Chapter 199 Don't Ask Me Why

A few days later, Xu Shu's condition improved significantly. In order to better recuperate and rest, the Xu family simply took her back home to take care of her. Jingjing and I contacted all relatives and friends and informed them that the wedding would be postponed for a month.
Since Xu Shu returned home to recuperate, it was not easy for me to see her except Jingjing, because Xu Shu's mother was there to take care of her, and I was an unwelcome person in the Xu family.
Time flies, and half a month has passed in the blink of an eye. Jingjing went to Xu's house several times and came back to tell me that Xu Shu can now walk freely and I believe he will be fully recovered soon. I was relieved and happy after hearing this. Now the only thing left for me is how to explain my choice to Brother Xu Jian. But I can't say my true thoughts, it's really difficult to think about it!
Oh! I'd better not say anything! Sometimes, actions speak louder than words.
One day, Jingjing suddenly felt that there were not enough books on the bookshelf in our new home's study, and it did not reflect the style of the study. So she wrote me a long list of books and asked me to go to the book center to buy them.
I took a quick look and saw that it was filled with all kinds of books with names or no names but only types, probably no less than 200 or 300 books. I could only shake my head and smile bitterly, remembering that a long time ago I bought things for her according to a list, and that time I almost tired myself to death, but in the end she basically didn't use the things I bought. Now she wants to buy so many books again, and to be honest, she will never turn the page of most of them. But she has the temper of a rich girl, she likes to show off and pretend, and I can't do anything about it.
In the afternoon, I drove the company's car and came to the book center. Of course, I was not stupid enough to look for the books one by one by myself, so I waved over the service manager, handed him the list, and asked him to find and pack all the books I wanted.
Seeing that I was a big customer, the manager greeted me attentively, took the list and asked people to go and collect it. I saw that he was like that for a long time, so I walked to the bookshelves alone, slowly trying to find a few books that I liked to read.
I walked past several bookshelves and stopped in front of a special shelf of books on science and technology to see if there was anything I was interested in. Suddenly, I saw a young girl in front of the next bookshelf, trying to stretch out her hands and pull a book down from the highest shelf.
I was surprised to see her. Isn't this Xu Xin? I haven't seen her since we met in the hospital. We are now in the same city, but we are no longer in touch as often as before. The intimacy we had before seems to have disappeared with the passage of time.
Will she still utter that sweet yet affectionate “Brother Tang Qian”?
The little girl back then is now an adult!
These thoughts flashed through my mind only briefly. Seeing that she was standing on tiptoe and still could only reach a little bit, I hurried over and reached out to take out the book she needed.
Xu Xin turned around in confusion, and I handed the book to her with a smile, saying, "Is this the one you're looking for?"
When Xu Xin saw that it was me, she opened her mouth in surprise, then a smile appeared on her face. She quickly calmed down, took the book and said with a smile: "It's you, what a coincidence!"
I also smiled and said, "What a coincidence. Are you here to buy some books?"
Xu Xin raised the book in her hand and said , "Yes! I came here specifically to find some books on photography techniques. This is the summer homework assigned by our university teacher. Everyone must learn to capture the moment. It's very profound. Do you think it's funny?"
I said, "I don't know much about photography, but moments are fleeting. It is very difficult to capture them in a timely and sharp way. Your teacher is training you to observe and judge things, and to make moments become eternal. This should be one of the qualities that future journalists like you must have, right?"
Xu Xin was a little surprised. She bent her head and looked at me in surprise. She smiled and said, "It's the same as what our university teacher said! Why not! I'll just call you Teacher Tang."
I felt an inexplicable pain in my heart. The little witch had grown up. She could no longer call Brother Tang Qian. Those affectionate calls and heart-wrenching cries seemed to still ring in my ears, but Xu Xin was no longer the little witch she was back then.
I looked at the graceful Xu Xin, and I felt very complicated for a moment. I know that she has really changed a lot for me. From a wild and unruly little witch, she has become a quiet and reserved girl. From a naughty and ignorant girl, she has become a self-disciplined and reserved woman. During this period, she must have made great efforts and suffered unimaginable hardships. She was not a good student, but she was finally admitted to Z University, a nationally renowned key university. It can be seen how difficult it is for her perseverance and hard work.
I was very pleased. Although I failed her, I was able to help her grow up indirectly, and my efforts were not in vain. Now I see a completely different little witch. Although I can't help feeling disappointed, I am still very happy and happy for Xu Xin's growth.
So I couldn't help but sigh: "Time flies! In the blink of an eye, you are already 21 years old, right? The naughty child back then has grown up now. When I see you, I realize that I am really old!"
Xu Xin blinked and smiled, "Not bad! You haven't changed much from before. By the way, Teacher Tang, what book did you come here to buy?"
