Chapter 10: Life is full of poetry and distance

The taxi slowly stopped at the foot of Banzhang Mountain, and a dark blue car had already been parked on the roadside next to the tunnel. Standing next to the car was Che Xiaoman, who was wearing a black down jacket and holding a knife hidden in her sleeve against Zhang Meiwen's back.
The driver tried hard to persuade Shen Qianxue to call the police, but she insisted on going to save Zhang Meiwen. Fearing that he would get into trouble, the driver parked the car more than ten meters away and did not even ask for money. He waited for Shen Qianxue to get out of the car and immediately drove into the tunnel.
Shen Qianxue walked towards Che Xiaoman helplessly. The cold wind came out of the tunnel, penetrating through the skin and into the bone marrow. The glaring yellow light made people feel uncomfortable. There were few cars passing by, and they all whizzed past.
"Xiaoman, I'm here. Let my mother go and I'll go with you." Shen Qianxue made a soothing gesture and raised her open hands to indicate that she did not bring any weapons with her.
Che Xiaoman looked at her worried expression, with a satisfied smile on her face: "Qianxue, your mother is so lucky that she can't be stabbed to death? I wonder if she will be so lucky if she stabs her again?"
"No!" Shen Qianxue shouted, trying to stop Che Xiaoman.
Che Xiaoman blinked her beautiful eyes lightly, and a snowflake fell on her long eyelashes. Her eyes were filled with hatred and ridicule: "Qianxue, we used to be good friends, but now it has come to this. It's ridiculous." Che Xiaoman pretended to be regretful, and then took out a bunch of nylon ties from the car.
The nylon cable tie was thrown at Shen Qianxue's feet. Che Xiaoman looked at her coldly: "Tie your hands yourself, don't force me to do it."
"Okay, okay, I'll do it. Don't hurt my mom." Shen Qianxue quickly picked up the nylon tie on the ground and tied her hands together. After tying them up, Shen Qianxue raised her hands and shook them in front of Che Xiaoman: "Look, it's very tight, I can't move, please let my mom go!"
Che Xiaoman said sternly: "Tie another one!"
Shen Qianxue had no choice but to do as she was told. She had originally wanted to do something else, but she didn't expect Che Xiaoman to let her tie more than thirty of them in a row! Only when her entire wrist was covered with nylon cable ties did Che Xiaoman signal her to stop.
"Get in the car." Che Xiaoman pulled Zhang Meiwen to the side and signaled Shen Qianxue with her eyes to get in the passenger seat.
Shen Qianxue walked over step by step, and she carefully opened the car door. Just when Che Xiaoman relaxed her vigilance and was about to let go of Zhang Meiwen, Shen Qianxue suddenly turned around, slammed into Che Xiaoman, pressed her whole body down, and grabbed Che Xiaoman's knife-holding hand and knocked it against the steps on the side.
"Qianxue!" Zhang Meiwen shouted in panic.
Shen Qianxue suppressed Che Xiaoman and yelled at Zhang Meiwen: "Go away, go call the police, go away, ignore me!"
At this moment, a taxi suddenly drove out of the tunnel in the opposite direction. The cowardly driver turned in the tunnel and drove in the opposite direction towards the scene of the accident. However, Shen Qianxue and Che Xiaoman were entangled on the other side of the car, and it was dark, so the driver did not notice them and rushed directly towards Zhang Meiwen.
As soon as the car stopped, the driver shouted at Zhang Meiwen: "Get in the car!"
Zhang Meiwen ran over, holding her torn wound, and begged, "Master, please save my daughter. That woman has a knife in her hand. Please, I beg you..."
Che Xiaoman knew something was wrong the moment the car went out in the opposite direction. In anger, she pushed Shen Qianxue away, pulled her hair, and smashed her head to the ground.
"Ah!" Shen Qianxue let out a short cry, her hair was tightly grabbed by Che Xiaoman. The pain of her scalp being torn apart was piercing, and she couldn't help but loosen her hands that were fighting against Che Xiaoman, trying to protect her head.
