Chapter 106: Call from the Void

Oasis Camp, temporary meeting room.
The atmosphere is very subtle.
The joy of victory and the sadness of death were intertwined in the air, and now there was also a sense of uneasiness about the demise of the Scimitar organization.
The old chandelier swayed slightly above the ceiling, casting dim shadows of everyone.
Su Xia sat near the door, frowned slightly, read the existing information in detail, and then passed it to the blue light beside him.
He looked up and asked Zhang Fang: "Mr. Zhang, has Longcheng sent anyone to the Scimitar Organization's base?"
Zhang Fang’s answer was very certain. He would not lie about such a thing.
In this case, as long as the Scimitar Organization's base is not facing threats such as "insect plague", they should have moved by now at the suggestion of the Dragon City envoy.
"With the Undead here, all bases are in danger of being exposed." Zhang Fang explained, "So when the base is moved, all the Undead people will be deliberately abandoned."
"Does Dragon City have a way to distinguish the undead?"
Su Xia's eyes were calm and she asked the point.
He can see the nicknames above the heads of all the players, but no one else in the camp can see them.
Zhang Fang shook his head, a little ashamed: "Currently there is no way to distinguish between ordinary humans and undead. Those undead are like humans from another world."
“Well, that’s a good point.”
"But every resistance organization's base has someone responsible for counting the members in the base. As long as we compare them one by one, we can distinguish them. So, in theory..."
Zhang Fang looked helpless. Logically speaking, the base of the Scimitar Organization would not be exposed.
Unless the Scimitar Organization is like the Old North Wind Organization, with a traitor within its ranks.
"Just yesterday morning, the masked man caused a commotion in Coral City and rescued many refugees. Afterwards, a large number of oppressed refugees chose to flee Coral City, and the Scimitar Organization accepted quite a few of them. I suspect that there may be undead among those refugees."
Zhang Fang looked at everyone and expressed his thoughts.
After this period of contact, everyone understood that the undead were basically profit-seeking people.
They will help whoever offers more benefits.
Among the huge number of undead, there will always be people who, for profit , will find out the locations of resistance organizations in the wilderness, and then sell this information to the mechanical race.
What Zhang Fang said made a lot of sense, even Su Xia nodded slightly.
Xiong Wei pondered for a moment, tapped the table and said, "More than a dozen organizations accepted refugees yesterday. Based on this, it can be inferred that those organizations are in danger."
Lan Guang said: "The masked man is very mysterious. I have never heard of him before. Moreover, he was able to escape from Yu Tuo's hands. It is too incredible. Now many resistance organizations are in danger because of the refugees he brought. What do you think, could he be..."
"A rebellious character deliberately created by the Mechanical Clan?"
"Lan Guang means that the previous turmoil in Coral City was staged and directed by the Mechanical Clan?"
"It sounds possible. That riot was so weird..."
In the conference room, everyone looked at each other.
As long as the "Masked Stranger" is made into a flagship figure of the resistance organization like "Commander North Wind" and is used, the Mechanical Clan can easily wipe out the resistance organizations in the wilderness.
Su Xia remained silent and said nothing.
It’s normal to be doubted.
After all, no one would easily trust a person wearing a mask.
The mechanical race does not take the lives of ordinary humans seriously at all. It sounds quite reasonable to use the lives of half of the human management of the entire Coral City to train an undercover agent with a high reputation in the resistance organization.
"Let's not talk about the masked man for now." Xiong Wei lowered the topic. "Everyone, tomorrow at noon, Coral City will broadcast the execution process live to the entire city. Other surrounding cities will also be able to see the broadcast. By then, there will be heavy guards around the central square. Those people from the Scimitar Organization can no longer be saved."
As the manager of the Oasis Camp, his words set the tone for the rest of the conversation.
When Commander Beifeng was captured, Xiong Wei also decided not to rescue him because he did not have the ability to do so.
But the remaining resistance groups can still be saved.
Next, the entire meeting revolved around how to save the remaining resistance organizations.
Finally, everyone came up with a temporary strategy of one open and one secret, and had the remaining resistance organizations take most of their original members away from their bases and hide in the dark.
Only a very small number of people were left in the open base, continuing to live with the refugees.
"Well, let's leave it at that for now." Xiong Wei sighed, "We only need to know about tomorrow's live broadcast. Don't tell other members of the camp. We have just emerged from the threat of the Zerg..."
It is very painful to watch your compatriots being executed.
Coral City's massive publicity is intended to have a deterrent effect on other resistance groups in the wilderness.
At the same time, some people in the city were wondering whether the reason why Coral City gave such detailed information about the time and place was to lure out the masked man?
Just as Su Xia had thought, this execution was both a deterrent and a trap.
