Chapter 171 Thunder

I sat back on the sofa in a daze, holding the quilt, staring at the TV blankly. The magazine was a pornographic magazine from Hong Kong, "Cangchunge". Some time ago, when Zhao Yanjin came to my house to discuss the establishment of my own company with me, he laughed at me that it must be very difficult for a man to live alone in a room without his fiancée. So he threw this magazine to me, saying that it was for me to use to entertain myself at night. I didn't want it at first, but Zhao Yanjin laughed at me for being hypocritical. Anyway, it was not a big deal, so I didn't insist. And to be honest, as a normal man, I am curious about this kind of thing, and it won't kill me to take a look, so I kept it.
Originally, it was no big deal to watch this kind of thing in private, and men could understand it. But when Xu Shu found out, the situation was completely different. She would definitely think that I was a psychopathic erotic maniac, and she would never look down on me again. I no longer had a good impression of her.
I was downcast, dazed, and extremely depressed. I didn't pay any attention to what was on TV.
I don't know how much time passed, I leaned on the sofa, and just as I was about to fall asleep, I heard the sound of rain outside. After a long time, I suddenly remembered that the clothes on the clothes rack outside the window would get wet by the rain, and then all the washing would be in vain.
I quickly got off the sofa, opened the window and took back all the things that were drying outside.
Suddenly, a dazzling flash of lightning flashed across the dark sky in the distance, followed by a dull thunder. It seemed that tonight was going to be a thunderstorm night. I closed the window and lay back on the sofa.
The rain seemed to be getting heavier, from the patter just now to the gurgling sound. Accompanied by the howling wind, it made the windows rattle. Then there were a few more flashes of lightning in the distance, and then the rumble of thunder came from afar.
I rested my head on the sofa armrest, and I was no longer sleepy. There was no TV program on the screen, and I was too lazy to turn it off. I just wanted to make it clear to Xu Shu that although I did read the pornographic magazine, it did not mean that I was a pervert or a nymphomaniac.
But how can I make her believe it?
I had a terrible headache! I felt extremely remorseful. I suddenly realized that I actually cared so much about Xu Shu's opinion of me. I felt so uncomfortable being looked down upon by her!
If it was Hua Jingjing who found this magazine, I would be embarrassed, but I don't think I would be as nervous and panicked as I am now. I am more relaxed in front of Jingjing, and I would immediately explain that I am also a man, and it's no big deal for a man to read such things. But in front of Xu Shu, I was so clumsy that I couldn't say a word, let alone explain it like that.
I have never regretted anything as much as I do now. I realized sadly that Xu Shu's weight in my heart far exceeds Jingjing's. I can tolerate anyone in the world looking down on me, but not Xu Shu. I love Xu Shu so much. The long-term self-restraint has not made me forget her, but made me love her more. Being looked down upon by Xu Shu turned out to be such a painful thing. I grabbed my hair tightly and murmured, "Oh God! Give me another chance! I don't ask you to let me be with her, I just ask you not to let her look down on me. I can't stand it, I really can't stand it!"
It seemed as if God heard it, and his answer was a violent thunder that exploded not far above the building. The huge thunder made my ears ring, the lights in the room dimmed, and the TV automatically "clicked" and lost power.
I was startled and looked up to see the fluorescent light above my head struggling to light up again. The bedroom door suddenly opened and I saw Xu Shu come out with a pale face. He hesitated for a moment, then quickly ran over and jumped onto the sofa.
She sat next to me with her legs tucked in and her head in her hands, her big dark eyes revealing a look of fear.
After all, she is a girl! She is naturally afraid of thunder.
I temporarily forgot the embarrassment just now and said softly: "Don't be afraid, good people will not be struck by lightning!"
Xu Shu's body trembled slightly. She gave a smile that was uglier than crying and said in a trembling voice, "But... I'm not a good person. I'm afraid!"
I wanted to laugh but couldn't, so I had to pull the quilt over her and cover her with it, saying, "Who says you're not a good person? You're a good woman! God won't punish you, don't worry!"
As soon as I finished speaking, another thunder exploded outside the window. Xu Shu screamed "Ah", and was so scared that he didn't care about his reservedness and hid in my arms.