Che Xiaoman grabbed her hair tightly and kicked her in the abdomen several times. When Shen Qianxue was no longer able to resist, Che Xiaoman grabbed her hair and dragged her towards the car. For some reason, Che Xiaoman became extremely powerful and Shen Qianxue was dragged into the passenger seat.
The pain in her abdomen and scalp drained Shen Qianxue's strength. She could only watch the car door being locked and Che Xiaoman driving away.
The driver didn't want to get involved, but later he felt guilty and turned back to save the people. However, he was too panicked and didn't find the exact location of the two people at first. When he got out of the car, the navy blue car had already disappeared.
Zhang Meiwen cried and begged the driver to save her. The driver gritted his teeth and said, "Hurry up and get in the car. I will learn from Lei Feng for once!"
Zhang Meiwen felt like she was redeemed after getting the driver's promise, but the next moment she fainted on the ground holding her stomach.
"You..." The driver was terrified. He opened his eyes and saw that Zhang Meiwen's abdomen was bright red. "Someone's dead..." The driver took out his cell phone tremblingly, "Is this 120?"
On the other side of the city, the sound of police cars disturbed everyone's thoughts.
Xia Ziming, who escaped from the house, stood downstairs of the apartment building. The police who received the alarm call also arrived in a police car.
"This is roughly what happened." Xia Ziming has told the police what happened. There was a bruise at the corner of his eye, which was left when he fell while moving a chair.
"You said Che Xiaoman drove away with your car?" The police were still asking, but Xia Ziming was already a little anxious. He rubbed the bruises on his face and said, "It's XXXXXX, my license plate number. Che Xiaoman should be looking for Shen Qianxue now. Send someone to chase her."
After the police learned about the situation, they immediately contacted the road monitoring department to track the vehicle.
Xia Ziming stood downstairs and called Shen Qianxue, but the call couldn't go through.
"Answer the phone quickly, answer it quickly." Xia Ziming said to himself, very anxious. He called five times in a row but couldn't get through.
Xia Ziming regained consciousness and found the number of the company's HR manager on his phone and called: "Give me Song Yiming's number! Quick!"
"Song Yiming has terminated his contract with our company..." The HR manager had no idea what was going on and said, "But his contact information is still in the previous contract..."
Xia Ziming went crazy and shouted, "Stop talking nonsense and send me the phone number immediately after you find it. Human life is at stake, hurry up!" After that, he hung up the phone.
After a while, he received a text message from a mobile phone number. Xia Ziming quickly dialed the number, and the phone rang once before the other party answered.
"Hello? Qianxue?" The other party's voice was also anxious. "I'm going to Banzhang Mountain soon. Don't act rashly. Wait for me to come over!"
"I'm Xia Ziming. Che Xiaoman came to see me. She drove my car away. She must have gone to look for Qianxue. The license plate number is XXXXXX." Xia Ziming spoke very quickly, wanting to finish all the important information in one second. "My car is equipped with a driving navigation system, and the positioning is always on. I'll send you the account and password now, go and chase her."
Xia Ziming quickly hung up the phone and sent the license plate number and navigation account password to Song Yiming. A few seconds later, Xia Ziming thought of something else and edited Che Xiaoman's mobile phone number into a text message and sent it.
Song Yiming received a text message while driving to Banzhang Mountain. He quickly changed his route and followed the navigation. After a while, he received another text message on his phone, which contained Che Xiaoman's mobile phone number. Song Yiming put on his Bluetooth headset and dialed the number.
The phone rang for a long time, but no one answered. Song Yiming kept dialing until the fifth time when the other party finally answered.
There was a whistling sound of wind coming from the other end of the phone.
"Che Xiaoman, what are you doing? Don't mess around!" Song Yiming shouted, continuing to pay attention to the red dot on the navigation system and stepping on the accelerator to the bottom, overtaking all the cars on the road.
"Of course we'll die together." Che Xiaoman's laughter sounded very strange. She turned on the car stereo and laughed loudly.
The howling wind, the crazy laughter, all of this intertwined with the music seems crazy and extreme.
