Chapter 105: The beginning of misfortune! Talented but without destiny!

In the cabin of Flight 9811, with a loud bang, Xu Cang felt as if thousands of sharp needles were stirring in both sides of his head, causing him to break out in cold sweats due to the pain.
Since Xu Cang was right above the pressure relief port, the air pressure change was the most drastic and the physiological reaction he endured was naturally the most severe. Even with Xu Cang's willpower, he could hardly endure such pain.
However, Xu Cang did not lose consciousness from beginning to end. He grabbed Xia Shuyue beside him with his left hand and said, "Open your mouth!"
Now is the time when pressure changes are most drastic. We must try our best to maintain the pressure balance inside and outside the body, otherwise the body will feel very uncomfortable.
Many people will feel uncomfortable at the rate of ascent during takeoff, not to mention that the current situation is equivalent to changing a person's pressure altitude from 8,000 feet to 30,000 feet in an instant. How can the human body withstand this?
Xia Shuyue's reaction seemed to be milder than Xu Cang's. She even held Xu Cang's left hand with her backhand: "Brother, I'm fine!"
Xu Cang immediately raised his hand, signaling Xia Shuyue to stop talking. At this altitude, oxygen was extremely scarce.
"Damn it, why haven't the oxygen masks come off yet?"
The moment Xia Shuyue's voice fell, the oxygen masks in the cabin automatically fell down. The cabin oxygen system can be manually overridden by the cockpit, and will automatically start when the cabin altitude exceeds a certain value. However, in some extreme cases, the cabin oxygen mask does not automatically fall down, which requires the cockpit to manually turn on the passenger oxygen switch.
Therefore, when dealing with cabin decompression, even if the cabin oxygen masks have automatically fallen down, the crew members will still manually turn on the passenger oxygen switch to ensure that all oxygen masks can fall down.
As soon as the oxygen mask fell off, Xu Cang quickly put it on, feeling the fresh air blowing out of the oxygen mask, and his mind became clearer. However, the strap of the oxygen mask was tight on his face, making him feel very uncomfortable, because the skin on his body was like being pricked by thousands of needles when it was touched, and he didn't know why it was like this.
This was the first time Xu Cang used a passenger oxygen mask as a passenger.
After finishing his own side, Xu Cang hurried to check Xia Shuyue next to him. It can only be said that Xu Cang was worrying too much. Xia Shuyue was a flight attendant. During the training, she simulated wearing the oxygen mask in the cabin. Xia Shuyue was even more skilled than Xu Cang.
"Brother, I'm fine." Xia Shuyue curled up subconsciously. Due to the damage to the fuselage, the cold air outside began to affect the cabin. The people in the cabin not only had to endure the discomfort caused by lack of oxygen and pressure difference, but also had to face temperatures below minus 20 degrees Celsius.
Xia Shuyue couldn't help but hold Xu Cang's arm with her right hand, as if this would give her a sense of security. However, the whistling sound of the wind echoing in her ears was like the roar of the god of death, and the increasingly violent vibration of the fuselage was like a giant beast holding the fragile plane in its grasp, ready to crush it at any time.
Xu Cang's hands were very cold, as cold as ice, even colder than the air floating around at an altitude of 30,000 feet.
Suddenly, a drop of moisture fell on the back of Xia Shuyue's hand. She was slightly startled, and when she looked closely, it turned out to be a drop of glaring blood. Looking up again, blood was constantly flowing out of Xu Cang's left ear. Perhaps because the temperature in the cabin was too low, the blood that flowed out seemed extremely viscous.
"Brother, your ear!" Xia Shuyue screamed. However, she soon noticed that Xu Cang's attention was not on her bleeding ear. His eyes followed the aisle and stared at the curtain in front of him that separated the first class and economy class.
"Why is it still rising? Why is it still rising?" Xu Cang gritted his teeth, and blood oozed out from the corners of his mouth. Xu Cang now felt that his skin and flesh had been separated, which was a sign of boiling body fluids.
