Chapter 1 I was given a holiday

I pushed open the door of the business department office, and the warm air immediately made my almost frozen body feel extremely comfortable. I took off my coat and shook off the few remaining snowflakes on it, saying with a smile: "It's snowing so heavily outside. I haven't seen such heavy snow in several years. The snow on the ground is so thick..."
I suddenly found that the office was very quiet, and it seemed that I was the only one talking. I looked up and saw that my colleagues either didn't look at me, or those who looked at me had eyes full of sympathy, just like looking at a pig about to be taken to the slaughterhouse. My heart sank, and an ominous premonition came over me.
My colleague Zhao Yanjin came over with a piece of paper in his hand, patted my shoulder, and sighed: "Old Tang, last month's performance report is out, and you are... Alas! The mother tiger is waiting for you in the office. She wants you to see her as soon as you come back. Take care of yourself, brother!"
I took the report he handed over, and sure enough, I saw my name at the bottom. I remembered that at this time last month, the mother tiger yelled at me, "Tang Qian! You have been ranked last for five consecutive months, setting a record for the highest sales ranking since the establishment of the company. It's really glorious! I tell you, if you are still last next month, you should pack up and go home. This is your last chance..."
In fact, I know that I am not born to be a salesperson. I am introverted, dull, not good at speaking, not good at socializing, and I am very serious. I can't stand some crooked things and can't do them. So sales is the job I am least good at and least willing to do. But by chance, I can only do things that deal with customers. I am depressed, how can I do well in a job I don't like? Although I have tried very hard.
After adjusting my appearance and taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door of the office of Gu Ruoyan, the business manager.

"Come in!" someone said from inside.
When I opened the office door, I saw the mother sitting behind her desk, typing quickly on the computer. She looked up and saw me, pointed at the chair in front of the desk with her chin, and said, "Sit down first, wait for me, it will be ready soon." Then she continued to type something quickly on the computer.
I had no choice but to pull out one of the chairs in front of her desk, sit down, and watch her busy at the computer...
Gu Ruoyan's nickname is "Mother Tiger", but she herself doesn't know it. In fact, it's because of her surname. Isn't there a sister-in-law named "Mother Tiger" in "Water Margin" ? In addition, Gu Ruoyan is usually serious and treats her subordinates very harshly. When the employees in the business department see her, they are like mice seeing a cat, and they are scared to death. This tiger is also a tiger, and tigers are cats. Therefore, employees privately call their bosses not "Manager" or "name", but "Mother Tiger".
To be honest, Gu Ruoyan has nothing to do with cats. She is about 31 or 32 years old, wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, has a pretty face, and is thin where it should be thin, and plump where it should be plump. She can be said to be a mature beauty. But she always treats people with a cold face at work, which makes people stay away from her. But I don't know what kind of person she is in her daily life? Does she also treat her family with a cold face?
I was thinking about this, and Gu Ruoyan on the other side had already lost. She took her hands off the keyboard and turned to look at me. Under her cold gaze, I suddenly felt an invisible pressure, which made me sit up straight and swallow a mouthful of saliva.
Gu Ruoyan didn't speak immediately. She just looked at me, and her right index finger unconsciously tapped the table, making a "thump thump" sound.
In fact, I already knew what she was going to say. I sensed that misfortune was coming, so I prepared myself mentally and was just waiting for her to speak.
After a long while, she finally said, "Have you seen the performance report for November?"
"Yes, I am the last one again."
"what do you think?"
"There's none?"
I sighed and said, "I can't help it. I tried hard, but it still doesn't work."
"Yes!" Gu Ruoyan's right index finger was still tapping on the table. She looked at the heavy snow outside the window and said, "You really work very hard. It's so cold outside and it's snowing so heavily. Other colleagues are hiding in the heated office and refusing to go out. Only you are out there in the snow to do business. I admire your dedication."
I was a little surprised that the female tiger knew all this.
Gu Ruoyan continued, "Don't think that I only look at results and not performance. In fact, I see everything you do. In our business department, you are the most serious and hardworking employee."
I was a little surprised when the female tiger suddenly praised me. But deep down, I still felt something was wrong. I didn't dare to show that I was flattered, and just lowered my head and said nothing.
Sure enough, the mother tiger changed the subject and continued, "For someone who works so hard like you to be ranked last in performance for consecutive years, don't you think this indicates something?"
"I...I..." Actually I know the reason, but I can't say it.
Gu Ruoyan stopped tapping on the table. Seeing that I was hesitant and unable to speak, she said directly, "It means that you are not suitable for the sales job. Your personality and temper determine that no matter how diligent and hard-working you are, you will not be able to deal with customers, do not understand or are not good at figuring out customers' needs, and cannot do things that you think are embarrassing, so your performance will never be better than others. Do you think I am right?"
I sighed and nodded helplessly.
Gu Ruoyan continued, "When Manager Cao left, he specifically asked me to take good care of you. I also gave you countless chances. According to company regulations, those who rank last in performance for three consecutive months will be eliminated. And this is your sixth month, and I really can't drag it out. After all, the company has its own rules. Do you understand?"

