Chapter 155: Xianyang City Falls! The Whole World is Shocked!!!

There had always been a problem with Chen Sheng before, that is, his name was not right and his words were not smooth!
Chen Sheng used the rise of the Great Chu as the clarion call for rebellion, and used Fusu, who had Chu blood, and Xiang Yan, a famous general who fought against Qin, as his signature figures, and started the snowball of the uprising.
During this period, the people of Chu all responded to the call and joined the anti-Qin team, making the uprising snowball bigger and bigger.
But under such circumstances, Chen Sheng proclaimed himself the King of Chu. This was a retrograde move, because the people of Chu joined because of your call and your sign, not because they wanted to recognize you as the King of Chu.
Therefore, many people later believed that Chen Sheng should support the descendant with the blood of the King of Chu, make him king, and then control him secretly. This was his formal move to accomplish great things. After the great task was accomplished, he could let the King of Chu abdicate.
But Chen Sheng did not do so, and he failed, so this was attributed to him as the reason for his failure.
Su Che didn't care. If the name is not right, then the words will not flow?
Then he will get a bigger name!
He wants to change the world!
Let there be no more endless corvee labor in this world! Let there be no more hungry peasants in this world! Let there be no more people discriminated against in this world!
The essence of Shang Yang's reforms in Qin was to compete with the people for profit, to make them busy all their lives but achieve nothing, and to make the people just machines for production and war.
The Book of Lord Shang says:
"When the people are weak, the country is strong; when the country is strong, the people are weak. Therefore, the key to a well-behaved country is to weaken the people."
"If the people are poor, their strength will be rich; if they are rich, they will be licentious; if they are licentious, they will have lice."
“When the people are humiliated, they are given high titles; when they are weak, they are given high positions; when they are poor, they are given great rewards.”
In addition, the system of collective responsibility was implemented in normal times, and the people were "responsible for minor crimes and severe punishments, and if the war broke out, the whole family would be enslaved."
In the Book of Lord Shang, there are five techniques for ruling the people:
To fool the people: to make their thoughts unified and to make them unable to think for themselves.
Weak people: When a country is strong and its people are weak, the way to govern a country is to weaken the people.
Tire the people: Find things to do for the people, run around for them so that they have no time to take care of other things.
Insulting the people: First, they have no self-respect and self-confidence; second, they instigate them to report on each other, and live in an atmosphere of fear all day long.
Poor people: Deprived of all money and property except for the necessities of life, they become poor and have low aspirations.
If the fifth one doesn’t work, kill him!
Under Shang Yang's reforms, all the people of Qin became soldiers and turned them into a real war machine, accomplishing the feat of unifying the six kingdoms.
But after the Qin war machine occupied the entire country, it still did not know how to stop. It was only a matter of time before it was rebounded.
When no one in the world dared to stand up against the tyranny of Qin, Su Che stood up. Not only did he stand up, he also wanted to create an unprecedented country!
These passionate words of changing the world directly mobilized the emotions of hundreds of thousands of people.
Especially the line: How great is the ambition for the sake of sacrifice? Dare to change the sun and the moon for the blue sky!
It makes everyone's blood boil.
Let everyone be determined in their goals.
The fear of death is indeed terrible.
But everyone will die one day in this life!
Dying for your ideals will make people forget the fear of death!
They are born in humble backgrounds, at the bottom of society, living in a muddle-headed state all day long, without dignity or ideals of their own. Just to get a bite of food, they act under the drive of their body's instincts, like a walking corpse.
In order to avoid going on like this and to live a better life, they joined the rebel army and joined the team to resist the tyranny of Qin. Some people joined just to follow blindly, and some people just couldn't survive anymore, not for any lofty goals.
Listening to these words at this moment, each of them had their own ideal and a clear goal!
This is important.
Very important!
If we say that the clear distinction between rewards and punishments and the emergence of the military merit system stabilized the morale of the rebels and allowed them to slightly improve their combat effectiveness based on their military merits.
But this is far from being a real army.
The peasant uprising army was inherently at a disadvantage when facing the regular army.
Most of the lower-class people lack long-term training and military qualities. Even if they are numerous, it is difficult for them to confront the regular army head-on.
As long as they suffer a little bit of hardship, they will become a group of scattered sand. It is common for tens of thousands of volunteers to be chased and beaten by thousands of regular troops.
Because the fear of death transcends everything.
And now.
