Chapter 10: A Pear Tree and a Stream of Moonlight

The assassins who broke into Dongxiang Palace seemed to have only two goals, to take Hua Yu away and to kill Li Qiuxue. But they only achieved the first goal, and the second goal failed because of Chu Shaoqin's intervention. Chu Shaoqin, who was shot by an arrow, was in a coma for three days due to excessive blood loss. During these three days, Hua Shenghe controlled almost all the affairs of the court.
Hua Shenghe has been constantly winning over the ministers in the court in recent years, and he has become less and less concerned about Chu Shaoqin as he holds the military power. He originally did not fall out with Chu Shaoqin because of Hua Yu, but now Hua Yu has been banished to the cold palace and imprisoned for life. The sleeping lion finally wakes up, and he openly sends assassins into the palace, completely disregarding the emperor's face. Although Chu Shaoqin knows that Hua Shenghe is behind this, he finds it difficult to overthrow this force.
When Chu Shaoqin woke up, Li Qiuxue was sleeping beside his bed.
In the past few days, Li Qiuxue stayed by his side all the time, fearing that someone had poisoned his food. As if sensing this kindness, Chu Shaoqin came back from the brink of death. He looked at Li Qiuxue's sleeping face, reached out and gently pushed a few strands of hair on the side of her face behind her ears.
Li Qiuxue woke up. She looked at Chu Shaoqin and smiled gently. The stone in her heart finally fell.
"Are you awake? Does your wound still hurt?" Li Qiuxue asked with concern, and stood up to check his wound. Chu Shaoqin took advantage of her approach and pulled her into his arms.
The moment he woke up and saw Li Qiuxue, he just wanted to reconcile with her and cherish the embrace they had now.
"Xue'er, as long as you are here, this little pain is nothing." The long-awaited kiss fell on the slightly cool thin lips, and the white gauze curtain was casually pulled down.
That night, it was drizzling outside the window. The low panting and the sound of the rain blended together, the candlelight was extinguished, and the fingers were intertwined, as if there were endless emotions to express.
Li Qiuxue hugged Chu Shaoqin's neck, she felt his sweat, his wounds, his breathing, and let him hold her to sleep. When she woke up, it was already the next morning. When she woke up, Chu Shaoqin was no longer in the bedroom. She put on a thin quilt and walked out of the palace. The eunuch who had passed the imperial decree to give her a three-foot white silk was being tied up and beaten with a stick. Chu Shaoqin stood in front of him, looking at him with a gloomy face.
"Do you know that falsely conveying an imperial decree is a capital crime?"
"Your Majesty, please spare my life. The Empress forced me to do all this. If I don't obey your orders, the Empress will take my life..." The eunuch who was beaten to a pulp cried, and the heavy wooden board fell again and again on his bloody buttocks.
"Your Majesty, please spare my life. I will never dare to do it again, Your Majesty..."
"Stop it." Li Qiuxue walked up from behind Chu Shaoqin. Although her hands were stained with the blood of many people, she didn't want to kill anymore.
The palace guards who were torturing the eunuch stopped beating him with the stick, and the eunuch, who could hardly bear it any longer, breathed a sigh of relief and prostrated himself on the bench.
"Xue'er, why did you come out? It's windy outside and you're wearing so little. Be careful not to catch a cold." Chu Shaoqin quickly took off his outer robe and put it on Li Qiuxue.
"Let him go, he was also forced." Li Qiuxue said.
Chu Shaoqin glanced at the eunuch, and although he did not continue to torture him, he ordered him to be expelled from the palace. The eunuch who had saved his life quickly knelt down to thank Li Qiuxue, and was then dragged away by other palace servants.
Chu Shaoqin and Li Qiuxue moved to the imperial garden. After a long silence, Li Qiuxue expressed her thoughts.
"Shaoqin, I want to go back to Qingyang City, back to my hometown. I want to live a peaceful life. The intrigues in this palace make me feel so tired. If possible, I hope you can go with me. We will leave the palace together and live the life of ordinary people." Li Qiuxue said this with a serious tone. She didn't know what answer Chu Shaoqin would give, nor did she know whether he was willing to give up his imperial power.
