Chapter 13 Questions and Answers on Fertilizer

"What is this?"
Li Yunlong saw that several soldiers had a basket in their hands, and the baskets were filled with these white particles.
He reached out and pinched it, then smelled it and asked.
However, he did not ask Chen Xiao, but Liu Qiang, and he asked openly in front of Chen Xiao.
He believed that Chen Xiao already knew that Liu Qiang's squad was definitely not just there to serve as his guards, but also to observe and monitor.
After all, their origin is unknown, although Chen Xiao said it well, the seeds he brought back can allow the starving people across the country to have enough food to eat.
However, it is absolutely impossible to be 100% sure about the unconfirmed news, and I believe that Li Yunlong has already reported Chen Xiao's matter, so it is impossible for him not to report it.
Then there will definitely be people who will investigate. After all, there is not only Boss Dai on the Kuomintang side, but there is also a spy king in the north who is as powerful as Boss Dai.
He asked Liu Qiang face to face, with a hint of reproach, asking him why he didn't report the existence of such a thing.
Liu Qiang was a little embarrassed, but since Li Yunlong asked, he didn't think too much and answered immediately: "The gentleman went to the county town a few days ago, and then brought back these things and said they were fertilizers, what kind of fertilizers are they!"
"Fertilizer?" Li Yunlong looked at Chen Xiao in confusion: "Brother Xiucai, what is this fertilizer?

I do know about fertilizers. After all, my old Li was a good farmer in the past. I know that the manure of pigs, cows, sheep, horses and chickens, when piled together and matured, is very good for fertilizing the fields, but what kind of fertilizer is this?"
Chen Xiao frowned and thought for a while: "I'm thinking about how to explain to you what fertilizer is in the simplest language. After all, you, Captain Li, are not well educated, so you won't understand even if I tell you."
He was a little annoyed that Li Yunlong deliberately asked Liu Qiang in front of him. It was not only to blame Liu Qiang, but also to remind himself.
Of course, to put it bluntly, it’s called a warning. Whether you can guess it or not, I’m telling you clearly that someone is watching you!
Of course this is normal, who told you that you have no roots or foundation!
However, when the potatoes mature and produce an astonishing amount of fruit, no matter who Chen Xiao is, he will have a golden body to protect you because of this achievement.
After all, this is not a small achievement, but a great merit that benefits all people and cannot be ignored by anyone.
By then, all the nonsense I made up and what I did in Europe will be recognized by others, and I will then have a solid foundation.
Although Chen Xiao was very unhappy that Li Yunlong criticized Liu Qiang in front of him, he still told him since he was asked.
“In ancient times, no one could compare to our country in growing agricultural products because we had learned how to use and make fertilizers thousands of years ago.
For example, collecting livestock manure and piling it up to mature it, which is called fermentation. I think Captain Li must have also picked up cow dung to make compost when he was farming at home. This is the method of fertilizing the fields that Chinese farmers have been using for thousands of years.
There is also the even older method of slash-and-burn farming, which is to clear a piece of land, set it on fire, burn the weeds on it, and leave behind the ash which is an excellent fertilizer for the fields. This is also the reason why after a fire occurs on a hill, the grass that grows the second year will be much better than that on other hills. Therefore, from the time when ancient people learned to grow crops to the present day, using wood ash to fertilize the fields has been one of the most important means for farmers in my country.
Some people will dig a big hole, cut leaves and young grass and put them into the hole, let them rot and ferment, which is also a good fertilizer.
We knew this knowledge thousands of years ago, but Westerners are different. They don't know it.
However, it was not until about 100 years ago, around 1840, that a German discovered that minerals could be used to fertilize fields. It was not until 1843 that the British made the first bag of mineral fertilizer. It was only in the last twenty years that chemical fertilizers came to us.
There is a huge difference in grain yield with and without chemical fertilizers. According to data from Europe, if the wheat yield per mu is 150 kilograms, it can reach 250 kilograms or even 300 kilograms with the appropriate dose of chemical fertilizers. According to experimental data, if chemical fertilizers are used reasonably, crop yields will increase by 40% to 60%.
What you have in your hand are the fertilizers I brought back, but there are not many. After all, our country does not have the conditions to produce them. When I have time, I will train a group of people who can make fertilizers. Then our country will have its own fertilizer plant.
As long as there is enough fertilizer and the fertilizer is applied in a reasonable way, even if we don’t grow potatoes and only grow wheat, millet and rice, the yield can be much higher than it is now.”

Li Yunlong was shocked. A 40 to 60 percent increase in production, he knew what that meant. To be cautious, he confirmed again: "Is what you said true? Can this fertilizer really increase the yield by so much?"
Seeing Chen Xiao nod, he exploded: "No, you can't stay here anymore. You are a treasure of the people now. This is so close to the Japanese army. If something goes wrong, the people will eat me up if they know about it.
You have to come with me to headquarters, you have to go to the rear, and you have to be protected."
Chen Xiao was confused by his nervousness and did not reply immediately, but went back to the house. Li Yunlong hurriedly followed him. He had made up his mind that he would persuade Chen Xiao to go to the rear today no matter what, even if he had to tie him up.
Unexpectedly, Chen Xiao returned to the room and took out a thick notebook with a few large characters written on the cover with a brush: "Basic Research Data on Fertilizers." He said, "These materials are the basic experimental data on our previous research on fertilizers. It took me ten days to write them out. Take them with you when you return to the headquarters!"
I wanted to send it to the headquarters, but there were some issues that were not resolved, so I didn't tell you. You can take the information, and I won't need it when I go to the rear."
Of course, the notebook was materialized by the system, and it cost Chen Xiao ten dollars.
That's right! The system can also charge money for services. This is a new function of the system that Chen Xiao figured out two days ago. He can pay the system to materialize some of the knowledge he has already mastered, but it can't be too advanced.
"Hu Zi!" Seeing that Chen Xiao spoke softly but firmly, Li Yunlong knew he couldn't force him, so he had to shout towards the door.
"Here!" His guard, still Hu Zi, did not die in the last breakout from Cangyun Ridge.
"Assemble a squad and send this book to the headquarters overnight. Be careful and don't make any mistakes. Even if you all die, you must send this book to the headquarters!" Li Yunlong ordered.
Hu Zi responded loudly, carefully wrapped the notebook in oilcloth, put it in his briefcase, saluted and left.
"It's lost, so it is lost. I'll just write it again. It means I'll make sacrifices to deliver the items." Chen Xiao said hurriedly.
Li Yunlong laughed and said, "You don't want to go to the rear! We are right next to the Japanese here. I don't know when they will launch another large-scale raid. I can't guarantee your safety every time. How can I write if I am already in danger?"
At this time, he had not given up the idea of ​​taking Chen Xiao to the rear, but he had a headache. Chen Xiao was very strong and could not be restrained without three or five people. He could not be forced with a gun, so he had to give up the idea of ​​kidnapping him and taking him to the rear.
"You just said there are some problems with fertilizers?"
Chen Xiao nodded: "It's not so bad in the north, not many people grow rice, but in the south, the use of chemical fertilizers for rice growing is probably causing more harm than good..."

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