As we all know, the boiling point of water is directly related to air pressure. The lower the air pressure, the lower the boiling point of water, and vice versa. Air pressure is also related to altitude. At high altitudes, air pressure will also decrease. This means that at higher altitudes, the boiling point of water will be lower.
That is, there is an extreme situation, that is, at a certain high altitude, such as more than 19 kilometers above the ground, the boiling point of water drops to the level of normal body temperature. In this case, the body fluids in the human body will boil like boiling water. Just like blowing up a balloon, the human body will swell uncontrollably and eventually die.
Of course, 30,000 feet is far less than 19 kilometers, but Xu Cang already felt very uncomfortable. This kind of physiological reaction has certain individual differences. For example, Xu Cang's overall physical fitness is definitely better than Xia Shuyue's, but Xia Shuyue's discomfort is obviously less than Xu Cang's.
The symptoms of boiling body fluids start from the mucous membranes, such as the nasal mucosa, oral mucosa, etc. Just now, due to the rapid change in air pressure, the eardrum, which is full of capillaries in the ear cavity, began to bleed. The bleeding at the corner of his mouth was also caused by the same reason. Moreover, as the altitude increases, the bleeding problem will become more and more serious.
Xu Cang could feel that the plane was not only not descending, but was even slowly climbing. This was simply the most ridiculous thing in the world. Why climb up? Are you looking for death?
Xu Cang turned sideways, opened the sunshade and looked out. The sky was clearly clear and it didn't look like the plane couldn't descend due to meteorological reasons.
"What's going on up front?"
The passengers were all around, shouting in panic and fear. Many people still didn't know how to put on oxygen masks even though the flight attendants had taught them how to do it before takeoff.
At high altitudes, breathing was already difficult and they couldn't put on oxygen masks, so they were naturally anxious and scared. One could even hear cries coming from inside the cabin.
The chaotic sounds filled Xu Cang's ears, making the already worried Xu Cang even more irritated.
Perhaps the shouting nearby was too tragic, Xia Shuyue asked timidly: "Brother, can I go help them?"
However, the moment Xia Shuyue finished speaking, Xu Cang shouted coldly: "No!"
Xu Cang wanted to help, but he didn't have a portable oxygen tank. The oxygen mask in the cockpit was connected to the top plate, which limited the range of movement of personnel. At most, he could help the person in the next seat. If he wanted to help further away, he had to take off the oxygen mask.
At this altitude, half a minute is enough for an adult to lose consciousness. Xu Cang didn't want to fail to rescue the person and become the one who needed help from others.
Moreover, the biggest and most deadly problem now is not the oxygen masks, but the plane!
As long as the plane can descend quickly, many problems can be solved. If the plane continues to climb, everyone on the plane will be dead. You must know that the cabin oxygen does not last as long as the cockpit oxygen, which is only about ten minutes. If the oxygen generator is old, it is hard to say whether it can last long enough.
The situation of the plane is now very delicate. Judging from the vibration of the fuselage and the whistling sound of the airflow, it is almost certain that the fuselage is damaged, and Xu Cang strongly suspects that the problem is with the cabin door.
In the event of damage to the aircraft, in order to ensure that the aircraft structure does not exceed the limit, it is necessary to control the speed during emergency descent, that is, to maintain a relatively low speed.
As a result, at a relatively low speed, the aircraft cannot maintain a satisfactory descent rate, which means that even if the aircraft starts an emergency descent from this moment, it will take more time than a normal emergency descent, not to mention that the aircraft is still ascending and the precious oxygen reserves in the cabin will be consumed.
As time went by, the chaos in the cabin had begun to evolve into cries for help. The despair brought about by suffocation showed people's madness to the fullest. Some people who could not put on oxygen masks did not even think that the oxygen mask could be pressed on the face even if it was not worn tightly. Although there was some oxygen leakage, it still had some effect.
