Chapter 1: The Masked Boy at Midnight 3

After hiding in fear for most of the day, when I sneaked back to the dormitory, it was already night.
After I entered the room, my three roommates saw me and looked at their phones and tablets.
"Haha, it's you! Lin Weiya, the freshman who stole the show today?"
"I heard that you were admitted to Xinggong from a third-tier small town school. It's really not easy!"
"You are very brave! The members of Night Star Fan Club are numerous and difficult to deal with, especially the president Xia Lei. She is very scary when she gets serious!"
"Let me introduce myself first. I'm the dormitory head Hu Xiaoli, and they are Nana and Ai Maomao... If you want to gain our recognition and help, you have to accept a test of courage!"
"My name is Ai Maomao. We've been assigned to the same dormitory, so it's not impossible for me to help you. But it's very risky to go against the Night Star Fan Club, so you need to prove your ability!"
"Hehe, let's go explore the most mysterious legend of the Star Palace - the Earl's Rose Pastry Club at night..."
"It is said that if you find that pastry shop, you will have a magical encounter. If you meet a beautiful ghost boy, remember to take a photo and show it to me! Hello, I am Nana from the Ghost Association, I wish you good luck!"
After hiding outside for a whole day, I returned to the dormitory and was pushed out by my roommates to take some kind of courage test.
However, they were willing to accept me as long as I proved my ability and sincerity. They were not afraid to go against the powerful Night Star Supporters Association...
It seems that the roommate I met this time is a pretty good person!
Isn’t it just a courage-testing mission to explore the secrets of the West Pastry Club?
For the invincible big eater Lin Weiya, it’s a piece of cake!
The night sky, like a crow's feather, enveloped the sky above Xinggong Academy. The lights and the silver-like moonlight complemented each other, making the academy look like a large lantern filled with stars, beautiful and mysterious.
I changed into the regular uniform of Xinggong Academy, put on a warm gray cloak coat, and strolled leisurely around the campus.
Xinggong College is not a completely closed college. About a quarter of the students are boarding students from all over the country, such as me. There are also local day students, or out-of-town students who have applied for off-campus apartments.
Therefore, Xinggong Academy is much quieter at night than during the day.
There were twinkling light strips hanging on the low bushes beside the road, like a galaxy made up of stars. I followed the light strips and unknowingly arrived deep into the Xinggong Academy.
But where is the legendary Earl's Rose Pastry Club?
It is said that there is also a ghost handsome boy.
Haha, will he jump out with a plate of cake to scare me?
As I looked around, I couldn't help but fantasize.
Just as I was wandering around aimlessly for most of Xinggong Academy, I suddenly smelled an alluring fragrance coming from afar.
Chocolate, cocoa powder, coffee, cream...
The sweet and rich scent came into my nose along with the night breeze.
"What a nice smell! It's the scent of a delicious dessert!" I murmured to myself, and then used my sensitive sense of smell to follow the aroma.
After about 15 minutes, I came to a strange place.
It was a glass villa that looked like a crystal castle where a princess lived in a fairy tale. Glass doors and walls, glass roof, and bright lights projected from inside to outside. Beautiful flowers, vines, or evergreen broad-leaved trees naturally became the cover of the glass villa, and the most magical thing was that in the rose garden in the front yard of the glass house, every rose was shining, just like a firefly sleeping in the stamens of the rose.
"Tsk tsk, this place is simply a girl's dream!"
I walked in admiration as I walked around the white fence covered with vines, passed through the rose garden that was emitting a faint glow, and continued along the cobblestone path.
When I walked to the door, the tightly closed glass door automatically opened to both sides, accompanied by a crisp bell sound.
“Ding Dong——”
"Welcome to the Earl's Rose Pastry Club!"
When I stepped into the door in a daze and was stunned by the exquisite and beautiful furnishings inside, three voices rang out at the same time.
Three handsome young men in different styles of dresses bowed in unison. When I raised my head, I saw a dazzling flash of light.
The closest to me was a handsome boy in a white suit. He stood straight and wore a silver mask on his face. Tiny pearls surrounded the edge of the silver mask. On the right side of the mask was a decoration made of white crystals and feathers. He should have a cold aura, but from the way he raised his mouth, I felt that he was the gentlest of the three.
The guy in the middle was wearing a pink-purple suit. Few people can wear this color well, but it suited him very well. He wore a black rose hollow mask with carved eyes and a diamond-shaped diamond inlaid on the forehead of the mask, which sparkled under the gorgeous crystal lamp. When I looked at him, he raised his hand and blew me a kiss, and a charming aura came out.
Uh, why does this feeling seem familiar? It seems like I have met this kind of person who exudes a seductive aura from the inside out somewhere before.
I blinked in confusion and shifted my gaze to the boy at the innermost.
The man was very tall, and he was wearing a black suit, as if he was blending into the darkness. He wore a dark golden mask, with a hollow ornament like a phoenix wing on one side and a white teardrop-shaped gem on the other. His mask was obviously the most gorgeous, but he exuded a dark and cold aura. The facial contours not covered by the mask were like a work of art carved by a master, and his lips were tightly pursed into a straight line.
I feel like this person has the weirdest personality.
Without thinking too much, I turned my gaze to the boy wearing the silver mask and asked, "Is this the Earl's Rose Pastry Club? What kind of desserts do you provide?"
