Chapter 102 Enlightenment

Sure enough, the Han culture of Loulan can even be compared with that in Liangzhou.
More and more people gathered around.
In the end, everyone was rubbing shoulders with each other and sweating profusely.
Every debate between Huang Yantai and Liu Zheng would cause people to cheer.
And at this time.
In the Loulan Palace.
On a golden couch, an extremely beautiful woman was lying on her side. Just looking at her figure, she was one of the rare perfect women in the world. She was wearing a Loulan skirt and decorations, which made her stunning face even more charming. Especially her oval face and slightly pointed chin, which showed the charm of Loulan women to the fullest.
She is the person with the highest status in the royal family of the current Loulan Kingdom. She is the queen of the old king and the mother of the third prince Halik. She is still the queen now, but she has been in a state of anxiety these days. The seventh prince Hemuti, with the support of the temple, has made it difficult for her to move forward.
At this time, hearing the commotion outside, Guliba lazily stood up and asked, "What's going on outside? Why is there so much noise?"
"Queen, it's Master Huang who is debating!"
Guliba's eyes lit up: "Master Huang is not..."
The maid beside her then told her what had happened outside.
"Long Yan student?"
Guliba's beautiful eyes lit up: "Why didn't Halik tell me about this?"
Perhaps because he was her own son, there was no guarantee that this student would be able to play any decisive role in Loulan’s internal strife. Guliba felt that her son, who grew up in the Longyan Dynasty, was indeed more tolerant.
Anyone who can debate with Mr. Huang must be a great talent!
"How's it going?"
Guliba asked curiously.
The maid replied, "My queen, we are evenly matched."
Guliba stood up, her beautiful eyes sparkling, "Hurry, hurry, hurry! This Hemuti wants to kill someone with a borrowed knife, we must not let him succeed! Gather all the civil and military officials, go over there immediately!"
Guliba's mind immediately became active.
The chessboard seemed to be a dead end, but it was activated by the intrusion of this Longyan student. Hemuti had always wanted to kill Huang Yantai to cut off the foundation of the pro-Han faction, but the queen had always disagreed.
Now it seems that there is another student coming.
If the two of them are really in a stalemate, this would be a perfect time for her to take action. With Lord Huang and Student Long Yan, the chances of winning would greatly increase for her side!
Of course, the prerequisite is that there must be a stalemate!
At least, the winner cannot be determined quickly.
Liu Zheng was not afraid of Huang Yantai's aggressiveness: "Great virtue is not an official, great principles are not tools, great faith is not an agreement, and great times are not uniform. Zheng believes that doing a good job in new learning is great virtue! Virtue is not in form, but in action!"
"If you are my teacher, you should be like this! If you are my teacher, you should not be so bound by this!"
As soon as these words were spoken, the audience burst into applause again.
There was constant cheering.
Since you are talking about virtue, I will talk to you about great virtue! What is great virtue? Anything that is worth showing off is not great virtue. Great virtue is in the heart and in action. If there are really people with great virtue, they will not sneer at my ideals. If I founded a new school and violated someone's interests and face, making them angry and embarrassed, how can they be my teachers? What virtue is there for such a teacher? Then I, Xiang Zheng, don't need to respect him anymore!
These words shocked Huang Yantai.
At such a young age, he has such an amazing eloquence. What shocked Huang Yantai even more was that not only every word this young man said was full of gems, but every sentence he said was full of heresy, yet he could leave you speechless and unable to refute, because he had reasons and evidence!
So at this moment, he was a little shocked.
What kind of teacher can train such a student?
Such a rebellious person?
Huang Yantai laughed again and said, "Young Master is new to learning, and his teachings are heretical, which is not tolerated by the clan law. What do you think should be done?"
Liu Zheng replied: "The key to governing the world lies in talents, the key to cultivating talents lies in education, the key to education lies in teachers and scholars, the key to spreading education and bringing it to the people lies in the counties and cities, and the foundation of education lies in schools."
"So Zheng believes that schools should be the first to do this!"
Huang Yantai couldn't help but applaud again.
This kid is giving him more and more surprises!
That’s right!
In this era, the reason why the education level is generally low is because schools are not popular. But is it because the court has no money to run schools? Not really. This is another policy of keeping the people ignorant. In this era, those who are knowledgeable are all elites, and the elites naturally control most of the social resources. When they are in charge, they naturally don't want the poor to come and share a piece of the pie.
Liu Zheng's words about counties and schools directly pointed out the shortcomings of those in power, which was thought-provoking and moved everyone.
Scholars, farmers, merchants and artisans.
Liu Zheng suspected that the ancient dynasties deliberately put "agriculture" in the second place, which was itself a strategy to fool the people. If you farm, then keep farming, rely on the weather for food, and pay taxes to me. Farm honestly, and your son and grandson will also farm. If your ancestors have been farming for generations, don't even think about studying. In fact, the life of farmers is not as prosperous as that of merchants.
These are the “people” the court wants!
To put it bluntly, what they want is to feed their pigs and dogs. What is the purpose of ? To make them understand the truth and then rebel?
Absolutely not!
Therefore, Liu Zheng's words about school directly touched Huang Yantai's heart, and he almost burst into tears.