There is no way. Many people cannot think rationally when they are afraid.
After waiting for more than ten seconds, the plane's ascending posture still did not change. Xu Cang looked at the increasingly chaotic cabin, and his mood could no longer calm down. The environment can affect people . Xu Cang could not be a green lotus that emerged from the mud without being stained, and he did not want to pin all his hopes on the cockpit in front of him.
It had been long enough, he had waited long enough, even if the crew members in the cockpit were slow to react and the program was a little sluggish, they had to start an emergency descent anyway. If it wasn't some weird problem that even Xu Cang couldn't have expected, then there was something wrong with the crew in the cockpit!
Something happened!
Suddenly, Xu Cang's heart started beating wildly, and he thought of a very bad possibility. If his own physical reaction was so obvious, then if it was reasonable to infer, why wouldn't the pilot in the cockpit have the same or even more serious physical reaction?
But if it was just a physiological reaction, it shouldn't be completely incapacitated. That is to say, the flight crew's body was in an unexpected dangerous condition. So, it is worth considering whether there is still someone in the cockpit who is conscious enough to control the plane?
Or, the plane is now... unmanned.
When Xu Cang thought of this possibility, he was horrified. This was not impossible, but very likely. As long as he was a pilot, as long as he had a little consciousness, he would never let a decompressed plane continue to rise.
"No! We can't stay here any longer." Xu Cang is not the type to sit and wait for death. Thinking of the possibility that both people in the cockpit are now disabled, this thought spread uncontrollably as soon as it appeared and could not be shaken off.
His mind kept turning, and suddenly, he started to unbuckle his seat belt. Xia Shuyue, who was standing next to him, saw Xu Cang unbuckle his seat belt and immediately grabbed Xu Cang's hand: "Brother, what are you doing? You didn't let me leave just now."
Xu Cang grabbed Xia Shuyue's hand with his backhand. He lowered his body, put his head close to Xia Shuyue, and deliberately lowered his voice: "Shuyue, listen carefully. I suspect that the people in the cockpit up front are dying. Now the plane is still rising. If this continues, none of us will survive, so I have to go to the front."
Xu Cang spoke so quietly because he was afraid that people nearby might hear him. If people around heard that the person in the cockpit was incapacitated, wouldn't the already chaotic cabin be thrown into chaos?
"How could this happen?" Xia Shuyue recovered quickly after a brief shock. After experiencing the 9211 incident, Xia Shuyue's psychological quality was indeed incomparable to ordinary people. However, this did not mean that Xia Shuyue agreed with Xu Cang's approach. She was still very worried: "But how can you get through? You can't breathe without an oxygen mask. Moreover, the cockpit is locked. Even if there is a problem inside, how can you get in? You know the cockpit door, and bombs may not be able to blow it open."
It can be seen that Xu Cang is also quite nervous. His next decision will undoubtedly bring him great danger, but he has to try.
"If I remember correctly, there should be emergency supplies on the luggage rack at the front of the first-class cabin, and there should be a portable oxygen cylinder in it. With a portable oxygen cylinder, I can move freely. As for the cockpit door..." Xu Cang's eyes flashed : "The security officer knows the password of the cockpit door. I can convince him to let the security officer open the door!"
The cockpit door can also be opened with a password, but only the captain and the aviation safety officer on the entire plane know it, and the company will change the cockpit password every once in a while to ensure absolute safety.
"The password to open the cockpit is only used when the cabin door is accidentally locked. It is against the safety rules for the safety officer to open the door for you, and he will not open it for you." As a flight attendant, Xia Shuyue also knew the regulations for entering and exiting the cockpit.
As the only protection of the cockpit, the cockpit door is absolutely not allowed to be opened at will. If it needs to be opened, strict steps and procedures must be followed.
There are extremely strict restrictions on the aviation security officer opening the cockpit door, and it is impossible for him to agree to open it just based on Xu Cang's words. If something goes wrong, the aviation security officer will bear unimaginable punishment.
