Chapter 1: Enemies on a Narrow Road two

It was very quiet at the DeLand College now, because all the students had gone to eat. I walked around by myself, but decided to go back to the classroom to eat the chocolate biscuits I brought with me in the morning. The sky suddenly became gloomy, and my heart inexplicably became depressed.
When I walked to the door of the classroom, I heard a slight noise in the classroom. Who would be in the classroom at this time? I frowned, gently pushed open a corner of the door, and looked inside on tiptoe. I saw Yan Yimu bending over to check my schoolbag. I kicked the door open, put my hands on my hips and yelled at him: "What are you doing?"
Yan Yimu was obviously frightened by my sudden action. He shook his back, stood up, touched his hair, and then turned around to look at me. There were many emotions hidden in his black jade eyes.
"I accidentally touched your schoolbag just now. I was afraid you would get angry so I helped you put it in order." He said calmly.
"I don't believe you! How can you touch a girl's schoolbag casually?" I walked over angrily, pushed him away, took out the schoolbag and checked it.
"You have nothing to hide, so why are you afraid of me seeing it? Is there something shameful in there?" Yan Yimu lowered his head with a smile on his lips.
"Hey, do you know what gentlemanly manners are? This is so inexplicable! Nothing good ever happens when I meet you. My bad luck started when I met you at the museum!" I blurted out angrily.
Yan Yimu sat down beside me. He didn't speak for a long time. I couldn't help but turn my head to look at him. He seemed to be in a state of sadness, with his head half lowered and his hair covering half of his face. After a long time, he spoke faintly: "It's good that you still remember the museum. Meeting you in the museum is also my bad luck." The last sentence was said too softly, and I had to judge what he said by the shape of his lips.
"What do you think about meeting me?" I raised my eyebrows and asked back. If you hate me, why did you transfer to our class and why did you become my deskmate?
"It's okay, I'm going to eat." Yan Yimu walked out of the classroom with a cold expression.
That day, Yan Yimu didn't pay much attention to me. This was completely different from before. Although he didn't pay much attention to me before, I always felt that he wanted to talk to me, even though he always mocked me. But this time, he was immersed in his world, a world that no one could enter.
I rubbed my hair. Why should I care about Yan Yimu? The more he ignores me, the better! I should really hate him and despise him! The more I thought about it, the angrier I got, but also the more excited I got. I simply took out a paintbrush and drew Yan Yimu's appearance, then poked at it. I knew this was childish, but... who told me that I could draw!
My eyes kept turning around, staring at the unrecognizable Yan Yimu. What if I draw a comic book with him as the protagonist? I bit the pen and began to conceive a brand new story, a tragic campus journey of a sloppy, weak and unloved boy! The background is that it is the first grade of Delan College, Class 1. One day, a boy with poor grades transferred in. He was rejected by everyone and bullied... Hehehe, I couldn't help laughing.
Whenever I immerse myself in the world of comics, I feel that time flies by very fast. When I finished the first chapter, it was already midnight. I stood up and stretched my limbs. A feeling of fatigue came over me. I took a quick shower and fell asleep in bed.
In the dream, I was wearing a red dress, walking on the quaint streets, as if I had traveled back to ancient times. The weather was gloomy, and the surroundings were so unfamiliar. I walked towards a temple-like building in front of me, and I didn't feel panic in my heart, but a sense of calm, as if I belonged here.
I touched the stone handle on the heavy wooden door, and suddenly I felt a chill. This feeling was too magical. Was I dreaming or was it reality? The wooden door was slowly pushed open, and a musty smell rushed into my nose. I couldn't help coughing.
"Cough cough, Menghun?" I covered my mouth and coughed while looking around the dim room. Suddenly, a lavender light came out from the table in the middle. Even though I couldn't see it clearly, I was sure in my heart that it was Menghun!
I ran over and saw the dream soul lying on the table, glowing. The purple dreamy light made the dream soul even more beautiful and charming. I picked up the dream soul and put it on my forehead. In an instant, the purple light seemed to penetrate my body. I smelled the fragrance of flowers and felt a sense of joy.
"Ah!" Before I could enjoy it, I felt a chill coming from behind me. Just as I was about to turn around, I felt something hard hit my neck. I fell to the ground, and the dream soul lost its luster.
"No!" I screamed and sat up, with beads of sweat on my forehead. I had another dream, and this time it was so scary. I stroked my chest, jumped out of bed and drank some warm water to calm myself down. It was still early and I could still sleep for a while. I lay back on the bed and adjusted my sleeping position, hoping to have a pleasant dream this time!
However, I tossed and turned for a long time. I didn't feel like falling asleep. This was very abnormal! Everyone had insomnia before, but I didn't. I started counting sheep: "One sheep, two sheep, three sheep... one hundred and twenty sheep..."
"Oh, it's so annoying. I won't count anymore!" I got up irritably. It seemed that counting sheep was useless. I might as well continue drawing comics!
I turned on the desk lamp and continued to draw my comics. When I saw Yan Yimu being bullied in the comic book, my mood finally improved. I couldn't help but smile and continued to draw Yan Yimu's miserable campus life. Maybe I was too happy to draw, and before I knew it, it was already half past six. I patted my face. Staying up late really hurts your skin.