Su Che set a greater goal for them, a greater ideal, allowing them to completely sublimate.
Such sublimation is only short-lived.
Although I was inspired by these words and determined my ideals and goals, I soon lost myself, calmed down again, and even began to doubt myself - am I really worthy of changing the world? Is it really worth sacrificing my life for this goal, for this ideal?
After calming down, such doubts and reflections will inevitably arise.
There are many such people.
After this oath-taking ceremony is over, we must not let the passion cool down. We must strike while the iron is hot and create some positions in the army responsible for propaganda and ideological work so that they do not forget their original intentions, their dreams and goals.
Su Che had already made all these preparations. He had prepared a lot of promotional slogans for this purpose. They were all catchy and plain words. They were simple but very useful!
At this moment, after Su Che finished saying these words, he stopped and felt a mysterious and wonderful power gathering in his body.
This kind of power surprised Su Che and he couldn't help but be a little shocked.
He thought with some surprise.
'What's this?'
'The power of faith?'
'No, it's not pure faith power, but it's very similar to faith power. With hundreds of thousands of people working together, a mysterious power is gathering on me.'
'Is this also a kind of supernatural power?'
"That's interesting..."
Su Che smiled slightly and continued his speech.
As Su Che gave his speech, the morale of the rebel army continued to rise almost visibly. Hundreds of thousands of people were completely infected by him, including the generals and even Confucian scholars like Zhang Er and Chen Yu.
The target audience of Su Che's words were not them, but even so, they were still excited and completely infected.
Not to mention the lower-class people who came from poor backgrounds and suffered from the tyranny of the Qin Dynasty.
Zhang Er is old and knowledgeable, and he can barely remain calm. However, he is inevitably frightened at this moment, and looks at Su Che not far away with an incredible look.
It was hard for him to imagine how the leader of the rebel army could have changed so much in just a few days.
These words were all spoken in the simplest and most straightforward manner, and they were occasionally a bit literary, but it didn't affect anything.
It is precisely because almost everyone can understand it that it produces an unparalleled effect.
He did not shy away from the issue of his origin and put himself together with all the rebels.
As a monarch, this is the biggest taboo of taboos!
If your birth is not noble enough, if your bloodline is not orthodox enough, how can you expect others to obey you?
You are just a lowly person, but you can sit in this position. Others will also think, I can do it too!
Over time, without sufficient voice, he could not command the people below him, and thus lost his rights as a monarch...
Chen Sheng should be very clear about the pros and cons involved.
But even so, he still said these words.
From another perspective, because he has such confidence, even without relying on his noble status and orthodox bloodline, he can still make others obey him!
This is the true appearance of a human king!
Zhang Er glanced at his son beside him, and saw that Zhang Ao had a fanatical expression on his face. He seemed to be completely immersed in the cause and wanted to follow the rebels to change the world!
Even Zhang Er's good friend Chen Yu looked longing at this moment, hoping that he could be a part of changing the world!
This shocked Zhang Er greatly, and he was even more shocked for a moment!
But what Zhang Er didn't expect was that this was just the beginning!
In the next few days, Su Che began to reorganize the army, formulate various military disciplines, and develop various training methods. Then, he selected some capable people from these peasant uprising forces and let them serve as low-level officers.
These military disciplines and training methods can greatly help this small and undisciplined rebel army to gradually become more responsible!
Such means cannot be used freely just by reading a few military books.
Because people with different physical fitness can withstand different levels of training.
For these insurgents, even having enough food to eat is a problem. It is extremely difficult to assign tasks to people like them.
It can't be too heavy, otherwise it will be counterproductive if it tires them out.
It can't be too light either, otherwise there will be no training effect, which will be meaningless.
Su Che formulated corresponding training according to the actual situation, which was not an easy task!!
After seeing this, Zhang Er couldn't help but gasp!
During the few days of following Su Che, Zhang Er was surprised to find that Su Che not only fought well with those grassroots rebels, but even remembered their names!
Throughout the whole day, Su Che often had to meet thousands of people, ask countless people's names, and inquire about their conditions. After a few days, when Su Che saw that person again, he could actually call out his name accurately!
An ordinary person among hundreds of thousands of people, with an ordinary appearance, ordinary and unremarkable, without any characteristics, just simple communication, no other communication...
But after a few days, she could actually remember his name? And even called it out accurately! What is this?
When Su Che asked with a smile: "Kong Xing, how is the training recently? How is your cooperation with your teammates? Have you made any progress?"
