Chapter 125

  "It snowed today." He said.
  Dong Lingjiu smiled, looked at him and said, "What a coincidence."
  "Yes, what a coincidence, Your Majesty happened to let me go back today, I saw snow on the way, and I was very happy to think that you like to see snow." He said simply and sincerely.
  Zheng Yuheng actually has a way to express this meaning very delicately, but when he looked at Dong Lingjiu, his talent and rhetoric failed, and he couldn't help but reveal a sincere look.
  "So you rushed over?" Dong Lingjiu said gently, "Why are you like a child."
  Zheng Yuheng is not a child anymore. He is already twenty years old. He had a coming-of-age ceremony on the Qixi Festival a few months ago, but his love for Dong Lingjiu often reveals pure characteristics, so positive and so cute.
  Dong Lingjiu moved to one side, gave half of the blanket to the other party, let him sit next to him, and then lowered his hand to hold Aiai up and hugged her in his arms.
  The weather was getting colder day by day, and the snow-white fur was growing thicker and thicker, like a snow-white plush ball.
  Zheng Yuheng reached out and fiddled with the heater, took out a book from his bosom, and handed it to Dong Lingjiu.
  "Beishan Jiujing?" Dong Lingjiu glanced at the title.
  "Yes." He said, "I asked His Majesty for it. I remember you have the first volume here, and this is the second volume. You read the first volume before and said it was very interesting. I saw it in Guiyuan Palace, so I asked for it." "
  Cheng'er said he would give it to you, so I gave it to you?" Dong Lingjiu raised his eyebrows.
  "I have helped His Majesty with so many things, he should reward me something, right?" Zheng Yuheng said as he nodded as a matter of course. He glanced at Dong Lingjiu and said, "Wear something thicker, let's go out to see the snow."
  Before Dong Lingjiu could answer, Ruixue, who had been helpless for a long time, frowned immediately. She was convinced that Zheng Yuheng could make him angry to death in one day. She hurriedly said, "You are still the imperial physician, young Lord Zheng. If I were in the previous dynasty, I would have impeached you long ago. You are becoming more and more like a flatterer who relies on his favor!"
  Zhao Qing, with a little smile on his face, also said, "Lord Zheng is the most troublesome. A few days ago, Aunt Yuewan accompanied the queen to Luoyue Temple, and Du Shangyi didn't see it, so I didn't know that Lord Zheng Where did you take the Empress? She said that if you knock off a strand of the Empress Dowager's hair, you are really a traitor with evil intentions. "
  Dong Lingjiu was a little moved, so she said, "How can I be so delicate."
  Ruixue: "You were not like this before. Apart from anything else, if the little girls outside saw it, where would the Empress's dignity be?"
  Zheng Yuheng argued with her: "Who said that if you have dignity, you must stay in the Cining Palace? Besides, we are not in front of everyone. I will go with her quietly, and you all stay here to watch the house. Others will definitely not know. "
  Zhao Qing reacted faster, opened his eyes wide, and couldn't help saying: "Why do you want to compete for favor even with us..."
  Dong Lingjiu flipped through the "Beishan Jiujing" while letting several people discuss. She flipped through it roughly, put the book aside, and then stood up. As soon
  as she stood up, Ruixue and Zhao Qing knew what the Empress meant - it was all the fault of little Lord Zheng. The two took out thick clothes and added a black gold cloak with a plush collar. They straightened Dong Lingjiu's hairpins and rings one by one, and finally watched Zheng Yuheng holding her hand and sneaking out of the back door reluctantly.
  Li Ruixue looked at the backs of the two, shook her head helplessly, and said to Zhao Qing: "Really not going to follow?"
  Zhao Qing thought for a moment and said: "Lord Zheng is the imperial physician, he must know what is important and what is not. And she must be very happy to have Lord Zheng accompany her."
  The snow was still falling outside, fluttering. Although it was the first snow, it was not weak, but there was a continuous momentum.
  Dong Lingjiu held the hand warmer in one hand in her cloak, and the other hand was held tightly by him. Zheng Yuheng took her to avoid the maids and eunuchs on duty, planned a hidden and fast route, and soon walked to Jinfang Garden. Most of the flowers in the garden had not yet bloomed, leaving only a piece of fragrant orchid snow that bloomed in winter, covered with a layer of white, with a long fragrance.
  A thin layer of frost fell on the temples and clothes of both of them. Zheng Yuheng stretched out his hand to stroke her hair. Once they touched, he couldn't help but hug her. He bent down and kissed her eyelashes with icy crystals, and said, "The plum blossoms haven't bloomed yet. Wait two months, and I'll pick a few red plums for you and put them on the table."
  Dong Lingjiu didn't stop him. The air was cold and quiet, and it filled her lungs between breaths. This layer of cold air enveloped her, dispelling laziness and drowsiness... She realized belatedly that she hadn't had tinnitus for a long time.