The lights dimmed again, and I subconsciously hugged her, patted her on the back, and said gently, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm here!"
Xu Shu's body was shaking constantly, she buried her head deep in my arms, fear made her whole body cold. I spread out the quilt and wrapped both me and her in it. Then I put one arm around her waist and the other hand on her head and hugged her tightly. Suddenly, I seemed to be back to that stormy night on the cliff tree. At that time, I also protected her in this way, but... my mood and situation were different.
Xu Shu gradually calmed down in my embrace. The thunder and lightning seemed to have gone far away. Even if they did explode, they were far away and not so scary.
But Xu Shu didn't move, and I couldn't bear to let her go. We just hugged each other tightly, leaning on each other.
After a long while, Xu Shu raised her head. Her face was no longer so pale. Her black eyes rolled around, scanning my face, and then she immediately buried her head back in my arms. She said softly, "Tang are not a good person either!"
I could only smile bitterly, knowing what she meant. I sighed and said, "Xu Shu, I'm not a good person. But please believe me, I'm not a vulgar person. That magazine..."
Before I could finish my words, Xu Shu put his hand over my mouth and said, "I understand, I don't mean this."
I looked down at her and asked in surprise, "What do you understand?"
Xu Shu blushed and said shyly, "I know that men are all lustful! They appear to be serious on the surface, but secretly they all like to watch this kind of pornographic things!"
When I heard that, I almost fell off the sofa and said hurriedly, "I...I'm not!"
"You are nothing? There are witnesses and evidence, and you still want to deny it?" Xu Shu raised his head again and teased me in a mischievous way.
I wanted to defend myself, but I didn't know how to say it. I was so anxious that my face turned red and sweat broke out on my forehead. Xu Shu straightened up from my arms, suddenly laughed, reached out to wipe the cold sweat off my face, and said with a smile: "Look how anxious you are. I don't look down on you. It's normal for men to be lustful. My brother is such a decent man, but he also hides these messy things under his bed. Once my sister found them out, he was as anxious as you!"
I was surprised and delighted, and asked, "What? Brother Xu also..."
Xu Shu seemed to recall the past, laughing so hard that his body shook, and said, "I found that you are really similar to my brother, both of us are hypocritical and want to save face. You are lustful if you want to, but why are you so angry as if you were caught as a thief? Don't you know that women don't love men who are not bad?"
I grabbed my hair and said happily, "So you don't think I'm a perverted nymphomaniac?"
Xu Shu smiled and said, "I don't know if you are a perverted erotic maniac. I only know that I finally found out that you are not a saint. You still have the weaknesses of a man. I used to think that you were a serious old antique who was too fake to be a real person. I didn't expect that I was deceived by you."
I became anxious again and said, "Xu Shu, I... have never lied to you!"
When I got anxious, Xu Shu became even happier. She reached out and held me down, smiling, "Okay, okay! I know you didn't lie to me, and I also know you're a kind person. I was just teasing you, don't get excited!"
I grabbed her hand and said seriously, "Xu Shu, believe me, I will never watch that kind of thing again."
Xu Shu's smile froze, as if she remembered something unhappy. She looked at me deeply, gently pulled her hand out, and said lightly: "Whether you watch that kind of thing or not, what does it have to do with me? Go and tell Jingjing about this. I'm sleepy, so I'm going to sleep."
I was stunned for a moment, not knowing what I had said wrong. Seeing Xu Shu getting off the sofa and putting on his slippers, he was about to go back to the bedroom. I called out, "Xu Shu, what's wrong with me?"
Xu Shu paused for a moment, then continued walking and said, "Nothing, I just want to sleep."
She had just taken two steps when suddenly a bright flash of lightning flashed outside the window, followed by a loud bang in the sky that shook the door and window lattices.
Xu Shu was caught off guard and screamed in shock, then turned and threw herself into my arms again. I quickly opened my arms to welcome her in, and kept comforting her: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, we are in the house, and the lightning can't hit us."
Xu Shu stretched out his hands and hugged my waist tightly, trembling all over and said: " long will this thunder strike before we can stop playing?"
