Chapter 1: Sweet Roasted Marshmallow Caramel Honey Milk Tea 2

The aroma of the roasted sweet potatoes was so tempting that I couldn't help swallowing.
"Boss, I want a baked sweet potato."
The owner of the roasted sweet potato shop was a middle-aged man. He picked a pretty good sweet potato for me. I thought to myself, the owner is a nice guy. But I didn't expect that I would spit it out immediately after taking the first bite.
This baked sweet potato cannot be eaten!
Although it cannot be , I have had an extraordinary sense of smell and taste since I was a child. As soon as I ate it, I found that the sweet potato became so sweet because it was injected with inferior sweeteners, and the barrel used to bake the sweet potato was also modified. It was originally a chemical barrel for chemical raw materials!
How can people eat this kind of thing, what a black-hearted boss!
"Boss, your sweet potatoes have already gone bad, and they were baked in chemical barrels, which is totally unhygienic!"
I am so angry. How can anyone make such dirty money?
After hearing my complaint, the black-hearted boss acted nonchalant: "Student, these sweet potatoes are like this when you buy them. You ate them quite happily, didn't you? Also, what evidence do you have to prove that my barrel is a chemical barrel?"
Ah, I'm so angry that the bad guy is the first to complain!
"What I said is the truth. If you set up a stall here again, I will report you to the school."
This is near the college, and many students buy some snacks after school. The college has always been very strict about the food hygiene of these small vendors. If someone like him is found, he will definitely not be able to continue to set up a stall here.
"You dare?" The black-hearted boss became anxious when he heard that I wanted to report him, and he even raised his fist in anger and wanted to hit someone.
Oh my god, I'm going to get punched.
I closed my eyes tightly, but the fist did not fall. I opened my eyes in confusion, and a tall boy in a white shirt stood in front of me, his fine black hair shone in the soft light. He casually held the black-hearted boss's hand with one hand, calm and elegant but also domineering.
Was this the boy who saved me?
"Boss, how dare you bully such a thin girl?" The boy's voice was very pleasant, but his serious tone made people feel that he was not someone who could be easily messed with.
"Who are you? Let go! She ate my roasted sweet potatoes and didn't pay for it!"
The black-hearted boss actually framed me. It is simply unforgivable!
"You're selling rotten roasted sweet potatoes here, and you still dare to spit blood at me? Do you know that eating too much of this kind of roasted sweet potatoes can cause cancer?"
This kind of black-hearted boss really needs to be taken away and given a good education.
"This is just your guess. What evidence do you have?" The black-hearted boss looked at me with vicious eyes, making me shrink my neck involuntarily.
Perhaps sensing my fear, the boy suddenly turned his head. At this moment, my eyes were involuntarily drawn to him.
This is an indescribably handsome boy.
Beautiful facial features like sculptures, a high nose bridge, slightly upturned thin lips... especially those amber eyes, as deep as gems, he was staring at them fixedly, and couldn't take his eyes off them.
My mind, which was originally about to argue, went blank, and my mind was filled with those eyes as clear as amber.
It’s all this boy’s fault. He’s so handsome but he comes out to cause trouble for others!
Suddenly, my forehead was tapped lightly, and the handsome face that came closer to me enlarged in front of my eyes. The pair of eyes that were as bright as stars looked at me with a smile, and my heart was beating rapidly.
"What...what do you want to do?"
My cheeks flushed and I stuttered. Was he trying to scare me to death by coming so close to me all of a sudden?
"How do you know the roasted sweet potatoes he sells are bad?" The boy showed a curious expression. The soft light reflected on his handsome face, with a hazy beauty.
I just stared at him blankly.
Ah! What a fool I am, how could I be fascinated by him again?
I immediately turned my face away from him, pointed at the black-hearted boss with my hands on my hips and said angrily: "Although these roasted sweet potatoes look delicious on the surface, they are actually processed. If you smell them carefully, you can smell a musty smell. And this roasting barrel, although it has been modified, look here." I pointed to the inconspicuous corner under the roasting barrel, "There is also the words 'Danger, Do Not Approach' here."
"So that's how it is." The boy picked up a roasted sweet potato and sniffed it thoughtfully.