Chu Shaoqin stopped and thought. If possible, he also wanted to stay away from the disputes in the palace and live an ordinary life with the one he loved, and spend his whole life together peacefully. But he couldn't. He was born in an imperial family. If he left, the world would really belong to the Hua family.
Hua Shenghe and Hua Yu will not let them go easily. No matter where they hide, they cannot escape the people chasing them. The prince is still young and cowardly, and is not strong enough to resist the Hua family and the nobles. These are the things he is worried about and afraid of, and all the concerns he has had over the years. But at the same time, he cannot speak out his concerns. Xue'er is so stubborn. If she knew that he didn't leave the palace because he was worried about her safety, she would definitely not leave.
"Xue'er, I am the emperor. If I leave the palace, I will be nothing. I am used to being served by others, and I can't live an ordinary life with you. If you insist on leaving, I can let you go, but I won't go with you."
"I knew you couldn't bear to give up your throne." Li Qiuxue laughed, but without any sarcasm. She leaned in his arms and gave him one last hug.
They are like the birds in the sky and the fish in the water. The birds belong to the sky, and the fish cannot live without water.
On the day Li Qiuxue left, Chu Shaoqin stood on the high city wall. He looked at her back as she rode a horse, and couldn't help but think of the time many years ago when she also rode a horse like this, leaving him with a glimpse of her back.
At that time, she was arrogant and fearless, as if nothing in the world could stop her. He stood quietly on the city wall, watching her look back, and finally walked away, disappearing at the end of the sunset.
After Xue'er left, he had no other worries. From now on, he would start to purge all the officials in the court who were inclined towards Hua Shenghe. He had been secretly recruiting people for these years. On the surface, he was a king who was only influenced by his love for his children, but in fact, he had been preparing to eradicate the Hua family. If necessary, he would perish with the Hua family.
If Xue'er left, he wouldn't be implicated. Even if he died, he had nothing else to ask for.
"Shao Qin, although we can't be together forever, I never regret falling in love with you." Li Qiuxue thought to herself as she looked at Chu Shaoqin. She had a lot of things she didn't say, but she needed to say them. This was their choice and pursuit. It was better to forget each other than to live together in misery.
The horse raised its hooves and marched towards its distant hometown...
Three days had passed when Li Qiuxue arrived at Longshan. After crossing Longshan, she could reach Qingyang City. She stopped at the foot of the mountain and looked at the mountain range of Longshan. Six years had made Longshan even greener, with green trees and the occasional chirping of birds and beasts. The two guards escorting Li Qiuxue looked around and noticed a commotion in the bushes of the forest.
The two men looked at each other with increased vigilance, and slowly drew their swords from their waists. But before they could protect their master, they were caught by the barbed wire that fell from the sky. The two men were hung on a high branch in a flash. When Li Qiuxue, who was walking in front, turned her horse around, a group of bandits ran over happily with their swords in hand, and surrounded them and made a noise.
"What day is today? Several high-ranking officials and dignitaries have been arrested in a row. Let me take a good look at who has been arrested." Chen San's voice came from behind the crowd. He was wearing a tiger skin and carrying a big knife on his shoulder. He walked out from behind the crowd in a swagger.
Li Qiuxue, who was riding on the horse, sneered, watching the smile on Chen San's face gradually turn into astonishment. He stared at Li Qiuxue with wide eyes, and then rubbed his eyes hard to confirm whether he had seen it wrong.
"Xue'er? Why is it you?"
"I haven't seen you for six years, and you're still the same bandit leader." Li Qiuxue pretended to sigh, but she felt a little happy because she hadn't seen an old friend for a long time. She got off the horse, walked to Chen San, raised her hand and patted Chen San's chest, "You're quite strong, it seems you haven't been idle these years."
"It's not good to be idle. If you are idle, the brothers on the mountain will starve to death." Chen San said jokingly, and then ordered the two guards who escorted Li Qiuxue to go away and let them go back to report to Chu Shaoqin. Before leaving, he also asked the guards to go back and tell Chu Shaoqin that he would escort Li Qiuxue back to Qingyang City.
