Chapter 17 Crisis

Chapter 17 Crisis

  Tim hung up the phone and resolutely continued his adventure. Sylva did not notice Robin's little movements, her mind was focused on the sudden light.

  The disaster brought by the star core has ended, why did such a scene appear again? Cocolia, tell me, what did you do?

  Soon, they approached the third pair of phantoms.

  "Isn't it very arrogant and ridiculous that Beloberg gains the ability to fight against the star core from the energy given by the star core?"

  The shadow of Cocolia spoke, and the tone gradually became dangerous and crazy.

  "The depletion of the mineral marrow is a warning that we must make changes."

  The woman with long yellow curly hair spoke in an unquestionable tone. She used her own decision to represent the future of the entire city, with supreme authority.

  "But the people in the lower areas are still exploring. They have even found clues to new mineral veins. We can still hold on..."

  Bronya's rebuttal stopped when she saw Cocolia's eyes, which were not shaken at all:

  "And then what? Will you survive by relying on new mineral veins? Or will you pray to the Star God in vain? How many more lives of Silver Mane Guards will you give up this childish idea?"

  Cocolia looked at Bronya with disappointment. Perhaps she was not disappointed with Bronya, but with Beloberg's long-term persistence. With so many people's efforts and sacrifices, why didn't they throw themselves into the arms of the Star Core from the very beginning?

  But the disappointment was only fleeting, and she turned to say in a fanatical tone: "The star core promised me a new world."

  The record of the phantom ends here. It is obvious that Cocolia did not die for sealing the star core as the official said. She was bewitched by the star core and attempted to subvert Beloberg's long-standing will of protection and open up a new world.

  Shiluwa stared at the last expression revealed by Cocolia, and was extremely sure that she was very clear-headed. She chose the path provided by the star core knowing clearly what the consequences of doing so would be.

  "Shiluwa, are you okay?" Robin looked at his companion worriedly. Although he had already seen everything in the illusion, it was the first time for Shiluwa, who had only listened to his retelling, to face the betrayal of her best friend.

  No, that's not right. The best friend is no longer there. This is the Great Guardian's betrayal of the entire Beloberg.

  No wonder Bronya wanted to hide the truth about Cocolia's sacrifice. Even though Tim had been sightseeing for the past few days and had not gotten to know Beloberg in depth, he knew clearly how important the Great Guardian was to the city.

  In desperate situations, the Great Guardian can even be regarded as the only faith. But now, the Great Guardian and his successor went to the restricted area, and the Great Guardian died when he came back. The successor also announced that the Great Guardian had rebelled against the city, which would definitely cause a riot.

  Tim wanted to go further. He wanted to know how Bronya defeated Cocolia who possessed the star core, and he also wanted to know whether the star core had been processed.

  But Shiluwa held Robin's shoulders with her hands. The weak scientific researcher still had the blood of the Landau family flowing in her veins, so she still had a little strength left:

  "Don't go. It's enough for you to know this." She whispered, her hands firm and powerful, leaving no room for doubt.

  Robin then realized that they were only halfway partners. They could share the difficulties, but they must not touch Beloberg's fundamental interests. His desire to know more was clearly over the line.

  Even if a costumed kid from another place knew that the former great guardian had betrayed the city, it would be fine if he went to the streets of the administrative district and shouted about it, because no one would believe him.

  But if this kid knew the ins and outs of how Bronya killed Cocolia, and his story was logical and detailed, the consequences would be unpredictable.

  Sylva would never let Bronya's life be tarnished by politics, nor would she allow Beloberg to be in turmoil just because of her own willfulness in wanting to know the truth. She didn't care about Robin's credibility. In this situation, even if Alisa Rand were reborn, she wouldn't be able to take a step forward.

  The player paused while playing chess: "Oh, it's stuck."

  The system pushed the eyes that appeared out of nowhere: "Then we should take this step."

  The Joker found the machine that sealed the core of the star. The densely packed gears meshed together, and an inexplicable amber light flowed on the seal. The core of the star entrusted all its secrets to the Joker, only because the Joker had the madness to destroy the world.

  Players have always felt that the Joker is more suitable for destruction and abundance than joy. His mental state perfectly fits the Annihilation Gang and the Abundance People. His will to destroy is not thorough enough, and he has abundant immortality but chooses to plunder and kill.

  Just like now, he could clearly unlock the core of the star and freeze the entire earth into an ice ball, but he chose to control it to emit light, causing countless fears and riots, just to make that big black bat pay attention to him.

  But in the final analysis, the star core is an uncontrollable disaster. The Joker can only control it by relying on the power of the controller. The symbol of the Amber King is clearly hanging on the controller, symbolizing the confrontation between preservation and destruction.

