Chapter 1 His first kiss was given to a perverted woman

The December wind, mixed with snow, whistled softly as it passed through the city.
The street lights flickered on and off, and after a moment's dying struggle, they finally went out completely.
At night in the city, some places are lively and some are deserted. In a deserted street corner, a girl wearing a cartoon plush hat and a thick wool coat is posting notices on the wall.
Because she couldn't find paste or glue, she could only use the remaining piece of transparent tape to barely stick a notice about shared rental on the wall downstairs of her house.
It was a duplex villa with gray brick walls. The villa seemed to have been built a long time ago and looked a bit old.
The location of the villa is more than half an hour's drive from the city center, so there are no commercial streets or bustling downtown areas around it.
The subway station sign stood alone not far away, and companies with flashing neon lights were densely distributed around it.
The girl who posted the notice is Yan Mo. She just celebrated her 24th birthday with her best friend Yaoyao a few days ago and is about to join the ranks of older single women. Because her family is really struggling to make ends meet, she can only think of sharing a house.
"I hope it's a handsome boy!" Yan Mo posted the notice carelessly and turned away without checking it.
A gust of wind blew, and the notice that was barely fixed with transparent tape was easily blown away by the wind, just in time to cover the face of Gu Tianhai who was walking towards him from the subway station.
Gu Tianhai dragged his suitcase and, with the help of the light from the subway station entrance, carefully read the scribbled notice on shared rental.
The careless landlord didn't even leave a phone number, only the address, house number and price.
In a big city like this with soaring prices, 500 yuan a month in rent is like pie in the sky.
The rental house was a villa, the environment should not be too bad, and it was not far from the internship company, so Gu Tianhai thought it was worth considering. So, he pulled the hood of his sweatshirt, dragged his suitcase, and walked towards the address on the notice...
Yan Mo ran back to her room happily and quickly got into bed, wrapping herself in the quilt from head to toe like the people from Northeast China sitting on the kang.
This year's winter came too early. The world outside the window gives people a feeling of howling north wind and fluttering snowflakes, cold and quiet.
It’s easy to have wild thoughts in the cold night, so it’s better to drink some beer to help you sleep.
Thinking of this, Yan Mo swiftly got out of the quilt and moved around the house with the heating on.
The pots, pans, and utensils were scattered on the ground in a mess, some unpacked expired food was piled among the changed clothes and socks, and many empty express cartons were thrown on the ground.
Yan Mo walked around his home as if he was crossing mountains and ridges.
After finally reaching the kitchen, she almost tripped over a pillow on the floor. She opened the refrigerator and took a look, then took out the last four beers and soaked them in warm water, waiting for them to warm up.
"I hope someone can come and share the rent soon, otherwise I won't be able to pay the water and electricity bills next month..." Yan Mo murmured, and returned to her messy room with the warmed beer. She pulled out the chair in front of the computer desk, put the beer on the table, and drank it alone.
As she got a little tipsy, she turned her eyes to the drawings piled up on her computer. Her laptop remained turned on, and the page showed her mailbox, which was full of emails titled "Rejection Notices".
As a comic book author, having your manuscripts rejected every other day is a major failure in life.
Yan Mo sighed deeply. If she really had no money to live, she would not have thought of sharing a house.
Three days ago——
As an undergraduate student who graduated from an art academy two years ago, he locked himself in this 200-square-meter villa because he didn't want to go out and face the society.
She wanted to become a best-selling cartoonist. This was her dream, so Yan Mo immersed herself in painting every day and submitted her works to different comic publishing houses.
In the past two years, she has remained a low-profile author, with only a handful of works.
Because her style did not meet market demand, more and more comic publishers rejected her manuscripts, and even her editor got angry with her.
"Can't you draw something that meets market demand? Don't always draw weird things for me. Look at you. It's been two years and you've only published one book... There are so many loopholes in the plot. Do you think I'm mentally retarded? Do you think the readers are mentally retarded..."
The editor-in-chief's scolding voice lingered in Yan Mo's ears. She sat in front of the computer desk, looking at the rejected drawings and the unfinished work, feeling completely hopeless.
