Chapter 100 Guidance

Chapter 100 Guidance

"You asked me to come out specifically at night just to witness you throwing Harry Potter's name into the Goblet of Fire." Mu Yu leaned at the door of the Slytherin common room. The dark cellar was filled with time in the winter. Blurred, she looked up at the ceiling, "It's a good Disillusionment Charm."

Barty Crouch Jr. maintained his Moody look, and every word seemed to be squeezed out: "That pile of things that Muggle gave me , I’ve finished reading it, and I’ll give you an answer now.”

Since the last time he accidentally discovered the problem in her hand, they couldn’t communicate without communicating.

Now that he said he had the answer, Mu Yu didn't expect too much. He kept looking up at the ceiling, as if there was something to study up there: "Tell me and listen."

She said it so matter-of-factly, like a teacher testing her. student posture. However, time is limited, and now is not the time to care about your attitude.

"The Magical Congress of the United States has been isolated from Muggles for too long. Whether it is the old stubborns or the wizards with slightly more open ideas, they are completely consistent in their resistance to Muggles." When he talked about business, he was more normal than usual, and he didn't speak every word. He spoke very slowly, obviously trying to organize his words as he spoke, "That woman Viola... I didn't like her more than ten years ago. Don't expect me to have any change in her opinion now. She has been running the Magic Congress for more than ten years. To be able to fight Christine evenly despite a lot of family dirt, we must be very powerful. No matter how we intervene, we may be noticed and exploited by this woman. "It's better to start with the Muggles.

" The sound was masked, and the originally deep and winding corridor became even more permeable in the night. Not even ghosts hang around at this time.

Mu Yu no longer looked at the ceiling, but instead looked at that scary eye without hesitation. She changed her initial casual attitude and said, "Very good, continue."

This was the first time she had explicitly praised him.

For some reason, Barty Crouch Jr. felt a strange sense of satisfaction in his heart.

"The authority of wizards has been challenged after Muggles gained power. This move is to force the Magic Congress to make changes and maintain its authority. There are too many reasons that can be made up, because wizards have kept distance from God for a long time, causing dissatisfaction with the gods. It makes Muggles profit. As long as you step into the pasture of the gods, the gods will watch over every lamb..."

His tone trembled, which showed that he himself was tempted by this blueprint: "All this depends on that lowly person. Muggles can't do it. We need a wizard, a wizard disguised as a Muggle, who can monitor and control Muggles while also paying attention to the movements of the Magical Congress."

Mu Yu didn't say much about his excitement. She took the lead in walking toward the auditorium, raising her chin to signal for him to follow. For the first time, he didn't choke on her.

"Since you have read everything, you must have understood how Ivan used that spell. Tell me."

She asked more and more casually, really like a teacher testing his students. But Barty Crouch Jr. has no time to worry about this for the time being. He was still immersed in the joy of being given such an important task.

"He did not put the spell on politicians, but quietly spread it in the South. Those...radical groups," this word was a new word to him, and it was especially difficult to pronounce, "the changing situation is eroding their status as the majority ethnic group. Their ideals are the most urgent, their beliefs are the most fanatical, and they are most likely to go to extremes."

They walked to the door of the auditorium, and the Goblet of Fire standing in the center glowed faintly.

"No, any group may go to extremes. Nothing is easy or difficult." The faint blue light kept beating in her pupils. "It depends on which extreme is most beneficial to us and easiest to be exploited. If there is nothing we can use, then They create usable value from it. "

They stand outside the age line.

"Taking advantage of the situation and adapting measures to local conditions, this is what a person taught me." Her solemn look at this time did not allow him to avoid, "Calm, patient, ruthless, decisive, intelligent, you can understand these clearly without me telling you. But then you What we faced was not how to let a boy die silently, nor how to act as a mouthpiece between two opposing camps, but how to deal with interests that were entangled with each other, and groups that fought with each other, but miraculously were able to put aside their conflicts immediately. Towards cooperation. Compared with the above qualities, I think this sentence is what I want to give you, and it is also the only thing I can give."

Barty Crouch looked at her strangely, it was rare for the two of them to communicate so calmly. : "When I was fourteen years old, I was still thinking about how to become better and let that person look at me."

"The person I expected was long gone, so I had a lot of time left to think about more things." She didn't feel much sadness when she mentioned this. She glanced at the beating Goblet of Fire and said, "Hurry up and do it. You can't expect me to cross the age line set by Dumbledore."