Kong Xing was stunned when these words were spoken. He never dreamed that he had only met the King of Chu once a few days ago, but the King of Chu could still remember his name!
This made him so excited that he couldn't speak clearly for a while, but Su Che didn't care and talked to him cordially, which made Kong Xing flattered.
Even Zhang Er, who was standing next to him, had a look of astonishment!
He simply didn't believe that such a thing could happen.
This is ridiculous!
How could the King of Chu remember such an ordinary soldier from among hundreds of thousands of people? What kind of memory is this?
This... this must be an act!
It's definitely acting!
Zhang Er couldn't help thinking that it was a good strategy to put on such a show and make the lower-level rebels admire their leader.
But such a drama can be easily exposed, right?
When Zhang Er was thinking this, not long after, he saw a group of people, and Su Che called out their names accurately again.
This time it was no longer one person, but a group of people. They came together to meet the King of Chu. Just as they were about to salute, Su Che stopped them and called out their names.
"I remember your name is Wu Wen? And you, I remember your name is Liu Cheng! Are you Li Wu? Lin Ji, Ren An?" Su Che looked at these people and asked with a smile: "I should have remembered your names correctly, right?"
After hearing what the King of Chu said, the group of people were stunned. They never dreamed that the King of Chu actually remembered their names!
It was just a one-time meeting that day, and it was the King of Chu's way of showing respect to the wise and humble. There was nothing wrong with that. Many big shots would do this, pretending to get along with the lower class people, and using this method to make the lower class people remember their kindness.
But when they saw the King of Chu for the second time and the King of Chu still remembered them, the meaning was completely different!
Their eyes were all red. The fact that the King of Chu remembered their names made them want to die for him!
In this era, the custom of a scholar dying for his confidant has not yet disappeared. Even if they are not scholars, but just common people at the bottom of society, when a big shot remembers their names, they will still have the idea of ​​dying for him!
Su Che smiled slightly and kindly asked for their opinions and suggestions for the rebels.
The others hesitated and dared not speak, except for the young man named Li Wu, who ignored them and started complaining directly, saying all kinds of complaints.
Li Wu said: "King of Chu, you were a farmer before, you should know our hardships. After I joined the army, I wanted to get my own land, but those military merits look good, but you have to fight to get them. I have been training these days, and the training is fine, but I still don’t have enough food. Not only that, but we are also targeted, and the cooked millet is full of stones..."
This scared the others. The King of Chu was just being polite to you, why did he say all these words?
The low-ranking officers not far away opened their eyes wide and were so frightened that they dared not come over.
However, what surprised them was.
Su Che listened to Li Wu's complaints carefully without any impatience and nodded from time to time.
After hearing this, Su Che patiently gave his answer. There would definitely be military merits and land, but they had to be well trained to fight the enemy. A mob would not accomplish anything great.
As for the fact that the millet they ate was full of stones, this matter will be investigated and must be thoroughly investigated. Those who should be punished will be punished...
Su Che also provided solutions to other problems.
Zhang Er, who was listening to these words, looked even more strange.
He had never seen a king who was so respectful to others.
In the past, kings were courteous to the wise and humble to the scholars, so the other party was at least a "scholar". Who would care about the thoughts ?
But the King of Chu not only cared about them, he also remembered their names!
If the Kong Xing mentioned before might be an actor hired by the King of Chu, how do we explain so many people?
How can the acting skills of these common people be so good?
There is only one possibility...
There's no way this could be acting!
The King of Chu really remembered these people's names!!
This shocked Zhang Er for a moment, and he couldn't understand how he could remember it.
Next, Su Che met some more people. Without exception, he called out their names and talked to them cordially without any airs or gestures of a superior. He truly came from the people and went back to the people.
These common people who had suffered from Qin's tyranny and the oppression of officials, where had they ever seen such a scene? Not a single one of them was not convinced, all of them were completely convinced by Su Che, and were willing to die for him!
Long before this, this rebel army had pushed forward here all at once. Although they had achieved fruitful results, there were too many problems beneath the surface. Their combat effectiveness, organizational ability, military discipline, and loyalty were all problematic.
Such a group of rabble would be defeated at the first blow if they encountered the regular army of Qin!
Moreover, when these armies go out and occupy land and cities in other places and become a little bigger, the generals sent out will declare themselves kings!