This is the 30th time her manuscript has been rejected this year. Besides rejections, her manuscripts have been delayed, so every time she opens the chat window , she hears the editor's nagging.
That’s right. It’s also a headache for editors to encounter an author who always fails to submit his works.
But she was not like this two years ago.
Two years ago, she was immersed in the sweetness of love, and had beautiful visions and yearnings for life and dreams. Until her boyfriend of three years decided to study abroad.
"Yan Mo, wait for me. When I come back, we will get married and I will make you the happiest bride in the world." Those were the last words Li Hao said to her before he left. She engraved these words in her heart and waited for this promise.
But promises are like vows of eternal love when they are made, but when it comes to putting them into action, it is extremely difficult.
Sometimes love is like bubbles on the sea. It can reflect colorful light under the sun, or it can be blown away by the wind and disappear into the vast ocean.
Li Hao may be the bubble in Yan Mo's life, once colorful, but disappeared in the wind in the blink of an eye.
The promises and agreements that were once made were replaced by a perpetual busy tone and the cold words "The number you dialed is unavailable."
Yan Mo sometimes felt that she was just wasting her life. Her boyfriend of three years seemed to have disappeared from the face of the earth and there has been no news of him since.
In order to ease the pain, she drew unpublishable comics day and night, and everyone advised her to change her career.
Maybe it was just as the rumors said, Li Hao fell in love with another girl and abandoned her. And she, too, was abandoned by God, unable to do anything, like a maggot in society, rotting here.
"I've been heartbroken for a long time, but I haven't put the focus of my life on struggle." Yan Mo looked at the chat window on the computer. The editor's rejection comment made her feel hopeless. Why did she live to the age of 24 when everything she did was a mess?
The more Yan Mo thought about it, the more she felt like a failure, so she called Yaoyao, who had just got off work, and asked her to go to a food stall to drink beer and relieve her worries.
"I think I must be the most failed person in the world. I've been heartbroken, unemployed, unsuccessful in everything I do, and my life is a mess. What's the meaning of my living in this world..." Yan Mo complained to Yaoyao while drinking beer, crying with his mouth wide open, but no tears came out.
"You're just talking nonsense. I don't know whether I should give you a tissue." Yaoyao looked at Yan Mo, who was crying but no tears fell. She held her forehead and sighed, "It's common for you to have your manuscripts rejected. I asked you to change your career but you refused. I think you don't have any money in your wallet now."
Speaking of money, Yan Mo took out the wallet from his pocket and said, "The last fifty yuan. Remember to pay the bill later." After saying that, Yan Mo continued to raise his glass and drink, crying about his miserable life.
Yaoyao lowered her eyes to look at Yan Mo's wallet and the dishes on the table. Yan Mo had invited her to dinner half an hour ago, so she came here with great enthusiasm. Yaoyao once again held her forehead and sighed, suddenly feeling that she was the one who had lost hope in life.
"Your house is so big, why not find a few people to share the rent? This way you can collect some rent and solve your urgent problem." Yaoyao's suggestion reminded Yan Mo.
Why didn't she think of becoming a landlord and collecting rent to make a living? This is a great idea, so she can continue to draw comics without worries!
"Yaoyao, I love you. I'm leaving first!"
In this way, Yan Mo spent three days writing a notice for sharing a house and posted it downstairs. Under the fluorescent light, she prayed that the people she shared the house with would be handsome boys or girls.
The doorbell suddenly rang. Yan Mo, who was holding an anime pillow, crawled out of the quilt, hurriedly put on plush slippers, went downstairs and opened the door.
"Excuse me, is this a rental house? The rent for a single room is 500 per month?" Standing at the door was a handsome young man, dragging a black suitcase, wearing a navy blue sweater, with a little white snow on his light brown hair. He held the scribbled notice and lowered his head slightly to look at Yan Mo, who was dressed strangely.
Yan Mo was looking at him with an indescribable expression, like a beast that had been hungry for a long time. Before he could come to his senses, Yan Mo had already dragged him into the house.