I took a shower and put on a facial mask, trying to make myself look normal, but there was no way to cover up the dark circles under my eyes.
"Xiao Wu, did you not sleep well yesterday? Did you suffer from insomnia? Do you suffer from insomnia too?" Xuan Qing looked at me like a national treasure, "Wow, you are the kind of person who won't suffer from insomnia even if you have to take an exam, go on a trip, or send your parents abroad."
"I slept well, but I was awakened by a nightmare in the middle of the night, and then I couldn't fall asleep again, so I just..." I smiled maliciously and secretly showed my comic book, "I have come up with a new story, I'll show it to you at lunch later."
Xuan Qing immediately stretched out his long arms and started to grab the comics: "Let me see it now!"
"Don't be in a hurry!" I put the comic book in my schoolbag, "I'll find a place where there's no one around to show it to you later." I smiled slyly.
"Hi, good morning." Yuan Yichen's voice suddenly appeared again. I turned around suddenly and bumped into him.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I rubbed my nose and apologized, "I didn't know you were so close to me!"
Yuan Yichen's snow-white cheeks flushed a little, adding a touch of cuteness: "I also want to say hello to you, so... it's okay, let's go together."
"Didn't Yuying Mai sleep well last night?" Yuan Yichen seemed to be very concerned about me and asked in a gentle tone.
I shook my head repeatedly: "No, I just had a nightmare." After that, I hid beside Xuan Qing. I don't know why, when I am too close to Yuan Yichen, I always feel uncomfortable, as if my heart is cold.
The smile on Yuan Yichen's face dimmed for a moment, as if he had an indescribable melancholy: "I always feel like I'm not popular."
"No, no, no, everyone doesn't know how much they like you, hahaha, Xiao Wu is just shy." Xuan Qing took my hand and pushed me to Yuan Yichen, "We are all so familiar with each other, we are all friends, from now on, just call me Xiao Wu, we will call you Yichen, it won't be strange."
"Of course, no problem. I'm honored to be your friend." Yuan Yichen's face bloomed with a smile again. He is still suitable for smiling. When he doesn't smile, how should I put it, he will give people a gloomy feeling. Of course, these feelings only exist in my heart.
I could clearly feel that Yuan Yichen's attitude towards me was different from that towards Xuan Qing, could it be possible? Xuan Qing was so beautiful, how could she like me? Moreover, I couldn't explain why I felt so cold in my heart.
When we walked into the classroom, there weren't many people there. Xuan Qing pulled me aside to continue chatting. She had been very interested in Yuan Yichen recently, but it was a pity that her interest was only focused on Yuan Yichen and me.
I tried to put on a serious expression and said, "Xuan Qing, I promise, I don't have any special feelings for Yuan Yichen, and I don't think we can be good friends. I admit that he is handsome, but he is definitely not my type. As students, we should focus on our studies."
Xuan Qing rolled her eyes: "I'm just gossiping. I don't want anything from you. Why bring up the issue of studies? I just feel that he treats you very well. The day before yesterday and yesterday, he was always by your side. When you dropped something, he hurried to pick it up for you. And, when we were eating in the cafeteria, he deliberately left the last chicken leg for you!" Xuan Qing became more and more excited as he spoke, his eyes shining.
"That was an accident..." I answered weakly, but when I thought about it carefully, Yuan Yichen had appeared around me quite frequently recently, and every time he had a close contact with me, could it be that he really had something... I rubbed my hair: "This kind of question is not suitable for me, I'd better continue to read and study."
"Then let me see the comic!" Xuan Qing grabbed me when I wanted to escape.
"I'll show you a glance, and I'll show you the rest at noon." I straightened my collar that she was holding, spread the comic book in front of her and opened a page.
"Oh, you..." Xuan Qing almost shouted out, but fortunately I covered her mouth in time.
"Hey, it's interesting, isn't it? I'll show you the rest later. Class is about to start." I took back the comic book and tapped my fingers on my lips, signaling her not to tell anyone. At this time, most of the students had arrived, so I quickly returned to my seat and sat down.
Yan Yimu still looked indifferent. I rolled my eyes and started to think of new ways to play a prank on him. It was hard to imagine what kind of impact such a cool boy would have if he appeared in a weak and sloppy image. As I thought about this, my eyes could not help but stay on his profile.
"Hey, you've been looking at me for a long time. Am I that handsome?" Yan Yimu suddenly turned around and looked at me sharply.
"What are you talking about? I wasn't even looking at you!" I immediately lowered my head and pretended to read a book, my heart pounding. It was so embarrassing that he actually found out.
"Just watch if you want to. We are all classmates." There seemed to be a smile in Yan Yimu's voice. He seemed to have completely forgotten what happened yesterday, and his attitude towards me returned to what it was before.
My face felt like it was on fire and I really wanted to dig a hole in the ground and crawl into it.
"Stop being so narcissistic." I said through gritted teeth.
Yan Yimu suddenly held his chin and turned his head to look at me: "Sometimes I think you are so cute..." He looked at the blackboard and said something again, but this time there was almost no sound, and I couldn't hear it even if I pricked up my ears.
Yan Yimu actually said I was cute... I shuddered and wished I had heard it wrong!
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024