  Those noisy, intermittent, but endless noises have been silent for too long. Dong Lingjiu almost forgot about them.
  It was like forgetting the past twenty years.
  Her clear eyes stared at the person in front of her.
  Zheng Yuheng was at the best age of his life. His hair was black and he was handsome. His love for her was almost pious. He smiled and looked at her, as clean as the gurgling water in a cold spring.
  Dong Lingjiu also thought of herself at the age of 20. At this age, she was hidden in the dark, being the mastermind behind the layout and design, stirring up the storm in the corners where the light could not reach, not being known or remembered, planning the world under the countless wax-tears-turned-ash-dry lamps, and fighting a desperate battle in the killing game.
  Many times, when she closed her eyes, she would smell the smell of blood. In silence and stillness, she would think of the hideous faces, Meng Zhen's prince brothers, the court officials who were severely oppressed, the cruel and indifferent old emperor who ignored human life... and Dong Taishi, her father, who pointed to the sky and shouted "This God has failed me" before he died.
  In Luoyue Temple, her former brother-in-law, now Master Huijing, the widow of her deceased brother, still lives.
  For the sake of a throne, the loyal ministers of the Dong family were shattered.
  Her tinnitus was not only filled with noisy chaos, but also with the insults and resentment of some people, and the crying of some people. With every step she took and looking back, she could see the mottled bloodstains on the road. Dong Lingjiu asked herself, and had doubted herself countless times - can you also have a good end?
  Dong Lingjiu, are you also dreaming of a good end?
  She looked at Zheng Yuheng, smiled lightly, raised her hand and blew a breath into her palm. Then, Zheng Yuheng took her hand, held it in his palm, and asked nervously: "Are you cold? Let's go upstairs." There
  is a small building in Jinfang Garden, and she once brought him here.
  Dong Lingjiu shook her head, held his fingers in reverse, and then took him into a hidden place with dense flowers and heavy snow. In the light and shadow between the overlapping branches and leaves, she approached him, pulled his collar and kissed his lips.
  Zheng Yuheng was startled. He didn't expect Dong Lingjiu to do this. He paused for a long time at a loss, and tasted the bright red and slightly sweet lip balm on her lips. The next moment, Dong Lingjiu took a few steps closer. He had no way to retreat. His back was against the tree, knocking off a layer of drifting snow.
  He raised his hand and hugged Dong Lingjiu. He felt that she was not venting anything, but just kissed him very simply and gently.
  Although Zheng Yuheng was bold, he was not bold enough to do this. He was afraid that a palace maid or eunuch would suddenly appear from somewhere in Jinfang Garden, which would be detrimental to Dong Lingjiu's reputation... He was uneasy, his heartbeat was getting faster and faster, and in the gap between his breaths, he whispered: "Tan Niang..."
  "Yeah." She responded, with a light in her eyes that he could not immediately understand.
  Zheng Yuheng was determined to do it once and for all. He picked her up and carried her horizontally, walked up the stairs of the small building, and laid a soft mat on the roof before putting Dong Lingjiu down.
  Dong Lingjiu sat in front of the half-open window and watched him light the stove.
  The thin snow melted, and her heart calmed down again.
  "I'm already growing white hair." She said softly.
  Zheng Yuheng's hand trembled as he added charcoal to the fire.
  "Time flies and people are easily abandoned," she said, "I'm seventeen years older than you. What would you do if I were not there?"
  She said this very calmly. Before this, the two of them had discussed this matter together - but that could not be considered a discussion, it was just Zheng Yuheng's wishful persistence. Dong Lingjiu did not agree with him being buried alive with him.
  Zheng Yuheng fiddled with the hook of the charcoal fire, tightened and loosened his hand, and fell alone in front of him.
  "I..." He said one word, then stopped, and after a moment of silence, he continued, "You can't turn me into your relic."
  Dong Lingjiu's heartstrings were suddenly hit.
  "I thought before," he began to narrate an absurd imagination, "Can I live alone and be a loyal and virtuous minister to Your Majesty for decades? If this is your wish, I think about it and maybe I can do it. But I will become more miserable than you, with resentment and hatred, pain and regret, but even the heaven and earth can't bear to give it to me, and no one can tell... I don't have Tan Niang's ability, I will definitely go crazy, I will run into the imperial mausoleum, dig up the thick yellow soil, get into the coffin, and hug your bones."
  He sighed and continued, "I will definitely make Your Majesty angry and disturb your sleep. But I can't help it. I have been abandoned, so why should I care whether others are angry or not? Being there with you, not leaving for a moment, will make me very happy... until I turn into a pile of bones."
  What he said was too absurd, and Dong Lingjiu had never thought about it.
  She was surprised for a long time, and thought for a long time looking at his serious expression... The other party seemed to be serious.