If this plane belonged to Blue Sky Airlines, there might be a small chance. But the problem is that this plane and the crew members on it are all from Muhua Airlines, and they don't have a deep bond with Blue Sky Airlines, so this last possibility will be eliminated.
Xu Cang certainly knew that it would be difficult to convince the aviation security officer, but he had to try.
Xu Cang did not answer Xia Shuyue's question, but paused and asked, "There are portable oxygen tanks in front of the 747, right?"
Xu Cang is not a god, he can't know everything about the plane. He did have the qualifications of a 747 before, but he only maintained it and was not as proficient as a 737.
As soon as these words came out, Xia Shuyue immediately realized that Xu Cang himself was not sure. She put her arms around Xu Cang's waist and said almost in tears: "Brother, I don't have the qualifications of 747, and I don't know if there is anything ahead. Brother, don't go over, it's too dangerous."
Xu Cang pursed his lips tightly. When he boarded the plane, he found that the plane was very full and there were almost no extra oxygen masks for him to use. If he ran to the front and didn't find a portable oxygen cylinder, Xu Cang would be in great danger.
But he still wants to go!
"Do you remember what I told you during the 9211 incident?" Xu Cang rested his forehead against Xia Shuyue's. Only in this way could he feel a hint of warmth.
However, Xia Shuyue could clearly feel Xu Cang's body trembling. This was not caused by the cold air around him...
He is afraid! Xu Cang is afraid!
But in an instant, the hesitation in his eyes disappeared, as if he had found the decision of fate. Xu Cang no longer felt fear, but his voice was still gentle: "I said, I will take you down safely!"
After saying that, Xu Cang pushed Xia Shuyue away and stood up suddenly. He couldn't wait any longer!

At this moment, in the front cabin workroom, the chief flight attendant was also unbuckling her seat belt. But the flight attendant No. 3 beside her was almost crying: "Sister, the first class cabin is full today, there are no extra oxygen masks!"
"So what? Didn't you hear what the people in the cockpit were shouting just now?" The chief flight attendant's voice was extremely firm. She certainly knew the danger of going to look for a portable oxygen cylinder. At this altitude, if she didn't find an oxygen cylinder within half a minute, she would quickly fall into a coma.
Perhaps she could pin her hopes on the first-class passengers being willing to share their oxygen with her, but at the moment of life and death, human morality cannot stand the test.
Flight attendant No. 3 was not very calm at this time: "But he didn't say who to call!"
"Are you calling us?" The flight attendant shouted coldly, "Except for the cockpit, there is only one pilot in the plane, who else could it be?"
The chief flight attendant was sitting outside. Just now, the cockpit door was opened without warning. She heard a voice calling someone from inside the cockpit, and she took a look towards the cockpit.
The two unconscious pilots in the cockpit were in full view, which made the flight attendant determined to seek help. She didn't know what happened to the crew in the cockpit, but she deeply understood that only the person in the cabin could save the plane and herself!
After unbuckling the seat belt, the chief flight attendant patted the No. 3 flight attendant and said, "The situation is special now. No. 2 is in the rear cabin and can't take care of it. If I have any problems, you will take over the cabin command. Do you understand?"
Seeing that the chief steward had made up his mind to leave, steward No. 3 was unable to persuade him to stay and could only nod his head heavily.
After explaining everything, the flight attendant felt relieved. She took a deep breath of oxygen, took off her oxygen mask, and quickly stood up and ran to the first-class cabin.
Even though she had expected it, as soon as she took off her oxygen mask, the flight attendant felt as if a huge rock was pressing on her chest, as if she couldn't breathe no matter what. She knew she didn't have much time, so she could only suppress her panic and rely on her memory to find a portable oxygen cylinder as quickly as possible.
