Chapter 117 New Year

"Oh! It seems I've thought too much!" Bai Jian shook his head helplessly, then returned upstairs with a smile.
"Don't be angry anymore! Okay?" Li Weiyi said softly, touching Bai Weiwei's hair.
"Hmph! Then you have to treat me to a big meal! Only then will I forgive you!" Bai Weiwei said angrily.
"Okay! Let's go now!" Li Weiyi said, pointing outside the door.
"Let's go!" Bai Weiwei stood up angrily. However, although she looked angry, her face was full of smiles.
Then, the two of them went out to have a big meal together.
At the door, Bai Jian stood there alone. He had just heard that Li Weiyi and the other two were going to have a big meal, so he hurried down to prepare to go with them. However, when he came down, Li Weiyi and the other two had disappeared.
"We agreed to have a big dinner, why don't you take me with you?" Looking at the two people who had already left, Bai Jian had a face full of resentment and could only sigh and return to the villa.
"Alas! Now that you have a 'lover', you forget about your brother!"
It was still afternoon and a little early for lunch, so Li Weiyi and Bai Weiwei went to the only milk tea shop in the entire survival base and spent a leisurely afternoon there.
In the evening, Li Weiyi agreed to have dinner with Lu Hong. Originally, Li Weiyi wanted Bai Weiwei to go with him, but Bai Weiwei had something urgent to do at home, so she didn't go.
Afterwards, Li Weiyi went to the branch of the association and picked up Lu Hong. The two found a restaurant and had a meal. After the meal, the friendship between the two naturally improved a lot.
Time flies, a few days passed in a flash, and it was New Year's Eve.
The traditions of celebrating festivals in the new world completely follow the traditions of the old Chinese nation.
New Year’s Eve, also known as “New Year’s Eve”, is the last day before the New Year.
On this day, every household is busy preparing New Year's food.
Li Weiyi's family is no exception.
Look, in the kitchen, Li Tianhai and Zhang Xiaoxia are busy. They are frying meatballs and braised pork.
Li Weiyi was helping on the side, stirring the meat stuffing and fiddling with the braised pork.
Since the beginning of the new century, the main meat for human beings has been a kind of mutant pigs raised by the base's raw meat factory. Although this mutant pig is huge in size, it has a gentle temperament and delicious meat, which is loved by the majority of people.
After a while, Li Weiyi's communicator rang.
"Dad! Mom! I'm going to answer the call."
" go quickly!"

"Look who it is? Don't delay things! You are now the leader of the inspection team of the Cultivator Association!"
"Got it, Dad!"
Li Weiyi hurriedly washed his greasy hands and ran back to his bedroom.
I picked up the communicator on the bedside table and saw that it was a communication request from Bai Weiwei.
Li Weiyi smiled lightly and answered the call.
"Weiyi! What are you doing?"
Bai Weiwei's pleasant voice came.
"I'm helping my parents, what about you?" Li Weiyi said with a smile.
"Help me? What delicious food have uncle and aunt made?"
"Fried meatballs! Braised pork! And some other delicious foods! How about it? Do you want to eat it?"
"Of course I want to eat! But what should I do if I can't go now?"
"How about I send some to you after mom and dad are done!"
"No, I'll wait until the New Year to visit you and eat it! Otherwise, it would be boring to eat it early without anticipation!"
"Okay! Then I'll save some for you! I'll let you satisfy your craving when you come!"
"By the way, Weiyi, when will you come to my house? My parents are back this year, and my mother wants to meet you, too."
"The first day of the new year is a family reunion, so I won't bother you. The second or third day? Which day is okay?"
"Then let's do it on the third day! Our family has to visit our elders on the second day, so it's settled. I'll be waiting for you on the third day."
"Well! That's it! I won't bother you anymore! Go help your uncle and aunt! Bye!"
Li Weiyi put down the communicator with a smile and went back into the kitchen to help.
"Weiyi, who are you? Is everything okay?" Li Tianhai asked, looking up.
"Look at the satisfied look on his face, it must be Weiwei!" Zhang Xiaoxia glanced at Li Weiyi and said.
"Mom is really smart. Dad, you're still not good enough!" Li Weiyi smiled and shook his head.
"Dad is giving face to your mom by letting her be the 'smart guy'. This is called 'loving your wife'! After you get married, you have to learn from me, your dad, in this regard! Only in this way can you be happy!" Li Tianhai said seriously.
"That's right, learn from your dad. Even though he's old, he's still very good at coaxing people. And I, your mom, am the one most directly involved!" Zhang Xiaoxia also chimed in.
"Okay! I will definitely learn from my dad!" Li Weiyi said helplessly.
"Tianhai! Come, help me get that pot!"
"Which one?"
"It's the flat-bottomed one. I put it at the bottom of the cupboard."
After waiting for the food for the New Year to be cooked, Li Weiyi took out the couplets that he had prepared long ago and pasted them on the door and sides of his house.
The couplet was written by Li Tianhai in calligraphy, and he has some skills in it, so it's pretty good.
First couplet: "Three suns shine on a peaceful home"
Second line: "Five lucky stars come to the auspicious gate"
Horizontal banner: "Auspicious star shines brightly"
After Li Weiyi finished posting the couplets, Li Tianhai came out to admire his masterpiece.
"Well! Not bad! Not bad!" Looking at the couplet he wrote, Li Tianhai nodded with satisfaction, and then went back into the house to work.