He didn't move for the time being: "I have to pass it on to you. "

He put on that misshapen smile again: "He'll be waiting for you at the Shrieking Shack in Hogsmeade this weekend, and unless you want me to sneak into Severus Snape's office. It's best to find raw materials that can replace the sap grass and African tree snake skin as soon as possible."

"You can't figure out the formula with just one mouth." She kept playing with the jade pendant around her waist, and her movements stopped when she heard the first sentence. After a while, he said, "It's almost time. The green snake skin can completely replace the African tree snake skin, and the twin lotus can also replace the sapweed. We are just adjusting the dosage now."

"Snape is not quite right. During the Order of the Phoenix meeting, Sirius Black suggested that Deng Bumbledore directly fired Snape, guess what Dumbledore's response was. "

A meteor streaked across the transparent ceiling, trailing out a long streak of light.

"He trusted Snape and firmly assured the others that he would never fall to the Death Eaters." She was not very surprised by this result. "You led Sirius Black to propose this opinion to Dumbledore."

"With their relationship, they still need me to guide them." He let out a strange and contemptuous sneer. "Snape has always been very eloquent. The first thing the master did after his resurrection was to talk to Severus, who was once the most loyal. "Sir, he will never be soft on this."

He easily crossed the age line and threw a piece of parchment into the Goblet of Fire. When he was about to cast a spell on the Goblet of Fire, a red light hit him. One step into the Goblet of Fire.

"There are enough people participating in the competition, and Hogwarts only needs one warrior, what do you think?" The flames in the Goblet of Fire suddenly rose several meters high at this time, and then quickly fell back, making Mu Yu's Qingqing smile faint. Dyeing is weird and crazy.

Barty Crouch Jr. stepped out of the age line with hatred: "You are exactly the same as those lunatics in Azkaban." As if he thought of something funny, he deliberately prolonged his tone, "They are coming out soon. Bella Trix may not particularly want to see you."

"It seems that you are still obsessed with your former residence," Mu Yu walked straight to the common room before he could get angry. "Good night."

When she turned around . Extremely small points of light merged into Barty Crouch Jr.'s body, and he himself was completely unaware of it.

The next day was Saturday, and the auditorium, which should have been deserted in the morning, was already packed with people. The Goblet of Fire was placed in the most eye-catching position, surrounded by a large group of people. Halloween-specific symbols were also hung on the ceiling of the auditorium. When Mu Yu entered the hall, he saw Daphne and Shen Qitong sitting on the long Slytherin table, muttering.

Their relationship had already become so good in just one night.

She bypassed the crowd surrounding the Goblet of Fire and was about to walk towards the long table. At this time, several students from Kunlun College put their names in and squeezed out of the crowd. They added a cloak to the robes they wore yesterday. The cloaks of different styles and colors also formed a unique scenery in the auditorium. But when they saw Mu Yu, all of them had the same disdain on their faces.

One person even obviously wanted to say something, but at this moment Shen Qitong looked this way, and his companion pulled him hard, and he reluctantly left.

They were afraid of Shen Qitong.

She sat down next to Daphne calmly and picked up a piece of bread. While she was spreading butter, Shen Qitong, who was sitting opposite, said to her: "Ignore them."

"They definitely don't have a good look on me. After all, they don't Anyone who can enter Kunlun is a waste." She smiled casually at Shen Qitong, which was a response to her kindness.

Shen Qitong patted her gently: "What nonsense are you talking about? How can you talk about yourself like this?"

She was not used to such intimacy, so she avoided it quietly: "You have already put your name in it"

"Of course," Shen Qitong looked at Daphne with a smile, "Xiao Di looked at me and voted."

It didn't take long for them to call each other by their nicknames.

Suddenly a burst of cheers erupted from the crowd, and a handsome boy with light blond curly hair walked out surrounded by people from Ilvermorny College. His skin was paler than anyone else's, and it seemed that he had not been exposed to much sunlight since he was born. Even the greatest artist in the world would have a hard time carving out such a flawless and overly refined face. He wore the robes of Ilvermorny College, and on his robes was a ptarmigan in flight.

At this time, he was surrounded by everyone and showed no trace of arrogance or pride, as if he had just thrown an insignificant piece of paper into the trash can.

"Phil Garcia, a student from Ilvermorny," Daphne leaned into Mu Yu's ear and said, "A top student from Ilvermorny, born a Muggle."

