Chapter 104 Crush His Head

The bag of grain that Li Feng took out was a batch sent by Miao Yang from the No. 7 Strategic Grain Storage Base. It was unprocessed wheat, but for Zhao Lei and others now, it was a life-saving thing.
So when Zhao Lei saw the food sent by Shen Yixuan, he couldn't believe his eyes. When he was sure that it was sent by Li Feng, he immediately thanked Shen Yixuan non-stop.
"Gangzi , come on, cook porridge, cook porridge! Let the kids have a full meal." Zhao Lei had an expression of disbelief on his face. He took the bag of food and stuffed it to Gangzi. He then walked heavily to Li Feng and knelt down with a plop: "Sir, thank you... thank you..." Others didn't know, but he knew it best, that the little bit of porridge just now was the last food. There was no food left in the convoy. The food from Li Feng was absolutely life-saving food!
He knew very well what such a bag of food meant in this doomsday. He and Lifeng were just casual acquaintances, but the other party could actually give him such a big gift, which really made him so excited that he could hardly control himself.
Li Feng got out of the car and grabbed Zhao Lei's arm, gently supported him, and pulled him up, saying, "No need to do this, people are not just plants and trees." Although Li Feng couldn't suppress the kindness in his heart and gave them food, he didn't want to take care of the convoy himself. There were many people in the world who were more miserable than them, and it was impossible for him to take care of them one by one. If he really wanted to help them, he should work hard to gain more powerful power and end the apocalypse.
At this moment, a sarcastic voice suddenly came from behind Li Feng and the others: "Wow, I didn't realize that you brought food with you! Girl, do you have any food? I want to eat steamed buns..."
Li Feng turned his head expressionlessly and immediately saw Huang Biao and his men walking slowly towards Li Feng and others with muskets, machetes, etc. in their hands.
Huang Biao had a wrinkled cigarette in his mouth, the cigarette butt flickering. Several men behind him were desperately sniffing the smoke in the air, with a look of intoxication on their faces.
"Huang Biao, what do you want to do!" Zhao Lei shouted. At the same time, Gangzi and others also rushed over. However, they only had some cold weapons in their hands. The only two muskets they had were also used up in the last battle They were far inferior to Huang Biao and others in terms of military strength. In addition, because they had almost no food in the past few days, the people on Zhao Lei's side were all starving and had no strength. They could hardly even hold a knife.
"Uncle Zhao, I told you this bastard has no good intentions. Huang Biao, you bastard! I'm going to fight you!" Gangzi shouted and wanted to rush up with a machete, but was pointed at by Huang Biao's men with a musket, so he had to retreat.
Seeing the other party's expression, Huang Biao laughed loudly: "Hahaha, you look so ugly, do you still dare to resist? How about it, are you so hungry that you can't even lift your arms? I wanted to let you enjoy yourself for a while longer, but my boss has already given the order, and now I have to deal with you."
As he spoke, Huang Biao raised the musket in his hand and fired a shot into the sky. The light and sound of the old-fashioned gunpowder gun could be heard far away in the dark wilderness.
Zhao Lei and his group looked at each other in bewilderment. Even Huang Biao's men were a little confused. However, a few of Huang Biao's capable men sneered.
A few minutes later, bursts of engine sounds were heard in the wilderness in the west, and then several thick beams of light pierced through the darkness of the wilderness like sharp swords. Three trucks and more than a dozen motorcycles appeared in front of everyone, and then they circled around Zhao Lei and his team, surrounding them. On the front truck, there were several human thigh bones tied together, and a flag with a red skull was pulled on the bone pole!
"Bandits! It's a bandit group!" Zhao Lei and the others turned pale immediately after seeing the flag. A normal convoy would never have any flags, but looking at the evil bloody skull, it was clear that these people were definitely not good people!
Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen people jumped out of the three trucks, plus those on motorcycles, a total of more than 30 people, surrounded the convoy. Most of them were holding guns or crossbows, and all had lewd smiles on their faces. Some of those who had originally had ferocious faces had their eyes brightened when they saw Shen Yixuan, and began to drool.
"Haha, little lambs, look where you are going! Huang Biao, you did a good job this time. You caught a lot of fish." A bearded man wearing a blue denim vest laughed at Huang Biao. His chest was covered with messy clumps of hair, which looked like a bunch of weeds when blown by the cool breeze in the wilderness.
Huang Biao immediately changed his arrogant expression, and with a flattering smile, he led his four subordinates holding muskets to greet him: "It's all thanks to your good teaching, Boss Ma, but I have indeed suffered a lot during this period." The four subordinates behind him also bowed to Boss Ma, obviously knowing him. After these people saluted, they immediately stood aside and joined the gang.
Now it was the turn of Huang Biao's remaining men to be confused, and they all shouted: "Brother Biao, who is this bearded man?" "Do we know the people in this gang?"
