Chapter 100: Gambling on Luck (Part 1)

Xiaomao confirmed through the elevator monitoring that Ada checked into a room on the 15th floor that day, but there was no registration information for Ada. A total of 65 people registered for accommodation that day, 12 of whom were women. There were three women staying on the 15th floor. Two of them checked out two days later, and they were all foreign tourists and business people who came to the UK for the first time.
The remaining one is Monica, an Arab, widowed, 35 years old, a little-known model in London. Her unique Persian appearance has made her a magazine cover girl many times. At the age of 33, she opened her own company and has her own team of models, mainly engaged in online product models. From the tax return, the company is profitable.
Monica immigrated to the UK with her parents when she was 10 years old. Her brother, who was 18 years old at the time, stayed in the Middle East to resist the invasion of the United States and died in the same year. After graduating from university at the age of 22, Monica went to the newly built and inhumane Saudi Princess Noura University for Women to study for two years . After successfully obtaining a master's degree, she returned to London and became a model in the fashion industry.
Monica married a Saudi writer living in the UK when she was 25. When she was 27, her husband died in a car accident. Monica, who was in the same car, was also seriously injured and stayed in the hospital for more than a month.
From the computer photos, the 35-year-old Monica is extremely beautiful, with exotic style, electric eyes, and a tall figure. Liang Xi, who has little experience in seeing women, does not understand why Monica is only a little-known model. After seeing the photos of Monica and other models, Liang Xi thinks they are all very beautiful. The most special thing about Monica is her exotic eyes. According to the information on the Internet, which is not sure whether it is reliable or not, Monica has private contacts with many upper-class men.
Liang Xi said: "It's time to use the third luck and issue a search warrant to investigate her."
Liu Zhen said: "Liang Xi, I believe your judgment. She is very likely a terrorist, but there may not be evidence in her home. The best strategy is to track, monitor and investigate her. Understand her social circle and obtain more secret information from people who don't like her."
Liang Xi said: "Monica is a social person. She will try to escape if there is any disturbance. Kitty, check if Monica is still in London after Ah Da was arrested."
Kitty quickly looked up the information: "Two hours before Ada was arrested, Monica flew to Milan, Italy. She just flew back to London this morning."
Liang Xi said: "Captain Liu, just gamble on your luck with the brainless Thunder Strike. Otherwise, as soon as you start investigating, Blade, the Counter-Terrorism Office, and MI5 will all be here." After all, Liu Zhen is a counter-terrorism team, and he can't always catch terrorists.
The anti-powder police are a special type of police, and they also have certain powers. Liu Zhen does not need to produce evidence, as long as he tells the judge that an informant has provided reliable information, he can get a search warrant. Of course, if you fail many times, even if the judge is willing to give you a search warrant, your boss will not allow you to apply for a search warrant again.
Liu Zhen hesitated not because she didn't believe Liang Xi, but because she believed Monica was a terrorist. But she doubted whether she could find anything in Monica's house, because Liang Xi had no idea about it, and it was just a gamble.
Liang Xi seemed to have guessed what Liu Zhen was thinking and said, "No matter the result, as a police officer, at least you blew a terrorist out of the water."
Liu Zhen looked at Liang Xi and said, "It's a waste. You buy us a drink."
After considering his own surplus food, Liang Xi agreed immediately: "Okay." He could still afford to treat people at Happy Bar, and at worst he could set up a stall at the weekend.
Liu Zhen: "You will go with us as an interpreter."
Liang Xi said: "No problem, I am especially good at interpreting the eyes of beautiful women."
"Scumbag." Liu Zhen cursed with a smile and said to Xiaomao, "Send the location to everyone, and add two groups of special police as backup."
The target residence is a gold-collar residential area. Compared with white-collar houses, gold-collar villas have independent space, where you can't see your neighbors when you go out, and you don't have to pass by your neighbors' doors when you go home, but the area is still far less than that of luxury houses.