The sunlight shone through the windblown curtains and fell to the ground.
The blinding feeling forced Yan Mo to open her eyes. She didn't know when she fell asleep, but she felt a little heavy. In order to avoid the sunlight coming in from the window, Yan Mo turned over in the opposite direction. A magnified face fell into her pupils.
The boy in front of him breathed evenly. His soft brown hair gently rested on his face and fell naturally on the pillow. At this moment, the boy's hand was on Yan Mo's waist, and he was sleeping soundly without any defense.
"A beautiful boy? It's so nice to sleep in the same bed with a beautiful boy in my dream." Yan Mo smiled happily, thinking she was still in a dream. Until Gu Tianhai's restless hand moved up and touched her chest. The real touch made her suddenly realize that this was not a dream!
"Ah - pervert!" A scream shook the whole villa, and along with the scream, there was a loud "bang". Yan Mo, who kicked Gu Tianhai off the bed, pulled the quilt over, with an expression of a decent woman being humiliated.
"It hurts so much." Gu Tianhai, who was kicked awake, was a little dazed. He rubbed the back of his head, looked at Yan Mo who was holding a baseball bat, and took a breath.
He hurriedly explained that Yan Mo had dragged him in last night and forced him to get drunk, and said that he was unconscious after he passed out and definitely did not do anything strange to her.
"Don't get me wrong, I came here to rent a house because I saw the notice, and then you got me drunk, and I don't remember anything that happened after that." Gu Tianhai looked aggrieved, and after seeing the signed rental contract on the table, Yan Mo gradually remembered what happened last night -
"Welcome to share the apartment. To show my welcome to you, come, let's have a drink first!" After Gu Tianhai, who was dragging his suitcase, was dragged into the house by the drunken landlord, he smelled a strange sour odor.
He looked around and saw the house was in a mess. All his previous expectations for the villa were turned to ashes. There were crumpled draft papers all over the floor, various colors of paint stained on the sofa and curtains, smelly socks were thrown in the living room, and opened packaged food was in almost every corner. Such a scene made Gu Tianhai deeply doubt whether he had come to the wrong place.
"Sorry, I'm in the wrong place." Gu Tianhai turned around and walked towards the door, dragging his suitcase, while Yan Mo had already poured two glasses of Erguotou and rushed behind the door.
How could she let go of the duck that was already in her mouth? After finally waiting for a beautiful young tenant, she had to sign the contract first!
Under Yan Mo's various threats and inducements, Gu Tianhai drank the cup of Erguotou. However, he was unable to handle the alcohol and his soul left his body. He fell backwards and landed on the floor full of debris, and passed out drunk.
Yan Mo quickly took out the rental contract and signed it for him. Later, Yan Mo was afraid that the new tenant would catch a cold lying on the floor, so she used her "primordial strength" to carry him to her "boudoir". After covering the tenant with a blanket, Yan Mo fell asleep due to exhaustion...
After clearing up the misunderstanding, Gu Tianhai planned to leave. Even if it was very cheap, he didn't want to rent such a messy place. And there was also a very strange female landlord.
"You signed the contract yesterday. If you leave now, it will be a breach of contract, but you still have to pay me three months' rent." Yan Mo intercepted Gu Tianhai in front of him with the posture of a roc spreading its wings. She showed him the signed contract and spread out her hands to ask for money.
Gu Tianhai's eyes twitched slightly, and he sighed inwardly that he was unlucky. Since he had to pay three months' rent, he might as well stay for three months before leaving. Three months should pass quickly.
"Oh, never mind. Where is my room?"
"Your room is opposite my room. The bathroom is on the left and the toilet is on the right." Yan Mo smiled victoriously and watched the beautiful boy dragging his suitcase out of his room helplessly.
God really favors her and has arranged a beautiful boy for her. I believe that she will be full of inspiration in the future and become a best-selling comic author!
While Yan Mo was still snickering, another loud noise came from the house. Gu Tianhai, dragging his suitcase, slipped into a pile of debris. He slowly climbed up from the messy pile, lowered his head with gloomy eyes, and looked at the colorful mice running past his feet, as well as the cockroaches and ant army that were training.
