Chapter 10: Captain Lei is attacked

Zhao Yulin didn't even look at him, and said that the county magistrate had said before that trade must be fair and the workers must not suffer losses. Three times the wages was not high at all, and if they could find people to load and unload the goods themselves, they could do it themselves. The dock workers would not take the job for less than this price.
At the same time, he also asked the Zhao family to tear down the sheds next to their own warehouse. That was called an illegal building. If it was not demolished by tomorrow, he would bring people to demolish it personally and collect a fine. The amount would be decided by the dock office.
Manager Sun was dumbfounded after hearing this. How could he dare to offend the Third Young Master? He could only nod and agree to the new wage standard. He also asked Lu Youpeng to send people to help dismantle the temporary shed they had built, and they would pay the wages.
Lei Man watched Lu Youpeng and the others go out to arrange the labor and said that Zhao Tixia should start from his own family, handle things impartially, and not deal with people personally.
Zhao Yulin said that it has just begun. If we can’t even deal with the Zhao family, how can we gain a foothold in the dock?
Lei Man really is Lei Manzi. He is so confident that he says he is not afraid of birds. Now he has hundreds of beggars under his command. If you don't obey him, just fight him.
Zhao Yulin said that we should not be careless, as County Captain Zhang still has thousands of soldiers under his command.
After the two exchanged opinions, he took Ma Jin and Ma Ling'er back to the White Pagoda. He saw that there were still some trembling old people among the beggars, and planned to build a welfare home with the White Pagoda as the center to settle these old people.

Zhao Yulin first went to check the construction status of the Beggar's Chicken Restaurant that was under construction. This catering project was very simple, just building a few houses with thatched grass. The key was to build a kitchen for roasting beggar's chicken.
Beggar's chicken should let diners taste the flavor of beggar's chicken in a simple environment.
When he returned to the White Pagoda, he told Ma Jin about the arrangement for Ma Ling'er to be the shopkeeper of Beggar Chicken. Ma Jin was delighted, but then hesitantly said that his sister was only 14 years old, and he was afraid that she would not be able to do it well.
Zhao Yulin said that Sister Ling'er was very smart. Our restaurant only sold beggar's chicken, which was not a complicated business. We could definitely do well if we found some honest people to help.
Ma Linger was delighted. Her two pigtails swayed all over her head like a drunken boxer. She stared at him with her sparkling black grape eyes and said that her brother was jealous of her because she wanted to be the shopkeeper. Why was he stopping her when the Third Young Master had criticized her behavior?
Zhao Yulin smiled at the innocent and clever little girl, and asked Ma Jin to go to the city to make some beautiful clothes after selecting the people from the restaurant, and then discuss the construction of the welfare home.
Ma Jin said that the team of craftsmen needed a large number of iron tools, and they had almost collected all the ironware around the dock, but it was still not enough. They were afraid that they would have to build an iron workshop in the future to get enough.
In the evening, Lei Man returned to the White Pagoda to have dinner with Zhao Yulin. He was very happy and asked Li Chuan to bring out two jars of good wine. The two jars were soon empty as they urged each other to drink. Lei Man wanted to drink more, but Zhao Yulin stopped him, saying that he had just taken over the dock and there must be a lot of trouble in the middle, so he should wait until everything was sorted out before having fun.
Lei Man didn’t know what “happy” meant. He was stunned for a moment, then smiled foolishly and said, “Then write it down first.” He jumped on his horse and went to wait for the dock.
Zhao Yulin didn't keep him and went back to his room to take care of his own things.
Now that he had officially taken over the wharf, he had to organize a team, design a restaurant, a welfare home, and even get some emergency tools. There was a lot to do.
He was busy until midnight, and just as he was about to fall asleep after practicing martial arts and washing up, a loud voice suddenly came from the bottom of the tower: "Shen Tuozi is visiting, please ask the third young master of the Zhao family to come out and see him."
Haha, there are people who come directly to the door like this. Zhao Yulin was curious and went out with a thunder bomb. Under the moonlight, the tall and burly Shen Tuozi was wearing a nightgown, and his square face had a pair of eyes that glowed red like a wolf.
Zhao Yulin calmly asked Master Shen why he came to visit.
Shen Tuozi said that he heard that the young master of the Zhao family suddenly acquired extraordinary martial arts, so he came to seek advice and ask for some pointers from the young master of the Zhao family.
"Fuck you!" Zhao Yulin cursed Shen Tuozi in his heart. It was obvious that he wanted to have another martial arts duel like Yao Pip did. He would not be fooled as easily as Yao Pip.
Zhao Yulin took out a black ball from his arms and tossed it in his hand, saying that he didn't have any unique martial arts skills, and that it was all just nonsense. However, if this thing in his hand hits the ground and explodes, anyone within a radius of two meters will either die or be injured. Master Shen, why don't you give it a try?
Shen Tuozi didn't believe what County Lieutenant Zhang said about how powerful Zhao Yulin was. When he saw him taking out the thunder bomb and praising its power, he thought that Zhao Yulin was afraid. He kicked hard with his right foot and immediately rushed towards Zhao Yulin.
Zhao Yulin felt his feet trembling, pretended to be afraid, turned around and ran. Shen Tuozi caught him up without any preparation. Suddenly, there was a flash of fire in front of his eyes, and there was an explosion with a loud bang. Shen Tuozi screamed "Ah" and covered his eyes.
This was because Shen Tuozi was careless. When Zhao Yulin saw him rushing towards him, he turned around, ran back two steps, and immediately threw the thunder bomb out with his backhand.
When Shen Tuozi saw his body swaying, he was still worried that he would be injured by the thunder bomb, but he was rushing forward and could not retreat, so he could only turn right and dodge diagonally.
However, Zhao Yulin aimed the bomb at a position two steps in front of Shen Tuozi. No matter whether Shen Tuozi rushed to the left or right, he would be closer to the center of the explosion.
Therefore, this explosion definitely made the thunderbolt bomb play the best sneak attack effect, and Zhao Yulin has always been the kind of person who takes advantage of someone's weakness to kill him. After throwing the thunderbolt bomb, he immediately dived down, and after hearing the explosion, he jumped up immediately, grabbed a handful of dirt and threw it at Shen Tuozi.