The constraints Chen Sheng had on them were almost non-existent. He had no noble status, no loyal followers, and no organized and disciplined army. If he could be the King of Chu, then others could be other kings!
Under the temptation of power, few people can resist their true nature. The so-called trust is not worth mentioning!
Su Che knew these problems , so he had been trying his best to improve them these days, helping the army to establish order, improve military discipline, and make this mob have the most basic combat effectiveness, so that those low-level soldiers would remember him, get along with them, and constantly improve their loyalty...
It is difficult to reap the effects of these things in a short period of time, and it is impossible to see immediate results, but this does not mean that they are meaningless.
While Su Che was doing these things, Zhang Er was still perplexed and advised: "Your Majesty, these common people at the bottom of society don't know etiquette or gratitude. It won't do much for you to talk to them..."
Su Che turned around, not angry, and asked curiously: "Has anyone done this before?"
Zhang Er was stunned, shook his head and said, "Not yet."
"Then how do you determine that what I'm doing is doomed to fail?" Su Che asked with a smile.
After hearing this, Zhang Er was speechless.
Su Che smiled faintly and said, "I treat others with sincerity, and I will definitely be treated with sincerity!"
No one knew who leaked it, but this sentence became widely circulated among hundreds of thousands of rebels, and countless people remembered Chen Sheng, the new King of Chu.
Although the working people often covet small profits, are mercenary, and have the cunning unique to small people, their essence is still simple. If others are good to them, they will really remember it in their hearts!
Su Che has not forgotten them, and they will not forget Su Che!
In addition, the mysterious rumor that Su Che could remember the name of every member of the hundreds of thousands of rebels spread from one person to another in the rebel camp, and was believed by more and more people.
Everyone says that Chen Sheng, the King of Chu, has the mandate of heaven!
This kind of statement has been said too much.
It has been said by one person after another.
It seems to be gradually becoming a reality.

In this way, a few days passed, and although the army had not yet been reorganized, Su Che knew that he could not continue like this.
The army must set out.
The food and fodder that we looted a few days ago are running low. If we continue to stay here, we will die!
Although we are not ready yet, we have to fight this battle.
In fact, the Qin Empire did not care about the rebels at the beginning. They were just a group of peasants, nothing at all, and could be easily wiped out. The Qin Empire did not regard the rebels as opponents at all.
In other words, if there were enough food and supplies, they could have reorganized and trained for a while.
This is undoubtedly the best option.
But the problem is.
There is not so much food to eat.
We have to fight this battle.
Under Su Che's command, the rebel army sent out three routes. One route was led by Zhou Wen, who supervised generals such as Tian Zang and Li Gui to attack the important town of Xingyang.
This place was not important before, but after the Qin Dynasty unified the world, it has become a very important town.
This is the granary of the world. After the Qin State unified the world, it established the empire’s Guandong general granary - Ao Cang - on Ao Mountain in the northwest of Xingyang!
The huge food demand of the imperial capital in Guanzhong, as well as the food logistics for all Qin army's military operations in Guandong.
They are all responsible for the transfer here!
As long as we take this place, the rebels will no longer worry about food problems!
That's how important it is.
The city was built tall and majestic by the Qin State, and was heavily guarded. This long-lasting siege was extremely difficult for the peasant rebels.
In addition, the defender of this city is Li Si's son, Li You, the governor of Sanchuan County. A good father will have a good son, so he will be very difficult to defeat!
Therefore, Su Che did not have high expectations for this city.
The order he gave to Zhou Wen was to surround the city without attacking, and to wait until the people in the city could no longer hold back and took the initiative to attack, and then attack.
On the second route, Su Che ordered Wu Guang to be the chief general, lead the troops, and lead a small force to capture Nanyang and explore Wuguan, and cooperate with the main force from the flank to attack Xianyang.
And the third road.
It was the main army led by Su Che himself, and his target was directly Hangu Pass.
Previously, Hangu Pass was an important city of the Qin Empire. It was the only way to reach Xianyang. It was a city that was difficult to capture and the toughest nut to crack.
After all, being known as the most powerful pass in the world is no joke.
Hangu Pass is located at the extremely dangerous point of Xiaohan Pass. Thanks to it, Qin could go out of the pass to compete for the upper reaches, or retreat and close the pass to protect itself.
But that's all in the past.
As the Qin Empire unified the world, the role of this place has been completely replaced by Xingyang.
There were not many people defending Hangu Pass at this moment.
It was easily broken by Su Che.