Li Qiuxue followed Chen San into the bandit's den. Although it had been six years, there had not been much change here. Chen San had not married in six years, and he had not met another woman who could move him. Li Qiuxue and he drank and talked happily, chatting about their respective lives over the years.
Although Chen San was entrenched in Longshan, he had some knowledge of the outside world. He knew something about Li Qiuxue's experience in the palace. But he was a bandit after all, and he had no business in government affairs, nor could he manage the harem. Even if he wanted to help Li Qiuxue, he was powerless.
"Xue'er, you were right to leave the palace. Someone who loves freedom like you should not stay in a place like the palace that imprisons people. How great it would have been if you had chosen me at the beginning. Maybe now we would have many children and grandchildren and be very happy." Chen San drank and joked.
Li Qiuxue just smiled and toasted him back.
"If Brother Chen doesn't get married, he won't have many children and grandchildren." Li Qiuxue also joked.
"I haven't met the woman who can conquer me yet. Don't worry, don't worry. Fate is something you can only encounter by chance!" Chen San smiled and drank another glass of wine. If Xue'er was still willing to be with him now, he wouldn't mind her past. It's a pity that he knows Xue'er, and Xue'er's heart is not with him.
It was late at night, and the mountain wind was blowing through the forest. A night rain fell on the ground like a heavy object, heavy and loud. Li Qiuxue, who couldn't sleep, put on a thin shirt and walked out of the room. She walked along the simple corridor of the bandit's den. The night sky was covered with low black clouds, and she couldn't see the stars or the moon when she looked up.
"In a few days, Hua Shenghe will attack the city. Do you think the emperor will win or the Hua family army will win?"
"I guess it's the Hua family's army. Think about it, the emperor has been controlled by the Hua family since he ascended the throne. Now the emperor and the Hua family have become enemies. The Hua family dared to raise an army to fight against the emperor. They must have been fully confident."
"The Hua family is the same. Back then, they supported the fake prince under the banner of clearing the emperor's court, but unexpectedly, they supported the real prince. The Hua family suffered a loss and did not gain any benefits. Now they finally got the chance to turn against the emperor."
"Power is awesome..."
Several bandits were sitting under a thatched shed in the yard discussing something. Li Qiuxue stopped not far away and listened to their conversation.
Hua Shenghe has been raising troops and preparing for a rebellion when the emperor and his Hua family have a complete falling out. The Hua family has been recruiting bandits in recent years, and many bandits on the mountain have been recruited by him. Only the bandits on Longshan Mountain only obey Chen San and never compromise with the government.
"You said, the emperor is about to face a disaster, why would he let the concubines in the palace leave him? Logically speaking, if something happens to the emperor, the concubines should be buried with him."
"Shh, keep your voice down. If Brother Chen hears you, he will beat you to death."
"You are new here, so you may not understand. This Imperial Concubine Li was once the sweetheart of Big Brother Chen. It was because of her that Big Brother Chen never married a concubine, and it was also because of her that he was not recruited by the Hua family."
"Yes, you don't know how much benefit the Hua family gave, but Brother Chen refused it."
The thin shirt fell to the ground, and the person wearing it turned and ran away.
The horses in the stable neighed, and when Chen San, startled, walked onto the platform, his figure on horseback appeared in the night and rain.
"Brother Chen, it's bad. Miss Qiuxue seems to know that Hua Shenghe is going to attack the city." The bandit who picked up Li Qiuxue's thin shirt hurriedly reported to Chen San.
"How can we let Xue'er know about this? This is going to be bad. Hurry up and prepare the horses. Tell a few brothers to stay and guard the mountain stronghold. Everyone else, follow me." Chen San frowned and blamed his subordinates for being too talkative. He hurriedly put on a big knife, led most of the people in the mountain stronghold, and chased Li Qiuxue.
Li Qiuxue did not dare to slack off for a moment while riding back. She remembered all the heartless words Chu Shaoqin had said, and also remembered the sentence "Anyway, it's not Xue'er's and mine, so it doesn't matter who is the child."