However, as soon as the purser appeared in the first-class cabin, the passengers who were still breathing oxygen in the cabin started to shout and asked the purser what happened.
The flight attendant was already short of oxygen and was inevitably anxious. The noisy calls from all around made him even more upset. He searched the luggage rack but couldn't find it at the first sight.
It was this brief delay that caused the flight attendant's heartbeat to accelerate, his symptoms of hypoxia to worsen rapidly, and he began to become somewhat confused.
Suddenly, the flight attendant finally touched a cylindrical object, which she knew was a portable oxygen cylinder. However, she seemed drunk at the moment, her whole body limp, and she seemed to be about to fall asleep.
Just when the chief flight attendant was about to faint, suddenly, a hand supported her falling body, and then the breathing port of the oxygen cylinder was pressed on the chief flight attendant's mouth and nose, and fresh oxygen began to be supplied continuously.
Not long after, the flight attendant's condition improved significantly. She then discovered that a young man was using a portable oxygen cylinder, and a breathing mask of the oxygen cylinder was pressed on her mouth and nose.
The flight attendant immediately took the oxygen cylinder, and she quickly identified that the young man was the Xu Cang she was looking for.
Xu Cang breathed in oxygen in big gulps. The short journey from getting up just now to the first-class cabin was truly a nightmare experience. Fortunately, the flight attendant had already found the oxygen cylinder in advance, otherwise it would be hard to say whether he could find it before passing out if he had to start looking for it himself.
"Are all the flight attendants nowadays so courageous?"
Finally recovering a little, Xu Cang walked past the chief flight attendant and opened the curtain. What came into view was the open cockpit door and the unconscious flight crew.
The flight attendant who followed quickly said, "I don't know what happened in there. The door was opened from the inside. The cockpit asked me to find you."
Xu Cang's eyelids twitched wildly. As he expected, the person in the cockpit was in trouble. If he hesitated any longer, the whole plane would be doomed.
Quickly entering the cockpit, Xu Cang glanced at the captain whose shirt was half stained with blood and the co-pilot who was already unconscious. He quickly put on the oxygen masks for both of them, then adjusted to a low altitude, pressed the flight select button, turned right 30 degrees, pressed the flight altitude layer change mode, pulled up the speed brake, slightly increased the speed, and finally adjusted the transponder to the emergency code.
As soon as the emergency code was called, the regional radar in the Qianzhou control room responded. Before the regional controller could ask any questions, Xu Cang's voice rang out in the headset: "MAYDAY! MAYDAY! MAYDAY! Blue sky..."
Xu Cang glanced at the flight number indicator next to the control wheel and his heart skipped a beat. The flight number was actually 9811. He hadn't noticed it when he added the crew.
"What bad luck!" Xu Cang cursed inwardly, and then announced the emergency to the regional control: "Blue Sky 9811, cabin decompression, now turn right 30 degrees, deviate from the route, and make an emergency descent."
The area controller's face suddenly changed. He quickly glanced at the radar screen and immediately replied, "Blue Sky 9811, descend to 4,500 meters first. Follow my command for subsequent descents."
"Descend to 4,500 meters, Blue Sky 9811!" Xu Cang quickly fine-tuned the altitude window. He understood that the controller needed to clear the airspace. There were no mountain obstacles below this area, so they should be allowed to descend below 10,000 feet soon.
Xu Cang frowned. For some reason, he felt as if the chaotic environment around him had suddenly become quiet without any warning. It was so quiet that it made him feel a little uneasy.

At the same time, in the office of the vice president of operations of the Blue Sky Aviation Base Building, Li Rongcheng was talking with Luo Yong. Ye Xian, who followed him, was quite interested in the money tree in the corner of the office and seemed to be studying it seriously.
At this moment, Li Rongcheng still pretended to be an ordinary Boeing employee and said with a smile: "Mr. Luo, we will bring your feedback report back to the headquarters. Thank you for your hard work in cooperating with us these two days."