Looking at his expression, I was so nervous that my heart almost jumped out.
"It does have a strange smell." He nodded.
Right! I felt relieved for a moment. If the boy denied it, wouldn't I be a liar?
"Boss, you have nothing to say now!"
"You are an accomplice, and you have colluded to extort money from me, right?"
Oh my God, this black-hearted boss is so shameless, how can he be so shameless!
I'm really getting pissed off.
"I don't want your dirty money!"
Seeing the unrepentant expression on the face of the black-hearted boss, I frowned anxiously. These sweet potatoes are harmful to health! In a hurry, I made a very bold decision.
I rushed forward bravely and tried to kick over the baking barrel.
"Hey, I didn't expect you are so thin but have such a hot temper." At this moment, my collar was suddenly pulled, and my body involuntarily stepped back and fell into a warm embrace.
The faint scent of soap lingered, and I couldn't help but look up, only to meet those star-like eyes.
My eyes widened in shock. This was the first time I was so close to a boy!
The boy smiled so sweetly: "Your face is so red."
This... this is caused by anger, okay?
"You...why did you suddenly pull me?"
"You think you're a super strongman. Won't your feet hurt if you kick over this baking barrel?"
The boy's expression was very helpless, and for a moment, I had the illusion that he was being pampered.
"But he is so unrepentant that he must be taught a lesson - Hey, don't run away!"
Not only did he refuse to admit his mistake, he even tried to run away! Seeing the black-hearted boss trying to push the cart away, I stopped him. Humph, do you want to push it somewhere else and sell it to unsuspecting passers-by?
"Stop right there!"
The black-hearted boss looked at me impatiently and said, "I've already told you that my sweet potatoes are fine, are you guys annoying me?"
It seems that reasoning with this kind of person is useless, so I had to take photos and post them on the college website so that my classmates would be alert and not buy his roasted sweet potatoes!
"what you up to?"
Seeing how angry and frustrated he was, he must be feeling guilty, so I quickly took a few more photos.
When the black-hearted boss saw that he couldn’t stop me, he rushed towards me angrily and tried to snatch my phone.
Not only does he sell low-quality food, he even resorts to violence. This is simply unforgivable!
Just as I was holding on to my phone tightly, a white and slender hand tightly hugged my waist and held me in his arms. Then he kicked the black-hearted boss who wanted to snatch the phone to the ground with a handsome kick!
The boy lowered his head and looked down at the black-hearted boss condescendingly. His handsome face was covered with a layer of shadow. His eyes were slightly narrowed, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes, as if he was angry.
"What do you want to do?"
The black-hearted boss seemed to be frightened by his momentum. He fell to the ground with his face turning a little blue.
"I'm warning you, if you dare to sell inferior food again, you will regret it!"
The boy's stern tone could not be ignored. I looked up at him in surprise. Although his hair blocked his eyes, I felt terrified just by his glare. The black-hearted boss was so scared that he pushed his cart and ran away quickly.
"Hey! Don't run! You haven't agreed yet!"
I shouted and tried to chase after him, but a pair of hands held my waist tightly. Then I remembered that I had been leaning in the boy's arms.
Although this boy is very handsome, I don’t even know his name.
Thinking of this, I felt hot all over and tried to push him away in panic, but the boy hugged me even tighter.
"What do you want to do?"
The boy suddenly came closer and his perfect face enlarged in front of me.
My whole face was burning hot, I bit my lips nervously, and stared at him blankly with wide eyes.
"If I hadn't been there just now, you would have been beaten by that black-hearted boss."
"I'm not afraid." I whispered back.
"I don't know who was so scared that he couldn't move just now?"
No... No! I just didn't react.
Seeing me blushing and turning my head away from him, the boy even moved closer. I was so nervous that I stepped back and took the opportunity to break free from his embrace.
A mischievous look flashed in his eyes, and he smiled maliciously: "Tell me, I saved you, how are you going to repay me?"
I really can't think of how to repay him. Should I give myself to him?
This is absolutely not possible, this is not acting!
"Your face is so red, are you trying to marry me?"
" is this possible!"
Oh my god, the boy actually guessed what I was thinking. I felt so guilty that I stuttered.