Hearing this inappropriate address, I touched my nose and smiled bitterly, "Your sister Jingjing thought that there were too few books on the bookshelf in the new study, so she asked me to buy a large number of books to make it look better. Alas! Young ladies from wealthy families are like this, they don't know how to save money and love to spend money recklessly. They bought so many books but they won't really read them. They just want to show off!"
After hearing this, Xu Xin said "Oh" lightly, turned around and started looking for books carefully in front of the bookshelf.
Seeing her cold reaction, I didn't know what to do for a moment. I could only smile and said, "Well... you go ahead, I'll go see if they have found all the books for me."
I was about to turn around and leave when I heard Xu Xin say, "My sister loves you so much, are you really... ready to give up on her?"
I turned around and saw Xu Xin staring at me with dissatisfaction. I didn't know how to answer for a moment. Xu Xin continued: "I heard from my mother that my sister was injured because she risked her life to stand in front of you and was stabbed by someone to protect you. Are you really so heartless and cruel that you would give up a woman who loves you more than anything else? If you do this, won't your conscience be condemned?"
Of course I won't give up on Xu Shu! can I explain this to her? How can I tell her the reason?
I was speechless for a moment. Now I finally know why Xu Xin was so cold to me. Judging from the surface, I am indeed a heartless and unfaithful man! Xu Shu almost sacrificed his life to protect me, but I didn't show any expression, and insisted on marrying Jingjing. In the eyes of the Xu family, I must be an emotionless rogue? No wonder even Xu Xin looked indifferent !
I am like a dumb person eating coptis chinensis, I have no way to express my pain! I could only sigh and turn around to leave again. I had just taken two steps when I suddenly heard that familiar voice behind me: "Brother Tang Qian!"
My heart trembled and I stopped immediately.
Xu Xin's voice was filled with sadness. She said, "Brother Tang Qian, I am very disappointed, you know? You were not originally such a person. Can you tell me why?"
I turned around again, looked at Xu Xin's uncomfortable forced smile and said, "Life is not as simple as you think. There are some things that we have no choice about. Don't ask me why. Sometimes, even I... can't answer it."
I shook my head sadly, and this time I didn't stop, turning around and leaving the bookshelves.
I waited for a while at the cashier's counter, but my books still hadn't arrived. Soon Xu Xin came over with a few books to settle the bill. Her face was sad, and her beautiful eyes were filled with an indescribable sense of loss.
After paying in cash, she smiled at me calmly, stretched out her hand and said, "Mr. Tang, then... I wish you happiness, and see you at the wedding!"
I shook her hand helplessly and said with a wry smile: "Goodbye!"
Xu Xin quickly pulled her hand back, took the book from the cashier, walked alone towards the escalator, and disappeared from my sight in a moment...
Three days later, good news came. Shi Huaizhong, the murderer who stabbed Xu Shu, was caught and arrested by the public security organs in a small county in Shaanxi. This time, he could not escape the punishment of the law!
Another week passed, and Xu Shu's injury had completely healed. This injury incident caused a strong response in society, and countless fans spontaneously carried out various activities to pray for Xu Shu's health. For a month, the media used a lot of space every day to report the truth investigation and follow-up reports on the injury and stabbing of the big star Xu Shu, and also published continuous reports on her daily recovery.
I was also famous because everyone knew that a big star was going to attend my wedding. And she was my wife's maid of honor, so some reporters dug up my romance with Hua Jingjing and my relationship with Xu Shu. Although it was far from the truth, people were no longer unfamiliar with the name Tang Qian!
As for why Xu Shu was injured, what people know is that the murderer originally wanted to kill me, but because it was dark and he was panicked, he accidentally stabbed Xu Shu. Fortunately, Jingjing was there that night, otherwise rumors would have spread.
But who would believe that a famous international superstar, the most beautiful woman in the East, would get hurt just to protect a nobody like me?
In the blink of an eye, the wedding date is approaching, and tomorrow I will go to pick up the bride for a grand wedding. In the evening, Zhao Yanjin, Cheng Gong and other male friends and colleagues dragged me out for a drink, saying that they wanted to celebrate my last night as a bachelor.
That night I was drunk and carried back home. They made a scene for a while before leaving one after another. It was late at night and I was the only one left in the huge new house. Jingjing had gone back to her parents' home to prepare and was waiting for me to pick her up the next morning. After I vomited for the third time in the bathroom, I felt a little more sober. After taking a shower, I cursed the scumbags who forced me to drink while pouring a glass of cold water to drink.
At this time, my new phone on the table rang. I went over to pick it up and saw that it was an unfamiliar number. I checked the time and it was almost midnight. Who would call me so late?
I opened the flip phone and put it to my ear and said, "Hello, who is this?"
A familiar voice came from the phone: "It's me, congratulations on becoming a groom soon, Tang Qian!"
My hands trembled, and I said in surprise: "Jie Qin? You... know?"
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
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