I pulled the quilt over us and said, "Then you can sleep here. I will protect you."
Xu Shu hummed, and after a long while he said, "Bad guy..."
Holding Xu Shu, I felt peace and joy in my heart, and I just hoped that this moment would never end. How happy it would be if we could stay together until the end of our lives or until the end of the world!
It was still raining outside the window, the wind was blowing hard, and thunder and lightning roared from time to time, but I felt as if a spring breeze was washing my body, and I was very happy. I smelled her unique fragrance in my nose, and holding the beauty in my arms, I felt like I was in a dream, both real and illusory.
I don't know how much time has passed, but the wind and rain outside gradually subsided. The woman in my arms was breathing steadily, and I looked down and saw that she had fallen asleep. There was a slight smile on her beautiful face, and I don't know what sweet dream she was having. I smiled happily, leaned my head on her hand, and fell asleep unconsciously.
After dawn, the doorbell woke us up. I opened my eyes and found Xu Shu raising his head sleepily from my shoulder. I smiled and said, "Good morning!"
Xu Shu had not fully woken up from her sleep yet. She hummed and said, "What is that? It's pressing on me so hard!" As she spoke, she reached down to pull it away. Only then did I realize that due to the normal physiological reaction every man has in the morning, my... was pressing against her lower abdomen.
I was about to tell her to stop, but it was too late. Xu Shu frowned, pressed his palm and pushed it to the side. When it didn't move, he pushed it again.
...So cool!
It was too late anyway, so I just smiled evilly and let her do whatever she wanted. Xu Shu gradually woke up, as if she realized something, staring at me with her eyes, and her palm explored that part of me again, and finally... figured out what that thing was.
Her beautiful face suddenly turned purple, and she hurriedly jumped off my body, saying in shame and anger: "You...bad guy!" Without even bothering to put on her slippers, she ran into the bedroom barefoot and slammed the door in a fit of rage.
The doorbell was still ringing. I waited for a long time before I opened the door because I was so stiff. It turned out that the staff of the epidemic prevention station had brought breakfast. I took the breakfast and told them that I wanted them to help buy vegetables today. After they registered, they said goodbye and left.
I put my breakfast on the table and saw that it was already bright outside and the rain had stopped. I stretched and thought to myself, "The first day of quarantine is over, what will happen on the second day?"
I went into the bathroom and washed up, then walked to the bedroom door and said, "Xu Shu, come out for breakfast."
There was no response. I called again, and then I heard Xu Shu's angry voice from the bedroom: "I don't want to eat!"
I laughed and said, "If you don't eat, you'll be hungry!"
"I won't eat even if I'm hungry! You pervert!"
Big pervert? How did you get that? It was you who molested me, what does it have to do with me? Besides, it was just a normal physiological reaction, and I couldn't control it.
But I knew Xu Shu was shy, so I couldn't say these things to her, so I could only say, "Okay, okay! I am a big pervert, but you yourself said that it is normal for men to be perverted. Come out and eat first, and I will apologize to you later, okay?"
After much persuasion, Xu Shu finally opened the door and came out. Her face was still red, she glared at me fiercely, and then ran quickly into the bathroom.
I smiled and immediately went into the bedroom, ready to find the magazine and destroy it. But... where did Xu Shu put it? Why can't I find it?
I flipped around for a while and heard Xu Shu coming out of the bathroom. I hurried out of the bedroom and said with a smile, "Let's eat together!" Xu Shu snorted, rolled his eyes at me, and sat down at the dining table. He opened a bottle of milk and grabbed a fried dough stick.
But when she was about to put the dough stick into her mouth, she suddenly noticed the shape of the dough stick. Suddenly, her face turned red for no reason, and she quickly threw away the dough stick and reached out to grab a bun.
When I saw her embarrassed look, I couldn't help myself and hurried back to the bedroom to laugh. I just laughed twice when Xu Shu rushed in angrily, imitating the Kung Fu of Jun Ji-hyun in "My Sassy Girl" and started to beat me up inhumanely.
"Pervert! Bad guy! I'll make you laugh!"
I had no choice but to run away, but the bedroom was so small, where could I go? So in the isolated building, I could hear my screams after being tortured...
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024