Chapter 13: A ray of hope

I rushed out of the back room with Lin Yuxi on my back, and while running forward, I took my right hand to my mouth and bit it hard. It hurts so much, I don't know why those rules that always use blood to cast spells were invented, it's so immoral. I endured the pain and asked her, where is the small mirror?
"Small mirror? I lost it a long time ago!" Lin Yuxi answered blankly.
I was so angry that I almost died. I bit my finger just to use the small mirror, but my hand got bitten too. You actually said it was lost? It's like taking Viagra and being unable to find a woman.
Seeing that veins on my forehead were exposed due to anger, she suddenly laughed and said, "I was just kidding, here you go!"
I was immediately speechless. What time is it? You still have the heart to joke around? You don't take your life seriously, do you? I didn't have time to lose my temper. I took the small mirror and bit it in my mouth. Because my left hand had to hold it firmly from behind, I could only do it with one hand. I put a drop of blood on the mirror with my index finger bitten on my right hand. At this moment, we had already bypassed the wall and ran past the paper man and Xiaoqing. As expected, they did not chase us.
Then he took out the small mirror from his mouth, turned his head and aimed at the coffin and threw it out like a flying saucer. When I was a child, because I had few friends and nothing to play with, I always found broken glass or round iron pieces and played spinning darts to hit tree trunks. After many years of playing this game, I can be said to be a master, and I always hit the target. Just now, I used a little force, and the small mirror flew over the coffin lid, and suddenly turned back, and with a click, it landed on the coffin board.
"What are you doing?" Lin Yuxi asked curiously.

I rushed out of the tomb quickly, saying as I ran: "The mirror is the essence of gold and water, bright inside and dark outside ..." Before I could finish the rest of the sentence, I heard a loud thud and looked back hurriedly, but the distance was too far and it was too dark to see anything. However, from the sound, the coffin lid fell to the ground.
Lin Yuxi said in surprise: "If it can break open the coffin lid, it is not an ordinary corpse, it must be a zombie! By the way, what do you mean by the essence of gold and water?"
I thought that the essence of gold and water could have been used to deal with zombies, but it didn't seem to be of any use. Not only did I lose the small mirror, but I also bit my finger so hard. I didn't have the face to explain so much, so I carried her through the front hall and into the corridor. At this time, Lin Yuxi suddenly shouted to stop, and I hurriedly braked and stopped abruptly.
"We can't run forward anymore. This road is full of traps. The flip trap is one hurdle, and there may be crossbows, falling rocks, fire attacks, poison gas, etc. If we are not careful, there will be two deaths." Lin Yuxi spoke in a serious tone.
But why do I feel like there's something wrong with this? After thinking about it, I realized, "What do you mean by one body, two lives? Do you think I'm pregnant with you?"
"Well... wasn't it just a slip of the tongue? Besides, if you want to ruin the pregnancy, you don't have that function, unless it's me..." Having said this, Lin Yuxi felt a little embarrassed and shut her mouth.
I didn't have time to argue with her, so I turned around anxiously and shone the flashlight back. Although I couldn't see anything, I heard the sound of "thump...thump..." jumping from the darkness, and I couldn't help but shudder. The zombies had smelled the breath of living people and chased out of the tomb.
"It's really a zombie!" Lin Yuxi also heard it and trembled slightly on my back.
I thought that I could use silent spells to resist a few attacks on dead ghosts, but it had almost no effect on zombies. Nothing else would work except corpse-suppressing talismans, date pits, brooms, bells, sticky rice, mason awls, ink lines, and Maoshan's authentic magic tools. I could set fire to it, but my lighter was broken long ago, and I couldn't find any fuel.
Listening to the zombies approaching step by step, I was in a state of confusion. I thought to myself that I couldn't wait any longer. I was going to die anyway, so I might as well go forward and break through the traps. What if I got lucky? So I gritted my teeth and ran into the tunnel. Lin Yuxi yelled at me from behind, "You're crazy. You want to die but I haven't lived enough." Seeing that I didn't listen, she pinched and scratched my shoulders. At this moment, I was in a hurry to escape and didn't feel the pain at all.
I was really lucky. I ran along the wide corridor and nothing happened. Lin Yuxi finally realized that she was wrong and took the initiative to help me rub the place where I was scratched. But luck after all. I was a little lucky, but I got stuck when I ran to the flip trap.

The black-browed vipers returned from the tunnel and just crawled out of the trap. Seeing these black and smelly things, our souls almost flew away. We turned back and saw a long black shadow jumping out of the front hall and entering the corridor. Now we were blocked at both ends and had no way to escape!
Lin Yuxi hugged my neck tightly and said, "Don't panic, don't panic, there must be other ways." If you are not panicking, don't hug me so tightly, it makes me feel a little suffocated.
Looking at the black-browed viper crawling up in front of me, I kept backing away in fear. The more panicked I became, the less I could think of any ideas. After mumbling a few words, Lin Yuxi asked me to shine the flashlight on both sides of the corridor. Suddenly, I saw a round hole door on each side of the wall.
"I knew it, how could such a large-scale ancient tomb not have an apsidal chamber? Go in, go in!" Lin Yuxi was extremely excited.
What is this ear chamber booger? I asked her, "Is there a way out of the ear chamber?"
The girl said decisively: "No, it's a warehouse, and the place is quite small..."
Just as I said this, the black-browed viper crawled forward frantically, and the sound of the zombie's jumping footsteps was very close. I didn't dare to turn back to use the flashlight to see what it looked like. I thought that no matter how big the place was, I would hide in it for a while even if there was a crack in the ground. I quickly rushed into the cave door on the left. The place inside was indeed not much bigger than a palm, only about four or five square meters, and there were stale grains and other food crops.
This place is too small. If a zombie comes in, it may not be able to turn around, let alone avoid those poisonous snakes. When I was about to rush into the opposite side room to take a look, I found a straw curtain hanging on the wall facing the door, and I became suspicious. What is the straw curtain hanging on the wall for? I thought about it and lifted it up to take a look. There was actually another round hole door behind the straw curtain. This was so exciting that I didn't care about what was inside the door and crouched down to get in.
After passing through the doorway, the view suddenly opened up. It turned out to be a corridor that was higher and wider than before, which was large enough to accommodate a car. The front was blocked by darkness, and it was impossible to see how long it was. However, there were countless side chambers on the walls on both sides, which surprised Lin Yuxi. Although I have heard of ancient tombs with multiple side chambers, there shouldn't be so many, right?
Lin Yuxi was stunned: "Could it be another ancient tomb, two tombs built side by side?"
I said, no matter whether we were walking side by side or not, the zombies and black-browed vipers were chasing us, so the most important thing was to escape. I immediately carried her on my back and ran forward along this magnificent corridor.

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