What is coming will come, and I no longer have any illusions. I stood up and said in a hoarse voice: "I understand. I will hand you the resignation letter in a while."
"What are you doing? Sit down! Who asked you to resign?" Gu Ruoyan pointed at my chair and shouted in a low voice. I was startled and sat down again.
Gu Ruoyan ignored me and moved the mouse around, clicking on the computer. After a while, she said, "Tang Qian, I heard that you were in the R&D department when you first joined the company, which is where you are in charge! Didn't you graduate from the Chemistry Department of Z University? The R&D department is where you can show your talents, so why were you transferred to the Sales Department?"
Yes! I was filled with emotion. Four years ago, after I graduated from university, I was recruited to work as a product development researcher at the beverage company under Watson Group. At the beginning, I was also full of enthusiasm and worked actively. Not only did I put forward many suggestions for the company's existing beverage products, but I also focused on the research and development of a new tea beverage. Just when I was doing well, I offended Guo Yuhua, the head manager of the R&D department. That guy not only disdained my opinions, but also made many difficulties in the research and development of my new products, which made my research and development progress very slow. Finally, I couldn't stand it anymore and had a big quarrel with him. Guo Yuhua used this as an excuse to fire me. Fortunately, Cao Ziping, the manager of the business department at that time, sympathized with me very much and transferred me to the business department as a salesman, and I have been working there until today. Originally, when Cao Ziping was there, he took good care of me. He never criticized me for my performance, so I just lived like this day by day. The good times didn't last long. A year ago, Manager Cao was transferred to the Shenzhen branch as general manager. The new manager was the big-time female Gu Ruoyan. She was a ruthless manager who only cared about performance, so my life became difficult.
Looking at Gu Ruoyan, I had a lot to say, but when it came to my lips, I simply said: "Nothing, I offended the leader."
"Really?" Gu Ruoyan glanced at me and continued, "In that case, I actually don't have the power to decide whether you stay or go. The general manager has the final say. Don't worry. The general manager will be back from Hainan next week. We'll talk about it then. Maybe there will be other arrangements. But you should stop working on the business for now and finish what you need to do. Take a few days off and wait until the general manager comes back to make a decision."
In fact, it doesn't make any difference. I don't have any friendship with the general manager. When he comes back, he will still fire me. After coming out of Mu Dachong's office, Zhao Yanjin immediately came over and asked me, "Old Tang, how is it?" I first took out a cigarette from my pocket, took out a cigarette, lit it and took a deep breath. Then I smiled bitterly and said, "Old Zhao, you can run the Baozheng Company for me. I'm on vacation, maybe forever."
Zhao Yanjin actually expected this result. He patted my shoulder silently and sighed. Meanwhile, my colleagues Li Xiaoling, Zhang Shijun and others who usually had a good relationship with me came to comfort me. I was in no mood, so I packed up, put on my coat and left the company.
It was snowing heavily outside, and the snow was very deep. I was very depressed, so I walked to a bar, sat at the bar and drank alone. Actually, I don't like to drink much, at most I drink a little with clients, but once I have something on my mind, I will find a place to get drunk alone.
A pack of cigarettes and a bottle of wine. When I finished them all, it was already dark outside.
I staggered out of the bar, hailed a taxi and returned home. My parents saw me coming back drunk and complained a little, but sometimes I would come back like this after having dinner and drinking with clients, so they didn't think it was strange. I fell on the sofa in the living room. My little sister ignored me and was watching TV intently. I watched it from time to time. It seemed that there was a film award ceremony on TV, and it was time to announce the best actress.
I felt dizzy, the alcohol was coming up, and I felt extremely sad, so I closed my eyes. But I heard my little sister cheering and shouting, "Great, it's Xu Shu, I expected it a long time ago, who else would be eligible to win the award besides her!"
I opened one eye and saw that the host had just finished his announcement. The audience burst into applause and a very beautiful girl stood up with a smile and walked onto the stage while waving her hand. I vaguely remembered her name: Xu Shu. Wasn't she a singer? How come she was acting in a movie now? She even won the Best Actress Award.
I didn't look at it anymore. I was so drunk that I fell asleep on the sofa...

Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024