"Excuse me, what are these..." Gu Tianhai had a petrified expression on his face. He pointed at the group of small animals living in harmony on the ground. At this moment, he was sure and certain that this was the most messy and dirty girls' residence he had ever seen in his lifetime!
"Oh, that's Xiaobai, my little hamster. I let it roam free because I'm too lazy to feed it. And that group are Xiaobai's playmates. Just pretend you didn't see them. I believe you can live in harmony with each other." Yan Mo had a proud expression on her face, then she held her face and said shyly, "Look how cute Xiaobai is, so white and chubby..."
Gu Tianhai looked at the hamster whose color could no longer be seen. His whole body was stiff and he roared in despair: Who wants to live in harmony with them!
When Gu Tianhai opened the door of his room, a foul smell hit him in the face. His legendary room was neatly filled with bags of household garbage of all kinds. Some stinky fast food leftovers were covered with flies, which was a very disgusting scene. At that moment, Gu Tianhai felt like he had entered a crematorium.
"I think I must be having a nightmare, it will be fine once I wake up." Gu Tianhai, who couldn't accept the reality, stood at the door and muttered for a while with his eyes closed. When Yan Mo patted his back and asked him what he was doing, he was sure that he was not having a nightmare, but really had a female landlord who couldn't take care of herself!
"Where are your broom and shovel? Bring them to me!" Gu Tianhai couldn't stand living in a garbage dump. He must clean this duplex villa inside and out today! Never compromise for a low rent!
"I don't have this kind of thing at home." Yan Mo thought seriously, and then found a mini chicken feather broom from some pile of miscellaneous items.
"Who wants such a useless thing!" Gu Tianhai directly threw away the chicken feather broom that was not as long as his arm. Gu Tianhai, who usually had a mild temper, was a little irritable when facing this mountain of garbage.
How can there be such a sloppy girl in this world!
Gu Tianhai, who had no choice but to exert his strong willpower as a mysophobia patient, sorted the garbage in the house into bags by hand, and prepared for an unprecedented cleaning. Yan Mo, who was lazy by nature, tiptoed past him, trying to take the opportunity to stay away from this disaster.
However, Gu Tianhai, with his sharp eyes, glanced over and called her to stop.
"Miss Landlady, where are you going?"
"I'll go see if there are any brooms for sale downstairs and buy a few for you." Yan Mo smiled awkwardly. She saw Gu Tianhai pick up the underwear on the ground and examine it, then hurriedly stepped forward to hide the underwear behind himself, with an awkward smile on his face.
“No need! Come here and help me clean up!” Gu Tianhai clenched his fists as he looked at the cemetery-like hall. Yan Mo seemed to be able to see the “red crossroads” appearing on his forehead.
Yan Mo, who hadn't cleaned for two years, began to pick up the underwear and smelly socks on the floor and threw them into the basket together with the clothes piled on the sofa, preparing to do the cleaning.
When Gu Tianhai carried the dozens of bags of garbage to the garbage recycling station outside the house, his originally fair face was darkened by the garbage in the room. When he was about to go back to work, he saw a nearby store, so he went in and bought some cleaning tools.
"What am I doing? I just wanted to rent a house close to my internship company, but I ended up going through all this trouble..." Gu Tianhai couldn't help but sigh, thinking to himself, while sweeping the floor, he supervised Yan Mo in tidying up the debris.
Yan Mo behind him was sorting out the cleanliness of the clothes and socks on the ground, throwing the smelly ones into one pile and the clean ones into another. When Gu Tianhai saw this action——
"No sorting allowed, put them all in the washing machine!"
After being yelled at by Gu Tianhai, Yan Mo quickly picked up the pile of clothes on the ground and ran towards the washing machine.
After a while, an off-tune Japanese song came from the balcony. The singer was Yan Mo, who was guarding the washing machine. She was lying on the balcony fence, looking at the scenery in the distance. It seemed that she had no other work to do except packing clothes for washing.
