Chapter 2 Because I won't let you appear in my sight again 2

A man wearing round glasses walked in with a laptop computer. Everyone immediately sat up straight, except for Hang Weicheng - he was still lying on the sofa, playing with an ultra-thin laptop computer.
"Today is the first day of school. We are all promoted here, so we are all familiar with each other. That..." The teacher with round glasses flipped through the roster and raised his head and shouted, "Qin Xiaoya!"
"Yes!" I immediately raised my hand and answered loudly. Everyone turned around curiously and noticed my presence for the first time.
"You are new here. If you have any questions, just ask the class monitor Liu Yiyi!" The teacher looked at me and pointed at the short-haired girl sitting in the first row.
"Yes!" I nodded vigorously and smiled at the girl with short hair. She was stunned for a moment and smiled back.
"Okay, let's start the class now!" The teacher said and started the class.
The school has equipped each student with a latest model of laptop computer. No one needs to take notes during class, and the teacher does not need to write on the blackboard. The teacher can directly transmit the lecture content to everyone and then explain it to everyone one by one.
I held the mouse and boredly clicked on the chart on the desktop. I was new here, so I might as well go to the school forum and get familiar with the school situation, so that I can spend this half of the school year smoothly and go home as soon as possible!
I double-clicked the browser and typed in the URL, but many websites were not accessible. The only one I could access was the island's school network. Oh, this school is really closed! I shook my head and clicked on the school forum. Wow! There are so many people on the forum, 2,183 people are online!
I browsed through the various posts one by one, and suddenly saw a red post - The Legend of Yadonis Island!
Hehe! It's novel that there is a legend about this island. Let's go check it out! I immediately clicked on the post, and the following passage came into my eyes: A long time ago, there was an angel named Yadonis, who was bored in the Garden of Eden, so he sneaked into the human world without God's knowledge. He saw a beautiful woman washing her hair by a picturesque lake. The woman was so beautiful, like a pure and flawless lily. The angel fell deeply in love with the woman at that moment, so he fled heaven for her.
But God soon found out and sent other angels to catch them. In order to avoid God's punishment, Yadonis fled to a desolate island with his beloved lover. The angels sent by God did not find them. The two lived happily on the island, and the island became more and more beautiful because of their arrival. But not long after, the woman died. After her death, she turned into a pearl, but the pearl fell into the vast ocean. The sad angel did not leave the island and return to heaven, but stayed on the island alone, remembering his dead lover.
In order to thank the angels for their protection, people named this island Yadunis Island. Every year, there is a meteor shower on Yadunis Island. It is said that it is the lonely angels crying. According to legend, if lovers can find the pearl and make a wish to the angels on the night of the meteor shower, they will be happy and in love forever.
Wow! So romantic!
Reading this article, I yearned for that romantic love story. It turns out that Yadonis Island has such a beautiful legend! If they find the pearl and make a wish to the angel on the night of the meteor shower, can they love each other happily forever?
When my little prince and I are reunited, I must find the pearl and make a wish to the angel on the night when the meteor shower comes, so that we can love each other happily forever!
I closed the current post and went on to read other posts.
What kind of hairstyle do you most want Master Hang to have?
Those who are against Master Hang becoming a star, please leave your QQ!
The forum is filled with cheesy posts from a bunch of crazy fans who are madly in love with Hang Weicheng.
Just click on any one of them and you’ll be scared to death!
For example, this one——
Shasha: Are you willing to exchange ten years of your life for one day with Master Hang?
Cat & Fishbone: Of course I am willing! Even if I have to trade my whole life for a day with Master Hang, I am willing! I will carry this beautiful memory with me and cherish it forever in heaven.
Tiramisu: OP, your question is too stupid! This is of course beyond doubt. For the sake of the young master, even if I die right now, I am willing.
I almost vomited in front of the computer screen. Did these people take the wrong medicine? They were crazy about a big idiot whose head was run over and whose behavior was as childish as that of a kindergarten kid!
I want them to recognize the truth! I want everyone to see the true face of Hang the idiot! I stretched my wrists, then quickly tapped the keyboard and posted a message on the forum.
Hang Idiot Killer (my newly registered ID): Sisters! Face the reality, don't be deceived by Hang Weicheng's false appearance! He is simply an embroidered pillow with a golden appearance and rotten inside! This guy is no different from an idiot. He shows off his power on the island with a group of idiot . He is completely unreasonable. Sisters! Don't waste your precious feelings on him. It is wise to listen to my advice.
Shasha: Where did you come from, you crazy woman? How dare you slander our Master Hang? Are you tired of living? I want to die with you!
If you want to marry, marry Hang Weicheng: You are a boy who is jealous of Young Master Hang and is disguised as such. Don’t think that we won’t be able to recognize you just because you are wearing a vest!
Tiramisu: OP, you don't have to be like this even if you can't get Master Hang's love, right? Love is selfless. Master Hang is so outstanding, and there are so many people who like him. He can't possibly give back to all of them.
Hanghang LOVELOVE: Everyone kick her out, she is obviously a spy sent by the "Prince's Personal Guard"!
How horrible! I looked at the post I had just sent and shuddered.
Just a few minutes after I posted the message, the building I built had almost more than 200 floors, and many people posted anti-me posts on the forum. In just a few minutes, I became the target of collective attacks from the entire forum, and I was simply the target of public criticism.
It's terrible! These people are too deeply poisoned, and there is no cure. I touched the goose bumps on my arm. I was about to log out of the forum, but I heard two "beep" sounds, and my mailbox showed that I had a new email.
Someone sent me an email right after I registered. Who could it be? It couldn't be those who oppose me...
My hand holding the mouse was trembling, and I clicked on the mailbox with lingering fear. I found that it was an email from the administrator. I finally felt relieved and opened the new email. As soon as I opened the email, a photo came into my eyes.
In the bright sunshine, a young man stood under the shade of a tree, his smile was more dazzling than the sun, as if it could melt everything in the world. His face was as pure and flawless as a lotus emerging from the water, so dreamy that it seemed as if it would disappear if touched. His golden hair was outlined by the sun, shining like gold. His eyes were like the deep sea, those eyes could speak, and looking at them would make you fall in love with them unconsciously.
Easy to be analytical!
It's Yi Woo-sik! So pretty...
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024