Chapter 1: First Encounter with the Iceberg Handsome Boy 1

When I drowsily struggled to break free from the darkness, my first reaction after waking up was: Has the final started?
I opened my eyes and what came into view was a pure white ceiling. I was lying on a bed, my forehead was tightly wrapped in gauze and an infusion needle was inserted into my hand.
This is where?
Before I passed out, I seemed to be knocked to the ground by a boy, and my body immediately had an allergic reaction. What was even more unfortunate was that the durian in the boy’s hand "precisely" hit my forehead!
Is this a hospital? After they hit me, they "kindly" sent me to the hospital?
Competition! I also want to participate in the karate finals!
What time is it now? Has the game started?
When my eyes fell on the clock on the wall, my shoulders drooped weakly and I felt lost in my heart - I still missed the game...
"Yi Yi! You scared me to death! Wuuuu, a boy sent you to the hospital and then called me on your cell phone!" At this moment, the door of the ward was pushed open, and accompanied by a scream, a warm body suddenly pounced on me.
"Uh..." I frowned and looked at the person lying on top of me. This voice sounded so familiar...
How small?
My name is Tian Yiyi. I was born in an ordinary family with two older brothers who love me very much. Like my brothers, I have a great talent for learning karate. But no one knows that I have a big secret - that is, I am allergic to boys!
As for the symptoms, it's a bit embarrassing to talk about them! Because whenever I have skin contact with a boy, I will get red bumps all over my body. In normal cases, my face will swell and I will have difficulty breathing. In serious cases, I will faint and my whole body will swell!
Wow, for this, I don’t know how many sick days I took and missed classes!
Of course, this secret is only known to my dear family and best friend Duo Xiaoduo.
Sure enough, in the next second, a familiar cute round face was raised, with tears in its big eyes.
Duo Xiaoduo! Please, I was the one who was hit, and I was also the one lying on the bed with an IV drip!
"Okay! Look, I'm fine now, aren't I?" I pouted, and reached out to pat Xiaoduo's shoulder to comfort her, feeling both amused and helpless.
Xiaoduo looked at me with concern: "No, tell me what happened. Not only did you get a head injury, but you also got a lot of red bumps on your body due to allergies!"
Oh yes!
When I heard Xiaoduo ask this, I immediately frowned.
"Well, it seemed that a boy named Lao Da wanted to create romance for a girl named Li Jiajia, and then another boy fell from the tree holding a durian, fell on me, and hit me on the head with the durian..." I recalled the situation at that time, and then clenched my fists angrily.
If it weren't for them, I would have participated in the finals long ago, and my chances of winning would definitely be over 80%! Moreover, as long as I win, I can enter the coveted Ritter College, which is famous in H City for its "smart and ladylike" student image. It will definitely transform me!
However, now...
If it weren’t for them, how could I be disqualified!
"Ah! No wonder your whole body is red and swollen due to allergies, and your face is as swollen as a pig's head!" Xiaoduo's voice brought me back to my senses, and she looked at me with a look of pity.
Woo woo woo, even if it’s the truth, Xiaoduo, you don’t have to say it so directly, right?
I pouted sadly: "I can't help it, it's because I have been allergic to boys since I was a child!"
"Wait, you just said they were doing this for Li Jiajia..." Xiaoduo suddenly covered her mouth in surprise, "Oh my God, I heard that the karate champion is called Li Jiajia!"
My heart skipped a beat. Li Jiajia...isn't she the cold and arrogant girl I met in the garden?
In an instant, anger and depression intertwined in my heart. I lowered my head with mixed feelings, staring at the pure white quilt, stunned.
"Her name is indeed Li Jiajia! By the way, could it be that boy who sent you to the hospital who knocked you out? But he is really handsome! I should have asked for his contact information at that time!" I was still angry, and Xiaoduo suddenly clasped her hands together with a crazy look on her face, her eyes still shining.
"Duo, Xiao, Duo!" I shouted in disappointment. She is really the typical example of forgetting friends for the sake of beauty!
Xiaoduo exclaimed, then quickly grabbed my sleeve with a wry smile: "What I meant is that I should ask for his contact information, and then help you get revenge! Hehe! And I have good news to tell you!"
Huh? What's the good news?
I looked at Xiaoduo curiously.
Xiaoduo came over to ask for credit, and said with a smile: "Do you still remember the application you submitted for a trial study at Xichen College? They called just now, and I answered the phone for you because you were not awake. They said your application has been approved!"
“Really?” I blinked. It was actually approved? It was unbelievable!
"Really! Xichen College is a boys' school. The 'fighting poison with poison' plan we studied before can finally be implemented!" Xiaoduo said, waving her hands excitedly.
That’s right, fight fire with fire!
This is a big plan that Duo Xiaoduo and I have been discussing for a whole year!
Xiaoduo's original words were: "By spending time with boys day and night, you can slowly accept and get used to them until your allergic symptoms disappear. Then you can openly like the boy you like and have a romantic and beautiful relationship!"
"But will contact with more boys really help cure my allergy to boys?" I asked uneasily. When the plan was finally implemented, I suddenly felt uncertain. Would it really work?
"Yiyi, have you forgotten that every time you accidentally touch a boy, a terrible rash will appear all over your body?" Xiaoduo puffed her cheeks and narrowed her round eyes.
I quickly shook my head.