"Ms. Yan Mo, I haven't seen Xiao Bai since you started washing clothes. Excuse me, did you throw it into the washing machine as well?"
After cleaning up the cockroaches and ants, Gu Tianhai searched the house but didn't see Xiaobai. The strange sound coming from the washing machine caught his attention. He looked through the transparent glass of the drum washing machine and saw a clean little white mouse stirring with the clothes.
"Ah! My little white!"
By the time Yan Mo realized what was happening, the drum washing machine could no longer stop running. She tried every possible way, whether knocking or smashing, but she couldn't open the drum washing machine's lid.
Half an hour later——
Two young people with white cloths tied around their heads were standing under the banyan tree in the yard downstairs. The young woman was crying sadly, while the young man had a stiff face, looking at the young woman crying and wailing, very exaggeratedly, as if she was a girl who walked out of the world of comics.
Yan Mo buried the dead Xiaobai under the banyan tree and lit a white candle next to it to express her condolences. Gu Tianhai, who was jointly responsible, also made a gesture of mourning, but in his heart he was glad that the little white mouse would be freed from suffering as soon as possible.
"Xiaobai, you must be reborn as a happy little white mouse in your next life, 嘤嘤嘤..." Yan Mo hand-painted a portrait of Xiaobai and pasted it on the banyan tree, continuing to feel sad for the life that had passed away. And this sadness turned into naked embarrassment after a gurgling sound came out.
Gu Tianhai looked in the direction of the sound . Yan Mo puffed up her cheeks and touched her empty stomach, looking starving because she hadn't had breakfast. Gu Tianhai sighed helplessly and turned back to the house. Yan Mo continued to squat there and watch over her Xiao Bai.
Ten minutes later, the aroma of egg fried rice wafted out, drifting in the yard and into Yan Mo's nose.
"smell good!"
Yan Mo sniffed the aroma of the fried rice, as if she wanted to absorb all the smell into her body. She followed the scent to her living room, which was shiny and bright after a thorough cleaning. Compared with last night, it was a world of difference.
"There are only eggs in the refrigerator, so I can only make a simple egg fried rice. Also, there is no rice in the rice jar in the kitchen..."
Gu Tianhai was standing at the sink in the kitchen washing his hands. When he untied his apron and turned around, Yan Mo had already wolfed down a large bowl of egg fried rice.
Gu Tianhai was a little shocked when he saw the rice grains all over her face. He felt that she looked like an exiled refugee.
"I want more!" Yan Mo chewed the fried rice in her mouth and moved the plate towards Gu Tianhai like a cute pet.
"Were you really listening to me just now..." Gu Tianhai held his forehead and sighed, then opened her empty refrigerator and rice jar, "There is no more material to make fried rice."
"Then..." Yan Mo's attention shifted to another bowl of fried rice on the table.
"One bowl per person, and don't try to eat my fried rice!" Gu Tianhai calmly sat down at the table and chewed his food slowly, which was completely different from Yan Mo's voracious eating style.
"I haven't had home-cooked meals for a long time. I'm so happy to think that I can eat fresh and delicious food every day in the future!" Yan Mo picked up the rice grains on his face and put them into his mouth, while falling into beautiful imagination.
The more Gu Tianhai listened, the more he felt something was wrong. Could it be that this guy was planning to let him take charge of cooking from now on?
"Miss Landlady, you don't think I will cook for you in the future, do you?"
"You have to eat anyway, so it doesn't matter whether you do more or less, right?"
Yan Mo blinked her eyes expectantly, and her pet-like expression made it impossible for Gu Tianhai to refuse.
"I'm a newly graduated intern and I don't want to spend too much money on food..."
"How about giving you a month's rent waiver?"
Yan Mo smiled evilly and offered a condition. Such a condition was quite tempting for Gu Tianhai, who had no financial resources.
"make a deal!"
"By the way, it seems we haven't known each other yet. My name is Yan Mo. After graduation, I have been drawing comics at home. I don't have any hobbies. I'm just lazy." Yan Mo said casually and wiped the oil stains from the corners of his lips with his sleeve.
