Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Yan Yu also got a lot of news about what happened in Suiyuan, and during this period he also helped arrest many people in Suiyuan. Suiyang was distributed in every corner of Luofu, and Shiwangsi also found people to help arrest them. The sun is drifting everywhere.

Goldfish Alley is particularly lively during the day and at night. People here like Bai Lu to come here to have fun, so they naturally get to know Yan Yu, and anyone who knows what happened in the past knows what her identity is.

When Yan Yu took Bai Lu back, they encountered a gloomy alley. Yan Yu's familiar smell came from the depths of the alley. When she stopped and looked into the alley, she seemed to see a familiar figure, and she knew very well that this was Sui Yang. Damn it. Bai Lu was a little confused when she saw Yan Yu stop. "Sister Yan Yu?"

"It's okay." Yan Yu took Bai Lu towards the port without stopping too much. He passed by two doctors who came over and nodded and passed by without any intention of stopping. Listen to those people's nonsense.

The two doctors also noticed the low air pressure on Yan Yu's body, and naturally did not ask for trouble. They looked at each other and then walked to the port together. Sometimes they noticed Bai Lu's eyes, and the two of them did not dare to make any big difference. reaction, after all, there is a bigger person in front of him.

After sending Bai Lu back to Dandingsi, Yan Yu gave some instructions to the doctor and was about to return to his residence when Yu Zhao made a sound. When she took out the Jade Omen, she found that the pioneer was asking her about the scenery in Linyuan.

"Lin Abyss Realm?" Yan Yu was a little confused and didn't know what they were going to do in the Lin Abyss Realm, so she answered the questions one by one, and the Ten Kings just sent a message asking her to go to the Lin Abyss Realm. Yanyu returned to the Linyuan realm after replying the message.

She stood under the dragon statue and stared at the face on the statue in silence. The face on the statue was familiar yet unfamiliar, and she didn't know who she was looking at through the statue. The sudden sound of footsteps interrupted Yanyu's thoughts. She looked back and saw two unknown guests.

"Why are you two here?"

"I have something to do, so I came to the Scale Abyss Realm."

"Because of it?" Yan Yu pointed to the thing they were carrying. She knew exactly what it was, but she Unable to sense any malice from Sui Yang, she looked at their nervous expressions and nodded. "I understand, you go in, be careful."

"Thank you!"

Yan Yu said nothing and watched them take Suiyang into the Linyuan realm. Rather than why he came to the Linyuan realm, he was more concerned about why he came to the Linyuan realm. It was as if she had to come to the Abyss Realm, as if there was something she needed to confirm her general mood. In fact, she didn't know it herself.

The wind blew with the smell of sea water for a moment, and the wind caressed her face, as if someone was caressing her cheek. But this time she returned to the Scale Abyss Realm to perform a mission. Ding ding dong dong news The sound interrupted her thoughts. It was Pioneer who said that she saw someone who looked very similar to Dan Heng. When she clicked on the photo, her pupils shrank. After replying to the message, she quickened her pace to go to where Pioneer sent the message.

Seeing the familiar back made Yan Yu stop. March 7 found Yan Yu's figure and waved her hand to come over quickly, but she couldn't walk over. She felt that her steps were very heavy, as if she was being shackled. , and his body had the smell of Suiyang, and Yan Yu called out the sinking channel. "Suiyang, don't talk to me with his appearance."

Hearing this, the three of them were stunned. Dan Feng looked at Yan Yu's cold face, his pale golden eyes reflected his appearance, and he naturally understood that Yan Yu Why is this happening? Tell me in a leisurely manner. "Didn't you say that no matter what I look like or what I transform into, you can recognize me as my real person?"

It was Yan Yu's turn to be stunned when he said this. This was a promise he made to Dan Feng a long time ago. After speaking, she stared at Dan Feng for a long time before she put away the falling water. She stepped forward and stared closely at the ghost in front of her. After making sure it was correct, she lowered her eyes and called him in a soft tone. "Lord Dan Feng."

"I don't like this title."

"Feng." Yan Yu was a little helpless. When she came to her senses, March 7th had already pulled the pioneers away from here, and even sent her a message. Tell her the next step and so on. "You have the aura of Suiyang about you, and I don't like it."