He was never the one who was reluctant to give up the imperial power. He was reluctant to give up her. He was reluctant to let her die with him. He was reluctant to lose her. But she had never put herself in his shoes. She always selfishly occupied all his favors and always thought she understood him. In fact, she was the one who was least worthy of being loved. He had given so much for her, but she had always chosen to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear. She was the biggest fool in the world!
"Shao Qin, you must not die. You are the only one left for me. I will not allow you to leave me alone..."
"Xue'er, slow down. There is a slope on the mountain road ahead. It's dangerous." Chen San, who was chasing after her, shouted at her. He whipped the horse harder and chased after the resolute figure at the fastest speed.
"Why are you hiding this from me? Why don't you tell me anything? I'm kept in the dark like a fool." Li Qiuxue did not slow down her riding. At this moment, she just wanted to return to Chu Shaoqin as soon as possible and face the wind and rain with him.
The horse ran on the road for two days and two nights. When Li Qiuxue saw the palace gate from afar, she quickly tightened the reins, stepped off the saddle, and ran straight to the open palace gate.
The guards on both sides of the palace gate had been replaced. Li Qiuxue didn't know whether they were Chu Shaoqin's men or Hua Shenghe's men. She walked forward quickly and wanted to walk into the palace, but the guards at the gate blocked her way with their halberds, preventing her from entering.
"The Emperor has ordered that no one is allowed to enter."
"I am Concubine Li. Let me in. I want to see the Emperor."
"No matter who you are, we only obey the emperor. Please leave as soon as possible!"
"Stop talking nonsense with these people." Chen San threw a knife at him. Although it didn't take his life, it broke the halberd in his hand.
Chen Sanchong shouted to the brothers who were arriving one after another behind him: "Go!"
Chen San was a well-known bandit in the Longshan area. He was brave and good at fighting, and was a strong man who could fight ten people at once. Under his leadership, his brothers were also strong and muscular. The guards guarding the palace gate were quickly controlled by Chen San's men. Chen San ordered his men to tie up the guards and throw them to the side of the palace gate, and then asked his brothers to close the palace gate tightly.
Li Qiuxue ran to find Chu Shaoqin alone without waiting for Chen San.
There are changes in the palace. This place that was once impregnable is now full of loopholes, which seems to foreshadow major changes in the near future.
Chu Shaoqin sat on the dragon throne in the hall, looking coldly at Hua Yu dancing in the hall. Hua Yu wore a red veil and a seductive red dress that showed her inner charm. Her veil was not for beauty, but to cover up her ruined appearance. As she danced, one could vaguely see the scary red spots in the red veil.
The incense burner in the hall was burning with a strange aroma. Chu Shaoqin was so overwhelmed by the aroma that he felt weak all over and unable to stand up. He moved his fingers with difficulty, but was unable to hold the sword beside him.
As soon as Li Qiuxue entered the hall, she smelled the fragrance. She quickly tore off a piece of cloth from her body and tied it around her nose to filter out the poison . She bypassed Hua Yu and ran towards Chu Shaoqin.
"Xue'er, why did you come back? Go away!" Although Chu Shaoqin was exhausted, when he saw Li Qiuxue, he tried his best to push her away and let her go.
"Shaoqin, I won't leave. I won't separate from you. I'm too selfish. I always want you to give up everything and follow me. I never think from your perspective. Today I come back, and I will never abandon you again." Li Qiuxue threw herself into Chu Shaoqin's arms. She had made up her mind, and no one could dissuade her.
Chu Shaoqin smiled with relief, lowered his head and kissed her forehead, tacitly agreeing that she should stay with him.
"What a pair of desperate mandarin ducks." Hua Yu stopped dancing, and the Hua family army lurking in the palace broke in from outside and surrounded the palace. "When my father leads the army here, it will be time to change the dynasty."
"Hua Yu, how many people do you want to kill before you are satisfied? Your hands are stained with the blood of so many people, don't you feel that you are sinning deeply?" Li Qiuxue protected Chu Shaoqin in front of him and looked at Hua Yu.