"Where are your parents?" Gu Tianhai looked around the villa and felt it was a bit strange for a girl to live in such a big house.
"They said they wanted to travel the entire world before they reached old age, so they left me behind to travel around the world. Apart from occasionally calling to ask about my situation, there was almost no news from them at other times." Yan Mo sighed. Because she had such parents, she lived a very free life.
"My name is Gu Tianhai, and I'm a junior at Tianmei Academy of Fine Arts. I'm currently interning at a company nearby, and I won't get my diploma until next year."
"So you are my junior brother. I am your senior sister who graduated two years earlier than you. It seems that it is fate that you met me. Hahaha, little brat, you have to get along well with each other in the next period of time..." Yan Mo's heartless smile made Gu Tianhai break out in cold sweat. He always felt that sooner or later he would be eaten up by this female devil.
Ever since a junior fellow apprentice came to his family, Yan Mo feels that his home is shining every day.
Dirty clothes and socks were neatly hung on the clothes drying rack every day, the floor was spotless every day, and the walls that were stained with paint were repainted. Yan Mo felt that her home was just like a new home, and every breath she took became extremely fresh.
Since Gu Tianhai came, Yan Mo felt that she was getting closer and closer to a life without worries about food and clothing. Gu Tianhai, who had the opposite mood from Yan Mo, was sorting out internship materials in his room.
Having been instilled with the idea of ​​cleanliness since childhood, he cannot tolerate a dirty living place or the smell of instant noodles in the house.
Every day after work, he would go back to the supermarket to buy some food and put it in the refrigerator. In the morning, he would get up and make breakfast and lunch before going out. After get off work, he would continue to clean and cook, taking care of the landlady who could not take care of herself like a nanny.
Although one month's rent waiver sounds like a good deal, the actual labor required far exceeds that month's rent.
There was a reason why Gu Tianhai prepared breakfast and lunch before going out.
It was the third night that he and Yan Mo shared a room. When he was falling asleep, he heard the sound of unlocking his room. In the dark, he vaguely saw someone rummaging through his schoolbag. The rustling sound disturbed his sleep. He originally thought that there was a thief in the room, but after sitting up and turning on the light——
The light fell on his desk. A girl in a "Pikachu" one-piece pajamas was unpacking the bag he had placed on the desk. The girl was chewing a piece of bread in her mouth. She blinked her eyes and looked at Gu Tianhai who suddenly woke up and turned on the light to look at her. Then she raised her hands like a zombie and pretended to sleepwalk out of his room.
Gu Tianhai watched her very incongruous performance and suffered from sleepless night - she must have seen him carrying bread back to the room and that's why she came over!
After that, Gu Tianhai no longer dared to hide food in his bedroom, because this weird-behaving female landlord would go into other people’s rooms and rummage around to eat!
"Am I here to be a nanny or to rent a house? Oh!" Gu Tianhai couldn't help but sigh again. He was sorting the architectural design drawings and some documents.
There was a knock on the door, and before he agreed to let the other party in, the other party turned the doorknob.
"Xiao Haijun, are you asleep? Can I come in?" Yan Mo blinked cutely and smiled obscenely.
After Gu Tianhai moved in, he always felt that Yan Mo seemed to have misunderstood something. She always looked at him with a strange smile and asked some weird questions.
"I didn't allow you to come in. Close the door and get out." Gu Tianhai, who was working seriously, sighed helplessly.
Yan Mo looked at the shy Gu Tianhai with shining eyes.
Although he is two years younger than her, he is very charming when he is serious. This kind of boy not only likes cleanliness, but also can cook and do housework. He simply meets all the characteristics of the warm man in her comics.
Yan Mo decided to use him as the protagonist of her next comic! She believed that such an impeccable character setting could bring her comic back to life and make it a global bestseller!
"Xiao Haijun, can't I really come in?" Yan Mo, who had been standing at the door for more than ten minutes, looked at Gu Tianhai with his back to her with a pleading look.
