at persuading people to drink. The Japanese soldier must have been drunk by now!
What are you waiting for?
Chen Xiao waved his hand and everyone rushed in. Liu Qiang's light machine gun dominated the whole place. What was more surprising was that the Japanese soldier who didn't even put down his box of turtles even after drinking was the most sober.
Seeing that the people rushing in were holding guns, the Japanese soldier immediately took out his tortoise box. As soon as he took it out, Chen Xiao shot him in the hand, and the tortoise box and the broken flesh of his palm fell to the ground.
The gunshots and screams startled everyone present. The Japanese and puppet soldiers who were drinking happily only realized that they were surrounded.
"Don't move, or don't blame me for being blind!"
Chen Xiao pulled the bolt and a shell popped out. A crisp "ding-ling" sound was heard. In this sudden silent moment, it was surprisingly clear and scary.
The three Japanese devils were all tied up, and the twenty-seven puppet soldiers were also searched and made to squat aside.
The other students guarding outside the village had been notified and rushed over at a very fast speed. When they entered the door, they saw prisoners and guns everywhere.
The first thing that caught my eye was the twenty or so guns leaning against the wall.
Especially Niu Dali, he was originally very envious of the light machine gun that Liu Qiang was holding, and now he also held one and grinned.
"53 rifles, two Czech light machine guns, more than 40 grenades, and bullets not yet counted.
Teacher, we have made a fortune! " Fang Dafu excitedly sorted out the guns and ammunition confiscated from his servants and puppet soldiers, and was so happy that he couldn't stop smiling.
"With only one shot, such a result is unheard of!"

Jun 30, 2024
Jun 30, 2024
Jun 30, 2024
Jun 30, 2024
Jun 30, 2024