Chapter 11: Seven Chapters That Destroy the World

The first piece of information turned out to be a neatly formatted government document. From the five red stars on it saying “Top Secret”, it was clear that this document was definitely not something that ordinary people could see.
"Order No. 2135 of the President of the Red Star Republic": In view of the urgency of the situation, all troops are to gather in the following one hundred cities: Haijing, Pingling, Zeyang, Nanling... Haijing will serve as the seat of the wartime government, and other areas will be temporarily abandoned.
What followed were various wartime measures and rules and regulations, among which the resettlement of refugees was to "gather them on the spot and subject them to strict inspection."
Other areas, temporarily abandoned! Seeing these words, Lifeng's heart immediately sank. It seems that this biochemical crisis is more serious than imagined! You know, there are more than tens of thousands of cities in the entire Red Star Republic, with a population of more than one billion, spread across the vast land. And now, there are only a hundred cities left to defend!
How many people are left alive? 100 million? 10 million?
Below this document is a route map, which details the route from Gangcheng to Zeyang City, followed by a series of Zeyang City place names, such as guard room, material storage, underground defense station, etc., and behind each place name is a series of codes. Obviously, Director Lian Chengxu is not just a bunch of people who eat and work. He has already prepared an escape route for himself. Once the Gangcheng Biological Research Base can no longer hold on, he can immediately go to Zeyang City for refuge.

Zeyang City?... Li Feng narrowed his eyes, his mind racing. Among these one hundred cities, the closest to Gangcheng is Zeyang City. With these things, it seems that Zeyang City will be his next destination.
Seeing this message, Mu Qi was also shocked. He immediately thought of his parents and relatives, wondering how they were doing now... or, had they been...
Lifeng then opened the second message, which was like a religious text, with the title written in large blood-red characters: Seven Chapters to Destroy the World.
Here are two clauses:
"Chapter 1: Plague of the Undead
At first, the living died, and the dead lived again. The dead returned to the earth, and the living had nowhere to escape.
Chapter 2: Plague of the Rotten Beast
The living corpses have acquired the flesh and blood of living souls, and those who were enslaved by people will also enslave people.
The blood-red words seemed to carry all kinds of magical powers, and a gloomy and bloody aura came towards me. "
There is a blank space below these two clauses.
Seeing this thing, Li Feng was stunned. He had thought that Bronze would write a long text to explain in detail all the weird things that happened, but he didn't expect that there were only two seemingly plausible sentences. What on earth is this thing? The more he looked at it, the more it looked like some kind of religious book that was designed to deceive people...
Mu Qi was also confused. He didn't even know the existence of bronze, let alone understand what was going on.
Unable to understand, Richemont simply stopped thinking about it and continued to read the following information.
The third piece of information was an electronic map of Steel City. In a place in the northeast of the city, a bright red spot was marked with a few small words on it: Homologous energy fluctuations.
Seeing this thing, Li Feng's eyes immediately lit up. He understood that this must be the energy source that Bronze sensed and marked Li Feng. It is very likely that this is the key to restart Bronze.
After the three pieces of information, there is a large blank space. It is obvious that there are only these three precious pieces of information in this chip.
Li Feng frowned and put the small information terminal and the chip into his pocket. Although he got a lot of useful information from the chip, there seemed to be more about the origin of the colonization core and the mysteries surrounding it...
It seems that the most urgent task is to find the energy source and see if we can wake up "Bronze" from his slumber. In this bloody and chaotic apocalypse, having an auxiliary tool like Bronze is really the only way to save your life ...
And if the so-called "Seven Chapters to Destroy the World" given by Bronze are real, then the current appearance of Resident Evil zombies is Chapter 1: The Plague of Death, and what should follow is Chapter 2: The Plague of Corrupted Beasts!
Obviously, this plague of decayed beasts is much more cruel than the plague of the undead. If I want to survive in the next world, I must continue to become stronger! And this mysterious colonization core is the basis for my strength! Although I have muscle enhancement , it is only several times stronger than before. It is estimated that it is equivalent to the level of strongmen and bodybuilding champions among ordinary humans. If I want to survive in the end of the world by relying solely on physical strength, it is still not enough. Just a being of Mu Qi's level can kill seven or eight of him with just physical strength.
But if he had the colonial core, the situation would be completely different. That kind of temporary armor alone would be enough to seriously injure a powerful cyborg like Muzi!
Just when Lifeng and Muqi were lost in thought, they heard a humming sound. Lifeng couldn't help but pound his stomach. He had been pretending to be a dead body for a whole day, and then went through such a fierce battle that he even forgot that he still needed to eat.
Hearing Lifeng's stomach rumbling, Mu Qi also smiled and felt hungry as well.
The two men immediately stopped caring about other things and started rummaging through the drawers in the office building, looking for food.

