Chapter 2 Ward 404

If you don't want to die, don't open it! ?
I was shocked and asked, "It's not Sister Sun, what do you mean? Why can't we open Ward 404?"
Sister Sun became a little impatient and told me not to ask any more questions. Anyway, Ward 404 must not be opened at any time.
I suppressed my doubts and nodded in agreement.
"Then it's settled, Zhiyong." Sister Sun held the list and regained her normal smile. "Go back and pack up, bring some simple gifts, and come to work at 8 o'clock in the evening."
"Okay, thank you, Sister Sun."
After saying goodbye to Sister Sun, I left Building D.
I don’t know if it’s a psychological effect, but after walking out of Building D, I felt a lot more relaxed.
There is always an indescribable feeling of oppression there, and every pore in the body is in a state of tension at all times, as if there is some huge danger hidden there.
I shook my head to get rid of this strange thought, took the bus back home, and fell into a deep sleep.
I slept until five in the afternoon. I got up, made some food, packed it in an insulated box, and brought it to the hospital.
I had a brief chat with my mother. She asked me if I had been attending classes well these days and told me not to bother her, saying that her illness could not be cured and it was a complete waste of money.
I smiled and said, "Mom, just focus on your recovery and don't worry about the money."
At around seven o'clock, I left the ward and walked towards Building D.

At school, being late and skipping classes was a common occurrence for me, but I had to pay for it, so the teachers turned a blind eye and couldn't do anything about it.
It’s different when working outside. No matter how “green” I am, I still understand some workplace rules. Unless you are particularly capable, you have to pack up and leave at the boss’s command.
I deliberately arrived at Building D nearly an hour early.
Sister Sun is already in the lounge.
In addition to her, there was a young man in his 30s sitting cross-legged on the sofa, watching TV.
There was a Chinese Super League match on TV.
"All you do is watch football games all day long and you don't pay any attention to your work. This is the nth complaint you've received. If you continue like this, I'll have no choice but to fire you." Sister Sun stood next to the young man and complained with an unhappy look on her face.
The young man didn't care at all, still watching the ball with relish, curled his lips and said: "Okay, then you can fire me, I just want to know who else would do this damn job besides me?"
"Don't you think I don't dare?"
Sister Sun said angrily, as if she had noticed something. She turned her head and saw me standing at the door. She was startled for a moment, then quickly put on a smile: "Zhiyong, you're here so early."
I have to admire Sister Sun's ability to change her expression. She could be furious one second and smiling the next.
The young man also looked at me in surprise.
"Oh, it's not easy. Are there really fools who take the bait?"
Sister Sun glared at him and said, "Can you just shut up?"
I glanced around the lounge.
It’s not big, only about ten square meters.
A TV series, two beds, a table, a sofa, a coffee table, and that’s it.
"Zhiyong, you will sleep here from now on." Sister Sun said as she kicked the young man and scolded him, "Pack your things quickly."
The young man stood up reluctantly, walked to the bed which was piled with groceries, and threw all the things on the ground in one go.
Sister Sun snorted, not wanting to look at the young man again. She patted my shoulder and said softly, "Zhiyong, this man is Liu Bin. Like you, he is also a night watchman. You two will be colleagues from now on."
"Okay." I nodded.
Then, Sister Sun gave me a key and said that the door could be locked after 2 a.m. and I could have a proper rest.
After she left, I took the initiative to talk to Liu Bin. After all, we would be future colleagues and we would need to get along for a long time, so it was always a good idea to maintain a good relationship.
As a result, I don’t know if Liu Bin didn’t hear it or did it on purpose, he was so focused on watching the game that he didn’t even look at me.
I smiled bitterly in my heart.
It seems that this colleague is not easy to get along with.
It was almost ten o'clock when Liu Bin finally finished watching the game. He then noticed me sitting next to him playing with my phone. He picked up a pack of cigarettes from the table, took out one and threw it to me.
I took the cigarette, a little surprised.
"Dude, did you talk to me just now? Sorry, when I watch a football game, I don't even want to pay attention to my parents." Liu Bin said with a smile.
I thought to myself, so that’s what’s going on, and quickly said it’s okay.
The two sat on the sofa, watching TV and chatting.
Liu Bin asked me, why did you come here to be a night watchman at such a young age?
I didn't hide anything and told him about my mother.
After hearing this, Liu Bin's face looked a little heavy. He patted my shoulder and said nothing.
Both of them were heavy smokers, and before they knew it, half a pack of cigarettes was gone.

"Let's go out on patrol."
Liu Bin stood up.
We came outside the lounge and started patrolling the corridors on the first floor one by one, all the way up to the fourth floor.
While patrolling, I found the corridor empty, without a single person. I couldn't help but ask curiously, "Brother Bin, why is there no nurse here at night?"
Liu Bin smiled and said, "Nurse? You think too much. The hospital won't be so kind as to assign a nurse to someone in Building D. Besides, most nurses will go crazy after staying here for a few days."
I asked why, maybe nurses generally have strong psychological endurance.
Liu Bin shook his head and sneered: "What a bullshit! He scared a few people to death!"
I was stunned for a moment.
"No, nothing, I was just talking nonsense."
Liu Bin laughed.
I frowned, feeling like he was hiding something from me.
"Uncle Liu."
At this time, a little girl about 7 or 8 years old walked out of Ward 415. She had pigtails, thin cheeks, and looked a little malnourished.
"Jia Jia, why did you come out?"
Liu Bin walked over with a smile and touched the girl's head.
The girl pouted and covered her stomach, saying, "My stomach hurts and I can't sleep."
"Wait a minute, uncle will get you some medicine."
Liu Bin turned around, sighed, and said to me, "This little girl is called Jia Jia. She has stomach cancer. Her parents brought her to the hospital half a year ago, and then she disappeared. The hospital could n't contact her family, so they had no choice but to transfer her to Building D."
Hearing this, I looked at the short figure, feeling sad and angry, and said, "Her parents are so cruel. They just left her here when she was so young?"
"This situation is very common in Building D." Liu Bin said sadly, "I'll go get the medicine first. Wait for me."
I nodded, and while Liu Bin went to get the medicine, I wandered around the fourth floor.
Before I knew it, I arrived at the door of Ward 404.
When I saw this dark red gate, my heart beat faster for some reason.
Sister Sun’s words seemed to echo in my ears again: “Don’t open Ward 404.”
What secrets are hidden in Ward 404?
Why did Sister Sun act so frightened?
At this moment, the door of Ward 404 suddenly opened...
My body froze for a moment. Before I could figure out what was going on, I saw a female nurse in the ward.
The female nurse was quite tall, about 1.80 meters, with a big frame. She was standing on the windowsill with her back to me, her body shaking constantly. I didn't know what she was doing.
I was stunned for a moment.
Didn’t Sister Sun say that no one is allowed to enter room 404?
"Miss Nurse?"
I shouted.
The nurse slowly turned her head and looked straight at me.
I shuddered violently.
I saw her face—no features.

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