"I am deeply sinful? Haha, you are the one who is deeply sinful, right? I tried so hard to make you die, but you refused to die and let the people around you die for you. It was you who killed those people, not me." Hua Yu sneered, pushing all the sins onto Li Qiuxue, "I once kindly rescued you from the prison and gave you a chance to live, but you refused to leave and insisted on showing up again. You forced me to do everything I did, you forced me to do it!"
"And you, my emperor." Hua Yu laughed sarcastically, pointing at Chu Shaoqin, "My father has wanted you dead time and again. If it weren't for me, would you be able to sit on this throne? Would you be able to live to this day? Chu Shaoqin, you must think that I am the kind of ruthless, power-hungry woman, right? But you are wrong!"
When Hua Yu said this, she raised her head and laughed. She laughed so hard that her whole body trembled. She walked towards them and said, "I became like this because I love you, Chu Shaoqin, because I love you! But you don't love me, not at all. It doesn't matter if you don't love me, as long as you belong to me alone. But for this woman, you rejected my kindness and my love again and again. I stay in Dongxiang Palace every day, looking forward to my emperor and my husband coming to me. I hope we will have a child, and you will love me and us because of him."
"But you have such a cruel heart. For the sake of your Jiang Shang and your beauty, you actually sent me purple eggplant flowers! You don't want me to get pregnant with your child. You are afraid that our child will become your weakness, so you tried every means to prevent me from getting pregnant. Chu Shaoqin, from that day on, I swear that I will make all of you suffer, I will make all of you die! Hahaha..." Hua Yu laughed, waved his long sleeves, turned around, drew out the long sword of the guard behind him, and stabbed at Li Qiuxue and Chu Shaoqin.
The sound of sharp blades colliding rang in Li Qiuxue's ears. Chen San, who had rushed over, swung his sword and directly knocked the sword in Hua Yu's hand away.
Hua Yu took a few steps back and fell down in the hall. The guards behind her rushed forward, and Chen San's men also rushed in. The two groups fought fiercely, and Hua Yu took the opportunity to escape from the hall.
When Li Qiuxue helped Chu Shaoqin out of the hall, Hua Yu was holding the prince at knifepoint and running towards the palace gate.
"Shijie!" Li Qiuxue supported Chu Shaoqin and chased after him, while Hua Yu pulled Chu Shijie and ran up the high palace wall.
Outside the palace wall with the gate closed was Hua Shenghe and his army. They had broken through the defense line and were about to break through the palace gate to force the emperor to abdicate. Chen San's men were guarding the palace gate, and Hua Yu held Chu Shijie hostage and demanded that they open the palace gate. However, the guards were a group of bandits who refused to open the gate no matter what.
"Daddy, quickly break open the palace gate and catch them all in one fell swoop. From now on, this world belongs to our Hua family! Hahahaha..." Hua Yu gestured at Chu Shijie's neck with a knife in his hand. Chu Shijie was scared and burst into tears, but he didn't know how to resist.
"Hua Yu, are you crazy? Shijie is your own flesh and blood!" Chu Shaoqin, who had regained some strength, shouted at Hua Yu. He never thought that Hua Yu would hold his own child hostage.
"Then come and save him, come on." Hua Yu was like a madman, waving a knife and laughing crazily. A gust of wind blew off her veil, and her ugly face could no longer be covered. She was like a snake with its skin torn off, showing a look of fear. She pulled Chu Shijie's collar from behind and retreated step by step towards the palace wall. Outside the palace gate, Hua Shenghe was ordering people to use battering rams to knock on the palace gate.
"Shijie!" Chu Shaoqin saw that Chu Shijie's heels had already stepped into the air, and he rushed over without hesitation, grabbing Chu Shijie's collar as he fell. Hua Yu laughed wantonly, holding the knife in both hands, raised it high, and pointed it at Chu Shaoqin's back.
"Ah——" Hua Yu's screams echoed on the palace walls.
When Chu Shaoqin came to his senses, Li Qiuxue had already rushed forward and hugged Hua Yu and fell off the palace wall together.
