Chapter 20 For me, now is a good opportunity to take action

Chapter 20 For me, now is a good opportunity to take action.



"Help me...!"

Although Aunt Liu is faster than zombies, no matter which direction she escapes , all zombies!

Not long after, she was surrounded by zombies, and screams broke out from her mouth!

Looking at the show outside the window, Chu Nan swung the wine in the glass and then took a sip.


"Uuuu..., Yaoyao Zero? Police uncle, come and save me!"


At this time, the street was already in chaos, with screams and cries. The shouts kept coming and going.

The sudden doomsday made people panic.

Almost all of the survivors who were overwhelmed and paralyzed with fear became blood food in the mouths of the zombies.

Chu Nan was already used to this!

"It's my turn to take action!"

Seeing that the street was getting quieter, Chu Nan picked up the phone and was about to make a call, but found that there were a lot of messages on WeChat.

He clicked on WeChat and checked the information...

"My mother turned into a zombie and I'm in the bedroom. What should I do? I'm so scared!"

"There are two zombies outside my door. They look so scary. Who will save me?" "There are a lot of zombies on the street. Where are

the security guards? Hurry up and block the community. Don't let the zombies break in. "

There are zombies everywhere!"

"I am the women's director of our community. Don't panic, close the door and wait for rescue at home!"

"If there are zombies at home, try to open the door to let the zombies out, and then close the door and everything will be fine!"

"If there are no zombies, try not to make too much noise, close the door, and don't go out!"

"The higher-level departments are trying to find a solution, don't panic!"

The owner group has already exploded.

In this short time, there were more than two hundred messages.

Chu Nan only looked through a dozen items before losing interest.

"Honey, come and save me. I'm trapped in the gym. I'm so scared now, woohoo...!"

"Brother-in-law, there are so many zombies outside, it's so scary!"

"When will you come back? Remember to give me a message when you come back. Let’s bring some food, there’s nothing to eat at home!”

The following message was sent by Tao Jingjing and her brother.

Chu Nan sneered and closed WeChat.

It’s weird if there is food at home!

Knowing that the end was coming, he decided to give up the house to his "brother-in-law", so he ran home and packed all the edible food into the storage space.

The purpose is to leave them with nothing to eat after the end of the world!

"How to use the individual combat robot?"

"Also, how to open the door from the outside?"

After closing WeChat, Chu Nan called Shen Bingqian directly.

He plans to go out and collect some supplies!

There are many fresh vegetables and fruits in the fruit and vegetable wholesale market. He must rush there today and put them all into the storage space.

Otherwise, even if it is just one night, a lot of damage will be done.

There is also the Wal-Mart warehouse. He is the warehouse manager and knows that a large amount of materials are stored in it!

Just the contents of this logistics warehouse are enough to feed tens of thousands of people for a month.

Secondly, there are also large markets such as the Seafood Wholesale Market and Pujiang Food City, all of which stock a large amount of food!

As long as he has these items from the wholesale market in his pocket, he will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of his life!

"Do you want to go out?"

On the other end of the phone, hearing what he said, Shen Bingqian immediately guessed his intention.

"That's right, I need to go out for something urgent!"

Chu Nan didn't hide anything from her and said truthfully.

"Didn't you say you can't go out within ten days?"

Shen Bingqian glanced at the zombies wandering around the streets outside the window, with a worried look on her face.

"That's for ordinary people. For me, now is a good opportunity to go out and take action!"

Chu Nan didn't lie to her!

Within ten days of the end of the world, zombies are eager for blood. As long as a living person appears, zombies from all directions will pounce on him.

For ordinary people who have never seen such a terrifying scene, going out at this time is equivalent to death!

But for him, who has been fighting desperately for three years in the last days, going out now is an opportunity!

Because the zombies are very slow in the early stage, the more blood food they eat, the faster they will become!

Although there are many zombies outside now, with his combat experience and speed, it is difficult for these zombies to hurt him at all!

So, now is a good time for him to go out and collect supplies!

"Charge first!"

"When fully charged, it can perform tasks for 20 hours!"

"Load the magazine. Each robot can load up to five thousand rounds of ammunition at a time!"

"The third step is to start and bind the operation!"

"Every individual combat robot will have a password when it leaves the factory!"

"After starting, you only need to enter the password on the control panel, and the machine system will automatically scan your appearance, record your voice, and bind it for operation!"

"After binding, you can use voice to give commands or use the control panel to control it!"

"Each robot is equipped with six camera probes. You can use the remote control panel to switch between different camera probes and different Viewpoint!"

"Remember, you cannot enter the wrong password three times, otherwise the robot will determine that you are an enemy and fire on you."

"So, after the robot starts, be sure not to enter the wrong password!"

"I will kill the ten robots immediately! The password will be sent to your mobile phone!"

"As for the door, you need a password to open it from the outside, and then you can open it manually!"

"The password is the password for the president's private elevator. I guess you don't need to tell me, right?"

Seeing that he is confident, Shen Bingqian didn't hesitate and told him the operation method directly.

At this time, she was a little lucky to have left a batch of weapons and equipment for Chu Nan!

Not to mention those individual combat robots, the five wheeled infantry fighting vehicles alone are rare and good things.

It has a crew of three and a passenger capacity of seven!

One car can seat ten people!

The armor is so thick that even ordinary guns and cannons can't penetrate it, let alone zombies.

Even if the car is crawling with zombies, it will not pose any threat to the people in the car!

"Ding dong...!"

As soon as Chu Nan hung up the phone, she received a message from Shen Bingqian.

He loaded ten robots with bullets, checked the batteries, and pressed the start button.

Then different passwords were entered based on different factory numbers.

Half an hour later, he finally completed the operation binding procedure.

"You three follow me into the infantry fighting vehicle!"

"The rest are patrolling the supermarket. If anyone approaches, report to me immediately!"

After finishing his work, he drove into an infantry fighting vehicle and took three robots with him. Out of the supermarket door.

Hearing the sound, the zombies on the street gathered around him.

But before they could get close, Chu Nan had already rushed hundreds of meters away!

He drove his infantry chariot straight to the fruit and vegetable wholesale market outside the city!

Jul 18, 2024
Jul 18, 2024
Jul 18, 2024