After the meeting, Su Xia returned to the warehouse where he stored supplies and waited quietly for the task to give a prompt.
"Strange, why haven't the mission rewards been distributed yet?"
The mission to save the oasis camp is time-consuming and will result in huge casualties, so the mission reward must be quite generous.
Su Xia has been waiting.
There has been no result since the destruction of the insect nest.
He sat on the old sofa. Without turning on the lights, the warehouse was pitch dark.
Suddenly, a slight sound was heard in the corner of the warehouse.
Su Xia became alert and immediately stood up from the sofa and turned on the tactical flashlight.
Under the strong light, nothing in the corner can be hidden.
It turned out to be a bug!
Although it was just a low-level swift bug, it somehow bypassed the camp's guards and deceived Su Xia's perception. It had been lurking quietly in the warehouse until it showed up on its own initiative.
It lowered its head slightly, showing no hostility, and approached Su Xia little by little.
But even if there was no hostility, Su Xia had no intention of letting him go.
Su Xia directly drew out the psychic weapon from his waist, injected psychic energy into it, and aimed to kill with one strike.
At the same time, countless nanorobots flowed slowly like running water, forming an invisible wall behind and on the left and right of the insect.
The eyes of this insect are very different from those of other insects. There is no ferocity in its eyes, but rather calmness.
It walked in front of Su Xia, like a puppy, slowly squatted down, and raised its paw.
"Hello, human."
It actually spoke!
Su Xia was about to take action, but the world in front of him suddenly changed. The walls and ceiling of the warehouse disappeared, and there was darkness all around.
"This is where?"
Gray fog rolled in the darkness in the distance.
Many strange noises were heard in the fog, like the incoherent mumbling of countless mad patients, or the whispers of ancient creatures in the void, full of evil and chaos.
Deformed tentacles surged in the thick fog, like twisted forbidden snakes or cursed mythical creatures, difficult to describe.
Those tentacles approached Su Xia little by little, and their huge and terrifying true forms emerged from the thick fog.
It is an abnormal creature that humans can never understand or imagine.
Its body kept changing, sometimes like a bloated and disgusting giant corpse, and sometimes like a deformed and hideous demon, as if it came from the deepest fear dream.
Just by taking a look at its appearance, Su Xia felt dizzy and almost walked towards its tentacles uncontrollably.
"what happened?"
"Don't be afraid, we are all one of the amazing creations of this universe."
The shapeless horrible monster spoke, its voice was vague and indistinct, as if it came from a distant void.
Su Xia took a deep breath, raised her head and asked calmly: "What do you want from me? If not, I'll leave first."
His psychic talent "Death Prophecy" did not sound the alarm. After taking a half step back, his heel touched the old sofa.
Su Xia understood that she was still in the warehouse, it was just an illusion, and she was completely safe.
The other party also seemed to want to make him feel safe and showed no ill will, so as to ensure that the conversation went smoothly.
If Su Xia guessed correctly, this guy should be the so-called queen of the Zerg.
Looks heavier...
She was not quite the same as the queen Su Xia had imagined.
The huge monster began to speak: "The Zerg is a natural evolutionary choice, different from both the Terrans and the Mechanics."
As he narrated, the hallucinatory world around Su Xia changed.
The darkness and fog disappeared.
He was in a primeval forest.
Tall trees blocked out the sky, and countless birds and animals were playing in the jungle.
At his feet, there was a pool of blue liquid, which looked like the most primitive spiritual energy that had not been purified.
A small animal that looked like a mouse hopped over to the pool of liquid, sniffed it cautiously with its little nose twitching, and then lowered its head to lick it.
It suddenly fell to the ground in pain, its limbs twitched, its tail trembled, and terrifying blue veins appeared on its body surface.
Then, its body began to swell, the gray hair on its surface fell off in clumps, and terrifying sharp teeth replaced its original teeth. Its limbs also became stronger, and the new claws were extremely sharp.
When it stopped twitching, Su Xia could no longer recognize its original appearance.
Its eyes became narrow and long, its gaze was fierce, its skin was gray and rough, and overall it was more than twice as large as before.
It lunged forward, knocked down a rabbit-like animal, and began to devour it frantically.
Then, time seemed to start speeding up.
Su Xia saw that more and more animals absorbed spiritual energy, began to mutate and evolve, and became completely different creatures.
They shed their soft fur and grew increasingly thick and hard shells, and their fangs and claws became more terrifying.
The entire planet was shrouded in the evolutionary power of psychic energy. The mutated creatures on the planet began to fight and devour each other. The strong became stronger and the weak were eliminated.
When it finally stabilized, there were only a dozen or so races left.
The appearance of some of these races was somewhat similar to the insects Su Xia saw last night.
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