Tuozi Shen covered his injured eye and screamed. Before he could stop feeling the pain, he heard a strong wind coming. He immediately dodged to the right. At this time, Zhao Yulin had already rushed towards him and kicked him in the left shoulder. Tuozi Shen couldn't stand like a drunk. He held his head with his hands and staggered back three or four steps. Before he could stand firm, Zhao Yulin kicked him in the chest twice.
The girl couldn't bear it any longer, she fell down and rolled out, spitting blood.
Zhao Yulin had no idea what was happening. When he saw Shen Tuozi fall to the ground, he was afraid of Shen Tuozi's great martial arts skills and was afraid that he was cheating, so he picked up a dog-beating stick on the ground and hit Shen Tuozi with it hard. He broke two dog-beating sticks in succession before he stopped.
At this time, Ma Jin and his men had lit torches to illuminate the yard. Zhao Yulin told them to stand further away, took a torch and went to check. He saw pools of blood at the place of fight, and Shen Tuozi was actually seriously injured.
He then approached Shen Tuozi with a torch in his left hand and a dog-beating stick in his right hand. He used the sticks to turn Shen Tuozi over, and saw that his face was covered in blood and blood was still gushing out of his mouth.
The tut-tut Shen said incoherently: "You kid... you are not lying... you are really awesome." Then there was no more sound.
Zhao Yulin was just thinking about how to deal with Shen Tuozi when he heard the sound of horse hooves rushing towards the White Pagoda. Before the horse stopped, he heard Lei Man shouting, "Are you okay, brother? I've been attacked."
Then Lei Man arrived at the scene. After taking the torch from Zhao Yulin and checking, he could no longer tell whether it was Shen Tuozi. Instead, he saw three words written in blood on the ground: 沉 and 船. Strictly speaking, the third word cannot be called a word, as it only has two horizontal strokes and one vertical stroke, and the vertical stroke is not even complete.
After a brief introduction, Zhao Yulin said that it was Brother Lei's responsibility to deal with the aftermath. Lei pointed to a deep footprint on the ground and said it must be Shen Tuozi, but the Wang family would never admit that it was Shen Tuozi. What to do?
How about we search the palace right away?
Zhao Yulin smiled. Lei Man was too simple-minded. The Wang Mansion would never let Shen Tuozi come out alone. The Wang family must have known about the accident in the White Pagoda. How could they not be on guard?
He said forget it, just close the case on the grounds that a homeless thug stole and committed murder and was beaten to death.
Lei Man actually listened to him and told his men to prepare the case file quickly.
The two men came to the thatched hut in front of the tower to drink tea and wait. Lei Man said that he had just fallen asleep for a while when the new deacon Yang screamed. This man had frequent nocturnal urination and was timid, so he didn't dare to walk far after getting up. He just peeed vigilantly against the wall outside the room. Suddenly he heard the sound of something falling to the ground. When he turned around, he saw a man in black jumping into the office and immediately screamed loudly.
Lei Man rushed out after hearing the sound. When the man saw that he was exposed, he immediately ran away. Lei Man followed him over the wall, but was kicked in the air by the thief and was seriously injured. He watched the thief run away.
He took a rest in the office, and suddenly thought that what if the palace was trying to kill Zhao Yulin by making a feint to the east? He immediately ignored the pain and rode his horse to the White Pagoda.
Zhao Yulin began to get suspicious. Could there be another force dealing with them?
Lei Man said it was Shen Tuozi, the only one in Yibin with such amazing leg skills.
Zhao Yulin speculated that perhaps after Shen Tuozi's peeping into the office was exposed, he came to the White Tower to divert attention, wanting to create the impression that he was causing trouble in the White Tower and had not gone to the office.
This is indeed the case. Mr. Wang in the city is still waiting for news from Shen Tuozi.
As soon as it got dark
That's why Shen Tuozi came into play.
After Lei Man moved into the office, he immediately reduced the guard duty. Although Shen Tuozi arrived at the office easily, his luck was very bad. He happened to meet Deacon Yang, a timid old patient with kidney deficiency. Unfortunately, he was exposed as soon as he entered the yard.
As he was being chased by Lei Man, he naturally used his special leg skills and simply ran towards the White Pagoda, wanting to compete with Zhao Yulin, fantasizing that he could injure Zhao Yulin and create evidence that he was not at the dock.
Who would have thought that Zhao Yulin did not play by the rules at all and actually used the Thunderbolt Bomb, and the Thunderbolt Bomb was really effective, a result he had verified with his own life.
At daybreak, Zhao Yulin and Lei Man carried Shen Tuozi's body to the county government office in the city. The masters were stunned when they saw Shen Tuozi's body. County Lieutenant Zhang was even more shocked. He could tell at a glance that it was definitely Shen Tuozi.
Zhao Yulin looked at everyone's expressions and calmly reported the process of catching the thief and the fight, making sure to skip the incident of his master giving him the thunder bomb.
Finally, the county magistrate made the final decision to close the case as the death of a vagrant hooligan.
Because everyone knows that Shen Tuozi is a master of the underworld, it is impossible for the Wang family to come out to identify him, let alone come out to protest their injustice and report the case.

Jun 21, 2024
Jun 21, 2024
Jun 21, 2024
Jun 21, 2024