Chapter 131: Transformed into a slow little zombie in the apocalypse 31

Chapter 131: Transformed into a slow little zombie in the apocalypse 31

It was already dark, Lin Fangchu prepared dinner and waited for Rong Jin to wake up.

Rong Jin woke up from hunger, and was carried to the dining table by Lin Fangchu, who asked blearily: "Where are we now?"

Lin Fangchu dug out a spoonful of porridge, put the spoon to Rong Jin's lips, and replied leisurely: "E Heizhu Town."

Hearing the familiar place name, Rong Jin trembled and said with a stiff expression: "Heizhu Town? Are you kidding me?

Why did he go to the villain's den again?

Lin Fangchu keenly noticed that Rong Jin's reaction was wrong and said calmly: "No, it's Heizhu Town. Don't worry Rong Rong, Heizhu Town is very safe and no one will bully you."

Rong Jin: "Why? It might be safe, isn't Qi Wuxi right here? "

It turns out to be related to Qi Wuxi.

Lin Fangchu couldn't help but think that he and Qi Wuxi had decided on the time to release the zombie virus a year ago, but when the time came, Qi Wuxi stayed in Heizhu Town and ignored him, leaving him to take No. 6 to city A to release it. Zombie virus.

No wonder Qi Wuxi, a workaholic, suddenly broke the appointment. It turned out that he was accompanying Rong Jin.

Wait, the time they released the zombie virus was July 17. Lin Fangchu picked up Rong Jin in City A, and that day was July 19.

How did Rong Jin run from City E to City A in two days?

According to normal people's thinking, when a zombie virus breaks out in City A, shouldn't they stay away from City A? Why did Rong Jin run to City A instead?


His mind suddenly went blank. Lin Fangchu was startled and fed Rong Jin gently. He was wondering what he had just been thinking and seemed to have forgotten.

0517 erased this memory of Lin Fangchu and told Rong Jin: [Qi Wuxi is on the way to E City, the protagonist is also attacking and suffering, and the main plot is correct. ]

Rong Jin nodded to show that he knew, and asked: "Then should I run? What if I meet Qi Wuxi?"

0517: [You can try. 】

After dinner, Rong Jin found a reason to walk around the entire institute.

Rong Jin, the research institute in Heizhu Town, hadn't noticed it even after coming here for a week. Now that he's trapped inside, he can't even tell where the institute is.

The door is locked, unless you climb over the wall and run out, but the wall is two meters high, so running out is simply unthinkable.

It was precisely because of this that Lin Fangchu felt free to let Rong Jin wander around.

The outside of the institute looked dilapidated, and it was impossible to tell that it was a research institute. However, there were various instruments inside, and it looked cold and eerie, which made Rong Jin panic.

This style is very similar to Qi Wuxi’s drugstore. Maybe it’s near Qi Wuxi’s drugstore?

Rong Jin made a bold guess and walked to the yard again to observe the surroundings.


Only one word dragon can be seen in this position.

Dragon what?

"Rong Rong, it's time to sleep." Lin Fangchu stood at the door and called Rong Jin softly.

Rong Jin walked up to him and was hugged by him.

"Baby, we two live in this room, remember?"

There was a sign hanging on the door that read "Rong Jin and Lin Fangchu's Nest". It was difficult for Rong Jin to find it.

He said numbly: "Remember."

Rong Jin was not very sleepy, lying on the bed and recalling the word "dragon".

Long...Longying Hotel?

This place should be very close to Qi Wuxi's pharmacy.

Just when he came to this conclusion, Lin Fangchu touched his cheek with his hand and said, "Baby, can't you sleep? Let's do something interesting."

"No, I'll fall asleep right away."

Lin Fangchu kissed him Rong Jin put a smile on his forehead and said, "Sleep later tonight, honey."

Lin Fangchu's power is to fall into dreams, so he can even appear in Rong Jin's dreams and do various things.

The little white rabbit was pressed down by the big bad wolf, and its soft rabbit ears trembled.

The big bad wolf licked the little white rabbit's ears, grinding its pointed teeth against the pink area.

The little white rabbit said pitifully: "Don't be like this, please let me go."

The big bad wolf deliberately made trouble: "Please let me."

The little white rabbit said with red eyes: "Please, please let me go."

Big Gray Wolf The wolf pinched the little white rabbit's tail with his hand and laughed and said, "Don't let go."

The little white rabbit got angry and bit the big bad wolf's ear.

The big bad wolf handed the other ear to the little white rabbit's mouth and said, "Baby, please pamper your husband's other ear again."

The little white rabbit felt that his white ears were turning red, and said angrily: "Get out of here." Ah, I hate you."

"Don't hate me yet," the Big Bad Wolf licked the little white rabbit's ear, "I'll hate you again."

Little White Rabbit: "

Everything that happened in the dream is so real in the morning. When he woke up, Rong Jin buried his head in the pillow with a red face.

The big bad wolf is too annoying, no, Lin Fangchu is too annoying, how could he do such an excessive thing.

Lin Fangchu lay on Rong Jin like a big bad wolf in a dream, licking his face, and asked with a smile: "Does my wife like me?"

Rong Jin slapped his face away: "Who are you calling your wife? I am not Your wife."

Lin Fangchu kissed Rong Jin's lips and said when Rong Jin was unconscious, "You are my wife, my forever wife, I love you so much."

The morning passed without shame. Lin Fangchu was wandering around the institute at will, and Lin Fangchu did not limit the scope of his activities here.

Rong Jin found a room with no name on it, and he opened the door curiously and went in.

This room seems to be an office, with various materials on the table.

At the top is a list of experimental subjects.

[No. 1: No name yet (Lin Fangchu is responsible for research) Strong sense of autonomy and uncontrollable]

Rong Jin knows that No. 1 is Lin Yi. After all, Lin Fangchu and Qi Wuxi both called him "No. 1".

[No. 2: Heizhu Town (Qi Wuxi is in charge of research)]

Rong Jin was completely shocked. The villain was so crazy that he used a town as an experiment? !

The list was from No. 1 to No. 9, which was not long, but the content marked after it made Rong Jin feel creepy.

[No. 3: XXX (Qi Wuxi is responsible for research) can be controlled, City A base manager

No. 4: XX (Qi Wuxi is responsible for research) can be controlled, City B base manager

No. 5: XXX (Qi Wuxi is responsible for research) Controllable, B City Base Manager

No. 6: Sheng Yuan (Qi Wuxi is in charge of research) Can be controlled, C City Base has no identity yet

No. 7: No name yet (Lin Fangchu is in charge of research) Controllable, C City Base has no identity yet Identity

No. 8: XXX (Qi Wuxi is in charge of research), controllable, base manager of City A.

No. 9: XXX (Lin Fangchu is in charge of research), controllable, base manager of E City]

"In other words, the four most important bases Three are controlled by the villain?"

0517: [Hmm. ]

Rong Jin turned to the next page, it was numbers 10 to 20. They were working as undercover agents in several bases.

Rong Jin also noticed something: "Qiqi, how come Qi Wuxi is responsible for most of the research?"

0517 replied: [Qi Wuxi is a workaholic, and Lin Fangchu is lazy. ]

"Then why am I ranked No. 7?"

0517 muttered: [When Lin Fangchu picked you up, his original No. 7 experimental subject ran away like crazy, but he didn't want others to know, so he arranged you as No. 7. Number. ]

Rong Jin: "It's a bit outrageous, but also a bit reasonable."

Jul 18, 2024
Jul 18, 2024
Jul 18, 2024
Jul 18, 2024