"So, sir, what do you think of Confucianism, law, and Taoism compared to your new learning?"
“As good as!”
The debate between the two was brilliant.
Others watching were even more excited.
Huang Yantai is naturally a great talent. I didn't expect that the young Mr. Xiang is also a brilliant man. He is so steady and can play chess with Huang Yantai. He is quite good. Moreover, this boy has a sharp tongue, which always makes people feel enlightened and awakened from a dream.
Huang Yantai also looked excited.
Even if I die, it is a great comfort in life to still meet an opponent.
"What do you have to say about your new learning, young master?"
Liu Zheng smiled and said: "In school, in education, in universal values, in learning early, with concentration, habit and nature will be formed, no different from nature!"
Huang Yantai became even more excited, and this time he stood up directly: "However, in today's world, thoughts are imprisoned, and the counties and cities do not follow suit, how can it become a habit?"
Liu Zheng laughed: "The so-called habits are based on enlightenment."
"Enlightenment, enlightenment..."
Huang Yantai cried out, and his disheveled appearance became even crazier: "Master, teach me!"
The whole audience was in an uproar.
Once these words came out, it was equivalent to admitting defeat. This dignified Huang Yantai actually bowed his head to a young man? Who could have imagined this scene? The seventh prince Hemuti was even more furious and shouted: "Take him down!"
According to today's agreement, Huang Yantai will not be able to escape death if he admits defeat.
"Wait a minute!"
Liu Zheng was startled, and just as he uttered a sound, he did not expect that the person who spoke in unison with him was a procession of ceremonial guards coming out of the palace, as well as a woman's voice. When everyone saw the voice, they knelt down and shouted "Queen Majesty".
Liu Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that you finally came out. In just this short time of contact, he had a great affection for Huang Yantai, and he must not be killed by Hemuti. The key is that if he can survive, it will be of great help to the queen and the third prince. And coming out at this time is just a coincidence.
A look of unwillingness flashed across Hemuti's eyes, and he also knelt down.
Queen Reguli came over slowly and asked calmly, "How is Master Huang?"
Hemuti said angrily: "Queen, this yellow thief is just a man seeking fame and reputation, and he actually lost to a young man. Such a loser, he actually bullied our Loulan for forty years, and held a high position and generous salary, why shouldn't he be killed?"
Someone agreed.
But more people shook their heads.
Many civil and military officials
Reguli looked at Liu Zheng in surprise.
Liu Zheng also took a deep breath and quickly bent down, not daring to look at her. This woman was so beautiful that you couldn't tell she already had a sixteen-year-old son. She was not much different from Zheng Yueru. Moreover, she was not only elegant and graceful, but also had a mature and feminine demeanor.
Huang Yantai laughed calmly: "If I lose, I lose. If I die, I die. I, Huang, accept the consequences!"
"But from now on, you must never ignore Mr. Xiang's talent!"
How could a person who has studied education for forty years not know Liu Zheng's approach? If it were really implemented in a place, then there would be no doubt that the civilization, technology, manufacturing, etc. of that place would begin to take off.
So he didn't know Liu Zheng's identity, he only knew that he was from the Longyan Dynasty.
However, the corrupt system of the Longyang Dynasty definitely did not allow him to display his talents. So he suggested that the queen keep this person to inherit her mantle!
Liu Zheng was shocked when he heard this: "Absolutely not! Queen, Master Huang is well-read and a great talent. I admire him very much! Zheng's victory is due to trickery, not talent."
Everyone seconded the motion.
Hemuti became anxious and angrily said, "The traitor Huang is a traitor to his country and he is unforgivable!"
Liu Zheng looked at him coldly: "Master Huang disregarded his own life and death to push Zheng into office, and he was devoted to Loulan. How could he be suspected of treason? It's nonsense!"
"What a joke. Recommending you is a merit?"
Hemuti laughed wildly.
Liu Zheng smiled faintly: "Summer insects cannot talk about ice. The way I debate with Master Huang is the way for Loulan to prosper! If my enlightenment reading material is spread to Loulan, the whole nation will be united, and we will not need that temple!"
"How shameless!"
"How dare you blaspheme the gods?"
Everyone's faces turned pale and they pointed at Liu Zheng angrily.
Liu Zheng smiled faintly. He had observed over the past few days that the temples in Loulan had not yet developed into as large a structure as the third largest religion in the world in later generations. Even some of the basic theories and doctrines had not yet been perfected.
For now, it is just a sect that is crossing the river by feeling the stones.
What is he afraid of?
Ignoring everyone's angry scolding, the queen looked at Liu Zheng with burning eyes: "Master Xiang, are you serious?"
As soon as the queen said this, Hemuti's face changed drastically.
Could it be that the queen was planning to openly break with the temple? Otherwise, she shouldn't have asked this question.
Huang Yantai also looked at Liu Zheng excitedly. Unlike other people who cared about the political situation, Huang Yantai was very simple. He just wanted to know what Liu Zheng's so-called enlightenment book that could change the education landscape looked like.
Liu Zheng laughed and waved his hand.
"Bring me a pen!"
Jun 21, 2024
Jun 21, 2024
Jun 21, 2024
Jun 21, 2024