It's not surprising why Phil Garcia's face Handsome faces are not so attractive to Slytherin girls. But when Daphne mentioned the words Muggle-born, she no longer had the arrogance and contempt she had in the first grade. She seemed to be simply lamenting how difficult it was for a student from a non-wizarding family to achieve such excellent results.

Phil Garcia passed by the Slytherin table and walked out of the auditorium. Mu Yu clearly heard Malfoy's group not far away whispering: "Mudbloods."

He didn't know that they were jealous of Phil. Garcia's looks are as good as his abilities.

"Why is it Saturday? We won't know the final result until the evening. It's almost a month before the first project." Daphne has been stirring the oatmeal in front of her. "I have never found Saturday so difficult."

" How about going to London? I have never been to London." Shen Qitong's eyes lit up.

"We can't..."

However, before she could finish speaking, Shen Qitong had already continued: "It's okay to sneak out, as long as we come back before the dinner, they won't know. Let's go to Hogsmeade first and then use it there. Teleportation charm to London. Today is Halloween, it will be fun in central London, and you can bring Leah with you."

Daphne's eyes widened, she believed that even the most adventurous Gryffindor would not come up with such a shocking idea. The proposal, however, made her heart move. Her life trajectory from childhood to adulthood was extremely monotonous. Diagon Alley and the small town near the manor were all she could touch. London, a prosperous city in the Muggle mouth... You can also bring Leah, who was recently frightened by Moody's class.

"Yu..." Daphne tried hesitantly, "Do you want to go?"

"Professor Snape has assigned a paper, and I have to go to the library to look up information. You can take Astoria out for a walk."

Mu Yu politely declined her invitation. Before she could continue, Shen Qitong understood what she meant: "Don't worry, I have done this kind of thing many times in Kunlun. I will definitely put Daphne and Ah Storia is brought back safely."

"Then you go, I will cover you at Hogwarts," she had already stood up from the long table, "Have fun."

"We will bring you something back. "

Daphne had already taken Shen Qitong to find Astoria, and Mu Yu heard her whisper to Shen Qitong: "I don't have Muggle money, we can try to transform Garen, Merlin, I "My transformation skills are a mess."

After spending three years with Daphne, she has never seen Daphne look genuinely happy.

She separated from them in the auditorium, and the library was naturally just a rhetoric. Saturday was supposed to be the busiest and most crowded time in the open space outside the castle. Students from third grade and above went to Hogsmeade in twos and threes. Various toys from Zuko's Joke Shop were flying in the open space. Filch yelled to no avail. Even the younger students are willing to go out of the castle and sit on the lawn to get some air.

There was no one on the lawn today. Only a ray of sunlight finally shined through the thick clouds, beating feebly on the grass.

She walked slowly towards the Whomping Willow.

When she was about to approach the Whomping Willow, she saw a thin figure on the lawn.

Theodore Nott was wearing a robe, holding a potions book and reading it carefully. There was a lot of dew on his robe, and he didn't know how long he had been sitting here.

She was about to go around, but Theodore Nott suddenly looked up from his book and said hello casually, as if the embarrassment at the beginning of school could not escape: "Good morning, Yu."

She had to stop: "Good morning. , Theodore. "

Theodore Nott was much more gloomy than when he started school. From this semester onwards, he became further away from the classmates around him. She would occasionally bump into him in the library. She heard that he sat in the library all day long when there were no classes.

After the usual greetings, the two of them really had nothing to say. Theodore kept looking at her, as if he had something to say, but when the words reached his lips, he swallowed them hard. She had been waiting patiently and politely for him, even as she was already trying to figure out how to get rid of Theodore Nott.

"Not going to Hogsmeade?" Theodore turned his gaze back to the book, as if it was just a casual question.

"Many people probably don't want to go there today, and there's no point in walking around Hogsmeade alone. They are all discussing the Goblet of Fire in the castle, so I went out for a walk."

"Where's Daphne?" He turned the page of the book in his hand. .

"Daphne took Shen Qitong, a student from Kunlun, to visit the castle."

Theodore seemed to be no longer interested in these things and continued to focus on the thick potions book in his hand.

"See you at the dinner." She said goodbye to him quickly and continued walking along the edge of the Black Lake. The rising mist from the Black Lake quickly blocked her figure. In Theodore Nott's eyes, she gradually merged with the spreading fog. The mist melted into a blurry silhouette.

She walked so fast and in such a hurry that she didn't even have time to hear what he hadn't finished.

The distance between them is wider than the endless black lake.

He could no longer find the little girl looking into that mirror in first grade.

Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024