But just as they took two steps, they heard Huang Biao fire a shot, killing one of them, and said coldly: "Who is 'us' to you? I, Huang Biao, am just using you because I feel sorry for you dogs. Now our Demon Skeleton Group's boss Ma is here. You are no longer useful. Stay there obediently. Otherwise, there is no need for you guys who waste food to live." Except for the four men holding muskets, the others were all gathered by Huang Biao along the way. At this moment, he suddenly changed his face and immediately shocked those people completely.
Li Feng had been watching coldly from the sidelines. He had already understood from the conversation of these people that Huang Biao was originally a member of the Demonic Skeleton Group. He had been looking for refugee convoys in the wilderness with four men, and at the same time recruited many villains and hooligans. After finding the target, Huang Biao hung it on it , and the Demonic Skeleton Group had been lurking around. When the time was right, Huang Biao sent a signal, and the Demonic Skeleton Group came out to receive the results. This method was indeed much better than swallowing up three or two refugees at a time. When the refugee convoys snowballed and grew larger, the Demonic Skeleton Group could naturally obtain a large number of personnel and supplies at one time.
Moreover, this bandit group called the Demon Skull Gang obviously has other "hooks" like the yellow label.
At this moment, Zhao Lei couldn't help it anymore and shouted to Huang Biao and Ma Lao Da: "We will give you whatever you want, but please don't hurt the old, weak, women and children in the car, please, please..." Gangzi and others were also angry at this time, ready to rush up at any time. But Zhao Lei stretched out his arms and stopped them. In his opinion, the other side had a large number of people and a large number of firearms, which was really beyond their ability to contend with.
Boss Ma laughed and said, "Okay, you guys hand over your weapons first."
When Zhao Lei heard this, he immediately pulled out all the weapons from the hands of the people around him and threw them on the ground. Those of Huang Biao's former subordinates also dropped their machetes.
Then, Boss Ma pointed at the people who were originally recruited by Huang Biao and said coldly, "Kill them."
Immediately, several bandits walked over and stabbed each of them with a knife. The sound of the sharp blades piercing the flesh was endless, and all those who had just surrendered were killed! These people killed people very quickly, and all of them stabbed into the heart with a knife. Those who had just surrendered did not even have time to react before they were already dead!
Then, Boss Ma snorted coldly and said, "My Demon Skeleton Group doesn't need trash." Another reason why he killed those people instead of recruiting them into his own gang was because of the shortage of food, and the gang had to control its size.
Seeing this scene, Zhao Lei couldn't help but feel heartbroken. He understood very well that the other party was simply deceiving him. The reason why they didn't kill him even if he surrendered was just to make it easier to kill him!
"You, you, can you go back on your word?" Zhao Lei pointed at Boss Ma, his whole body trembling slightly with anger.
Unexpectedly, Boss Ma simply ignored him, as if he didn't hear him, and began to look carefully at the woman in the minibus. When he saw Shen Yixuan, his eyes narrowed.
At this moment, Huang Biao said with a flattering smile: "Boss, you see, even if I didn't make any contribution this time, I have worked hard. Can I have a taste of that girl first?" As he said that, he nodded at the expressionless Shen Yixuan.
Boss Ma laughed and said, "Okay, I, Ma Tianbo, will be the second one to come this time. It has been a tough time for you during this period."
Huang Biao immediately bowed deeply to Ma Tianbo and said, "Thank you, boss! Thank you, boss! I will make sure to make a quick decision and not waste any time."
This sentence immediately caused a burst of laughter, and the surrounding bandits all began to look at the women in the encirclement, and the women and children on the minibus also fell into their eyes. In their opinion, everything was under control, and the people in the convoy in front of them were completely at their mercy.
Huang Biao rubbed his hands and walked to Shen Yixuan with greed in his eyes, and said, "Little beauty, grandpa has had his eyes on you for a long time. Come and have some fun with grandpa, or I will chop off the legs of that useless pretty boy of yours." In his opinion, Li Feng must be the pretty boy who had an affair with Shen Yixuan, otherwise why would this beauty listen to him.
As he said that, Huang Biao reached out to grab Shen Yixuan's hand, ready to drag her into the van to have some fun with her.
Ma Tianbo turned his head and spat, and was about to take out a cigarette to smoke, when he suddenly heard a "bang" sound, and then he felt liquid splashed on his face, and a strong smell of blood hit him in the face!
"Roar——" A violent roar was heard. Li Feng had transformed into a three-meter-tall muscular giant. He held the remnant of Huang Biao's head tightly in his right hand. He scanned the people around him with his blood-red eyes, and a sinister smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Little sheep, let's see where you can run..."
"Plop..." Huang Biao's headless body fell to the ground at this time, a large amount of blood gushed out of his head, and his muscles were still twitching...
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024