"I've done a lot of it before, it's not hard work." Luo Yong has done this kind of feedback work required by Boeing several times, so he is not unfamiliar with it. After pondering for a moment, Luo Yong asked a question that has been bothering him recently: "Mr. Li, I heard recently that there seems to be some problems with the review of Boeing 777. I don't know if it's true."
Although Blue Sky Airlines is not as well-informed as Muhua Airlines, and even if it has intentions, it has not placed a formal order, so Boeing has no obligation to inform Blue Sky Airlines of the progress of the Boeing 777 project.
In fact, if it had followed its past practices, Blue Sky Airlines would have been determined to place its future bets on the Boeing 777 and would have placed an order.
But for Blue Sky Airlines, even the deposit would be a considerable expense. Therefore, the senior management of Blue Sky Airlines intends to wait and recover more funds before placing orders to avoid a break in the capital chain.
Moreover, they heard that Boeing's aircraft manufacturers around the world were working at full capacity to produce the Boeing 777, and the production capacity was absolutely guaranteed. As long as the three certificates of the first-class Boeing 777, namely the airworthiness certificate, type certificate and type approval certificate, were obtained, it could be sold.
If production capacity is sufficient, placing an order later will not delay the delivery for too long.
However, even if Blue Sky Airlines was slow to realize it, the civil aviation industry was so small that some rumors had been heard. Therefore, Luo Yong could not help but ask.
Ye Xian, who was fiddling with the fortune tree, raised his eyebrows and showed a hint of displeasure on his face. Li Rongcheng, on the other hand, kept his composure and smiled easily: "I am just an ordinary employee and don't know much about the specific situation. However, the progress of the Boeing 777 project is as planned."
This was actually just a bunch of nonsense, but it sounded like heavenly music to Luo Yong, who had been anxious for a long time. He immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and the worry on his face also eased a lot.
Seeing that Luo Yong had been fooled, Li Rongcheng got down to business. He didn't come here for any customer feedback this time, it was just a trick to cover up the truth, and in the end it was for Xu Cang.
"Boss Luo, it's like this!" Li Rongcheng pondered for a moment and continued, "We at Boeing want to understand the operating habits of pilots from various countries and their views on the future of Boeing, so we will invite pilots from various countries to hold an exchange meeting at the headquarters in the near future. When I came here this time, I heard that there is a pilot named Xu Cang in your company who performed quite well. I wonder if he can go to the Boeing headquarters with me?"
Ye Xian, who was listening nearby, was disdainful. In order to take Xu Cang away quietly, Li Rongcheng really put on a good show.
Xu Cang is now Boeing's savior, but he is also Boeing's biggest weakness. If Blue Sky Airlines knew Xu Cang's value, they might use it as a threat to raise the price to Boeing, which would be very disadvantageous for Boeing.
In the past, Blue Sky Airlines would definitely not dare to do this. But now it is different. If Boeing really pushes Blue Sky Airlines into a corner, at worst they will all turn to Airbus. Boeing has long ceased to dominate the civil aircraft market.
In order to avoid such situations from happening, Li Rongcheng could only resort to some less honorable means.
When Luo Yong heard Li Rongcheng mention Xu Cang, he suddenly felt ashamed: " Mr. Li was there yesterday, too. I'm sorry to have embarrassed you, Mr. Li."
"That's not true. It's normal for people to have some disagreements." Li Rongcheng said with a smile, "Besides, if I can bring Xu Cang to Boeing headquarters, it will just be a good opportunity for him to separate from President Yu for a while, so that both sides can cool down. Wouldn't that be better?"
It can only be said that Li Rongcheng is also an expert at deceiving people. He lies with his eyes open without blushing or breathing hard, as if he is really doing it for the good of Xu Cang and Yu Fengtian.
Luo Yong sighed, revealing a look of regret: "It is a great honor for Blue Sky Airlines to be favored by Boeing headquarters. However, the current situation... is a bit difficult to deal with."