"Xue'er!" Chu Shaoqin stretched out his hand, but only grabbed a piece of cloth on her collar. Then, another figure slipped out of his sight.
Chen San jumped down with Li Qiuxue. He grabbed Li Qiuxue's hand and inserted his broadsword into the palace wall. The broadsword fell along the palace wall, dragging a crack. They were stuck in a position with the help of the broadsword. Hua Yu lay quietly on the ground outside the palace gate. She opened her eyes and stared at Li Qiuxue's direction, motionless. Blood flowed from the back of her head and merged with her red dress.
"Yu'er, why don't you wait for dad to break down the palace gate before taking action? Yu'er, dad's good daughter, wake up." Hua Shenghe, who witnessed Hua Yu falling to her death, hurriedly dismounted and rushed forward. He hugged Hua Yu's body and burst into tears.
He only had this one daughter in his life, and he regarded her as a treasure. But now, his most beloved Yu'er fell in front of him, lying in a pool of blood.
Chen San's grip on Li Qiuxue's arm suddenly tightened, and with a sudden force, he threw Li Qiuxue up from the hanging midair. Chu Shaoqin, who had already pulled Chu Shijie up, hurriedly caught Li Qiuxue and pulled her up to the palace wall. Seeing that they were safe, Chen San climbed up with the help of his sword.
"Xue'er." Chu Shaoqin hugged Li Qiuxue, who had been lost and found again, tightly. Just as he was about to reach out to touch her hair, a feather arrow flew over and pierced through her body.
The blood spread rapidly like a red flower blooming on a white cloth. Li Qiuxue leaned forward slightly, but her head tilted back. She lowered her head hesitantly and looked at the bloody arrow that pierced her chest.
“Hahahaha… Yu’er, Daddy has avenged you. Yu’er, you have a companion now. Hahahaha…” Hua Shenghe laughed loudly after shooting an arrow into Li Qiuxue’s heart. He put down the bow and arrow in his hand, helped Hua Yu up and looked towards the palace wall. “Yu’er, look, Daddy killed her for you. Are you happy? Hahahaha…”
"Shaoqin..." Li Qiuxue slowly fell into Chu Shaoqin's arms. A fishy and sweet taste rose to her throat. As she spoke, blood flowed from the corners of her mouth.
"Xue'er, Xue'er! Someone, someone, call the imperial physician, call the imperial physician!" Chu Shaoqin hurriedly supported Li Qiuxue and helped her under the guardrail.
"No need to call the imperial physician. It's too late. Kaka..." Li Qiuxue held Chu Shaoqin's hand, preventing him from calling the imperial physician.
Chen San stood there in a daze, watching Li Qiuxue, whom he had rescued, bleeding profusely.
"Bastard! I'm going to kill him!" Chen San picked up the big knife and led his brothers to kill. Once the palace gate opened, people inside and outside the palace started fighting. The two people on the city wall seemed not to hear the sounds of fighting.
"Shao Qin, I think I should go first."
"No, no, I won't let you leave me, I won't." Chu Shaoqin shook his head and choked with sobs, his eyes filled with uncontrollable pain, "Xue'er, I can bear any loss... except you."
"Shaoqin, promise me that after I die, you will bury my ashes under the pear tree in my yard. Because there are the best memories of my life, about daddy, about you..." Li Qiuxue looked at the clouds in the sky and smiled. That smile was like the morning light that penetrated the dark clouds, illuminating Chu Shaoqin's entire world and driving away all his sufferings.
He held her in his arms, unable to hide his grief at the moment. He had planned everything. The people he recruited had already set out and would soon reach the palace, so he could wipe out Hua Shenghe and his remaining followers in one fell swoop. If he could still live, he would abdicate to the crown prince and then go to Qingyang City to find his Xue'er. But fate played tricks on him, and his Xue'er never waited for that day.
"Xue'er, why did you come back? Why are you so stupid? Xue'er... I have already planned our lives, why are you so disobedient, why do you want to come back..."
