Chapter 15 Rumors

Let’s go back a little in time.
After Lu Yi and the three-tailed black scorpion brothers finished their registration and went to the side hall to collect their uniforms and equipment, their information - the detailed information stored in the underground secret hall of the Guard Palace Prison - had already been transferred through several hands and sent to the General's Mansion of the Dayinwu Dynasty.
The General's Mansion of the Dayinwu Dynasty was located just west of the imperial city and not far from the Palace Guards.
The entire General's Mansion was surrounded by a high wall about 20 miles long and wide, the same size as the walls of the imperial city. On the walls, there were sentry towers and arrow towers; on and off the walls, there were armored soldiers everywhere. Every quarter of an hour, a whole team of cavalry rushed out from the four gates and patrolled around the walls.
The huge general's mansion has military camps and parade grounds on all sides, granaries and arsenals underground, and hundreds of thousands of the most elite imperial guards are stationed there all year round.
This place is not only the location of Dayin’s highest military command center, but also one of the most important fortresses to protect the imperial city.
It was already daybreak. Inside the White Tiger Hall in the center of the General's Mansion, there were thunderous snoring and the smell of alcohol was overwhelming.
The White Tiger Hall is where the generals of the Dayin Wu Dynasty hold meetings and is the most important command organization. Every order issued here is related to the life and death, honor and disgrace of hundreds of millions of Dayin soldiers.
At this moment, in the spacious hall, the charcoal fires in more than a dozen bronze furnaces were dim, barely emitting heat to maintain the temperature in the hall.
The hall was covered with a three-inch thick carpet, and many drunk men and women were lying on the floor.
Those men were all burly with strong bones and thick and powerful joints. They wore colorful tight-fitting robes with various beast patterns on them. They were obviously powerful military generals with extremely high official titles.
Those women, each of them wearing thin clothes and looking pretty and cute, were entangled with these men like an octopus.
Around them, there were wine jars, wine pitchers, wine cups, and wine bowls piled up in a mess, and various musical instruments, colorful silks, rings and pendants were scattered everywhere.
There were also some rouge, powder, perfume, and scented oils scattered on the ground.
These men and women were sleeping soundly. Some were talking nonsense, some were farting and burping, some were snoring, and some were laughing in a creepy way, as if they had encountered some good thing in their dreams.
Two men in green tights and with sturdy faces carefully pushed open the door of the hall. They took small steps at a time, carefully avoiding the men and women lying on the ground, and came to the huge table at the innermost part of the hall.
A sturdy man over eight feet tall, with long hair, a round, greasy face, and a belly as bulging as that of a woman in her eighth or ninth month of pregnancy, was lying on his back under the table, snoring comfortably.
This person is none other than Lewu, the current Lord Wu'an of the Dayinwu Dynasty, the Supreme Pillar of the State, the Grand General, the Commander-in-Chief of the Army of the World, and the younger brother of the current Empress Dowager.
Other identities are not important.
In short, he is the Queen Mother's younger brother, which is more important than anything else.
"General!" Two sturdy men, Le Wu's most trusted confidants, gently pushed Le Wu's arms, which were several times thicker than an ordinary man's thigh.
Le Wu muttered vaguely: "Little beauty!"
" General?" The two close ministers carefully pushed Le Wu's belly again.
"Come, uncle will love you!" Le Wu chuckled, and an extremely strange smile appeared on his greasy face.
"Wow, what a great black dog! It can produce 40 kilograms of good meat!" The two sighed, and one of them leaned close to Le Wu's ear and shouted hurriedly, "Wow, it's very fat and beautiful!"
"Black dog, where are you running to!" Le Wu 's eyes widened suddenly, and he straightened his upper body: "Kids, prepare the pots and prepare plenty of mashed garlic, look at me... Hey, what are you yelling about?"
Le Wu looked at his two confidants in a daze and slapped each of them lightly.
The two of them were slapped by Le Wu in the face while being affectionate. One of them gently pulled out a thin scroll from his sleeve, and with a 'hehe' smile, handed the scroll to Le Wu: "General, look, there is good news."
Le Wu rolled his eyes and snorted, "You know I can't read . Tell me, what's the good news?"
The man hurriedly unfolded the small scroll, which contained all of Lu Yi's information since birth, as well as a palm-sized charcoal drawing that was extremely well-drawn and captured 99% of Lu Yi's spirit, almost exactly like the real person.
"Do you still remember the Imperial College Master Bai Changkong who reprimanded you in person in the court meeting hall a few years ago?"
The two looked at Le Wu with smiles on their faces.
Le Wu's big eyelids that bulged like goldfish spun, and a fierce light suddenly shone in his distinct black and white pupils: "Bai Changkong, that old thief, you useless bastards, I asked you to rob his granddaughter years ago, and I asked you to take revenge on him a hundred times, a hundred times, and you all cowered and dared not to do anything!"
As he was talking, Le Wu became furious and gave each of them a slap in the face!
"Hey, General, don't be angry, don't be angry!" The two laughed dryly and flattered him hurriedly: "Isn't this the chance to take revenge on him?"
"This guy?" Le Wu shook his drowsy head and pointed at Lu Yi's portrait.
One of them smiled and explained in detail Lu Yi's background and the fact that he had just joined the Guard Palace.