"Hmm?" A puzzled look flashed across Li Rongcheng's face. "What's the problem?"
Luo Yong coughed twice and couldn't help but feel embarrassed: "To be honest, I have reached an agreement with Muhua Airlines and will send Xu Cang to Muhua Airlines soon. You have to take Xu Cang to Boeing headquarters. You may need to discuss this matter with Muhua Airlines."
Hearing this, the always gentle Li Rongcheng could no longer keep his composure. He couldn't help but look at Ye Xian, and a cold light flashed in Ye Xian's eyes.
Things seem to be far more complicated than they thought!
Li Rongcheng immediately thought of what Xu Cang said to Luo Yong yesterday after the confrontation with Yu Fengtian, that he would trade him for a high-quality airline. At that time, Li Rongcheng was still confused, but he felt that something was wrong. But now that he heard that Xu Cang was going to be traded to Muhua Airlines, it all fit in.
Muhua Airlines must have poached Xu Cang from Blue Sky Airlines at the cost of a high-quality route, and both parties have reached a consensus.
If this was just a routine transfer of pilots, it would be fine, but I'm afraid Muhua Airlines has other intentions. Muhua Airlines is not as easy to fool as Blue Sky Airlines. If they use Xu Cang as a bargaining chip, Boeing will be very passive.
"Muhua Airlines is so bold!" Li Rongcheng couldn't help but curse in his heart.
However, he also deeply felt that Boeing's control over these airlines has become weaker and weaker. A long time ago, Boeing swallowed McDonnell Douglas and became the only major airline company. If airlines want to develop, they have to look to Boeing to a certain extent.
But now it is different. The rise of Airbus has given airlines more choices, and Boeing is no longer unique. Today, Boeing's position is becoming increasingly weak, and even Muhua Airlines has the intention of blackmailing Boeing. It is really a change of state, and the present is different from the past.
Of course, maybe all this is just Li Rongcheng's fantasy, maybe it's just a simple transfer of pilots? For some reason, the first image that popped up in Li Rongcheng's mind was his good friend Ma Cheng. I wonder if this friend was involved in this incident.
Just when Li Rongcheng wanted to ask for more details, a panting young man appeared outside the door accompanied by hurried footsteps. It was Luo Yong's secretary.
Luo Yong saw his secretary panting and wondered, "What's wrong?"
"Boss Luo, 9811 has issued an emergency code and is returning." The secretary took a long time to catch his breath and said, "Boss Chen asked you to wait at the airport control tower!"
"9811, does our company have this flight number? Why do I feel like I've never heard of it?" Luo Yong was puzzled for a while, and suddenly his eyes widened like bells, and he began to stutter: "Is... is it the wet leased one?"
The secretary nodded: "That's the plane! Mr. Luo, the company has already notified the control tower, you should hurry over. Mr. Yu will go with you."
In fact, if there are some special situations, flight technical assistance may be needed. If time permits, the airport will generally call the representative of the company involved so that communication can be carried out at any time.
"Why did this plane have to crash?" Luo Yong's face was pale as paper, and his blood was gone. Blue Sky Airlines spent a lot of money to buy this 747, so it couldn't have any problems.
Now Luo Yong was no longer willing to talk to Li Rongcheng. He immediately put on his coat and headed for the airport.
"Mr. Li, you heard it too. I have something urgent to attend to and cannot accompany you for the time being. Please do as you please."
Luo Yong was about to leave when he heard Li Rongcheng say, "Boss Luo, if it's convenient, can you take us with you?"
Luo Yong was stunned: "What did you say?"
Li Rongcheng said seriously: "I mean we also want to go to the control tower!"

Inside the cockpit of 9811, Xu Cang looked helplessly at the captain and co-pilot slumped in their seats. He could only stand in the aisle at the cockpit entrance. Every time he adjusted the autopilot mode, he needed to support himself with one hand on the sun visor and control it with the other hand, which was very inconvenient.