  "Hehe, this sweet travel party is a symbol of my love for the little bat."

  The clown hummed a strange song, fiddling with the button of the sealer. He seemed to think that it was not personal to unlock it like this, so he fiddled with it for a while.

  A time bomb was placed on the seal.

  In the upper area of ​​Beloberg, the sunlight that had covered the streets for many days finally dissipated, and dark clouds swept across the sky again. The sudden drop in temperature foreshadowed a bad outlook. Just a trace of energy from the explosion of the star core was enough to doom the ants on the ground.

  Bronya met Seele who came to see her in front of Clipper Palace.

  "What happened?" Xier asked, "Why was the sealed star core opened?"

  Bronya shook her head solemnly, signaling Seele not to stand on the street. They turned into an alley.

  "I don't know either, but I can guess that there have been thugs trying to get information about Beloberg these days. I'm afraid they are the ones who did it."

  "Damn it!" Xier punched the wall beside her: "It's only a few days away..."

  Yes, in just a few days, they will be able to repair part of the Pillar of Creation and move the star core into the core of the Pillar of Creation. Bronya gently stroked Seele's shoulder, conveying her own warmth:

  "It doesn't matter. If we can defeat Him once, we can defeat Him a second time."

  With Bronya's support, Seele calmed down: "You are right, we shouldered the same sins for what happened to Beloberg today. We must never let the same mistakes happen again."

  At the old weapons testing ground, the world-ripping monsters that had been repelled made a comeback and almost broke through the mechanical army’s defense line.

  "Mr. Swarovski, what's going on?" Clara was shocked and turned to look at Swarovski who was standing behind her.

  The red light on Swarlow's robot head flashed slightly, obviously calculating data: "There is a 57% chance that the individual named Joker has discovered the Star Core Controller."

  The girl in red gritted her teeth and said, "Can we go and help? If Bronya and Seele can't solve this disaster..."

  But Swarovski shook his head and refused: "According to calculations, if we evacuate the mechanical army to the upper area now, the rift monsters here will be out of control. If we fail, we will lose both the upper and lower areas."

  "If we hold on to the lower levels, at least we can preserve the last spark of fire for Beloberg after everything is irreversible."

  Clara looked at the robots who were struggling to resist below and realized that what Swarovski said was right. She sighed slightly and prayed for everyone in her heart.

  Outside the Iron Guard restricted area, Jeppard and Pella were leading the Silver Mane Iron Guard to fight against the sudden increase in the Rift Monsters.

  The encirclement and suppression tactics that were originally planned because the star core was sealed have now completely collapsed. Jeppard stood on the front line of the Iron Guard with a shield. In the tense battle, he suddenly saw a Batmobile speeding towards him, knocking away many monsters along the way.

  The one who came was Batman.

  Bat Dad was originally reflecting on his level of education, but the monsters that suddenly appeared in the trees and the snow forced him to give up reflecting and fight. Although the collision has limited lethality to these monsters, it is still a good way to eliminate the miscellaneous soldiers.

  Batman knew very well that he couldn't kill all the enemies with just one car. He was Batman, not Superman, and only by seeking help from his allies could he effectively repel the enemies. So he rushed forward all the way, wanting to spin into the field, and finally arrived at the front line of the Silver Mane Guard.

  "Come in!" Jeppard shouted, pushing the gate in his hand, revealing an entrance just big enough for the Batmobile to pass through.

  Bruce understood and spun the steering wheel wildly. After swinging his tail left and right to shake off the monster that was pestering him, he stepped on the accelerator to the bottom and slid sideways into the city gate like a black meteor. After landing, he left two deep tire tracks on the ground.

  There was no time to think about why Batman appeared here. After the Batmobile temporarily knocked away all the attacking enemies, Jeppard closed the city gate at the last second before the Batmobile entered the gate.

  The Silver Manes surrounded the Batmobile. Although Beloberg also had cars, they were from the last century. They had never seen such high-tech cars that could fight monsters. Their eyes were shining as they looked at the Batmobile.

  If it weren't for the strict military discipline, they would have rushed up and drooled on the body of the car.

  Jeppard walked forward. His once neat and shiny armor was now covered in dirt. Gun smoke had blackened the silver, and blood had stained his azure cloak. His brilliant blond hair was now tangled by sweat, but his blue eyes were still firm.

  Just like when we first met in Gotham.

  "Thank you for your help. The Silver Mane Guards will never forget your help." Jeppard saluted forcefully, and the guards behind him also saluted in unison.

  The Batmobile opened its door in the middle and Batman jumped out. His black armor and the helmet covering his face made the guards around him a little alert, but no one shouted a word to rebuke him.