According to her research on Gu Tianhai in the past few days, he is a beautiful boy who can't refuse other people's requests. As long as she pretends to be pitiful, he will be completely helpless. Yan Mo, who grasped this point, always pulled him up in the middle of the night to make her a midnight snack. Although Gu Tianhai always said that she didn't paint during the day and had to start work at night, he still fed her despite being sleepy and went back to sleep.
"Please don't change my name casually! If you are hungry, there is fried rice in the refrigerator. Heat it up in the microwave. I am busy now." Gu Tianhai said bluntly, and Yan Mo, who was allowed to enter, rushed to him with a picture book.
"I'm not hungry now. I want to interview you."
"Yes, I think your temperament is very suitable for the male protagonist of my next comic book, so I want to know some basic information about you." Yan Mo opened the picture book, picked up a pen, and prepared to record it. "What is your exact height?"
"One meter eighty-three." Although he didn't really want to pay attention to Yan Mo, but thinking that he would become the protagonist of the story, Gu Tianhai still answered Yan Mo's question with great interest.
Yan Mo quickly wrote it down and continued to ask: "What do you like to eat? Where do you like to go? What do you do when you are in a bad mood?"
"Chocolate, parks, and daydreaming."
"Do you have a favorite male star?"
"No...wait a minute, a male star? Why not a female star?" Gu Tianhai suddenly became curious about the setting of the male protagonist in Yan Mo's story, and a bad feeling arose in his heart, "Show me your picture book and see what my role is."
Gu Tianhai, unable to work seriously, reached out to snatch the picture book from Yan Mo's hand, but Yan Mo turned around and stepped aside, as if she was not going to let Gu Tianhai know what role she played in the comics.
"Why is Xiaobai back?" Gu Tianhai suddenly looked behind Yan Mo and said seriously. Yan Mo believed it and looked back, only to find that the picture book in her hand was quickly snatched away by Gu Tianhai.
"Give it back to me!" Because of the height issue, after Gu Tianhai raised the picture book high, Yan Mo couldn't reach it.
Gu Tianhai was flipping through the draft. The title of the comic in the draft was: "Spring of the Manicurist Boy".
"What kind of weird name is this?"
Gu Tianhai thought to himself that although he thought the name was strange, he was still curious about the content. After he started flipping through the book, all the expressions on his face froze into indifference. In the picture book, he was a very feminine manicurist, and he was wearing a maid outfit that made people feel embarrassed.
"Yan Mo, this is how I look in your eyes!" Gu Tianhai was a little angry, and he tore the picture book into two halves.
"Don't tear it up. I spent several nights drawing it. Give it back to me!"
Yan Mo was extremely anxious when she saw her work being ruthlessly torn up. She grabbed Gu Tianhai by the collar and pulled him over with all her strength, wanting to take back the draft that she had worked so hard on for several nights.
"How can such a perverted comic be sold!" Gu Tianhai said out of control, but his body involuntarily leaned forward.
He looked at Yan Mo in amazement, who was close to his face. This was the first time he had looked into the eyes of a girl at such a close distance. He seemed to be able to feel Yan Mo's every breath and his own suddenly accelerated heartbeat.
"Asshole, you tore my draft book into this!" Yan Mo was so angry when she saw the picture book that had been completely destroyed. She raised her foot and kicked upwards, hitting Gu Tianhai's lower abdomen.
A loud bang echoed in the suddenly silent house.
Gu Tianhai lost his balance and fell forward, pressing on Yan Mo. Although he supported himself with both hands, he could not change the fact that he had kissed Yan Mo on the lips. He had never had such contact with a girl before, and his cheeks instantly turned red. He looked at Yan Mo, who had calmed down, in astonishment, and suddenly felt palpitations.
Yan Mo pushed Gu Tianhai away and fled from his room in panic, leaving torn drawings all over the floor.
Gu Tianhai, who was sitting on the floor, had not recovered from the unexpected kiss just now. He sat on the floor in a daze, looking at the drawing on the ground, his mind in a mess.
His first kiss was given to a female pervert!

Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024