Not only that, as Su Che led the army here, they basically encountered no resistance along the way.
On the contrary, as more and more people joined the army along the way, the number of troops increased by the time they reached Hangu Pass, from a few hundred thousand to hundreds of thousands.
at the same time.
Although there was war outside the Great Wall, there was peace and prosperity in the Qin Palace.
The urgent documents came one after another, but Qin II ignored them all. He thought that the Qin army was invincible and they were just small bandits. How could they disturb my enjoyment? Damn it!
As a result, all the messengers from outside the pass were thrown into prison, charged with deceiving the emperor.
Seeing that those who told the truth would not end well, everyone had no choice but to tell him some "white" lies : "The thieves are stealing like rats and dogs. The county magistrate and the lieutenant are chasing them. Now they have all been caught. There is no need to worry."
But as Su Che's army of hundreds of thousands broke through Hangu Pass and killed their way to Xidi, dozens of miles outside Xianyang City, Qin II suddenly woke up.
Only when the enemy was right in front of him did he become completely panicked.
"Do you have any clever ideas to ward off the enemy?"
After these words were spoken, the court became unusually quiet.
Even Prime Minister Li Si had no good solution.
At this moment, the Qin Empire was in a defensive situation. Hundreds of thousands of troops were fighting the Huns in the north, and hundreds of thousands of troops were attacking the indigenous people in the south. The military force was seriously insufficient. In the entire Xianyang city, there were only tens of thousands of imperial guards.
But how can these tens of thousands of imperial guards resist hundreds of thousands of rebels?
The rebel army was approaching Xianyang with an unstoppable momentum. The best option was to avoid their attack, but the enemy had already reached their base camp, and the city of Xianyang was right there. How could they avoid their attack?
At this critical moment of life and death, a man stood up. He was Zhang Han, who served as the Shaofu, one of the Nine Ministers.
Zhang Han said: "The enemy is now numerous and powerful, and is pressing on. If we dispatch troops from nearby counties, I'm afraid it will be too late. There are many convicts in Mount Li. I ask that you pardon them, give them all weapons, and send me to lead them to attack. We should be able to repel the enemy."
Mount Li is the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang. In order to build this grand project, prisoners from all over the country gathered here.
Zhang Han's meaning was very straightforward. There were too many rebels and they were already at hand. It was impossible to stop them relying solely on the 50,000 lieutenant troops in Xianyang City.
Although the Qin troops in several nearby large counties have some combat effectiveness, it takes time to mobilize them.
What Qin lacks most now is time. They need time to deal with the sudden attack of the rebels.
So Zhang Han thought of pardoning the prisoners who were building the mausoleum and asking them to help resist the rebels.
This is actually not a solution because it will cause serious consequences.
Most of the more than 700,000 prisoners in Mount Li came from various counties of the empire. There were not only Qin people, but also people from the six kingdoms. These people were reduced to hard labor and official slaves due to the harsh Qin laws.
Because of a small mistake as small as a sesame seed, he became a slave.
What feelings do they have about the survival of Qin?
They are only fighting this battle for the sake of freedom and military merit. Once they are out of the border, many of them will surely flee back to their hometowns.
This is tantamount to releasing countless resistance forces, and the chaos in the world will become even more chaotic!
But at this point, there is no better way.
Even if it is like drinking poison to quench thirst, even if you know it is impossible, you have to force yourself to do it!
Qin II had no other choice and agreed to the request without hesitation.
Hu Hai breathed a sigh of relief.
A problem is not a problem if it can be solved!

at the same time.
Mount Li east of Xianyang.
Prisoners from all over the country gathered here, working hard at various physical labor. They were all skinny and emaciated, with despair in their eyes, and no one dared to slack off.
The consequences of daring to be lazy are usually very miserable.
I saw a prisoner who was weak all over and his eyes went dark because he didn't have enough food. He accidentally dropped some neatly laid bricks on the ground.
At that moment, the prisoner opened his eyes wide and began to tremble all over. He quickly knelt on the ground and shouted anxiously: "It's not broken, it's not broken! These bricks are not broken yet, don't hit me, don't hit me..."
But even though he said that, the supervisor next to him didn't care what he was mumbling and just whipped him directly.
The whip instantly tore the prisoner's skin and flesh apart, causing him to fall to the ground. He grimaced in pain, holding his head tightly and screaming in pain: "Don't hit me, don't hit me!"