  Dong Lingjiu stroked the lines on the hand warmer, and she was silent for a rare time, and finally said: "... I really can't do anything to you."
  Zheng Yuheng came closer and held her hand.
  The two looked down from the high building, the sky and the earth were white, and the snow was faint. Dong Lingjiu was staring at the distance in a trance, and suddenly he didn't know what he remembered, and turned his head and said: "I won't become a corpse."
  Zheng Yuheng was stunned.
  "There will be special procedures before burial. Not to mention a thousand years, it will not decay for decades or even hundreds of years." Dong Lingjiu mentioned casually, "There were special procedures when Meng Zhenlong passed away, and he is still lying in the imperial tomb in one piece."
  Zheng Yuheng forgot about this, he blinked, and murmured: "You two are young and beautiful, only I have become a pile of bones, how bad is that."
  Dong Lingjiu had a very different opinion on the "young and beautiful" he mentioned.
  Zheng Yuheng thought for a moment and said, "The saint was only forty years old when he passed away. He must have been very elegant and handsome."
  Dong Lingjiu glanced at him and looked at his expression, wondering what he was thinking.
  "I want to see how I look like him." Zheng Yuheng nodded as he spoke, "When Shangshu Gan saw me a few days ago, he always looked at my face with a look of 'gratification'. I felt that Shangshu was too old and was embarrassed to argue with him."
  It was not that he was embarrassed to argue, but that Xiaoshang Zheng was very sensible. He was afraid that his words would make Shangshu very angry, and then make him sick and cause trouble.
  "You are more beautiful." Dong Lingjiu praised him without hesitation. Seeing that Zheng Yuheng was still thinking about this, she said, "Don't think about digging the imperial tomb. This is a serious crime punishable by beheading. Cheng'er will have to chop you off."
  Zheng Yuheng muttered, "I didn't think about it," and then talked to Dong Lingjiu about the winemaking content in "Beishan Jiujing". When he was excited, he personally rolled up his sleeves to set up the stove and asked the young palace maids in Jinfang Garden for a pot of wine.
  The two chatted on the small building, talking about everything. Dong Lingjiu told him about the appearance of this dynasty decades ago, about the poor officials of Dayin at that time, the people who suffered from famine for years, and about the eunuchs who controlled the government at that time, or the period when certain powerful officials were in power. She told him about the events of these turbulent periods one by one. Even though her voice was gentle, it sounded quite stormy.
  Finally, when the sun set and it was dark, Dong Lingjiu felt sleepy after drinking and fell asleep in his arms. Zheng Yuheng carried her on his back, gathered her cloak, took the lantern from the small building, and went back along the same path.
  On the way, the shadow of the lamp flickered slightly in front of his eyes. Zheng Yuheng walked through the frozen lotus pond, the winding corridors and palace roads, and the bright moonlight shone in front of him.
  Dong Lingjiu moved on his back. Zheng Yuheng was afraid of waking her up, so he stopped walking. Then he felt two warm arms around his neck, and the soft velvet cuffs brushed against his front.
  She whispered to herself, "To coax me."
  "What are you coaxing?" Zheng Yuheng asked her as they walked.
  But Dong Lingjiu was not talking to him. Not knowing what she dreamed about, she continued to mutter: "...Tell me stories, tell me stories...Mother, I don't like the stories you tell my brother..."
  Zheng Yuheng stopped and took advantage of her sleep with evil intentions in his mind, saying: "If you want me to tell you a story, you have to call me husband."
  Dong Lingjiu ignored him and mumbled in her sleep: " don't coax me..."
  Zheng Yuheng had to say: "Coax you, coax you, I'll tell you a story - but my mother never told me one, and this is my first time being a mother, so please bear with me. I'll make up one for you."
  Dong Lingjiu didn't say anything, so he continued: "Once upon a time, there was a princess. She was the queen's daughter and was very much loved. When she went to the national temple to pray, she met a little monk who was mopping the floor. The little monk was handsome, gentle and well-mannered. The two of them..."
  As he spoke, he entered the bedroom through the back door of Zhao Qingliu, put Dong Lingjiu back on the couch, took off her cloak, and then sat by the bed and told the story slowly.
  When he finished speaking, Dong Lingjiu was already fast asleep. Her peaceful and gentle appearance made it hard to imagine that such a strong power could exist in this weak body. But now, the self-control, self-forbearance and self-abuse that controlled her have dissipated with Feng Xiaoyuehan. She is less and less like the queen mother and more and more like Dong Lingjiu herself.
  They are like two pieces of a puzzle, put together with great difficulty but perfectly. Zheng Yuheng looked at her and felt that his heart was filled.
  He lowered his head, kissed her forehead, and said softly, "Good night."
  The author has something to say:
  Tan Niang is cute, and Xiao Zheng is also cute =w=

Jun 13, 2024
Jun 13, 2024
Jun 13, 2024
Jun 13, 2024