"He is engaged to Bai Changkong's granddaughter?" Le Wu tilted his head and looked at Lu Yi's portrait, then slapped his thigh and sighed, "Oh, such a good piece of fat meat, it fell into the dog's mouth. How can this kid be so lucky?"
Amid violent coughing, a middle-aged man lying on the ground at the other end of the desk, with only a pair of underpants on his body and rouge marks all over his face, twitched all over, freed himself from the seven or eight arms wrapped around him, and straightened his upper body with difficulty.
Weakly and trembling all over, he crawled on all fours under the desk, grabbed the small scroll and examined it carefully.
As he watched, the middle-aged man with a three-inch short beard and a somewhat literary and romantic aura burst into laughter.
"My lord, my lord, the time to take revenge on the thief Bai has come!"
"Haha, this old thief loves a good reputation most of all. He uses all means to flatter himself and act like a gentleman. Who would have thought that it was his cheap grandson-in-law who stabbed him in the back."
Le Wu's eyes widened, and he looked at the middle-aged man blankly: "Old Jia, stop talking nonsense, and tell me quickly, how can this kid join the Guardian Prison to take revenge on Bai Changkong?"
Jia Yu, the most important military advisor to Le Wu and also the military advisor of the General's Mansion, chuckled, pointed at Lu Yi's portrait, shook his head and said, "Bai Changkong's adopted grandson-in-law has joined the Shougong Prison. The general knows that the Shougong Prison is an inner court institution. In recent years, the Shougong Prison and the officials of the court who are from the cultural and educational backgrounds have been fighting more and more fiercely!"
"Those cultural and educational officials called the palace guards the 'eunuch party'. They have been writing articles to criticize them for years. The word 'eunuch party' has become so stinky that it can be smelled for thirty miles."
"Who is Bai Changkong? He was promoted by the Ministry of Culture and Education and is one of the current representatives in the court."
"Since Lu Yi has joined the eunuch party, he can't possibly become Bai Changkong's grandson-in-law."
"Lu Yi would rather join the eunuch party than become Bai Changkong's grandson-in-law."
"Just think about it, how many shameful and dirty things are there? How much mud and stinking water are there?"
Le Wu blinked and looked at Jia Yu. After a long moment, he shook his head in a simple and honest way: "I don't understand!"
Jia Yu patted Le Wu's thigh and said, "My lord, please leave this matter to me. Just wait and see what happens next, and you will understand!"
Le Wu was silent for a while, then grinned: "Okay, I'll leave it to you, Lao Jia. Give me the man if you want him, and give me the money if you want it!"
Inside the White Tiger Hall, Le Wu's roar was heard, and one drunken general after another was woken up by him by kicking and beating him.
A quarter of an hour later, a group of staggering generals rushed out of the White Tiger Hall with laughter.
Another quarter of an hour later, groups of imperial guardsmen changed into civilian clothes, carrying gongs, war drums and other items, and rushed out of the garrison with laughter.
In the general's mansion, large groups of messenger hawks soared into the sky and swooped down with sharp screams into the military camps and war fortresses stationed in various towns and cities in the city of Haojing.
Soon, groups of imperial guardsmen who had changed into casual clothes rushed out of the military camps and battle fortresses that had received the letter, carrying drums, gongs, horns, hujias and other musical instruments with excitement on their faces .
More kites flew out of Haojing and headed towards the military camps in various states, circuits, and prefectures of the Dayinwu Dynasty.
These kites are all alien species. They have become extinct in flight. The fastest ones can fly 10,000 to 20,000 miles in a day and a night.
Although there is a general like Le Wu who is not very reliable.
However, thanks to the previous emperors of the Dayinwu Dynasty, the imperial guards of the Dayinwu Dynasty have not rotted away, and the army's operational efficiency is still frighteningly high, at least much higher than that of other government offices and the spies of the powerful families.
When the furious Bai Changkong, along with a few great sages and old friends, rushed out on horseback from the foot of Cuiwei Mountain, at every street corner in the dozens of neighborhoods closest to the imperial city in Haojing City, there were already plain-clothed imperial officers and soldiers beating gongs and drums, blowing horns and Hujia, and shouting loudly at the people who had gathered around them.
"Oh my, something strange happened in Gaojing City today!"
"This gentleman asked, what is this strange thing?"
"Oh, this is really interesting!"
"The vice president of the Imperial College, the great sage Bai Changkong, even if you haven't seen him, you must have heard of him, right?"
"What kind of person is that? He is one of the current stars of our Dayin Culture and Education. He is the deputy director of the Imperial College. Oh my, he is a big shot, right? A gentleman, right? A person of impeccable character, right?"
"He is such a great sage, a gentleman, a man of flawless character, but something has happened to his granddaughter!"
"What happened? Hey, isn't it just that kind of thing between a man and a woman? What else could it be?"
"You can all think about it yourself. Hehe, a girl who was raised in seclusion, and the granddaughter of Bai Changkong, with such a background, born to be gorgeous, uh, maybe a little bit 'fickle'!"
"What can a girl like this do to make her fiancé, who has been engaged since childhood, prefer to join the palace guards and become a eunuch rather than marry her?"
"Please think about it, and think about it carefully."
"What shameful thing did this Miss Bai do to force her fiancé to escape the marriage even if he would rather cut himself with a knife?"
Bai Changkong, who was riding a horse passing by an intersection, vomited blood in the street.
Jul 18, 2024
Jul 18, 2024
Jul 18, 2024
Jul 18, 2024