"Actually, this is a great way to repay you. Would you really like to consider it?"
The boy looked at me with a smile, his gem-like amber eyes shining.
The moment I met his eyes, I actually felt an urge to agree, as if as long as he looked at me gently, I would agree to anything he asked.
"I do not want it!"
In order to prevent myself from doing something stupid, I had to keep my head down and not look at him.
"What a shame. Since you don't want to marry me, why don't you join my investigation team and decipher mysterious incidents? Actually, I didn't smell any strange smell from the sweet potatoes just now, but I believe you."
There was a sincere expression on his face.
I was a little surprised by what the boy said. I didn't expect that he would choose to believe me from the beginning. I felt warm inside and couldn't help but smile.
However, I have no interest in mysteries.
The boy suddenly came closer and looked at me intently, making me feel like there was nowhere to hide.
"She's quite cute when she smiles, and she has dimples."
Being praised?
I'm a little embarrassed.
However, even if you praise me, I won’t join.
"Classmate, I'm sorry. Although I'm very grateful that you saved me just now, I still won't join."
Is it weird to call him classmate? I don't know his name, and calling him "Hey" is even more rude. Isn't he a student of Hibiscus College? He is wearing the college uniform!
"you do not know me?"
The boy’s question was very strange. He was not an important person, so it was normal that I didn’t know him.
“You’re really funny.”
The boy's eyes were slightly curved, and the corners of his thin lips were slightly raised. When I was stunned, he stretched out his hand to me and introduced himself solemnly: "My name is Dong Yehan."
Dong Yehan? Could he be the top student in Jinkui College?
For a moment, my brain short-circuited.
"What about you? Won't you introduce yourself?"
Under the dim street light, the boy's delicate and profound facial features are like a masterpiece of God, elegant yet casual, making people want to get close to him. His amber eyes are clear and bright, deep like stars. The cool breeze blows, and his black and smooth hair flutters slightly. His smile is simply intoxicating.
When I thought about how obsessed the customers in the store were with him, I couldn't help but want to stay away from him.
I don't want to be his fan!
"What's that expression on your face?"
Dong Yehan didn't seem to understand why I took a step back. He took another step forward, almost trapping me in a corner.
Please, I finally managed to escape from his arms, but now I’m cornered again? Do you have to be so overbearing?
Dong Yehan lowered his head and looked at me tenderly: "Tell me your name."
"Ju...Ju Xiaoxian."
"Would you like to join the investigation team?"
Stop! Ju Xiaoxian, you can't be tempted anymore!
I refused firmly: "No!"
After hearing my answer, Dong Yehan asked helplessly: "Why?"
"I'm not interested in mysteries."
This is just one of the reasons. Another reason is that I feel it would be very troublesome to be involved with Dong Yehan. Just being envied by girls is enough of a headache.
"It's okay if you're not interested. What about me ? Are you interested? As long as you join, I can give you anything you want."
I didn’t expect Dong Yehan to use his beauty trap, but I won’t fall for it.
"No matter how you tempt me, I won't join. Go find someone else."
As long as he recruits openly, there will definitely be a lot of people joining.
Dong Yehan leaned closer, his warm breath sprayed on my neck, his expression gentle and focused: "Xiaoxian, I just want you to participate."
This sudden affectionate gaze made me a little dazed. Was he acting in an idol drama?
The vague ambiguity in the air seemed to be spreading slowly.
Stop! No matter how he tempts me, I won't join!
However, he is so obsessed with me, is there some misunderstanding?
"Dong Yehan, why must it be me?"
"I think you must have special abilities since you can find something wrong with the baked sweet potatoes. You will definitely be able to make the most of your abilities if you join the investigation team."
Dong Yehan gave me the reason, but it scared me a little. I didn't expect him to be so meticulous and he noticed such a small detail. I had to leave quickly before he guessed that I had a sense of smell and taste that was different from ordinary people, otherwise I might not be able to get rid of him.
"You think too much. I'm really not interested in mysterious events. It's getting late now. I'm going back now."
I pushed him away with all my strength and ran away, afraid that he would suddenly grab me again.
But this time he didn't stop me, and I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after I successfully ran away. I must take a detour when I see him next time, I thought to myself.
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024