"There is no other way. If not, when would you see me."

"The source of the recent rumors of hauntings in the Scale Abyss Realm turns out to be you."

"There has always been someone there recently . He came to the Linyuan Realm out of curiosity, and when he saw me, he turned around and ran away in horror. "

Yan Yu only found it a little funny, and raised her hand to ask for the Suiyang. Even though she wanted to stay with Dan Feng longer, he The longer you stay, the more people it affects.

It's not that she doesn't want to see him, but that the rebellious Sui Yang needs to be captured or dispersed by her, but the hand that is placed on her hand is not Sui Yang's, but Dan Feng's. Yan Yu looked at him with confusion. "What are you doing?"

"Isn't this your habit in previous years?"

This was indeed her habit when asking for something from Dan Feng, but this time, she wasn't asking for anything else.

"Suiyang, give it to me."

"You don't seem to want me to stay."

Yan Yu just looked at Dan Feng's blue eyes without saying much. They knew each other's temperament and naturally knew what the other party wanted to do. things and choices. When Dan Feng wanted to take back his hand, Yan Yu held the cold hand and played with his fingertips. Such Yan Yu reminded Dan Feng of the past.

"It's painful to be trapped here."

"Don't you understand?"

"You heard all those words."

"Well, I heard them all."

"It's time to end, Dan Feng."

Dan Feng didn't speak, just calm. He stared at Yan Yu's pale golden eyes. Every time he felt that these eyes were like a snake, because they were cold and indifferent inside. He closed his eyes and stepped back a little to look at her silently. With.

Time passed little by little. Except for the low dragon roar coming from the sea, no one chose to speak first. Finally, Yan Yu's jade omen rang, interrupting the tranquility. She looked at Dan Feng before speaking. She took out Yuzhao and started to check the message. It was a message from Jing Yuan asking her about the progress.

After she finished replying to Jing Yuan's message, she looked up and ran into those blue eyes. For a moment, she felt like she was going to drown alive in these lake-like eyes. She quickly took a few steps back, and couldn't help but feel a little sad. After all, The spell on her body was also lifted, and her emotions naturally recovered.

"Aren't you going to say something to me?" When she finished speaking, her eyes felt blurry and her cheeks were wet. She seemed to see Dan Feng showing a trace of panic. It was too false, as if she was still in the dream. generally. "Am I crying?"

"Well, you're crying." Dan Feng paused when he thought of something, and he carefully wiped away her tears and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. "Finally untied."

"Yes, untied."

"I don't have anything to say to you." Dan Feng took Suiyang out of his body and put it in Yan Yu's hand, and his figure It is also slowly disappearing. "Forget me."

She put Suiyang into the gourd and watched him slowly disappear. Yanyu couldn't help but go up to the front building to stay with Danfeng. She smelled his scent. "I really miss you so much."

After hearing this, Dan Feng paused, raised his hand to stroke Yan Yu's soft hair, and then completely dissipated after softly responding.

The low cry of the dragon came, and Yan Yu felt that the sound was filled with sadness. When she was about to turn around and leave, she found a familiar wristband and a ring on her hand. The ring was taken away by Dan Feng. Her wrist was similar to that of Dan Feng. She stroked the wrist guard and reported the mission status to Jing Yuan while walking.

When she returned to Shence Mansion and found that Jing Yuan was not there, she felt her anger begin to spread. She came to Suiyuan with a gun and scolded Jing Yuan, completely ignoring the presence of others around her.

"Sister Yanyu, please save some face for me."

Yanyu glanced at everyone present lightly, put away the gun for a few seconds, and stood aside silently looking in the direction of Suiyuan in the distance, as if he was missing him. What.

After the matter was settled, Jingyuan and Yan Yu returned to Shence Mansion together. Yan Yu said a lot on the way, including that the curse on him was also released, but Jing Yuan didn't know whether he should be happy or sad, maybe half and half.

Suiyang's matter was successfully resolved, as was the matter investigated by Yanyu. After finding the evidence, many people were arrested. Maybe the matter really should be over.

Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024