It was 11 o'clock in the evening, and several cars were parked on the roadside near the target. Liu Zhen, Baker, Liang Xi and eight other people drove two cars directly to the target door. As soon as they approached the target, they found that the lights on the second floor of the target were off.
After stopping the car, Liu Zhen said, "Liang Xi, you stay in the car." Baker and others got out of the car and divided into two units. One unit was four meters away from Liu Zhen and Owen, and Baker led a unit to stay near the car.
Liu Zhen rang the doorbell, but no one answered for a long time. Just as Liu Zhen asked Baker to use the loudspeaker to speak, a woman's voice came from the doorbell: "Who is this?"
Liu Zhen asked: "Monica?"
The woman replied: "Yes."
Liu Zhen said, "My name is Liu Zhen, and this is my colleague Owen. We are agents from the anti-drug team. Please open the door."
The woman asked, "What's wrong?"
Liu Zhen said: "We have a court search warrant, please open the door immediately."
The communication was disconnected, but the door did not open. Liu Zhen was about to ring the doorbell again , and Baker shouted, "There is a gunman on the second floor."
In the dark room, a masked man appeared at the window with a submachine gun, shooting at the iron door more than ten meters away. Fortunately, Baker reminded Liu Zhen and Owen in time, and they relied on the wall to avoid the first wave of attacks. Liu Zhen called: "Command center, combat status, sound the sirens for support." This means that the support force can sound the sirens as quickly as possible.
Liu Zhen switched channels: "A5 occupies the southwest hillside, sniper support. Teams A and B move forward."
Two groups of special police and two action teams surrounded the villa from all sides, relying on the terrain to cover, shuttled between the walls and bushes, and quickly approached the villa. A5 drove to the hillside, took out the sniper rifle and put it on the hood, and his partner took out the night vision telescope to observe the villa. A gangster held the gun in both hands, swayed his body from side to side, stood in front of the French window on the second floor, and fired wildly. He completely ignored the recoil of the gun, and even held the gun in his arms and fired. The experienced A5 saw that they lacked combat experience.
A5 reported: "Calling the carrier pigeon, found a rookie."
Liu Zhen: "Destroy him."
"Understood." A5 pulled the trigger and the bullet hit the target's elbow, directly breaking the target's left arm.
A5's partner said: "We called a carrier pigeon. The back door of the building was opened. There was a car parked at the back door, seven meters away. The other party used smoke bombs."
Liu Zhen: "A5, take out the car."
A5: "I understand."
It takes some time for the smoke bomb to take effect. In about ten seconds, A5 fired two magazines at the location of the car engine. If they can still drive, then chase the car.
A minute later, the A5 partner made a new discovery. He switched to the thermal imaging telescope for observation and reported: "We found a person going to the rooftop and squatting against the wall. He is likely not holding a weapon." Thermal imaging is difficult to penetrate walls, and the A5 observer cannot determine whether the other party is holding a weapon.
Liu Zhen had already grasped the structure of the house and gave the order: "Team B guards the side door, Team A and Team C attack." Team B ambushed, while Teams AC drove from the front and back.
Team C is Baker's team. When they were about to launch an attack from the main gate, the gate was pushed open. A man in a suit raised his hands and said, "I am a civilian. Don't shoot. I am a civilian."
Baker aimed at the man and yelled, "Get down on your knees, put your hands over your head, and interlock your fingers."
The man did as he was told, and a detective followed to provide cover. Baker walked forward with a gun in one hand, and with the other hand, he briefly searched the man in the suit to make sure he had no explosives. Then, he and the detective dragged the man behind the shelter.
Liang Xi's voice came from the channel: "Baker, help me evaluate whether a man's tie is worth money?"
Baker had already taken out a very high-end lighter from the man's pocket. He grabbed a handful of the man's clothes and examined them. Baker said, "They are all high-end goods."
Liang Xi asked: "A5, is the man on the rooftop still there?"
Partner A5 replied: "Yes."
Liang Xi said: "I guess there is a helicopter coming to pick him up. He is definitely a big fish. Let's get him."
Jun 29, 2024
Jun 29, 2024
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