The overseer didn't care at all. He thought it was just a prisoner. Even if he was beaten to death, it wouldn't be a big deal. What's more, he didn't plan to beat him to death - he just beat him half to death.
The prisoner was lashed with whip after whip, his skin and flesh were torn apart, and he was beaten beyond recognition. He cried out in pain one after another.
The cry of pain made the supervisor even more excited. He narrowed his eyes, grinned, and kept waving the whip in his hand!
The overseer looked at the prisoner who was beaten to death by him, and felt an unprecedented sense of satisfaction in his heart. He said coldly:
"Work hard, this brick didn't break, but you knocked off the edges. Do you know what a sin this is?"
"You damn prisoner, you damn slave, you damn pariah!!"
Many prisoners who had just arrived couldn't help but widen their eyes when they saw this scene, looking indignant and ready to take action!
As for the prisoners who have been here for a long time and have survived until now, their eyes are full of numbness. They are accustomed to such situations.
Originally, the supervisor did not intend to whip the prisoner to death, but his force was a little too strong and the prisoner could not withstand it. After only a dozen or so whips, he fainted.
The supervisor stopped, waved his hand, and asked someone to bring a bucket of water. After pouring a bucket of cold water on the prisoner, the prisoner still did not wake up.
"Dead?" The supervisor was stunned for a moment, then said casually, "How could he be so weak? He died so easily? Never mind, he's dead..."
The overseer then noticed a prisoner who had stopped to look at him. He shouted angrily, walked over and whipped the man in the face, cursing, "What are you looking at? Who told you to stop? Do you want to die too?!"
"Look at the look in your eyes, do you still want to resist?"
"Haha, come on, come on! Come and hit me!"
The supervisor laughed loudly, not caring about the resistance of these people at all. The soldier with a weapon not far away had already looked over and frowned. Just as he was about to say something, his face suddenly changed...
The ground was shaking slightly.
What's this?
Many experienced veterans' faces instantly became very exciting: "A large army is approaching!"
"What is that?!"
"Whose army is that? It's not the Qin army. How could they break through Hangu Pass and come here?"
"I haven't heard of the battle at Hangu Pass, how did it get here?"
"They seem to be... the rebel army that has been gaining momentum recently?"
The number of troops stationed in Mount Li to prevent rebellion was not large, only a few thousand people. Faced with the huge army, at least hundreds of thousands of rebels, they had no intention of resisting it.
There are too many people!
These troops are Su Che’s rebel army!
He got here first!
As he led the army here, the supervisors holding whips and the soldiers with weapons were all frightened out of their wits and turned around and ran without hesitation!
The number of people is totally unbalanced, there is no way to fight!
They had heard about the rebels a long time ago, but they never dreamed that the rebels did not attack the prosperous city of Xianyang, nor rob the mountains of granaries, but instead came to the tomb of the First Emperor!
What do they want to do?
Are you here to rob the tomb of the First Emperor?
As the supervisors and soldiers fled, the sturdy prisoner who had been whipped on the face could no longer endure it. He pounced on the supervisor who had just swung the whip and punched him again and again with his fists as big as sandbags!
"What are you doing!"
"Let me go!"
“Don’t hit me!”
"Please, don't hit me!"
"Woo, stop hitting me, stop hitting me..."
The supervisor's voice became smaller and smaller, and he kept punching him, actually beating him to death!
at the same time.
Su Che narrowed his eyes and looked at the supervisor and Qin Jun who were fleeing not far away, but ignored them.
Humph, you want to escape?
Where can I escape to?
It’s nothing but Xianyang City, but his next target is Xianyang City!
Su Che looked at the ragged prisoners and slaves who were holding tools and were already somewhat numb, and couldn't help but let out a deep breath.
Su Che was the first to arrive here with a huge army.
As the army marched forward, more and more prisoners and slaves knelt down. Faced with such a large army, although they were equally numerous, they dared not resist at all. They could only kneel down and wait for the other general to decide their life or death...
However, at this moment, Su Che roared loudly, his voice was deafening and echoed throughout the universe. He said another sentence that will be recorded in history to the 700,000 prisoners in Mount Li!
"Get up! Those who don't want to be slaves! Get up!!"
As soon as these words resounded throughout heaven and earth were spoken.
The more than 700,000 prisoners in Mount Li all looked up in astonishment at this moment. No one could believe that the general of this army would actually say such words.
What does this mean?