This kind of office building usually has its own dedicated kitchen to provide snacks for tired employees. After a while, the two cheered and found a huge refrigerator in a small kitchen. The refrigerator was filled with various foods.
Rice, noodles, cabbage, tomatoes, eggplants, pork, canned food, etc., even two cans of Lao Gan Ma chili sauce and several bottles of white wine.
The two of them didn't have time to be particular. They moved everything out of the refrigerator, broke up a few chairs, put up a big pot, and after the water boiled, they threw rice, noodles, vegetables, chopped pork, and various canned foods into the pot. They also poured some salt on it and started to cook it.
There was also about five or six pounds of pork, which they put directly on wooden sticks and roasted over the fire.
At this time, they don’t have the time to care about the cooking method, and they don’t even want to care about the taste. As long as it’s edible, their stomachs only want food that can be digested.
But the raw materials were all good. After a while, the aroma of food came out of the pot, and the pieces of grilled meat made a "squeaking" sound. The surface began to turn golden yellow, and drops of fat dripped down fell into the fire, splashing sparks.
For a moment, the whole room was filled with the aroma and heat of food, which made Lifeng and Mu Qi feel relaxed. What happened in just two days was far beyond all their previous life experiences. Although they survived the incident due to their emergency response, tenacity and various opportunities, they felt extremely tired once they relaxed.
The aroma of the food attracted many zombies outside, and they all gathered downstairs and began to roar. However, Li Feng and Mu Qi had already filled the door with various bookshelves, cabinets, etc., and the door was extremely narrow, so ordinary zombies could not get in at all, so the two of them ignored them.
When the food in the pot and the barbecue on the rack were cooked, Li Feng could no longer hold back, picked up a bowl, filled it up, and began to eat. His hunger made him not care whether it was hot or not. The only seasoning on the barbecue was salt, but Li Feng felt that it was the most delicious barbecue he had ever eaten.
Mu Qi also couldn't help himself and grabbed a piece of barbecue and started chewing it.
The two of them opened two cans of Lao Gan Ma hot sauce and started to feast on it.
When they were enjoying the meal, Richemont opened a few more bottles of white wine, clinked glasses with Muqi twice, then raised the bottles and blew the trumpet.
By the time the big pot of food was finished, Lifeng was already lying on the ground with two bottles beside him, snoring loudly.
At this time, his tense nerves relaxed, and he was full and drunk, and the fatigue rushed over him like a tide, making him want to have a good sleep.
Seeing Lifeng fall asleep, Mu Qi couldn't help but sigh. Although he drank a lot of alcohol, his modified body was much stronger than the average human body. The alcohol had no effect at all. You have to know that his body is four or five meters long, and there is not much alcohol left after the alcohol is evenly distributed.
Listening to Li Feng's snoring, Mu Qi's eyes gradually became firm, but in this firm look, there seemed to be a layer of deep sadness.
He suddenly tore off his T-shirt, found a mirror and started looking at himself.
Sure enough, there was a scar about three or four centimeters long running across his back. The scar was obviously made by some sharp object, and the surrounding skin and flesh appeared an abnormal white color.
Mu Qi clearly remembered that this scar was made by the half-human, half-leopard orc. In the end, the orc could not resist the infection of the T virus and became a zombie...
Judging from the abnormal grayish-white color around the wound and the degree of decay of the wound, it was only a matter of time before he got infected. He already felt a little dizzy, and even after eating so much, he still felt extremely hungry. When he saw Li Feng in front of him, he actually felt like biting him...
Mu Qi took a deep breath and said to Li Feng who had fallen into a coma: "Li Feng, I'm sorry that I can't continue to accompany you. Although there are many things I want to ask you in detail, it seems that I don't have the chance now..."
He thought for a moment, picked up a piece of charred wood on the ground, and wrote a line of words on the wall. Then, hundreds of legs in his lower body moved, and he carried his huge body directly out of the window, along the rough wall, and went away until his figure completely disappeared, without even looking back again...

Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024