"Che Xiaoman, if you look back now, we won't sue you. Don't make the same mistake over and over again!" Song Yiming was still accelerating, his voice loud enough to be heard outside the car. Because Che Xiaoman was too noisy, he had to raise his voice so that Che Xiaoman could hear him.
"Even if I look back, I have nothing left. There is only darkness on the road ahead of me. I can only keep going all the way to the end!" Che Xiaoman's laughter was playful and crazy. She stepped on the accelerator and rushed onto the coastal highway. "Song Yiming, if you can still make it, come and watch this feast, hahahaha..."
"Che Xiaoman! Che Xiaoman!" Song Yiming frowned, feeling a bad feeling. There was a beeping sound from the other end of the phone, but when he called again, the other end's phone was turned off.
"Damn it!" Song Yiming unplugged his Bluetooth headset in frustration and threw it on the passenger seat along with his phone. He glanced at the navigation tracker and saw the red dot was not far ahead. He stepped on the accelerator again and rushed forward faster.
The blue car was speeding on the highway, overtaking one car after another, and finally turned into a road with almost no vehicles.
After a while, another speeding car turned in from another intersection.
Two cars were driving one after the other. Even though they were driving at the same speed, the car behind could never catch up with the car in front.
"Song Yiming is chasing us?" Che Xiaoman looked at the rearview mirror and informed Shen Qianxue, "It seems that he is destined to give you a ride." Shen Qianxue, who was sitting in the passenger seat, suddenly felt a stomachache. She didn't know why she felt such severe pain in her abdomen. After hearing what Che Xiaoman said, she looked hard in the rearview mirror and saw Song Yiming's car.
"Shen Qianxue, I really thought you were a great person before, but why have you changed? Why did you try to snatch what I wanted? I thought we could be friends for life, but it turns out not to be, and we broke up." Che Xiaoman listened to the music, shaking her head and saying, "Why don't we be friends in the next life, hahaha..."
Shen Qianxue's pupils constricted, and she suddenly forgot the pain in her body.
"You devil!" Shen Qianxue rushed to the manual transmission, holding the gear lever tightly with both hands, and pushed the gear lever to the lowest position. But Che Xiaoman's foot pressed the accelerator firmly and kept driving forward.
The engine of the car made a loud noise, as if it was about to tear the car apart at any time. Shen Qianxue's bound hands grasped the steering wheel tightly again, fighting with Che Xiaoman for control of the direction. The speed of the car slowed down suddenly, and the body of the car was swaying from side to side. Che Xiaoman punched Shen Qianxue on the temple. For a few brief seconds, her consciousness left her body, and Shen Qianxue only felt a white blur in front of her eyes. When she regained consciousness again, Che Xiaoman had already changed gears and continued to accelerate.
Shen Qianxue saw Song Yiming's car through the rearview mirror. He was not far away from them. Shen Qianxue rushed towards Che Xiaoman again like crazy. This time, she tied the gloves around Che Xiaoman's neck. She strangled Che Xiaoman's neck from behind, forcing her to release the accelerator.
Che Xiaoman instinctively loosened her hands on the steering wheel and struggled, trying to get rid of Shen Qianxue.
The car lost control and swayed left and right on the road. There were no other vehicles behind except Song Yiming's car. Che Xiaoman grabbed Shen Qianxue's hand and bit it. Scarlet blood flowed from the tiger's mouth. Shen Qianxue loosened her hand slightly because of the pain. Che Xiaoman turned the steering wheel suddenly, drifted backwards, and threw Shen Qianxue away. Shen Qianxue slammed into the passenger door. Che Xiaoman completely let go of the steering wheel, grabbed her neck tightly, and pushed her out of the window. The car maintained a certain speed and continued to drive in the opposite direction.
Song Yiming quickly turned the steering wheel to avoid the car coming in the opposite direction. In the passenger seat of the car, Shen Qianxue's neck was pressed against the lowered window, and her neck was tightly pinched by a pair of thin and strong hands. She wanted to struggle, but the strong wind blew so hard that she couldn't even open her eyes.
A large truck was driving with its low beam on. The driver was a little sleepy. He kept yawning and looked absent-minded.
