Chapter 184 Who is in love (1)

He didn't look at the cloud trail, but just turned his back to them and looked at the edge of the cliff not far away.
There was blood that dyed the land and grass red, so vividly and eerily red that it seemed impossible to look directly at it.
The wind is very cold.
It's too late.
Pluto took a few steps forward and when he saw the glaring blood, he instinctively avoided it and did not step on it.
Xuan Ye turned his head and saw this scene.
what happened?
Hades, who is always gloomy and weird, seems to be afraid of blood.
That shouldn't be the blood of the Eight Desolate Divine Beasts. The blood of the Divine Beasts is very special and doesn't look like that.
So... it's Mu Qingning's blood?
Xuan Ye suddenly felt a little strange in his heart. He couldn't help but follow Pluto's footsteps and stood on the edge of the cliff.
A cold wind blew in from the bottom of the cliff , and the whistling sound brought with it a few roars of wild beasts in the distance.
Xuan Ye said: "This area is haunted by ferocious beasts all year round. There is a deep abyss under the cliff, and who knows what kind of monsters are hiding there."
After saying that, he glanced at Pluto.
Pluto pursed his lips gently , his dark eyes were sometimes gloomy and weird, and sometimes surprisingly clear and bright.
He raised his hand, and his wide sleeves were spread out by the wind at this moment, like a pair of black wings, with a coldness that blended into the night.
A silver light flashed under the fingers, vaguely revealing a silver mask.
Xuan Ye's expression changed, and he grabbed his hand regardless of status.
"Your Majesty, this is not possible. If you wear this mask for too long, you will gradually lose your true nature. How can you, such a noble person, endure this?"
"Let go." Pluto spat out two cold-blooded words from the corner of his lips.
Xuan Ye was stunned for a moment. In an instant, a strong wind . Thick fog filled the night and nothing could be seen in the distance.
In the end, should I let go or not?
When Wei Ning regained consciousness , she fainted again due to the pain on her back, but she gritted her teeth and managed to hold on.
No matter what, as long as she was conscious, she would be safe.
It would be truly terrifying if one is not conscious.
It was pitch black all around, and you couldn't see your hand in front of you. Besides the roaring of wild beasts from somewhere, you could also hear the sound of gurgling water.
It took her vision a moment to adjust. After all, she was trained, so she could still vaguely see some outlines.
I knew I was in the water grass of a small river. There were steep mountains above my head, which completely blocked the moonlight, so I could not see anything.
But the mountain was like a giant beast staring at her, making her feel uneasy.
We can't stay here any longer. The battle just now was so loud that Hades will definitely notice it.
The Eight Desolate Divine Beasts are so important that Hades will definitely send people to track her down. He will want to find her alive or dead, so she must leave here quickly.
If the people from the underworld find me, I'll be finished.
Struggling out of the water plants, she stumbled downstream along the river flow.
Half of her body was immersed in the icy stream water, freezing to the bone, but she had no other choice.
She had to go through the river. The wound on her back had caused too much blood to flow. If she walked on land, blood would be left behind, allowing the people from the underworld to track her.
However, it was different in the water. The current was faster than her steps and would wash away the blood and dilute it, so even if one had a keen nose one would not be able to smell it.
Call out Pluto's name loudly~
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024