"Have you forgotten the pain of suffocation when you have an allergy?" Xiaoduo continued to ask.
I shook my head again.
How could I forget?
"Or have you forgotten how other girls laughed at you for always acting in front of boys?" Xiaoduo raised her voice by an octave.
The scene of being excluded and laughed at by other girls replayed in my mind...
"Or do you want to never have a boyfriend because you are allergic to boys? You are already eighteen years old!" Xiaoduo's last words exploded like a blockbuster bomb.
I lowered my head, and a feeling of bitterness surged from the bottom of my heart. Yes, I was 18 years old, but I had never been in a relationship. I had never talked to a boy, never joked with a boy, and even the only time a boy took the initiative to pull me up when I fell, he was so scared by my severe allergies that he kept hiding from me.
Actually, I don’t blame him, because I have secretly had a crush on him for a long time, so that day, I just hoped that we could hold hands for a little longer...
"Then why are you still hesitating? How do you know it won't work if you don't try? Just go for it boldly! Maybe it really can cure boys' allergies!" Xiaoduo held my hand and encouraged.
I looked up at Xiaoduo's shining eyes and nodded vigorously. Xiaoduo was right. Even if there was only a glimmer of hope, I would try bravely.
One month later.
The breeze was blowing gently and the light golden sunlight was warm.
Early in the morning, two sneaky figures were fiddling with something in a corner of the living room.
"Brother, what are you doing?" I came over puzzled.
"Ah, nothing!" The eldest brother Tian Shouyu turned around and stood in front of the second brother Tian Yujing, with an elegant and gentle smile on his lips.
"I'm here to pack your schoolbag, little sister!" The next second, the second brother stood out from behind the eldest brother and shook the schoolbag in his hand.
I took the bag suspiciously and looked at my brother strangely: "But why are you packing the bag so furtively?"
"No!" Unexpectedly, the two people said in unison in tacit understanding, and showed seemingly friendly and innocent smiles.
I patted my schoolbag to make sure there was nothing unusual, then I put it on with confidence and walked towards the school with joy but trepidation.
Just when I was only one block away from Xichen College, a little girl suddenly bumped into me.
My foot twitched in pain when it was stepped on, and I heard a childish scream. A girl in a white lace dress fell to the ground in a mess.
Huh? What happened?
Oops! Did I knock her over?
No! She fell because she bumped into me!
"Little girl, are you okay? Are you hurt?" I quickly squatted down and nervously checked her arms and calves exposed outside her clothes. Fortunately, I didn't find any wounds.
"Wow, wow, wow!" Unexpectedly, the little girl burst into tears and completely ignored my question.
More and more people gathered around.
I could faintly hear others accusing me, and countless pairs of eyes were looking at me questioningly.
What's happening here?
Wow, how could this happen! Besides, I'm really not good at soothing children!
"I didn't expect that you, who looks quite gentle, would actually bully children!" Just when I was at a loss, a cold voice sounded.
What? Bullying a child?
I didn't!
I felt extremely depressed when I heard this inexplicable accusation.
I raised my head in anger, but I was caught off guard by a pair of beautiful eyes as dark as ink. I felt as if everything around me had stopped in an instant. I blinked, and as if I was bewitched, I fell into a dream in a trance, unable to extricate myself.
Almost in an instant, my heart beat more than twice as fast.
The soft chestnut hair presents a circle of light brown halo under the sunlight, which makes the fair skin look as delicate as jade. The perfect facial features reveal a noble temperament like sculptures, and the tightly pursed thin lips raise a faint arc.
What a perfect face it is!
Suddenly, I was speechless. I had never met such a delicate and charming boy.
"You didn't say anything because you were ashamed, right? Fortunately, you still know that bullying children is despicable!" The beautiful young man snorted and said coldly.
The handsome boy’s cold words hit me like hail, and I came back to my senses from my trance - what, he was accusing me of bullying this little girl?
"I didn't bully her!" I pouted and explained myself depressedly but firmly.
Humph, you may be pretty, but if you dare to accuse others, then you are a bastard! I stared at the beautiful boy and muttered unhappily in my heart.
The handsome boy ignored me. He squatted down gracefully, took out a lollipop from his pocket and stuffed it into the little girl's hand. He gently rubbed her hair and said, "Here, little sister, this is for you. Don't cry!"
This, this... is so unexpected!
Is this still the same beautiful boy who exuded a cold aura just now? He actually has such a gentle side?
"Be good and take the lollipop home." The handsome boy pulled the little girl up from the ground without even looking at me.
The little girl just blinked her eyes, looked at the handsome boy, and said sweetly, "Thank you, big brother!" Then she turned around and left obediently.
Ga ga ga…
It was as if a flock of crows flew by, screaming in disdain.
I looked at the scene in front of me with a frown on my face, thinking, how can I make her happy like this?
"Girls are cute only when they are gentle!" Just as I was surprised, the handsome boy standing next to me turned around and looked at me, and his cold look returned to his original state.
"I, when was I not gentle?" I jumped up in anger.
What's wrong with this person? Why do you say I'm not gentle?
"Are you gentle?" The beautiful boy's pretty black eyes glanced at me casually, as if he had heard a joke.
Woo woo woo, even though his gaze was hateful and annoying, I had to admit that I couldn’t answer the questions he asked, because - I am indeed not gentle!
I am a girl who practices karate, can you ask me to be gentle!
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024