Song Yiming noticed the large truck coming towards them, and quickly turned to drive in the opposite direction, flashing his headlights continuously to signal the truck driver to brake.
The truck driver seemed to have noticed something. He saw a car driving in the opposite direction and quickly turned the steering wheel.
Che Xiaoman glanced at the truck that was about to hit her with her peripheral vision, and a relieved smile appeared on her lips: "Shen Qianxue, let us die together!"
"Qianxue, jump out of the car!" Song Yiming had already caught up. At this time, the two cars were moving at a constant speed. Song Yiming reached out to pull Shen Qianxue, but Shen Qianxue was pulled back into the car by Che Xiaoman.
The truck was loaded with a batch of steel bars. When the truck turned sharply and braked, the steel bars loaded at the back of the truck were thrown up horizontally. The truck lights shone over, and Shen Qianxue was blinded by the strong light. The strong sound of the collision seemed to shatter the eardrums. The truck hit the fence, and half of the body was hung on the cliff. The steel bars thrown from the rear of the truck collapsed under the glaring light.
The sound of a truck hitting the guardrail and colliding with a car disturbed the quiet night.
Steel bars pressed against the roof of Song Yiming's car. He looked through the cracked window glass at the small car that had overturned on the green belt. He ultimately failed to save Shen Qianxue, but he managed to knock their car away at the critical moment. Shen Qianxue in the car fell into a coma, but her chest was still rising and falling slightly due to her breathing. She was still alive. It was good that she was still alive. Song Yiming looked at Che Xiaoman, who was lying on the driver's seat. Che Xiaoman's head was bleeding, and she closed her eyes and fell into a coma.
Song Yiming squinted at the phone that fell in the car, trembling, and reached for the phone. The phone screen showed dozens of calls from his parents, but he didn't answer any of them. A cough sounded, and the taste of rust filled his entire mouth. Song Yiming dialed the number at home, but he didn't have the strength to pick up the phone again.
The call was connected, and the person on the other end shouted in panic: "Yiming, is that you? Yiming?"
"Dad, Mom, I love you..." Song Yiming's voice was a little weak.
"Yiming, where are you? Are you with Qianxue?" Song's mother continued to ask.
"Mom and Dad, can you promise me one thing?" Song Yiming tried hard to stay awake, "Please take good care of Qianxue for me, and don't make things difficult for her in the future."
"Yiming, what are you talking about? What happened? Where are you? We have called the police. Where are you? When will you come back? Yiming, Yiming, why are you silent? Yiming..." Song's father and mother's voices came from the speaker of the mobile phone, but Song Yiming gradually lost his hearing. He turned his gaze to look at Shen Qianxue in the other car, and his vision became blurred.
The sound of the sea rang softly in her dream, waves hitting the rocks, seagulls circling in the sky. The air conditioner in the car was leaking water, and the sound of water drops rang in Shen Qianxue's ears.
A drop of cold water fell on Shen Qianxue's eyelids. She frowned, feeling pain all over her body. She opened her eyes, and the warmth of the sun enveloped her eyeballs. But she was in deep darkness and could not see anything.
"Yiming, Yiming." Because she couldn't see anything, she thought she hadn't been unconscious for long. She fumbled to open the car door, and the pain in her calf made her scream.
She could feel that her calf was broken, and heart-wrenching pain spread throughout her body the moment she stepped out of the car.
"Yiming, Yiming, where are you?" Shen Qianxue stretched out her hands and limped in the darkness looking for Song Yiming.
"Qianxue." A faint voice came from not far away. Song Yiming's skin was burned by the morning light, but he did not groan in pain, because at this moment, his body was numb, and only the last bit of consciousness remained, forcing him to wait for Shen Qianxue to wake up.
"Yiming, where are you, where are you?" Shen Qianxue couldn't see anything, she didn't know why Song Yiming didn't come to her side. She tried hard to stand up, but she couldn't do it.
Song Yiming, who was trapped in the car, looked at Shen Qianxue and cried sadly. He had already seen that Shen Qianxue was blind and she could only judge his location by sound.