I took the opportunity to look around: the pastry room was furnished with red oak European-style tables and chairs, high-quality tableware shining with a silver luster, beautiful abstract paintings on the walls, and a huge floor-to-ceiling glass partitioned off the neat cooking room.
This pastry shop is no different from other high-end pastry shops, except that the interior is a little more ornately decorated and the people responsible for entertaining guests are dressed a little strangely!
Sure enough, those campus legends were all lies! What about losing your memory once you enter, what about the Countess's curse...
This must be a gimmick used by Xinggong Academy to attract more students!
As smart as I am, I have seen through everything, haha!
"Dear lady, any dessert you want is fine!" The first person to answer me was the boy whose charming aura could not be concealed even with the black rose mask. His voice was very magnetic.
"The Earl's Rose Pastry House will definitely present you with the most delicious pastries that suit your taste!" The boy wearing the Phantom mask nodded slightly in my direction.
"Really? That's great! Your pastry club is amazing! I was wondering if there would be any strange services here..." I smiled happily, and when I mentioned food, I threw aside all the mysteries and tasks. "I want to eat vanilla lemon tart, matcha tiramisu, almond apple pie, chiffon cake..."
I counted my favorite desserts on my fingers.
"are you a pig?"
Just as I was happily counting my favorite desserts, a disappointing male voice rang out.
I looked at the person who was talking unhappily, only to see the silent, iceberg-like dark gold masked boy tilt his head to look at me and say something rude: "You ordered so much, can you finish it? Not everyone can taste the pastries at Earl Rose! You can only order what you can finish here!"
"Hey, who are you? Why are you scolding me so rudely? Also, how do you know I can't finish what I ordered? Humph, could it be that you can't even make the dessert I ordered, so you want to just get away with it?"
"Provocation doesn't work on me. Just order a dessert, eat it and leave."
The tone of voice of the boy with the dark gold mask is really frustrating.
"No! I've decided that if I don't get the dessert I want in your pastry shop today and if I'm not satisfied with it, I will never leave!"
I'm not someone you can easily mess with!
"You greedy fellow—"
The gaze that guy cast from behind the mask was as cold as a knife.
"Ryu, don't be so fierce. What if you scare this lovely lady away?"
The boy wearing the black rose mask came over immediately and hugged the arm of the guy named Liu.
Huh? This scene looks familiar!
"Ryu, be friendly to customers! Sorry, my dear classmate, Ryu has a bad temper. I am the pastry chef of the Earl Rose Pastry Club - Yin, please let me take you to your seat. I haven't asked for your name yet..."
"My name is Lin Weiya, and I'm a new student at Xinggong. You don't have to apologize to me, there are others who should apologize!"
After I followed the polite Yin to sit down, I deliberately glanced at the guy who was standing with his arms folded, like a cold pillar.
"Humph!" The guy responded to me with a cold snort and impatient urging, "Yin, quick battle and quick decision."
The gentle and polite Yin had no choice but to curl the corners of her mouth helplessly and smiled apologetically at me.
Seeing him in trouble, I could only tell myself not to bother with that guy and to keep the peace .
"Why don't you let me serve Miss Wei Ya? Miss Wei Ya, our pastry shop has its own rules. Each customer can only nominate one pastry chef to serve at a time..."
The boy in the black rose mask came to my side as lightly as if walking on a cat's steps.
"The bad-tempered guy is Liu. He is good at many types of desserts, but he has a bad temper and is aloof, so few people mention him. The pretty boy in white is Yin. He is best at lightly sugared desserts. Although those desserts are healthy for women, they taste too light! Finally, I would like to recommend the one in front of you! As the most popular pastry chef in Earl Rose, I, the perfect Yue Senior—"
The boy with the black rose mask who called himself "Yue" deliberately dragged out the ending sound.
"Oh, so what are you good at?"
I looked at this boastful guy with suspicion.
"Of course it's the flower-themed dessert with a perfect appearance and a rich and fragrant taste. It's unprecedented, the best in the world, and the most beautiful in the Western pastry world! Anyone who has tasted the dessert I carefully made will never forget this delicious taste..."
When the boy with the black rose mask began to talk incessantly, I looked up at the gentle pastry chef "Yin".
Although floral desserts sound good, I can’t accept this narcissistic pastry chef!
"I've already decided who to name!"
"I haven't finished introducing my advantages yet, little beauty, have you fallen in love with me so quickly?"
Yue narcissistically touched her hair.
Sorry, you've been taken off my list.
I responded silently in my heart.
"Student Wei Ya, which pastry chef would you like to nominate to serve you?"
The smile on Yin's face was extremely gentle.
I think if this person made the dessert, it would make people feel comfortable and happy, just like him.
"I want him!" I stood up from my seat and pointed at the silent and cold guy in the corner, "Prepare me the desserts I want, all the ones I just ordered!"
"Hey, little beauty, don't be ridiculous, that guy is scary..."
The other two showed extremely shocked expressions, and the boy I pointed at looked over coldly. For the first time, his face showed an expression other than indifference and anger.
A terrifying smile that was extremely cold.
"Name me? As long as you can afford it."
"You'd better use your best skills! I have a very picky tongue!"
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024