"Lianzhu, are you here to pick up mom? Dad, are you here too?" Li Qiuxue looked up at the sky and smiled. She reached out to touch the phantom in front of her. The raised hand suddenly fell down, like a reed blown down by the wind.
When Chu Shaoqin let her go, she had already fallen asleep. She did not move again. A gust of wind blew past, causing her long eyelashes to tremble slightly, as if she would wake up in the next second, open her eyes, and smile at him. His head was close to hers, and he sang the folk song they sang together that year. All the memories turned into sadness, replaying in his mind over and over again...
When the reinforcements arrived, half of the Hua family army had been wiped out by Chen San's bandits. Although Hua Shenghe was fully confident, the army was demoralized by Hua Yu's death. When the reinforcements arrived, they were quickly defeated. Hua Shenghe and the remaining members of his group were eventually imprisoned and controlled by Chu Shaoqin.
No one in the court dared to speak for the Hua family anymore, and the officials who had helped the Hua family were forced to retire and return home. Chu Shaoqin spent a month eliminating the rebels and reorganizing the court. The unhealthy atmosphere in the court was also greatly improved.
When Chu Shaoqin went to the prison to see Hua Shenghe again, he was already insane, calling himself "Zhen" all day long, and holding a pile of straw, thinking it was Hua Yu. Chu Shaoqin did not kill him, but after everything was settled, he exiled him as a traitor and never allowed him to return to Yandu again.
"Chen San, I would like to appoint you as the general who protects the country, are you willing?" Chu Shaoqin stood on the high city wall, looking at the country he once owned.
"I'm a bandit, I'm used to freedom." Chen San sighed. He looked at Chu Shaoqin who was alone, his back full of loneliness. "But I am willing to stay for Xue'er and protect this land that she exchanged her life for."
"From now on, the task of assisting the Crown Prince will be handed over to you. I believe you can turn the Crown Prince into a man of accomplishment." Chu Shaoqin changed his address and no longer referred to himself as "I". "The world is stable for the time being. From now on, all matters will be handed over to you and the Crown Prince."
"What about you?" Chen San frowned, not knowing what Chu Shaoqin meant.
"I want to accompany my Xueer." Chu Shaoqin turned around and smiled, patted Chen San's shoulder, and passed by him.
Chu Shaoqin's abdication caused a lot of debate in the court, but because Chen San was there, no one dared to speak up, for fear of angering the bandit leader. Chu Shijie became the new king naturally. Although he was not able to take charge of his own affairs, Chu Shaoqin believed that Chen San would definitely train him well.
When Chu Shaoqin left the palace, Chu Shijie, wearing a dragon robe, stood at the palace gate with Chen San to see him off. He held Li Qiuxue's urn and waved goodbye to them on horseback. He returned to Qingyang City along the mountain road and returned to Zhengda Escort Agency.
The Zhengda Escort Agency was full of locks, and the locks had many rust spots due to years of exposure to the sun and rain. The walls of the yard were covered with many wild vines, and Chu Shaoqin spent a lot of effort to pull these vines apart and push open the small door in the backyard. He buried Li Qiuxue's ashes under the pear tree, dug out the key under the tree, and opened the locks of all the doors. He brought a plate of water and wiped all the places in the escort agency and cleaned them up.
He was tired, so he moved a chair and sat under the tree to rest. The wind from outside the yard blew in, and the petals on the ground were lifted up by the wind and flew all over the sky. He sat under the pear tree in the yard, looking up at the petals in the sky. Everything in this world seemed to be blown away by the wind, leaving no trace. From then on, no one knew the story of him and Xue'er. For the rest of his life, he could no longer find a place to turn to...
Many years later, this yard became the yard of a lonely old man. People rarely passed by here, but they knew that there was an old man with gray hair who had been guarding a pear tree. He would water the pear tree and tell stories to it every day.
Later, a group of children discovered this yard. They often went to play in the yard and listened to the stories told by the old grandfather in the yard.
Later, the old man fell asleep with a smile on his face, and the group of children who listened to his stories called him "Old Monster". But the "Old Monster" slept peacefully, holding a pear blossom in his hand, and never woke up to tell them stories again...

Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024