But it was better this way, at least she didn't have to see what he looked like now.
"Qianxue, be obedient and stay where you are and wait for the rescuers to arrive. I'm in the car, my foot is stuck, and I can't move now." Song Yiming tried hard to keep his voice steady. He comforted Shen Qianxue and told her that everything would be fine.
"Yi Ming, my calf hurts so much." Shen Qianxue's world was dark. She only felt that the surroundings were very cold and her whole body was in pain.
"It's okay, it's just a broken bone. I'll be fine once the ambulance arrives." Song Yiming's voice was low and gentle, like the wind blowing by the sea. Shen Qianxue felt that this was her only comfort now.
"Qianxue, I'm sleepy and want to take a nap. If the ambulance comes, remember to wake me up." Song Yiming's eyelids were slowly closing, and he no longer had the strength to hold on.
"Well, then don't sleep too long. It's so dark here and I'm scared to be alone." Shen Qianxue responded.
"Yeah." Song Yiming hummed and then stopped talking. Shen Qianxue waited alone in the darkness until the pain blurred her consciousness.
Later, she heard the sound of an ambulance. But she no longer had the strength to call out to Song Yiming. Her body seemed to have fallen into a dark abyss, but her consciousness kept shouting, "Yiming, the ambulance is here, Yiming, wake up."
Two months later.
The nurse was removing the bandages from Shen Qianxue who was sitting on the bed. The gauze wrapped around her eyes was peeled off one circle at a time. She slowly opened her eyes, and the light from the outside was a bit dazzling. After the gauze was completely peeled off, Shen Qianxue raised her hand to block the dazzling light from outside. She closed her eyes, opened them again, and closed them again. After trying several times, she got used to the existence of light.
Shen Qianxue had spent two months in darkness. When she saw Zhang Meiwen, she was so excited that tears welled up in her eyes: "Mom, I can see, I can see." Shen Qianxue hugged Zhang Meiwen tightly. Standing next to her were not only Zhang Meiwen, but also Song Yiming's parents.
"Yiming, where is Yiming?" Everyone was there, but there was no sign of Song Yiming.
She suddenly remembered that it was daytime now and Song Yiming should be at home: "Is Yiming at home? Or in the intensive care unit? Mom and Dad, what's wrong with you? Why do you look like you want to cry?"
Song's father and mother were silent. Finally, Song's mother couldn't hold back and burst into tears in Song's father's arms. Song's father turned his head and wiped his tears.
Shen Qianxue felt that their reaction was very strange and was a little flustered: "What happened to Yi Ming? What happened? Didn't you say that Yi Ming was in the intensive care unit? Why are you crying?"
"Qianxue, Yiming..." Zhang Meiwen hesitated and said with a sob, "Yiming is gone."
"How is that possible? What does 'gone' mean? Didn't you say that I can see Yi Ming after I remove the bandages? What does 'gone' mean? Ah?" Tears suddenly welled up in Shen Qianxue's eyes.
"Yi Ming is dead. He died before he was sent to the hospital." Zhang Meiwen choked up for a moment, but still told the truth.
Shen Qianxue felt her head go blank, her eyes went dark, and she fainted. The accident two months ago caused two deaths and two injuries. One of the deceased died on the spot due to brain trauma, and the other died after sunrise due to internal organ damage and excessive blood loss.
Shen Qianxue and the truck driver were both sent to the hospital. The driver only suffered a mild concussion, while Shen Qianxue suffered a broken leg and blindness.
Zhang Meiwen was taken to the hospital by the taxi driver. After her wound was sutured, she came to Song's parents with the help of a nurse. When she learned that it was Song Yiming who saved her daughter's life, she immediately knelt down and kowtowed to Song's parents. This kneeling was a thank you and also an apology.
Song's father and mother couldn't accept it at all. They even wanted to question Shen Qianxue, why did she implicate Song Yiming and why did she kill their son! However, at this time, Shen Qianxue, who was sent to the hospital for treatment, was diagnosed with pregnancy and could not be stimulated. Song's father and mother, who wanted to scold Shen Qianxue, remembered Song Yiming's last words before his death and gave up the idea.