At this moment, the plane has begun to return and descend, but it is still far from reaching an altitude of 10,000 feet. However, everything is getting better. Although Xu Cang is not very skilled in flying a Boeing 747, he believes that he can still complete a safe landing. The only factor that makes him feel unstable is the damage point of the aircraft, or to be more precise, the left front cargo door of the aircraft.
Because it can be clearly seen on the MFD that the left front cargo door of the aircraft has been opened, which is the source of all the horror. If it is just the decompression caused by the opening of the cargo hold, everything will slowly get better as the aircraft descends. The question is, will the failure of the door spread to other parts?
Aircraft damage is always a nightmare that a pilot does not want to face, because aircraft damage can sometimes cause failures that are beyond human control, and Xu Cang is obviously unwilling to face these.
Behind Xu Cang, the flight attendant also noticed Xu Cang's difficulty in operating. The only thing to be thankful for was that the automatic driving was still available, which undoubtedly reduced a lot of pressure on operation. Otherwise, if Xu Cang was asked to operate manually at this time, it would be too much trouble.
"Do we need to move one of them out?" asked the flight attendant.
"No, the current situation is not suitable. Let's wait until the plane descends below 10,000 feet."
Xu Cang had participated in emergency drills, which included moving the pilot out of the cockpit in the event of crew incapacitation. The reality was that even a normal-sized pilot would require two men to lift him out, and it would be very strenuous. If there was a woman among the movers, the whole process would become extremely cumbersome and the success rate would be low.
It is obviously not suitable to do this kind of transporting operation while the pressure is still being released.
"How many oxygen cylinders are left now?" Xu Cang suddenly asked.
"There is still one!"
"Like this!" Xu Cang ordered: "Just now I saw some people in the cabin who didn't know how to use the oxygen masks..."
The flight attendant was startled, then immediately responded: "Then I'll go and help!"
At this time, she had a portable oxygen tank and could move freely for a short period of time, which was just right for her to help.
"Wait!" Xu Cang hurriedly stopped the anxious flight attendant: "Don't worry, give the last oxygen cylinder to the safety officer and ask him to go with you. The cabin is in a mess right now, and there's no telling what might go wrong. It's more reassuring to have a safety officer watching over you."
Xu Cang calculated that even if he really suffocated, it would take more than five minutes before his life would be in danger, so there was still time.
The flight attendant nodded: "I understand!"
"Oh, there's one more thing. Once you're below 10,000 feet, have the person in seat 17A come over. I need her help."
The flight attendant frowned and said, "If you need help, I can help you."
She remembered that the person on 17A seemed to be a crew member, and seemed to be a flight attendant. However, Blue Sky Airlines did not have its own 747, so this flight attendant probably did not have the qualifications to operate a 747. Wouldn't she be more suitable?
"No, I only trust her!" Xu Cang shook his head. Compared to the so-called 747 operating qualifications, he would rather trust someone he can trust. Suddenly, he pointed at his ear: "If possible, can you speak louder?"
The flight attendant was really stunned. She should have spoken in a loud voice, so she explained: "Am I speaking in a quiet voice?"
However, just as the flight attendant was speaking, Xu Cang's face suddenly revealed an expression of extreme fear, as if he had encountered the most terrifying thing in the world.
Because he could clearly see the purser's mouth moving, but he could hardly hear what she was saying...
Xu Cang silently raised his left hand and touched his left ear. He could feel a sticky and wet feeling on his fingertips. He put his hand down and saw some light yellow liquid mixed in the blood.
In such a situation, Xu Cang could hardly stand. He understood everything, including a horrifying fact.
It wasn't that the surroundings suddenly became quiet, or that the flight attendant spoke too softly, but that he began to lose hearing!

Jun 24, 2024
Jun 24, 2024
Jun 24, 2024
Jun 24, 2024
Jun 24, 2024