Since the new century, the power system has developed, and accordingly, every household has to decorate the house with lights and colors during the New Year.
After lunch, Li Tianhai and his son Li Weiyi were busy hanging colorful lanterns at home.
There were at least a dozen or twenty strings of various colored lights, all of which were selected and purchased by Li Tianhai himself.
There are two or three strings of colorful lights hung in each room, and two large rotating lanterns are hung on the large balcony next to the living room. The whole house is decorated in a festive manner.
Before I knew it, it had darkened and it was night again. Now it is New Year's Eve.
New Year's Eve is the last night of the year and is also called New Year's Eve.
In the old days, New Year's Eve had a special meaning in the hearts of the Chinese people.
Because this is the most important moment at the end of the year. No matter how far away the wanderers are, they will rush home to reunite with their families, bid farewell to the old year with the sound of firecrackers, and welcome the new year with fireworks in the sky.
But after the new era, the meaning has changed again.
In the new world, humans are facing the crisis of being destroyed by ferocious beasts.
Therefore, this night also indicates that the dark crisis moment will eventually end, and mankind will once again dominate the earth and gain peace!
After having a comfortable reunion dinner with his parents, Li Weiyi drove out. His destination, of course, was Bai Weiwei's house.
Li Weiyi had just parked the car when he saw Bai Weiwei coming out of the gate.
They looked at each other and were slightly stunned, then surprise appeared on their faces instantly.
Bai Weiwei ran a few steps quickly, then jumped up and pounced on Li Weiyi, hanging on Li Weiyi like a koala.
"Why are you here?" Bai Weiwei's voice was full of surprise.
"I missed you! That's why I came here!" Li Weiwei smiled and hugged Bai Weiwei tightly.
"I miss you too!" Bai Weiwei said, and kissed him with her lips.
"Um! Weiwei! Isn't this posture of ours a little indecent?" Li Weiyi said helplessly.
Now, the posture of the two of them was that Bai Weiwei had her legs wrapped around Li Weiyi's waist and her arms around Li Weiyi's neck, while Li Weiyi was hugging Bai Weiwei's waist tightly, and the two of them were kissing each other like this.
After hearing what Li Weiyi said, Bai Weiwei also realized that her actions were indecent, and glared at Li Weiyi angrily: "It's all your fault!"
Then, Bai Weiwei quickly put down her legs and put her feet on the ground.
"Weiwei! Let's go! I'll take you to a nice place!"
Li Weiwei ignored Bai Weiwei's shame and anger, and directly took Bai Weiwei's hand and walked towards his car.
"Where?" Bai Weiwei had no idea of ​​the situation, so she could only be pulled by Li Weiyi to sit in the passenger seat of the car.
"You'll know when you get there." Li Weiyi smiled mysteriously, started the car, and sped towards a certain location.
After a while, Li Weiyi drove to the association's branch building.
After getting out of the car, Li Weiyi looked at the time on the communicator again and said, "Time is running out! Weiwei! Let's hurry up!"
After saying that, Li Weiyi dragged Bai Weiwei and ran into the association branch building.
"Weiyi! Why are you here?" Bai Weiwei was puzzled.
"You'll know once we reach the top of the building!" Li Weiyi still smiled mysteriously and dragged Bai Weiwei into the elevator.
Soon, the elevator reached the top floor. Li Weiyi dragged Bai Weiwei up the stairs and directly arrived at the rooftop.
"Weiwei! Come! Over here!"
As he spoke, Li Weiyi dragged Bai Weiwei to the edge of the roof.
"Weiyi! The rooftop is so cold, why are we here?" Feeling the whistling northwest wind on the rooftop, Bai Weiwei became even more confused.
"Let's wait a little longer! The time is almost up!" Li Weiyi looked at the time on the communicator again and said to Bai Weiwei with a chuckle.
"There's nothing on top. Are we here to drink the 'Northwest Wind'?" Bai Weiwei pouted speechlessly.
"It's about to start! Just wait a moment!" Li Weiyi said with a gentle smile and hugged Bai Weiwei.
"What's about to begin?" Bai Weiwei looked around again and made sure there was nothing. She was about to speak again when a long "Zhi~~~" sound was heard.
Immediately afterwards, "Bang!" the sound of firecrackers rang out.
Not far in front of Bai Weiwei, a fan-shaped firework exploded and slowly fell down!
After that, the sound of firecrackers continued.
“Squeak~~~!” “Boom!”
“Squeak~~~!” “Boom!”
“Squeak~~~!” “Boom!”
"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!..."
A gorgeous sea of ​​fireworks appeared before Li Weiyi and Bai Weiwei.
"Wow! So beautiful!" Bai Weiwei's face was filled with smiles. She stared at the beautiful fireworks in front of her with wide eyes and exclaimed sincerely.
Li Weiyi turned his head slightly, looked at Bai Weiwei who was surprised, smiled happily, and then looked at the sea of ​​fireworks again. At the same time, Li Weiyi's arms around Bai Weiwei tightened.

Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024