When he learned that Shen Qianxue would be permanently blind, Song's father decided to give Song Yiming's cornea to Shen Qianxue.
So when Shen Qianxue woke up, everyone told her that Song Yiming was in another intensive care unit and that she could go see him when her eyes got better. But in fact, everyone was lying to her.
When Shen Qianxue woke up again, Song's father, Song's mother and Zhang Meiwen were all around her bed. Shen Qianxue opened her eyes and looked at the pale ceiling. Song Yiming's last words to her kept ringing in her mind.
"Qianxue, I'm sleepy and want to take a nap. If the ambulance comes, remember to wake me up."
Because I didn't wake you up, you left me, right?
Tears fell from the corners of Shen Qianxue's eyes and sank into her hair. It turned out that the most heart-wrenching pain would not make people cry out loudly. She seemed to have fallen into a huge bottomless pit, all her sadness and grief were swallowed up, leaving her with only a body that no longer had joy, anger, sorrow, or happiness.
"Qianxue, I want to see the scenery all over the world. I want to watch the sunrise with you."
"Qianxue, let's go on our honeymoon after the New Year, right?"
"Qianxue, I heard that the coconut juice in Hainan Island is particularly delicious. How about we go to Hainan Island to drink coconut juice next time?"
The words that Song Yiming had said were like thorns, piercing Shen Qianxue's heart again and again. The man whose smile was like the warm sun turned into light and disappeared in her memory.
"Qianxue, don't do this, it's not good for your health." Mother Song felt sorry for Shen Qianxue when she saw her like this. Although she blamed Shen Qianxue for not giving her a living son, as a wife, she also knew that Shen Qianxue was not feeling well.
"Dad, Mom, I'm sorry, sorry, sorry..." Shen Qianxue apologized incoherently, tears rolling down her cheeks.
"If you really feel sorry for us, just live well and give birth to the baby safely." Father Song held back his sobs and turned to leave the ward.
"I'm pregnant?" Shen Qianxue's hollow eyes finally had a glimmer of light. She looked at Zhang Meiwen standing beside the bed. Zhang Meiwen nodded and said, "You've been pregnant for a month."
At that moment, all the emotions poured into Shen Qianxue's body, and she finally burst into tears, crying out Song Yiming's name. But no matter how she screamed, the owner of that name would never come back.
Later, Shen Qianxue found the news report of the accident on her mobile phone.
A small car was traveling in the opposite direction and collided with a large truck. Another small car traveling in the opposite direction knocked the small car away at the critical moment. The truck driver hit the guardrail when turning, and the truck turned sideways and overturned. The steel bars on the truck were thrown out, and the small car that had no time to dodge was crushed by the steel bars. The driver of the small car died of excessive blood loss due to the steel bar piercing his abdomen.
The news of the car accident was playing on Shen Qianxue's phone. The last scene was Song Yiming writing these words with his own blood on the glass that had not yet broken:
Qianxue, the sunrise is beautiful, the world is beautiful, and I will always be by your side.
Tears fell on the phone screen. Shen Qianxue looked up and gazed at the scenery outside the window. She wiped away her tears and took a deep breath: "Yiming, I will live well. I will see all the scenery you have never seen."
Eight months later, Shen Qianxue gave birth to a son. She named him "Song Qiannian". A year later, Shen Qianxue handed her son over to Song's father and mother to raise, and she saw the world through Song Yiming's eyes.
After taking a last look at the city where she and Song Yiming met, Shen Qianxue turned around and dragged her suitcase into the boarding gate. In a trance, she heard someone calling her name. She looked back and saw a familiar figure standing in the place where light and shadow intertwined.
That figure reminded Shen Qianxue of the many years ago, in the late summer when the wind was about to fade, in the night when the moon was about to fade, she and that boy had met by chance and coincidence again and again. The tenderness in the boy's eyes and eyebrows condensed into a ray of light in Shen Qianxue's eyes.
All the words seem to have turned into the wind, and all the memories have turned into leaves. The wind blows, and the leaves wither, but you in my eyes will never wither...

Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024