If they only stood up, would they no longer be prisoners and slaves?
Not many people stood up at the first moment. Most of the prisoners were still kneeling. They had been tortured here for such a long time. They couldn't believe that they were suddenly freed...
This thing was so good that they couldn't believe it was true.
Many prisoners were even worried that the Qin army would capture them again, so they knelt on the ground and dared not move.
Su Che was not surprised when he saw this scene. After being enslaved for so long, they could never stand up with just a few words.
Su Che continued to shout, "I am Chen Sheng, the King of Chu! The leader of the anti-Qin righteous army. We have already reached Xianyang. We can conquer Xianyang today and kill that bastard Emperor Hu Hai, and bring order to the world!"
"I didn't attack Xianyang first, but came here to rescue you first!"
"I attacked Xianyang and fought against the tyrannical Qin, not for my own selfish gain, not for the sake of a great cause, but to clean up the world and let the people of the world live and work in peace and contentment!"
"You are prisoners from all over the country! Under the tyranny of Qin, you were taken here as long as you committed a small crime and became official slaves! You work day and night!"
"But now that I'm here, there's a blue sky!"
"These hard days are over now!"
"You are free! You don't have to be slaves anymore!"
"No one can restrain you anymore, and no one can whip you at will anymore!"
"I, Chen Sheng, the King of Chu, will give you your freedom!"
"I'm about to attack Xianyang. If you want to achieve great things, you can follow my team! If you want to clean up the world and bring peace and prosperity to the world, you can also follow my team!"
After these words were spoken, for the first few seconds, the more than 700,000 prisoners in Mount Li were silent.
But soon, a bald strong man jumped out from the crowd of prisoners. There was a fresh scar on his face. At this moment, he shouted excitedly: "Niu Xiong is willing to follow the army of King Chu to attack Xianyang City and capture that bird emperor!!"
Seeing his sturdy and strong figure, Su Che couldn't help but laugh: "Come, follow the team, you will be the captain, supervise the troops accompanying the Lishan army!"
"Thank you, King Chu, for the reward!" Upon hearing this, the Bull Bear was overjoyed and shouted immediately, following closely!
Seeing the rewards, more and more people joined the rebel army. Among the more than 700,000 prisoners in Mount Li, at least 600,000 joined the team.
The rebel army, which had originally expanded to hundreds of thousands, now exceeded one million. Even if this one million people was just a mob, it was still a terrifying number.
Su Che led this million-strong army and began to march westward, aiming at Xianyang.
And at this moment, in Xianyang city.
When Zhang Han heard the latest news, his face suddenly changed. He couldn't believe it and said, "How is it possible!?"
"Those rebels did not come directly to Xianyang, but instead took a detour to attack Mount Li first?"
The rebel army arrived at Xishui, which was only a few dozen miles away from Xianyang City. When they arrived here, crossing the river to attack Xianyang was the best option!
Xianyang City is within reach. As long as we capture Xianyang, the capital of Qin, we can achieve our goal in one fell swoop. No one can resist such temptation.
However, these rebel troops ignored the city of Xianyang and went directly to the closer Mount Li, released all the prisoners, and joined the rebel team!
There were originally hundreds of thousands of insurgents, and now the number has reached over one million!
The huge difference in military strength made Zhang Han completely despair.
Even though the rebels were unarmored and most of their weapons were made of cut wooden sticks, the prisoners could only hold tools for work...
This is just a mob!
But even so, more than one million, this number is too terrifying!
A spit from each person could drown the 50,000 imperial guards in Xianyang!
Zhang Han, who originally wanted to rely on those prisoners and fight to the death, closed his eyes in despair. He smiled miserably and muttered to himself:
"The leader of these bandits seems to be called... Chen Sheng? He declared himself the King of Chu? He was the one who said, "Are there any kings, princes, generals, or ministers of different races?"
"Haha, you really have some skills. You can actually see through my thoughts and intercept the prisoners in Mount Li first, thus expanding your team..."
"I really underestimated this hero in the world!"
With an army of more than one million approaching Xianyang, no matter how well-equipped or disciplined the 50,000 imperial guards were, they were still frightened and afraid after seeing so many people!
This day.
The Qin Empire's capital, Xianyang, was captured by the rebel leader Chen Sheng.
For a moment, the whole world was in shock! !

Jun 20, 2024
Jun 20, 2024
Jun 20, 2024
Jun 20, 2024
Jun 20, 2024